Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 109 (1971) 5-6


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Aldrup, Dieter: Das Rationalitätsproblem in der Politischen Ökonomie. Methodenkritische Lösungsansätze. Tübingen 1971. 189 pp. DM 29,50.

Aoki, M.: Introduction to optimization
techniques. London 1971. 335 pp. £ 4.

Archibald, George Christopher, red.: The
theory of the firm. Selected readings.
Harmondsworth 1971. 463 pp. £ 0,65.

Bartling, Hartwig: Wirtschaftliche Macht
unter wettbewerbspolitischem Aspekt.
Berlin 1971. 190 pp. DM 44,60.

Baumol, William /.; Environmental protection,
internal spillovers and trade.
Stockholm 1971. 59 pp. Sv. Kr. 13.

Bhagwati, Jagdish N. og Sukhamoy Chakravarthy:
Contributions to Indian economic
analysis. A survey. 1971. 144 pp.

Bortis, Heinrich: Produkttechnischer Fortschritt und Profite. Eine mikroökonomische Darstellung. Berlin 1971. 135 pp. DM 39,80.

Branson, William H.: Macroeconomic theory
and policy. New York 1971. 544 pp.
$ 11,95.

Bronfenbrenner, Martin: Income distribution
theory. Chicago 1971. 576 pp. $ 14,75.

Casutt, Riccardo: Makroökonomische Produktionsfunktionen
und technischer Fortschritt.
Bern 1971. 186 pp.

Chalmers, James A. og Fred H. Leonard: Economic principles. Macroeconomic theory and policy. Riverside, N.J. 1971. 460 pp. $ 6,95.

Courbis, Raymond: La determination de

Dasgupta, Ajit K. og A. J. Hagger: The
objectives of macroeconomic policy. London
1971. 529 pp. £ 4,95.

Devletoglu, Nicos E.: Consumer behaviour.
An experiment in analytical economics.
London 1971. 157 pp. £ 2,25.

Engelmann, Konrad: Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Wege und Irrwege der ökonomischen Forschung und Lehre zu ihrer sozialwissenschaftlichen Bestimmung. Berlin 1971. 269 pp. DM 48.

Fischer, G. H.: Cost considerations in systems
analysis. New York 1971. 334 pp.

Galbraith, John Kenneth: A contemporary guide to economics, peace and laughter. Red. af Andrea Williams. London 1971. 384 pp. £ 2,50.

Giddens, A.: Capitalism and modern society.
A study of Marx, Durkheim and
Max Weber. London 1971. 288 pp. £ 3,60.

Green, H. A. John: Consumer theory. Harmondsworth
1971. 344 pp. £ 1,25.

Greenhut, M. L.: A theory of the firm in
economic space. New York 1971. 389 pp.
$ 16,50.

Hadley, G. og M.C. Kemp: Variational methods
in economics. Amsterdam 1971.
390 pp.

Hague, D. C: Pricing in business. Hemel
Hempstead 1971. 344 pp. £ 4,50.

Harcourt, Geoffrey Colin og N. F. Laing, red.: Capital and growth. Selected readings. Harmondsworth 1971. 383 pp. £ 0,55.

Harvey, Jack og M. Johnson: Introduction
to macro-economics. London 1971. 320 pp.
£ 3,50.

Side 314

Heathfield, David Frederick: Production
functions. London 1971. 91 pp. £ 0,75.

Heesterman, A. R. G.: Allocation models
and their use in economic planning.
Dordrecht 1971. 203 pp / 48.

Jevons, W. S.: Papers and correspondence
of William Stanley Jevons. 4 vols. Red.
af R. D. Collison Black. London 1972.

Johnson, Harry G. og A. R. Nobag, red.: The current inflation. Proceedings of a conference held at the London School of Economics on 22nd February 1971. London 1971.

Johnson, Harry G.: Two-sector model of
general equilibrium. Hemel Hempstead
1971. 128 pp.

Johnson, M. Bruce: Household behaviour.
Consumption, income and wealth. Harmondsworth
1971. 159 pp. £ 0,40.

Kendall, M. G, red.: Cost-benefit analysis, A symposium under the aegis of the Nato Scientific Affairs Committee. London 1971. 328 pp.

Koplin.H.T.: Microeconomic analysis. Welfare
and efficiency in private and public
sectors. New York 1971. 352 pp. $ 9,95.

Kregel, J. A.: Rate of profit, distribution
and growth. Two views. London 1971.
£ 3,50.

Lamberton, D. M., red.: Economics of information
and knowledge. Harmondsworth
1971. 60 pp.

Lange, Oskar: Optimal decisions. Principles
of programming. Oxford 1971. 292 pp.
£ 4.

Lange, O.: Political economy. Vol. 2. Oxford
1971. 256 pp.

Lansing, John B. og James N. Morgan:
Economic survey methods. Ann Arbor,
Mich. 1971. 448 pp. $ 10.

Lund, Philip J.: Investment. The study of
an economic aggregate. Edinburgh 1971.
167 pp. £ 2,50.

Marschak, Jacob og Roy Rådner: The economic
theory of teams. New Haven.
Conn. 1972. 360 pp. $ 6,95.

Meade, James Edward: Wagesand prices in a mixed economy. Second Wincott Memorial Lecture delivered at the London Scool of Economics and Political Science, University of London, 29 September 1971.

London 1971. 36 pp. £ 0,50

Meerhaeghe, M. A. G. van: Economics. A
critical approach London 1971. 516 pp.
£ 3,25.

Murdoch, W. W., red.: Environment. Resources,
pollution and society. Stamford.
Conn. 1971. 448 pp. $ 5,95.

Naeslund, B. og B. Wadell: Företagsteorier.
Stockholm 1971. 127 pp.

O'Brien, R. J. og G. G. Garcia: Mathematics
for economists and social scientists. London
1971. £ 4,95.

Panne, C. van de: Linear programming and
related techniques. Amsterdam 1971. 360

Pattanaik, Prasanta K.: Voting and collective choice. Some aspects of the theory of group decision making. London 1971. £ 3.

Pearce, David William: Cost-benefit analysis.
London 1971. 80 pp. £ 0,60.

Peterson, Willis L.: Principles of economics.
Macro. Homewood, 111. 1971. 268 pp.
$ 3,75.

Porstmann, Reiner: Zur Theorie der Nachfrage unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Konsumentenüberschusses. Berlin 1971. 312 pp. DM 58,60.

Pratten, C. F.: Economics of scale in manufacturing
industries. London 1971. 300
pp. £ 2.

Puu, Tonn: Matematik for ekonomer. Stockholm
1971. 100 pp. Sv. Kr. 27,75.

Rau. Rainer: Der private Verbrauch in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Verflechtungstabellen nach Ausgabearten und Branchen 1950-1967. Berlin 1972. 214 pp. DM 44,60.

Robbins, Lionel: Autobiography of an economist.
London 1971. 301 pp. £ 4,50.

Rogers, Augustus J. HI: Choice. An introduction
to economics. Englewood Cliffs,
N.J. 1971. 188 pp. $ 4,95.

Romig, Friedrich: Die ideologischen Elemente in der neoklassischen Theorie. Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Paul A. Samuelson. Berlin 1971. 68 pp. DM 14,80.

Rymes, Thomas K.: On concepts of capital
and technical change. London 1971. 196
pp. £ 5.

Side 315

Samuelson, Paul A.: Maximum principles
in analytical economics. Stockholm 1971.

Shone, Robert, red.: Problems of investment.
Oxford 1971. 10 pp. £ 1,75.

Siddiqi, M. N.: Recent theories of profit.
London 1972. £ 2,50.

Tinbergen, Jan: Festschrift for Professor
Jan Tinbergen, red. af W. Sellekaerts.
London 1972. 320 pp.

Tobin, James: Essays in economics. Vol. I:
Macroeconomics. Amsterdam 1971. 526

Turveu, Ralph: Demand and supply. London
1971. 127 pp. £ 2,25.

Wan, H. Y., jr.: Economic growth. New
York 1971. 428 pp.

Winch, David Monk: Analytical welfare
economics. Harmondsworth 1971. 208 pp.
£ 0,50.


Amuzegar, J. og M. A. Fekrat: Iran. Economic
development under dualistic conditions.
Chicago 1971. 176 pp.

Bharier, Julian: Economic development in
Iran 1900-1970. London 1971. 336 pp.
£ 3,75.

Bicanic, Rudolf: Turning points in economic
development. Haag 1971.

Brenner, Y. S.: Agriculture and the economic
development of low income countries.
Haag 1971. 254 pp.

Cairncross, Alec, red.: Britain's economic
prospects reconsidered. London 1971. 244
pp. £ 3,25.

Cast el, H., red.: World development. An
introductory reader. New York 1971. 296

Chisholm, Michael og Gerald Manners, red.:
Spatial policy problems of the British
economy. London 1971. 248 pp. £ 4,40.

Cukor, G.: Strategies of industrialisation
in developing countries. London 1972.
300 pp.

Davis, Lance E. og Douglass C. North: Institutional change and American economic growth. London 1971. 296 pp. £ 4,40.

Debbasch, Ch., G. Bestanne de Bernis, M. Adam et al.: Les economies maghrebines. L'indépendance å l'épreuve du développement économique. Paris 1971. 284 pp. F 30.

Furtado, Celso: The economic growth of
Brazil. A survey from colonial to modern
times. Berkeley, Calif. 1971. 300 pp.

Garlick, P. C: African traders and economic
development in Ghana. London 1971.
184 pp.

Glassburner, Bruce, red.: The economy of
Indonesia. Selected readings. Ithaca, N.Y.
1971. 448 pp. $ 15.

Green, Alan G.: Regional aspects of Canada's
economic growth. Toronto 1971. 116

Griffin, K. og A. R. Khan, red.: Growth and
inequality in Pakistan. London 1972.

Hartwell, R. M.: The industrial revolution
and economic growth. London 1971. 432
pp. £ 4.

Hicks, G. L. og G. McNicoll: Trade and
growth in the Philippines. An open dual
economy. Ithaca, N.Y. 1971. 256 pp.

Hirschman, Albert. O: A bias for hope.
Essays on development in Latin America.
New Haven, Conn. 1971. 392 pp.

Howe, Christopher: Employment and economic
growth in urban China 1949-1957.
London 1971. 170 pp. £ 3.

Hutchings, R.: Seasonal influences in Soviet
industry. London 1971. 321 pp. £ 4.

Khan, Shabbir M.: Price level and economic
development. New Delhi 1971. Rs. 10.

Koropeckgj, I. S.: Location problems in Soviet industry before World War 11. The case of Ukraine. Chapel Hill, N.C. 1971. 240 pp.

Kurihara, Kenneth K.: The growth potential
of the Japanese economy. Baltimore,
Md. 1971. 160 pp. $ 7,60.

Lee, C. H.: Regional economic growth in
the United Kingdom since the 1880 s.
Maidenhead 1971. 271 pp. £ 3,40.

Maddison, A., red.: »Myrdal's Asian Drama«,
an interdisciplinary critique. Liege
1971. 86 pp.

Musson, A. E., red.: Science, technology
and economic growth in the eighteenth
century. London 1971. 200 pp. £ 2.

Side 316

Powelson, John P.: Institutions of economic growth. A theory of conflict management in developing countries. Princeton, N.J. 1972. 320 pp. $ 10.

Raffaele, J. A.: The economic development
of nations. London 1971. 388 pp.

Roman, Manuel: The Spanish economy in
the sixties. The limits of economic
growth. London 1971. 200 pp. £ 5,75.

Schuher, Conrad: Imperialism och klasskamp. De sociala förutsättningerna for ekonomisk tillväxt i de fattiga länderna. Stockholm 1971. 162 pp.

Singh, V. B.: Theories of economic development.
1971. 272 pp.

Sutton, Antony C: Western technology and Soviet economic development 1930 to 1945. Stanford, Calif. 1971. 401 pp. £ 12,50.

The Swedish economy 1971-1975 and the general outlook up to 1990. The 1970 long-term survey. Udg. af Swedish Ministry of Finance. Stockholm 1971. 339 pp. Sv. Kr. 30.

Thorbecke, Erik og E. Stoutjesdijk: Employment and output. A methodology applied to Peru and Guatemala. Paris 1971. 213 pp.

Treml, V. G. og J. P. Hardt, red.: Soviet
economic statistics. Durham, N.C. 1971/72.
496 pp.


Bridge, J. L.: Applied economics. Amsterdam
1971. 430 pp.

Dubos, /.: Liaisons stochastiques en economic
Paris 1971. 488 pp. F 138.

Lindgren, B. W.: Elements of decision
theory. London 1971. 292 pp. £ 4,50.

Zelner, Arnold: An introduction to Bayesian
inference in econometrics. Chishester
1971. 448 pp. £ 9,50.


Cohen, C. D.: British economic policy, 1960-69.
London 1971. 281 pp. £ 3,50.

Feiwel, George R.: Industrialization and
planning under Polish socialism. 2 bind.
London 1971. 550, 300 pp. £ 19.

Fels, Allan: The British Prices and Incomes Board. The P.1.8. as an instrument of incomes policy administration. London 1971. 180 pp. £ 2,20.

Gupta, S. P.: Planning models in India.
London 1972. 450 pp. £ 10,50.

Hayek, F. A. von: Die Verfassung der Freiheit.
Tübingen 1971. 530 pp. DM 40.

Heilbroner, Robert L.: Between capitalism
and socialism. Essays in political economics.
New York 1971. 320 pp. $ 1,95.

Kaldor, Nicholas, red.: Conflicts in policy
objectives. London 1971. £ 2,75.

Lindbeck, Assar, red.: Ekonomiska system.
En antologi. Stockholm 1971. 386 pp.

Lundberg, Erik: Svensk finanspolitik i teori
och praktik. Stockholm 1971. 457 pp.

Mukerjee, Radhakamal, red.: Social sciences
and planning in India. London 1972.
£ 3,25.

Nair, Balakrishna N.: Systemic approaches
to Indian socio-economic development.
1971. 584 pp.

Rao, V. K. R. V.: Values and economic
development. The Indian challenge. London

Reynolds, Lloyd G.: The three worlds of
economics. New Haven. Conn. 1971. 384

Therborn, Göran: Klasser och ekonomiska
system. Stockholm 1971. 334 pp.

Tuchtfeldt, Egon: Zielprobleme in der modernen
Wirtschaftspolitik. Tübingen 1971.
50 pp. DM 7,80.

Vaizey, John: Capitalism. London 1971. 224
pp. £ 2,50.

Vanek, Jaroslav: The participatory economy, An evolutionary hypothesis and a strategy for development. Ithaca, N.Y. 1971. 208 pp.


Bagchi, Amiya Kumar: Private investment
in India 1900-1939. London 1972. 482 pp.
£ 3,50.

Side 317

Clayton, G., J. C. Gilbert og R. Stdgwick, red.: Monetary theory and monetary policy in the 1970 s. Proceedings of the 1970 Sheffield Money Seminar. London 1971. 272 pp. £ 3,50.

De Brunhoff, S.: L'offre de monnaie. Paris
1971. 148 pp.

Fleming, Miles: Monetary theory. London
1972. 63 pp. £ 0,60.

Friedman, Milton: A theoretical framework
for monetary analysis. New York 1971.
69 pp. § 3,50.

Ghosh, Alak: Control techniques in Indian
monetary management. Bhavnagar 1971.
131 pp.

Hsiao, K. H.: Money and monetary policy
in Communist China. New York 1971.
368 pp.

Irmler, Heinrich: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
der Kreditpolitik. Tübingen 1971. 21
pp. DM 4,50.

Johnson, Harry G., red.: Readings in British
monetary economics. Oxford 1971.
348 pp. £ 3.

Klein, Philip A.: The cyclical timing of
consumer credit, 1920-1967. Irvington,
N.Y. 1971. $ 3.

Moyle, John: The pattern of ordinary share
ownership 1957-1970. London 1971.
180 pp. £ 2.

Murty, V. Krishna: Monetary equilibrium
and economic development. New Delhi
1971. 224 pp. Rs. 28.

Salomo, W.: Geldangebot und Zentralbankpolitik.
Kiel 1971. 152 pp. DM 35.

Sheppard, David K.: The growth and role
of U.K. financial institutions, 1880-1962.
London 1971. 208 pp. £ 9,50.

Stein, J. L.: Money and capacity growth.
New York 1971/72. 336 pp.

Timmermann, V.: Lieferantenkredit und
Geldpolitik. Berlin 1971. 123 pp.

Trescott, Paul B.: Thailand's monetary experience.
The economics of stability.
London 1971. 350 pp. £ 7,75.


Burkhead, Jesse og Jerry Miner: Public
Expenditure. Chicago 1971. 352 pp. $

Doh, Joon Chien: The planning-programming-budgeting
system in three federal
agendes. London 1971. 140 pp. £ 5,75.

Hempel, George H.: The postwar quality of
state and local debt. New York 1971. 188
pp. $ 8.

Millward, R.: Public expenditure economics. Maidenhead 1971. 108 pp. £ 3,80. Sandford, C. T.: Taxing personal wealth. Hemel Hempstead 1971. 312 pp. £ 4,50.


Ady, Peter, red.: Private foreign investment
and the developing world. London
1972. 250 pp.

Balassa, Belå et al.: The structure of protection
in developing countries. Baltimore
1971. 384 pp.

Carter, James Richard: The net cost of
Soviet foreign aid. London 1971. 135 pp.
£ 5,25.

Coffey, P. og J. R. Presley: European monetary
integration. London 1971/72.

Cohen, Benjamin J.: The future of sterling
as an international currency. London
1971. £ 4,50.

Curtis, Thomas B. og John Robert Vastine Jr.: The Kennedy round and the future of American trade. London 1971. 175 pp. £ 7,25.

Dehem, R.: L'équilibre économique international.
Paris 1971. 169 pp. F 32.

Dessart, M.: Pour une politique monétaire
commune dans la C.E.E. Bruxelles 1971.
365 pp. FB 380.

Dunn, R. M. Jr.: Canada's experience with fixed and flexible exchange rates in a North American Capital Market. Washington 1971. 78 pp. $ 2.

Dunning, J. H., red.: The multinational
enterprise. London 1971. 384 pp.

Einzig, P.: Is the dollar doomed? London
1972. 192 pp.

Evans, D., red.: Destiny or delusion? Britain
and the Common Market. London

Grogan, F. 0., red.: International tråde in temperate zone products. An Agricultural Adjustment Unit Symposium. Edinburgh 1972. 288 pp.

Side 318

Grubel, Herbert G. og Harry G. Johnson,
red.: Effective tariff protection. Geneve
1971. 305 pp. SF 30.

Henkner, Klaus: Quantifizierung von Wettbewerbs und Struktureffekten in der Exportentwicklung ausgewåhlter Industrienationen 1954 bis 1967. Berlin 1971. 108 pp. DM 76,60.

International reserves. Needs and availability. Papers and proceedings of a seminar at the International Monetary Fund June 1-3, 1970. Washington 1971. 552 pp. $ 6.

Jeanneret, Charles A.: Les effets de structure et les effets de concurrence dans les échanges extérieurs des pays industrialisés, entre 1953 et 1966. Bern 1971. 316 pp. SF 32.

Johnson, Harry G.: Aspects of the theory
of tariffs. Hemel Hempstead 1971. 480
pp. £ 4,65.

Khan, K. S.: Gains from international tråde.
London 1972. £ 3,25.

Kiss, T.: International division of labour
in open economies with special regard
to the CMEA. Budapest 1971. 322 pp.

Knox, Francis: The Common Market and
world agriculture. London 1972. 120 pp.

Liepmann, Peter: Geldtheoretische und
geldpolitische Probleme des Eurodollarmarktes.
Berlin 1971. 169 pp. DM 46,60.

Ranis, G., red.: The gap between rich and
poor nations. London 1972.

Robinson, Harry J.: Prospectus preparation for international private investment. A guide for the developing countries. London 1971. 150 pp. £ 6,25.

Tugendhat, C: The multinationals. London
1971. 256 pp.

Uschakow, Alexander: Der Ostmark im
COMECON. Baden-Baden 1971. 490 pp.

Vajda, Imre og Michael Simai, red.: Foreign
tråde in a planned economy. London
1971. 240 pp. £ 4,60.

Wadbrook, W. P.: West German balance of payments policy. The prelude to European monetary integration. London 1972. 275 pp.

Williamson, J.: On estimating the income
effects of British entry to tbe E.E.C.
Guildford, Surrey 1971. 24 pp. 25 p.


Alcock, Anthony: History of the International
Labour Organisation. London 1971.
384 pp. £ 5.

Bartholomew, D. J. og B. R. Morris, red.:
Aspects of manpower planning. London
1971. 144 pp. £ 2,25.

Dahlberg, Å. og L. Holmström: Arbetsmarknads och lokaliseringspolitik. Teori, metod, debatt. Stockholm 1971. 207 pp.

Evans, Robert Jr.: The labor economic
systems of the United States and Japan.
London 1971. 300 pp. £ 6,50.

Günter, Hans, red.: Transnational industrial relations. The impact of multi-national corporations and economic regionalism on industrial relations. A symposium held at Geneva by the International Institute for Labour Studies, 29 April to 2 May 1969. London 1972. 480 pp. £ 7.

Hensman, C. JR.: Rich against poor. London
1971. 293 pp. £ 2,95.

Holt, Charles C, C. Duncan Macßae, Stuart O. Schweitzer og Ralph E. Smith: The unemployment-inflation dilemma. A manpower solution. Washington 1971. 112 pp. $ 2,95.

Lay ard, P. R. G. et al.: Qualified manpower
and economic performance. London
1971. 267 pp. £ 5,50.

Mortimer, James E.: Trade unions and
technological change. London 1971. 108
pp. £ 1.

Myers, Charles A.: The role of the private
sector in manpower development. Baltimore
1971. $ 6.

Nagi, Mostafa H.: Labor force and employment
in Egypt. London 1971. 300 pp.
£ 7,25.

Papola, T. S.: Principles of wage determlnation.
Bombay 1971. 243 pp. Rs. 35.

Phelps, E. S.: Inflation policy and unemployment
theory. London 1972. 416 pp.

Rahman, M. A.: The analysis of relative
wage and salary structure in Pakistan.
Karachi 1970. 202 pp.

Robinson, Richard D.: High-level manpower
in economic development. The

Side 319

Turkish case, Cambridge, Mass. 1967. 134
pp. $ 2,75.

Smith, A. R., red.: Models of manpower
systems. London 1971. 448 pp. £ 6.

Vlman, L. og R. J. Flanagan: Wage restraint. A study of income policies in Western Europe. Berkeley, Calif. 1971. 180 pp.

Webb, A. L. og J. E. B. Sieve: Income redistribution
and the welfare state. London
1971. 125 pp. £ 1,90.

White, 77. C: Chains of opportunity. Cambridge,
Mass. 1971. 418 pp.

Zaidan, George C: The costs and benefits
of family planning programs. Washington
1971. 52 pp.


Adams, A. E. og J. S. Adams: Man versus systems. Ariculture in the USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia. New York 1971. 450 pp.

Andrews, R. B.: LTrban land economics and
publicy. London 1971. 159 pp. £ 2,50.

Chisholm, M., A. E. Frey og P. Haggett,
red.: Regional forecasting. London 1971.
467 pp. £ 8.

Churchill, Anthony et al.: A study of road
user charges in central America. Baltimore
1971. 128 pp.

Darmstadter, Joel et al.: Energy in the world economy. A statistical review of trends in output, trade, and consumption since 1925. Baltimore 1971. 800 pp.

Dasgupta, Biplab: The oil industry of India
Some economic aspects. London
1971. 257 pp. £ 3,75.

Dasgupta, Sipra: Agriculture. Producers,
rationality and technical change. London
1972. £ 2,75.

Gandenberger, Erich: Die Konzentration im Bereich der deutschen Konsumgenossenschaften nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg. Berlin 19771. 161 pp. DM 36.

Greve, John: Voluntary housing in Scandinavia. A study of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Birmingham 1971. 102 pp. £ 1,50.

Harman, Aloin J.: The international computer industry. Innovation and comparative advantage. Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 181 pp.

Hartmann, Thomas T.: Die Kooperation in
der sozialistischen Landwirtschaft der
DDR. Berlin 1971. 207 pp. DM 19,80.

Hay ami, Yujiro og Vernon W. Ruttan:
Agricultural development. An international
perspective. Baltimore 1971. 360 pp.

Isard, W. og T. W. Langford: Regional input-output study. Recollections, reflections, and diverse notes on the Philadelphia experience. Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 240 pp.

Knight, Peter T.: Brazilian agricultural
technology and trade. London 1971. 250
pp. £ 6,25.

Liu, Jung-Chao: China's fertilizer economy.
Edinburgh 1971. 173 pp. £ 3.

McAnally, Patrick: The economics of the
distributive trades. Hemel Hempstead
1971. 152 pp. £ 2,75.

Mallya, N. N.: Public enterprises in India.
New Delhi 1971. 292 pp. Rs. 35.

Norman, V. D.: Norwegian shipping in the
national economy. Bergen 1971. 67 pp.
N. Kr. 25.

O'Connor, William E.: Economic regulation
of the world airlines. London 1971.
220 pp. £ 6,25.

O'Donoghue, Martin: Economic dimensions
in education. Chicago 1971. 200 pp.
$ 5,95.

Philips, L.: Effects of industrial concentration. A cross-section analysis for the Common Market. Amsterdam 1971. 276 PP.

Richardson, Harry Ward: Urban economics.
Harmondsworth 1971. 208 pp. £

Rochlin, R. Peter og Ernst Hagemann: Die Kollektivierung der Landwirtscraft in der Sowjetunion und der Volksrepublik China. Eine vergleichende Studie. Berlin 1971. 175 pp. DM 48,60.

Schultz, Theodore William: Investment in
human capital. The role of education
and research. New York 1971. 272 pp.

Smith, David Marshall: Industrial location..
An economic geographical analysis.

Side 320

New York 1971. 553 pp.

Theorie des jeux et allocation des resources.
Économie agricole. Paris 1971. 118
pp. F 32,30.

Thias, Hans Heinrich og Martin Carnoy: Cost-benefit analysis in education. A case study on Kenya. Baltimore 1971. 224 pp.

Townroe, P. M.: Industrial location decisions.
London 1971. 128 pp.

Turvey, Ralph: Economic analysis and
public enterprise. London 1971. 150 pp.
£ 2,50.

Vepa, Ram K.: Small industry in the seventies.
London 1971.

Zenk, Günter: Konzentrationspolitik in
Schweden. Tübingen 1971. 216 pp. DM 27.


Blalock, Hubert M., red.: Causal models in
the social sciences. Chicago 1971. 512 pp.
$ 15.

Tuma, Elias Hanna: Economic history and
the social sciences. Problems of methodology.
Berkeley, Calif. 1971. 316 pp.