Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 114 (1976) 1

Mitchell, edward j.: U.S. energy policy: A primer. National Energy Study, 1. Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1974. 103 pp. $ 3,00 NT 76-1102

helms, robert b.: Natural gas regulation.
An evaluation of FPC price controls. National
Energy Study, 2. Washington: American
Enterprise Institute for Public Policy
Research, 1974. 83 pp. $ 3,00.
NT 76-1103

Energy self-sufficiency. An economic evaluation. Udarb. af MIT Energy Laboratory Policy Group. National Energy Study, 3. Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1974. 89 pp. $ 3,00. AT 76-1104

starratt, patricia e.: The natural gas shortage and the Congress. National Energy Study, 5. Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1974. 68 pp. $ 3,00. NT 76-1105

Price controls and the natural gas short-

age. National Energy Study, 7. Washington:American
Enterprise Institute, 1975.
81 pp. $ 3,00. AT J6-1106

Side 200

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