Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 109 (1971) 3-4


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Attinger, E. 0., red.: Global systems dynamics.
Basel 1970. 353 pp.

Bannock, G.: The juggernauts. The age of the
big corporation. London 1971. 384 pp.

Barton, Richard F.: A primer on simulation and
gaming. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1970. 239 pp.

Baumgarten, Peter: Selbstfinanzierung und Einkommensverteilung.
Tübingen 1971. 275 pp.
DM 58.

Benavie, Arthur: Mathematical techniques for
economic analysis. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

Bing, W.: Investitionsfinanzierung in der Zentralverwaltungswirtschaft. Analyse des Prinzips der Eigenerwirtschaftung von Investitionsmitteln in der DDR. Stuttgart 1970. 136 pp. DM 34.

Bolle, Michael-Detlef: Kurz- und langfristige Analyse ungleichgewichtiger makroökonomischer Angebot-Nachfrage-Systeme. Berlin 1971. 148 pp. DM 44,60.

Bowers, David A. og Robert N. Baird: Elementary
mathematical macroeconomics. Englewood
Cliffs, N. J. 1971. 320 pp. $ 9,95.

Bradlaugh, Charles: A selection of the political pamphlets of Charles Bradlaugh. Med forord og bibliografiske noter af John Saville. New York 1970. $ 12,50.

Brooman, Frederick S., L. Wagner og C. J. Tunstall:
Economy and society. Bletchley, Bucks.
1971. 108 pp. £ 1.20.

Cairncross, Alec: Essays in economic management.
London 1971. £ 3.50.

Coats, A. W.: Classical economics and economic
policy. London 1971. £ 1.90.

Fehlbaum, Rold: Saint-Simon und die Saint -
Simonisten. Vom Laissez-Faire zur Wirt

Schaftsplanung. Tübingen 1970. 159 pp. DM

Friedman, Milton: The counter-revolution in monetary theory. First Wincott Memorial Lecture, delivered at Senate House, University of London, 16th september, 1970. London 1970. 28 pp. £ 0.50.

Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas: The entropy law
and the economic process. Cambridge, Mass.
1971. 450 pp. $ 16.

Greene, R. Lee: Welfare economics and peak
load pricing. Gainesville, Florida 1970. 87 pp.

Halter, A. N. og G. W. Dean: Decisions under
uncertainty. Cincinnati 1971.

Harris, Seymour: Economics of Harvard. New
York 1970. 519 pp. $ 14,50.

Hatwick, Richard E., Joel W. Sailors og Bernard Brown: Demand, supply and the market mechanism. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1971. 144 pp. $ 3,95.

Heilbroner, Robert L. og Arthur M. Ford: Is economics
relevant? A reader in political economics.
Pacific Palisades, Calif. 1971.

Hines, A. G.: On the reappraisal of Keynesian
economics. London 1971. 72 pp. 65 p.

Johnson, Huey D., red.: No deposit -no return.
Man and his environment. A view toward
survival. Reading, Mass. 1970. 351 pp. $ 2,95.

Reiser, Norman F.: Macroeconomics. New York
1971. 512 pp. $ 9,95.

Khalaf, Nadim G.: Economic implications of the
size of nations. With special reference to
Lebanon. Leiden 1971. 259 pp. f 48.

Kuczynski, Jürgen: Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft bis zur industriellen Revolution. Studien und Essays über drei Jahrtausende. Berlin 1970. 153 pp. DM 12,50.

Kuznets, Simon: Economic growth of nations.
Total output and production structure. Cambridge,
Mass. 1971. 360 pp. $ 15.

Side 209

Lavinge, M.: Les economies socialistes soviétiques
et européennes. Paris 1970. 511 pp.

Leontjew, L. A.: Engels und die ökonomische
Lehre des Marxismus. Udg. af Fred Oelssner.
Berlin 1970. 430 pp. DM 14.

MacEwan, Arthur og Thomas E. Weisskopf, red.: Perspectives on the economic problem. A book of readings in political economy. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1970. 333 pp. $ 4,25.

Magill, M. J. P.: On a general economic theory
of motion. Berlin 1970. 95 pp.

Mishan, E. J.: Cost-benefit analysis. London
1971. 336 pp. £ 4.

Napoleoni, Claudio: Economic thought of the
twentieth century. Red. af Allessandro Cigno.
London 1971. 192 pp. £ 1.50.

Nichols, Donald A. og Clark W. Reynolds: Principles
of economics. New York 1971. 704 pp.
$ 9,95.

Pen, Jan: Income distribution. London 1971.
424 pp. £ 3.50.

Politische Ökonomie des Sozialismus und ihre
Anwendung in der DDR. Berlin 1971. 904 pp.
12,80 M.

Pouliquen, L. Y.: Risk analysis in project appraisal.
Baltimore 1971. 79 pp.

Preiser, Erich: Politische Ökonomie im 20. Jahrhundert. Prubleme und Gestalten. Ausgewählte Arbeiten aus den Jahren 1924-1966. München 1970. 260 pp. DM 11,80.

Read, Ronald C: A mathematical background
for economists and social scientists. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1971. 848 pp. £ 15,95.

Robinson, Joan: Economic heresies. Some oldfashioned
questions in economic theory. New
York 1971. $ 6,95.

Rothbard, M. N.: Power and market. Menlo
Park, Calif. 1970. 225 pp. $ 6.

Rothschild, K. W., red.: Power in economics.
Harmondsworth 1971. 50 p.

Shaw, G. K.: An introduction to the theory of
macroeconomic policy. London 1971. 192 pp.

Sonquist, John A.: Multivariate model building.
The validation of a search strategy. Ann Arbor,
Mich. 1970. 244 pp. $ 7.

Spiegel, H. W.: Growth of economic thought.
Hemel Hempstead 1971. 832 pp. £ 6,50.

Steiger, Otto: Studien zur Entstehung der Neuen

Townsend, Harry, red.: Price theory. Harmondsworth

Vandermeulen, Daniel C.: Linear economic
theory. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1971. 528 pp.
$ 10,95.

Whittington, Geoffrey: The prediction of profitability
and other studies of company behaviour.
London 1971. 300 pp. £ 2.75.

Wykstra, Ronald A.: Introductory economics.
New York 1971. 750 pp. £ 10,95.

Zinn, Karl Georg: Allgemeine Wirtschaftspolitik
als Grundlegung einer kritischen Ökonomie.
Stuttgart 1970. 224 pp. DM 19,80.


Amin, Samir: The maghreb in the modern world.
Harmondsworth 1971.

Andreano, Ralph L., red.: The new economic
history. Recent papers on methodology. New
York 1970. 178 pp. $ 6,95.

Bauer, P. T.: Dissent on development. Studies
in development economics. London 1971.
550 pp.

Carlsson, P., M. Hult, B. Mårtensson og R. Sandström: Utveckling och underutveckling i Etiopien. En politisk och ekonomisk studie. Stockholm 1970. 279 pp.

Chaudhuri, K. N., red.: The economic development of India under the East India Company, 1814-58. A selection of contemporary writings. London 1971. 319 pp.

Cole, David C. og Princeton N. Lyman: Korean development. The interplay of politics and economics. Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 368 pp. $ 12.

Draguhn, W.: Entwicklungsbewusstsein und
wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Indien. Wiesbaden
1970. 288 pp. DM 58.

Farley, Rawle: Planning for development in
Libya. The exceptional economy in the developing
world. London 1971. 200 pp. £ 6.25.

Finger, N.: The impact of government subsidies
on industrial management. The Israeli experience.
London 1971. 100 pp.

Fisk, E. K.: The political economy of independent
Fiji. Canberra 1970. 89 pp.

Side 210

Flemming, J. S.: Factors affecting economic growth. Report of a conference at Ditchley Park, 10th-13th July, 1970. Oxford 1971. 27 pp. £ 0.25.

Fourastié, J.: Documents pour l'elaboration
d'indices du cöut de la vie en France de 1910
å 1965. Paris 1970. 642 pp. F 164.

Frankel, F. R.: India's green revolution. Political
costs of economic growth. Princeton, N.J.
1971. 168 pp.

Gaathon, Arieh Ludwig: Economic productivity
in Israel. London 1971. 290 pp. £ 4.25.

Herrmann, M.: Hong Kong versus Singapore. Ein Erklärungsversuch divergierender Entwicklungsverläufe. Stuttgart 1970. 314 pp. DM 44.

Hirschman, Albert O.: How to divest in Latin
America, and why. Princeton, N.J. 1969. 30
pp. £ 1.

Hoffman, Walther G., red.: Untersuchungen
zum Wachstum der deutschen Wirtschaft.
Tübingen 1971. 502 pp. DM 65.

Holbik, K.: Contemporary American economic
problems. The Brussels lectures. Bruxelles

Jacoby, Erich Hellmuth og Charlotte F. Jacoby:
Man and land. The fundamental issue in
development. London 1971. 400 pp. £ 4.75.

Jequier, Nicolas: Le défi industriel japonais.
Lausanne 1970.

Johnson, E. A. J.: The organization of space in
developing countries. Cambridge, Mass. 1970.
448 pp. $ 15.

Jones, Graham: The role of science and technology
in developing countries. London 1971.
164 pp.

Keizer, W.: The Soviet quest for economic rationality. The conflict of economic and political aims in the Soviet economy, 1953-1968. Rotterdam 1971. 273 pp.

Kenwood, A. G. og A. L. Lougheed: The growth
of the international economy, 1820-1960.
London 1971. £3.75.

Liebermann, S.: The industrialization of Norway,
1800-1920. Oslo 1970. 222 pp.

McGouldrick, Paul F.: New England textiles in
the nineteenth century. Cambridge, Mass.
1968. 307 pp. $ 6,50.

Maung, M.: Burma and Pakistan. A comparative
study of development. London 1971. 175 pp.

Metrowich, F. R.: Africa in the sixties. Pretoria
1970. 329 pp.

Xelson, R. R., T. P. Schultz og R. L. Slighton: Structural change in a developing economy. Colombia's problems and prospects. Princeton, N.J. 1971. 328 pp.

O'Connor, Anthony Michael: The geography of
tropical African development. Oxford 1971.
207 pp. £ 3.

Pollock, N. C.: Studies in emerging Africa. London
1971. 360 pp.

Prebisch, Raul: Change and development. Latin America's great task. Report submitted to the Inter-American Development Bank. London 1971. 450 pp. £ 7.25.

Research in economic and social history. Social
Science Research Council. London 1970. 128
pp. 60 p.

Rezsohazy, R.: Temps social et développement.
Bruxelles 1970. 248 pp.

Rimlinger, Gaston V.: Welfare policy and industrialization
in Europe, America and Russia.
New York 1971. 384 pp.

Ryelandt, Bernard: L'lnflation en pays sousdéveloppé. Origines, mécanismes de propagation et effets des pressions inflatoires au Congo, 1960-1969. Interactions entre phénoménes monétaires et reels. Paris 1970. 432 pp. F 38.

Schedvin, C. B.: Australia and the Great Depression. A study of economic development and policy in the 1920s and 19305. Sydney 1970. 419 pp.

A selected bibliography on the economic development
of Japan. Tokyo 1970. 191 pp.

Shepherd, G. W., Jr.: Nonaligned black Africa.
London 1971. 158 pp.

Sun, Kungtu C. med ass. af Ralph W. Huenemann: The economic development of Manchuria in the first half of the twentieth century. Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 124 pp. $ 3,50.

Szentes, Tamas: The political economy of underdevelopment.
London 1971. £ 4,50.

Tullis, F. LaMond: Lord and peasant in Peru.
A paradigm of political and social change.
Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 296 pp. t 10,50.

Volin, Lazar: A century of Russian agriculture.
From Alexander II to Krushchev. Cambridge,
Mass. 1970. 640 pp. t 18,50.

Ward, Barbara og Albert S. Schweitzer: The

Side 211

widening gap. Development in the 1970'5.
Irvington, N.Y. 1971. $ 10.

Ward, Michael: The role of private and public investment in stimulating the economic growth of developing countries. With particular reference to the Fiji Islands. London 1971. 120 pp. £ 2.

Wells, Henry: The modernization of Puerto Rico. A political study of changing values and institutions. Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 440 pp. $ 11.

Wilczynski, J.: Socialist economic development and reforms. From extensive to intensive growth under central planning in the USSR, Eastern Europe and Yugoslavia. London


Windle, Ronald: British and American economic
history, 1850-1950. London 1971. 244 pp.
£ 0.70.


Aigner, Dennis: Basic econometrics. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1971. 256 pp. $ 10,95.

Dieckmann, B.: Zur Strategie des systematischen
internationalen Vergleichs. Stuttgart 1970. 192
pp. DM 21,80.

Merrill, William C. og Karl A. Fox: Introduction
to economic statistics. New York 1970. 658 pp.
$ 11,95.


Chenery, H. 8., red.: Studies in development
planning. Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 480 pp.

Chisholm, Roger K. og Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr.:
Forecasting methods. Homewood, 111. 1971.
350 pp.

Dopfer, K.: Ost-West Konvergenz. Werden sich
die östlichen und westlichen Wirtschaftsordnungen
annähern. Zürich 1970. 571 pp. SF 38.

Eckstein, Alexander, red.: Comparison of economic systems. Theoretical and methodological approaches. Berkeley, Calif. 1971. 300 pp. $ 13.

Edelmann, Pierre W. L.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der französischen Planification. Ein Beispiel staatlicher Rahmenplanung in der Marktwirtschaft. Bern 1971. 200 pp.

Ellman, Michael: Soviet planning today. Proposals
for an optimally functioning economic
system. London 1971. 200 pp. £ 2.50.

Eschenburg, Rolf: Ökonomische Theorie der
genossenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit. Tübingen
1971. 200 pp. DM 15.

Friss, Istvan: Economic laws, policy, planning.
London 1971. £ 2.50.

Käser, M. og R. Portes, red.: Planning and market relations. Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Liblice, Czechoslovakia in May, 1970. London 1971.

Lewis, Arthur: Socialism and economic growth. An oration delivered at the London School of Economics and Political Science on Thursday, 3 December 1970. London 1971. 16 pp.

Liebhafsky, H. H.: American government and
business. London 1971. 640 pp.

MacEwan, Arthur: Development of alternatives in Pakistan. A multisectoral and regional analysis of planning problems. Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 232 pp. $ 9.

Ozbekhan, Hasan og Gene E. Talbert, red.: Business and government long range planning. Impacts, problems, opportunities. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Symposium on Planning. Providence, Rhode Island 1969. 265 pp.

Romano, Richard og Melvin Leiman, red.: Views
on capitalism. Beverly Hills, Calif. 1970. 449

Schnitzer, Martin C. og James W. Nordyke:
Comparative economic systems. Cincinnati

Siegel, Irving H.: The Kerner Commission Report
and Economic Policy Staff Paper. Kalamazoo,
Mich. 1969. 20 pp.

Tinbergen, Jan: Some thoughts on nature socialism.
New Delhi 1970. 32 pp.


Bonello, F. J.: The formulation of expected interest
rates. East Lansing, Mich. 1969. 106 pp.
$ 8.

Claassen, E.-M.: Analyse des liquidités et théorie
du portefeuille. Paris 1970. 178 pp. F 10.

Donaldson, Gordon: Strategy for financial mobility.
Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 350 pp. S 8.

Emery, Robert Firestone: The financial institu-

Side 212

tions of Southeast Asia. A country-by-country
study. New York 1970. 749 pp.

Ferris, P.: Men and money. Harmondsworth
1970. 310 pp. 40 p.

Fisher, Douglas: Money and banking. Homewood,
111. 1971. 500 pp.

Folz, Willibald: Das geldtheoretische und geldpolitische
Werk Walter Euckens. Berlin 1971.
221 pp. DM 48.

Morleij, Samuel A.: The economics of inflation.
Hinsdale, 111. 1971. 128 pp. $ 2,95.

Nishimura, Shizuya: The decline of inland bills
of exchange in the London money market
1855-1913. London 1971. 176 pp. £ 3.75.

Salomo, Wolfgang: Geldangebot und Zentralbankpolitik.
Tübingen 1971. 152 pp. DM 35.

Schatz, Sayre Percy: Economics, politics and administration in government lending. The Regional Loans Boards of Nigeria. London 1970. 146 pp. £ 3.50.

Sprinkel, Beryl W.: Money and markets. Homewood,
111. 1971. 300 pp.


Allan, Charles M.: The theory of taxation. Harmondsworth

The case against the selective employment tax.
The Industrial Policy Group. London 1970.

Crecine, John P.: Governmental problem solving.
A computer simulation of municipal budgeting.
Chicago 1969. 338 pp. $ 6,50.

Gerwin, Donald: Budgeting public funds. The
decision process in an urban school district.
Madison, Wise. 1969. 170 pp. $ 7,50.

Lederman, Leonard og Margaret Windus: Federal funding and national priorities. An analysis of programs, expenditures, and research and development. London 1971. 400 pp. £ 7.25.

Reddaway, William Brian: Effects of the selective
employment tax. 1. report: The distributive
trades. London 1970.

Regling, H.: Militärausgaben und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Dargestellt unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verhältnisse in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 1955. Hamburg 1970. 265 pp.

Schmidt, Kurt og Eberhard Wille: Die mehrjäh-

Stein, Herbert: The fiscal revolution in America.
Chicago 1971. 544 pp.


Betz, Fritz H.: Entwicklungshilfe an Afrika. Ein statistische Kompendium mit Karten, Schaubildern und erläuterndem Text. München 1970. 120 pp.

Bhagwati, Jagdish N.: Amount and sharing of
aid. Washington, D.C. 1970. 197 pp.

Carreau, D.: Souveraineté et cooperation monétaire
internationale. Paris 1970. 530 pp.

Caves, Richard E., Grant L. Reuber et al.: Capital transfers and economic policy in Canada, 1951-1962. Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 430 pp. $ 10.

Corden, W. M.: The theory of protection. London
1971. £ 2.50.

Duprez, C. og E. S. Kirschen, red.: Megistos. A
world income and trade model for 1975. Amsterdam
1970. 668 pp.

Einzig, Paul: The case against joining the Common
Market. London 1971. 132 pp. £ 2.80.

Evans, John W.: The Kennedy round in American
trade policy. The twilight of the GATT?
Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 384 pp. $ 13,95.

Friedrich, K.: A quantitative framework for the
Euro-Dollar system. Princeton, N.J. 1970.
39 pp.

Gibson, Charles R.: Foreign trade in the economic
development of small nations. The case
of Ecuador. London 1971. 352 pp. £ 7.25.

Grünwald, Oskar og Ferdinand Lacina: Auslandskapital
in der österreichischen Wirtschaft.
Wien 1971. 256 pp.

Hayter, Teresa: Aid as imperialism. Harmondsworth
1971. 222 pp. £ 0.30.

Hirsch, S.: The export performance of six manufacturing industries. A comparative study of Denmark, Holland and Israel. London 1971. 200 pp.

Johnson, Harry G., red.: Trade strategy for rich
and poor nations. London 1971. £ 2.50.

Kojima, Kiyoshi: Japan and a Pacific free trade
area. London 1971. £ 4.50.

Levin, J. H.: Forward exchange and internal-

Side 213

external equilibrium. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1970.
133 pp.

Liesner, H. H. og S. S. Han: Britain and the EEC. The effect of entry on the pattern of manufacturing production. London 1971. 120 pp. £2.

Mai, J.: Das deutsche Kapital in Russland (1850-1894).
Berlin 1970. 255 pp. DM 35.

Manser, W. A. P.: Balance of payments. London
1971. 208 pp.

Niemeier, E.: Zollpräferenzen für Entwicklungsländer.
Hamburg 1970. 248 pp.

Radetzki, M.: International commodity market
arrangements. London 1970. 131 pp. £ 3.25.

Rhodes, Robert 1., red.: Imperialism and underdevelopment.
A reader. London 1970. 416 pp.
£ 5.40.

Rowthorn, Robert: International big business,
1957-1967. London 1971. 108 pp. £ 1.80.

Schwarzenberger, G.: Economic world order?
Manchester 1970. 159 pp. £ 2.40.

Tew, B.: International monetary co-operation
1945-1970. London 1970. 278 pp. £ 1.65.

Tomlinson, J. W. C.: A model of the joint venture process in international business. British joint ventures in India and Pakistan. London 1970. 93 s.

Walters, Robert S.: American and Soviet aid. A
comparative analysis. Pittsburgh 1970. 299

Wilkins, Mira: The emergence of multinational enterprise. American business abroad from the colonial era to 1914. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 304 pp. $ 9,50.

Zolotas, Xenophon: Speculocracy and the international
monetary system. Three lectures.
Athen 1969. 66 pp.


Agarwal, S. P.: Manpower supply. Concepts and
methodology. Meerut 1969. 187 pp. Rs. 20.

Arnim, B. v.: Bevölkerungsentwicklung. Bevölkerungspolitik
und Wirtschaftsplanung in Indien.
Stuttgart 1969. 214 pp. DM 42.

Black, Angus: A radical's guide to economic
reality. New York 1970. 87 pp. $ 1,95.

Blake, Judith og Jerry J. Donovan: Western

Bloomgarden, Henry S. og Stephen P. Strickland,
red.: Population crisis. New York 1970. 481

Bogue, Donald, red.: Family planning improvement
through evaluation. Chicago 1970. 82 pp.

Borrie, W. D.: The growth and control of world
population. 1970. 340 pp.

Bortz, Abe: Social security sources in federal records
1934-1950. Washington, D. C. 1969.
118 pp. $ 0,65.

Brooman, F. S., Jeremy Tunstall og Mary Sissons:
Money, wealth and class. Bletchley, Bucks.
1971. 131 pp.

A concise summary of the world population situation
in 1970. New York 1971. 35 pp.

David, Henry: Family planning and abortion in
the socialist countries of Central and Eastern
Europe. New York 1970. 306 pp.

Desai, B. M. og M. D. Desai: The new strategy of agricultural development in operation. A case study of the Kaira district in Gujarat. Bombay 1969. Rs. 25.

Eisholz, G.: Altenhilfe als Gegenstand rationaler
Infrastrukturplanung. Hamburg 1970. 207 pp.

Fisher, Malcolm R.: The economic system of
labour. London 1971 303 pp. £ 3.75.

Folk, Hugh: The shortage of scientists and engineers.
Lexington, Mass. 1970. 376 pp. $ 16.

Foundations, private giving, and public policy. Report and recommendations of the Commission on Foundations and Private Philanthropy. Chicago 1971. 312 pp. $ 12,50.

Franke, Walter H. og Irvin Sobel: The shortage
of skilled and technical workers. Lexington,
Mass. 1970. 416 pp. $ 17,50.

Freeman, Richard B.: The market for collegetrained manpower. A study in the economics of career choice. Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 270 pp. $ 9.

Frow, R., E. Frow og Michael Katanka: The
history of British trade unionism. A select
bibliography. London 1969. 44 pp.

Gallaway, Lowell E.: Manpower economics. The
American labor market in action. Homewood,
111. 1971. 350 pp.

Gilpatrick, Eleanor G. og Paul K. Gorliss: The
occupational structure of New York City

Side 214

municipal hospitals. New York 1970. 190 pp.

Hammermesh, Daniel S.: Economic aspects of
manpower training programs. Theory and
policy. Lexington, Mass. 1971. 160 pp. $ 12,50.

Hardin, Einar og Michael Borus: The economic
benefits and costs of retraining. Lexington,
Mass. 1971. 256 pp. $ 15.

Henderson, R. F., A. Harcourt og R. J. A. Harper:
People in poverty. A Melbourne survey.
Melbourne 1970. 226 pp.

Hirshfield, Daniel S.: The lost reform. The campaign for compulsory health insurance in the United States from 1932 to 1943. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 221 pp. $ 8,50.

Human fertility and national development. A
challenge to science and technology. New
York 1971.

International assistance for population programmes.

Kuechle, David: The story of the Savannah. An
episode in maritime labor-management relations.
Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 336 pp. $10.

Laslett, J.: Labor and the Left. A study of socialist
and radical influences in the American
labor movement, 1881-1924. London 1971.

Layard, P. R. G., J. D. Sargan, M. E. Ager og D.
J. Jones: Qualified manpower and economic
performance. London 1971. £ 5.50.

Niland, John R.: The Asian engineering brain
drain. Lexington, Mass. 1970. 198 pp. $12,50.

Pradervand, Pierre: Family planning programmes
in Africa. 1970.

Ruprecht, Teodore og Carl Wahren: Population
programmesand economic and social development.

Schaefer, Carl J. og Jacob J. Kaufman, red.: Vocational education. Social and behavioral perspectives. Lexington, Mass. 1971. 224 pp. $ 12,50.

Silverman, Leslie J. og Stafford Metz: Selected
statistics on educational personnel. Washington,
D.C. 1970. 59 pp. $ 0,65.

Walker, Kenneth Frederick: Australian industrial
relations systems. Cambridge, Mass. 1970.
493 pp.

Walsh, B. Thomas: Economic development and
population control. A fifty-year projection for
Jamaica. London 1971. 125 pp. £ 6.25.


Alexander, D.: Retailing in England during the
Industrial Revolution. London 1970. 282 pp.
£ 3.50.

Andersen, Ronald, Björn Smedby og Odin W. Anderson: Medical care use in Sweden and the United States. A comparative analysis of systems and behavior. Chicago 1970. 174 pp.

Asch, P.: Economic theory and the antitrust
dilemma. New York 1971. 414 pp.

Asselain, Jean-Charles: Le budget de l'éducation
nationale (1952-1967). Paris 1969. 279 pp.
F 24.

Backman, Jules: The economics of the chemical
industry. Washington, D.C. 1970. 361 pp.

Biehl, M.: Das Entwicklungspotential der Bewässerungswirtschaft
in Pakistan und Hinterindien.
Kiel 1970. 222 pp. DM 50.

Bonvin, Jean: L'Éducation facteur de croissance et de développement économique. Une etude de planification å long terme dans le cadre du Senegal. Bern 1970. 580 pp. SF 60.

Brown, Dorris D.: Agricultural development in
India's districts. Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 192
pp. $ 10.

Burrows, James C.: Cobalt. An industry study.
Lexington, Mass. 1971. 256 pp. $ 25.

Burrows, James C, Charles E. Metcalf og John
B. Kaler: Industrial location in the United
States. Lexington, Mass. 1971. 200 pp. $ 15.

Burton, T. L., red.: Recreation research and
planning. A symposium. London 1970. 27
pp. £ 3.25.

Coons, John E., William H. Clune 111 og Stephen D. Sugarman: Private wealth and public education. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 520 pp. $ 12,50.

Danhof, Clarence H.: Change in agriculture. The
Northern United States, 1820-1870. Cambridge,
Mass. 1969. 322 pp. % 10.

Durr, Frederick: The urban economy. Scranton,
Penns. 1971.

Evans, R. G.: Canadian inventory investment.
1969. 48 pp.

Federal funds for research, development, and other scientific activities. Fiscal years 1968, 1969, and 1970. National Science Foundation. Washington, D.C. 1969. 280 pp. $ 2,50.

Side 215

Friedmann, Wolfgang G. og J. F. Garner: Government
enterprise. Irvington, N.Y. 1971.
$ 10.

Garret, S. S.: Social reformers in urban China.
The Chinese Y.M.C.A. 1895-1926. Cambridge,
Mass. 1971. 236 pp.

Geer, Thomas: The world coffee economy. A
study of oligopoly. New York 1971. $ 8,50.

George, Kenneth Desmond: Industrial organization.
Competition, growth and structural
change in Britain. London 1971. 215 pp. £ 3.

Greminger, Werner: Das Oligopol im schweizerischen
Kartellgesetz. Volkswirtschaftliche und
rechtliche Aspekte. Bern 1971. 120 pp. SF 25.

Haber, L. F.: The chemical industry 1900-1930.
International growth and technological change.
Oxford 1971. 452 pp. £ 6.

Hazleton, Jared E.: The economics of the sulphur
industry. Baltimore 1970. 172 pp. $ 3,50.

Jütter-Kramny, L.: Zur Bedeutung der Unternehmensgrössen
für den technischen Fortschritt.
Köln 1970. 152 pp. DM 27.

Katzman, Martin T.: The political economy of
urban schools. Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 224
pp. $ 9.

Klein, J.: Les fluctuations des parts de marché
de l'entreprise. Paris 1970. 134 pp.

McLoughlin, J. Brian: Urban and regional planning.
A systems approach. New York 1969.
331 pp. $ 9.

McNalhj, Patrick: The economics of distributive
trades. London 1971. 152 pp. £2.50.

Millar, J. R., red.: The Soviet rural community.
A symposium. 1970/71. 448 pp.

Parent, Jean: La concentration industrielle. Paris
1970. 222 pp.

Pauly, Mark V.: Medical care at public expense.
A study in applied welfare economics. London
1971. 176 pp. £ 5.75.

Philips, A.: Technology and market structure.

The role of transportation in regional development.
Lexington, Mass. 1971. 112 pp. $ 15.

Rosenberg, Nathan, red.: The economics of
technical change. Selected readings. Harmondsworth
1971. 509 pp. £ 0.60.

Shade, Philip A.: The economics of city planning.
A case study of Indianapolis. Bloomington,
Ind. 1970. 184 pp.

Shen, T. H.: The Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Construction. Twenty years of co-operation for agricultural development. Ithaca, N.Y. 1971. 320 pp. $ 14,50.

Steete, Joe L.: The use of econometric models by
federal regulatory agencies. Lexington, Mass.
1971. 120 pp. $ 12,50.

Vanneste, O.: The growth pole concept and the regional economic policy. With an example of application to the Westflemish economy. Bruges 1971. 274 pp.

Vansant, C.: Strategie energy and supply national
security. London 1971. 176 pp.

Venturini, V. G.: Monopolies and restrictive
trade practices in France. Leiden 1971. 370
pp. fU.

White, Lawrence J.: The automobile industry
since 1945. Cambridge, Mass. 1971. 448 pp.
S 14.


Lumsden, Keith G., red.: Recent research in
economic education. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
1970. 243 pp.

MacCallum, S. H.: The art of community. Menlo
Park, Calif. 1970. 118 pp. $ 4.

Tafte, Edward R., red.: The quantitative analysis
of social problems. Reading, Mass. 1970. 449
pp. $ 6,95.