Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 112 (1974)

ståhl, ingolf: Bargaining theory. Stockholm The Economic Research Institute at The Stockholm School of Economics, 1972. 3*3 PP- Sv- kr- 5°5°O-

1: Introductory summary. 2: Bargaining as a research problem. 3: Two-alternative bargaining games. 4: The general model. 5: The special model. 6: Specific types of S-games. 7: Behavioristic assumptions. 8: Institutional assumptions. 9: Three examplesof : (1)(1) How many shares of the purchasing corporation should be paid for each share of the purchased corporationin merger? (2) How can two corporations reach an agreement on a market-division?

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ket-division?(3) How does a corporate incometax a wage tax affect labor-managementnegotiations? Conclusions and future research. L: Literature appendix. M: Mathematical appendix. G: General appendix.