Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 113 (1975)

Factors and conditions of long-term growth. Seminar on factors and conditions of longterm Stockholm (Sweden), 3-7 December 1973. New York: United Nations, Sales No. E. 74.1LE.14. 229 pp. $ 10,00. NT 75-2044

Foruden resumé af en diskussion om langtidsvækstproblemer Lundberg, L. P. Blanc, Horvat, Mason, Pajetska, Saunders, Stone og Tinbergen har publikationen bidrag Karl G. Jungenfelt om »Synoptic note on factors and conditions of long-term growth«, af Saunders om »Industrial specialization trends in industrial policies«, af C. A. van den Beld om »The economic impact pollution abatement: the case of water by degradable organic matter«, af F. Callot om »Problems connected with the supply of ores, metals and energy«, af M. Ostrowski og Z. Sadowski om »Longterm and structural changes in a socialist af den ungarske planlægningsadministration »Structural change and growth«, af det danske finansministerium »Tendencies in public sector expenditures the 1960'5«, af DDR's planlægningskommission »Economic growth in the presence of decreasing or constant working-hours fund in the productive sphere« og af T. Restad om »A decision model for balanced economic development in the Swedish