Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 109 (1971) 1-2


Fortegnelsen omfatter de vigtigste titler blandt den nyeste økonomiske litteratur, som Det kongelige Bibliotek har bestilt eller anskaffet. Listen er søgt opdelt systematisk. For hvert skrift oplyses forfatter, titel, udgiversted og -år, og så vidt muligt sidetal og pris. Bøger vedrørende driftsøkonomi, organisation etc. er ikke medtaget; herom henvises til »Økonomisk Dokumentation«, som fremkommer i hvert nummer af Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift og omfatter anskaffelser til Handelshøjskolens bibliotek.


Knorr, David, red.: Gatalogue of the Goldsmiths's library of economic literature. Vol. I: Printed books to 1800. London 1970. 870 pp. £ 20.


Althuser, Louis og Etienne Balibar: Reading
Marx. London 1970. 340 pp. 80 s.

Arrow, K. J.: Essays in the theory of riskbearing.
Amsterdam 1970. 290 pp.

Aston, Donald Charles og J. H. Rickard:
Macroeconomics. A critical introduction.
London 1970. 280 pp. 45 s.

Balinsky, Alexander: Marx's economics.
Origin and development. Lexington, Mass.
1970. 178 pp. $ 10.

Bilas, Richard A. og Richard S. Wallace:
Problems in microeconomics. New York
1971. 120 pp. $ 3.95.

Brown, Alan A., Egon Neuberger og Malcolm
Palmatier, red.: Perspectives in economics.
New York 1971. 272 pp. $ 3,95.

Cochrane, James L.: Macroeconomics before
Keynes. Glenview, 111. 1970. 128 pp. $ 2,95.

Drucker, Peter F.: Technology, management
and society. New York 1970. 209 pp.
$ 5,95.

Farrar, Donald E. og John R. Meyer: Managerial
economics. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
1970. 115 pp. $ 5,95.

Goldmann, Josef og Josef Flek: Fluctuations
and growth i East European economies

Gouverneur, J.: Productivity and factor proportions in less developed countries. The case of industrial firms in the Congo. London 1971. 196 pp.

Guillaumont, P.: La pensée démo-économique
de Jean-Baptiste Say et de Sismondi.
Paris 1970. 144 pp.

Hadar, Josef: Mathematical theory of economic
behavior. Reading, Mass. 1971.

Hamilton, D.: Evolutionary economics. A
study of change in economic thought.
Albuquerque 1970. 132 pp. $ 2,45.

Hanschel, Jürgen: Kreislauf theorie und
Staatshaushalt. Zürich 1967. 169 pp. SF

Harrod, Roy: Induction, growth and trade. Essays in honour of Sir Ray Harrod. Red. af W. A. Eltis, M. F. G. Scott og J. N. Wolfe. London 1970. 376 pp. 85 s.

Howard, Willard W. og Edwin L. Dale, Jr.:
Contemporary economics. Problems and
policies. Lexington, Mass. 1971. 550 pp.

Ireland, T. R. og D. B. Johnson: The economics
of charity. Blacksburg, Virginia
1970. 138 pp.

Jeck, Albert: Wachstum und Verteilung des Volkseinkommens. Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Entwicklung der Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland 1870-1913. Tübingen 1970. 251 pp.

Johnson, W. L. og D. R. Kamerschen, red.:
Macroeconomics. Selected readings. Boston
1970. 405 pp. $ 6,50.

Kalecki, Michal: Introduction to the theory
of growth in a socialist economy. 1970.
125 pp.

Kassouf, Sheen: Normative decision mak-

Side 112

ing. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1970. 88 pp.
5 7,70.

Kau, Winand: Theorie und Anwendung
raumwirtsschaftlicher Potentialmodelle.
Tübingen 1970. 266 pp. DM 35.

Kendall, Af. G., red.: Mathematical model
building in economics and industry. 2nd
series. 1970. 408 pp.

Knorring, Ekkehard von: Die Berechnung makroökonomischen Konsumfunktionen für Deutschland (1851-1913). Tübingen 1970. 154 pp. DM 32.

Kogiku, K. C: Microeconomic modeis. New
York 1971. 399 pp. $ 11,95.

Lange, O.: Introduction to economic cybernetics.
Oxford 1970. 183 pp. £ 2.25.

Leftwich, Richard Henry: Introduction to
microeconomics. New York 1970. 371 pp.

Marx, Karl: Early texts. Red. af David
McLellan. Oxford 1971. 223 pp. £ 2.50.

Marx, Karl: Marx's »Grundrisse«. Red. af
David McLellan. London 1971. 156 pp.
£ 2.50.

Meadows, Dennis L.: Dynamics of commodity
production cycles. Cambridge, Mass.
1970. 104 pp. $ 14,75.

Mermelstein, David, red.: Economics. Mainstream
readings and radical critiques.
New York 1970. 640 pp. $ 5,95.

Meyer, F. V., D. C. Corner og J. E. S. Parker: Problems of a mature economy. A text for students of the British economy. Basingstoke, Hants. 1970. 672 pp. £ 5.

Miernyk, William H.: Economics. New
York 1970. 672 pp. $ 9,95.

Molnar, F.: Economic growth and recessions
in the United States. Budapest
1970. 240 pp.

Naylor, Thomas H.: Computer simulation
experiments with models of economic
systems. Chichester 1971. 520 pp. £ 5.70.

Neher, P. A.: Economic growth and development.
A mathematical introduction.
New York 1971. 340 pp. $ 11.

Nickson, Jack W., Jr.: Economics and
social choice. New York 1971. 300 pp.
$ 6,95.

Nobbs, J. A.: Economic problems of the
1970'5. Oxford 1971. 288. £ 2.25.

Phelps, E. S. et al.: Microeconomic founda-

Poeche, J., red.: Das Konzept der 'workable
competition' in der angelsächsichen Literatur.
Köln 1970. 267 pp.

Puckett, Richard H. Introduction to mathematical economics. Matrix algebra and linear economic models. Lexington, Mass. 1971. 288 pp.

Quesnay, Francois: Tableau économique.
Red. af Marguerite Kuczynski og Ronald
Meek. 1970.

Kappaport, A., red.: Information for decision making. Quantitative and behavioral dimensions. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1970. 447 pp. $ 10,25.

Recktenwald, Horst Claus: Die Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse.
Tübingen 1971. 56 pp. DM

Rowthorn, R. E. og S. Hymer: Big business
in the 1960 s. An econometric study.
London 1970. 138 pp. 30 s.

Rubner, Alex: Three sacred cows of economics.
London 1970. 273 pp. 60 s.

Schwerna, Wolfgang: Untersuchungen zur
Theorie der Investition. Tübingen 1971.
108 pp. DM 30.

Stervander, Walter: Resursanvänding och
indkomstfördelning. Stockholm 1971. Sv.
kr. 39.

Swann, D. og D. P. O'Brien: Information
agreements. Competition and efficiency.
1970. 248 pp.

Sweezy, Paul M. og Harry Magdoff, red.: Lenin today. Eight essays on the hundredth anniversary of Lenin's birth. London 1970. 125 pp. £ 2.25.

Towers, B.: Markets and prices. Oxford
1971. £ 1.50.

Vinell, Lars G.: Business cycles. Stockholm

Whitehead, Geoffrey Michael: Economics
made simple. London 1970. 376 pp. £

Winch, Donal: The emergence of economics
as a science, 1750-1870. London
1971. 71 pp. £ 0.40.

Wolfelsperger, A.: Les biens durables dans
le patrimoine du consommateur. Paris
1970. 156 pp.

Side 113


Aldcroft, Derek: The inter-war economy.
Britain 1919-1939. 1970. 424 pp.

Behari, Bepin: Current economic problems.
With special reference to India. Delhi
1969. 380 pp.

Bhatia, B. M.: Famines in India. A study of some aspects of the economic history of India (1860-1965). London 1968. 389 pp. £ 2.75.

Bieda, K.: The structure and operation of
the Japanese economy; New York 1971.
300 pp.

Bogdanor, Vernon og Robert Skidelsky,
red.: The age of affluence, 1951-1964.

Boscher, J. F.: French finances 1770-1795.
From business to bureaucracy. London
1971. £ 6.

Bottomlcy, Anthony: Factor pricing and
economic growth in underdeveloped
rural areas. London 1971. 173 pp. £ 2.75.

Broil, Werner: Die Wirtschaft der DDR.
Lage und Aussichten. München 1970. 152
pp. DM 14,80.

Butani, D. H.: India in the 19705. New
Delhi 1970. 340 pp. Rs. 55.

Cafagna, Luciano: The industrial revolution
in Italy, 1830-1914. London 1971.
54 pp. £ 0.40.

(^haudhuri, M. K., red.: Trends of socioeconomic
change in India 1871-1961. Simla
1969. 811 pp.

Cohn, Stanley H.: Economic development
in the Soviet Union. Lexington, Mass.
1970. 135 pp. $ 10.

Dunn, Edgar S., Jr.: Economic and social
development. A process of social learning.
Baltimore 1970. $ 10.

Dupriez, Pierre: Controle des changes et
structures économiques. Congo 1960-1967..
Paris 1970. 334 pp. F 36.

Eisenstadt, S. N., R. Bar Yosef og C. Adler,
red.: Integration and development in
Israel. London 1970. 703 pp. £ 6.

Elliott, C, red.: Constraints on the economic
development of Zambia. London
1971. 400 pp.

Foyel, Robert W. og Stanley L. Engerman:
The reinterpretation of American economic
history. New York. 480 pp. $ 12,95.

Förster, C, red.: Australian economic development
in the 20th century. 1970.
344 pp.

Furtado, Celso: Economic development of Latin America. A survey from colonial times to tre Cuban revolution. London 1970. 271 pp. 65 s.

Griffin, K., red.: Financing development
in Latin America. London 1971. 250 pp.

Grossman, Gregory: The industrialisation
of Russia and the Soviet Union. London
1971. 50 pp. £ 0.40.

Gumpel, Werner et al.: Die Sowjetwirtschaft an der Wende zum Fünfjahresplan. Rückblick und Ausblick. München 1970. 125 pp. DM 12.

Gumpel, Werner og Heinrich Vogel: Die Wirtschaft Ungarn, Bulgariens und Rumäniens. Lage und Aussichten. München 1970. 160 pp. DM 16.

Hartwell, Ronald Max, red.: The Industrial
Revolution. Oxford 1970. 179 pp. 45 s.

Hawke, G. R.: Railways end economic
growth in England and Wales, 1840-1870.
London 1970. 400 pp. 80 s.

Heintz, P.: Ein Soziologisches Paradigma der Entwicklung. Mit besondere Berücksichtigung Lateinamerikas. Stuttgart 1969. 332 pp.

Hess, R. L.: Ethiopia. The modernization
of autocracy. New York 1970. 240 pp.

Leistner, G. M. E. og P. Smit: Swaziland.
Resources and development. Pretoria.
224 pp.

Lewis, William Arthur, red.: Tropical development, 1880-1913. Studies in economic progress. London 1970. 346 pp. £ 3.25.

Marris, Peter og Anthony Somerset: African businessmen. A study of entrepreneurship and development in Kenya. London 1971. 288 pp. £ 3.

Meneghello-Dincic, K.: Les experiences
yogoslaves d'industrialisation et de planification.
Paris 1970. 286 pp.

Ness. Gayl De Forrest: The sociology of

Side 114

Onitiri. H. M. A. og A. A. Ayida. red.: Reconstruction and development in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 1969 national conference, Ibadan. London 1970. 500 pp.

Papanek, (iiistcw F., Daniel M. Schydlowsky og Joseph J. Stern: Decision making for economic development. Text and cases. Boston 1970. 150 pp.

Patinkin, Don: The Israel economy. The
first decade. Jerusalem.

Pehaut, Y. og J.-M. Fonsegrive: Etudes
d'économie africaine. Paris 1970. 199 pp.

Pollard, Sidney, red.: The gold standard
and employment policies between the
wars. London 1970. 164 pp. 30 s.

Power, John IL og Gerardo P. Sicat: The
Philippines. Industrialisation and trade
policies. London 1971. 324 pp. £ 4.

Rees Goronwy: The great slump, 1929-33.
1970. 264 pp.

Robinson, R., red.: Developing in the third
world. The experience of the nineteen
sixties. London 1971. 300 pp.

Sargant-Florence, P.: Atlas of economic
structure and policies. Oxford 1970. 159
pp. £ 1.75.

Saul, Samuel Berrick, red.: Technological change. The United States and Britain in the nineteenth century. London 1970. 198 pp. 35 s.

Schiavo-Campo, Salvatore og Hans W. Singer:
Perspectives of economic development.
Boston 1970. 350 pp. $ 5,95.

Schiff, Eric: Industrialization without national patents. The Netherlands 1869-1912, Switzerland 1850-1907. Princeton, N.J. 1971. 145 pp. $ 9,50.

Seers, Dudley og Leonard Joy, red.: Development
in a divided world. Harmondsworth
1971. 368 pp. £ 0.45.

Sethuraman, T. V.: Institutional financing
of economic development in India. Delhi

Stenson, M. R.: Industrial conflict in Malaya.
Prelude to the Communist revolt
of 1948. London 1970. 271 pp. 50 s.

Stern, Joseph J. og Walter P. Falcon:
Growth and development in Pakistan,

1955-1969. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 94 pp.
$ 2,75.

Thanh-Nha, N.: Tableau economique du
Vietnam aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siécles.
Paris 1970. 253 pp.

Thompson, I. B.: Modern France. A social
and economic geography. 1970. 424 pp.

Tuma, Elias H.: European economic history.
Tenth century to the present. New
York 1971. 600 pp. $ 13.

Ward, J. T.: The factory system. Bind I:
Birth and growth. 1970.

White, H. P. og M. B. Gleave: An economic
geography of West Africa. London 1971.
£ 2.25.


Boot, John C. G. og Edwin B. Cox: Statistical
analysis for managerial decisions.
New York 1970. 544 pp. $ 11,95.

Bry, Gerhard og Charlotte Boschan: Cyclical analysis of time series. Selected procedures and computer programs. London 1971. 207 pp. £ 3.60.

Frank, Charles R., Jr.: Statistics and econometrics.
New York 1971. 320 pp. $ 8,95.

Gehrig, G.: Konstruktion von Input-Output-Tabellen und -Modellen mit Hilfe elektronischer Datenverarbeitung. Berlin 1969. 137 pp.

Huang, D. S.: Regression and econometric
methods. New York 1970. 288 pp.

Meissner, Werner: ökonometrische Modelle.
Berlin 1971. 178 pp. DM 48.

O'Loughlin, Carleen: National economic
accounting. Oxford 1971. 192 pp. £ 2.75.

Ott, Alfred E., Dieter Schwarz og Adolf Wagner: Die räumliche Disaggregation von Input-Output-Tabéllen. Tübingen 1970. 118 pp. DM 16.

Paenson, Isaac, red.: Systematic glossary
of the terminology of statistical methods.
Oxford 1971. £ 17.50.

Quensel, Carl-Erik: Statististisk undersökningsmetodik
och stickprovsteori. Lund
1970. 126 pp. Sv. Kr. 24,15.

Schönfeld, Peter: Methoden der Ökonometrie.
Bind I: Lineare Regressionsmodelle.
Berlin 1969. 295 pp. DM 42,20.

Side 115


Arndt, Helmut og Dieter Swatek, red.: Grundfragen der Infrastrukturplanung für wachsende Wirtschaften. Verhandlungen auf der Tagung des Vereins für Sozialpolitik, Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts und Sozialwissenschaften, in Innsbruck 1970. Berlin 1971. 738 pp. DM 88,60.

Boettcher, Erik, red.: Beiträge zum Vergleich
der Wirtschaftssysteme. Berlin
1970. 320 pp. DM 49,80.

Carson, Robert R.: The American economy
in conflict. A book of readings. Lexington,
Mass. 1971. 400 pp.

Erdos, P.: Contributions to the theory of
capitalist money, business, fluctuations
and crises. Budapest 1970. 400 pp.

Haustein, H.-D.: Wirtschaftsprognose.
Grundlagen - Elemente - Modelle. Berlin
1969. 215 pp.

Hegelheimer, A.: Wirtschaftslenkung und Preisintervention. Ziele und Probleme der staatlichen Preispolitik in einer gelenkten Wirtschaft, dargestellt am Beispiel der deutschen Wirtschaftslenkung und der französischen Planification. Berlin 1969. 312 pp.

Intim report on competition policy. By the
Economic Council of Canada. Ottawa
1969. 244 pp.

Kalecki, M.: Selected essays on the dynamics
of the capitalist economy. Bind I ff.
London 1971. 200 pp.

Landauer, Carl: Essays in socialism and planning in honor of Carl Landauer. Ked. af G. Grossman. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1970. 211 pp.

Lindbeck, Assar: Samhällsekonomisk politik.
Stockholm 1971. Sv. Kr. 42.

Mandel, Ernest: The inconsistencies of
»State-Capitalism«. London 1969. 26 pp.
4 s. «

Morris, Robin og Adrian Wood, red.: The corporate economy. Growth, competition and innovative potential. London 1971. £ 6.

Meade, James Edward: The theory of indi-

Mehler, Franz: Zicl-Mittel-Konflikte als
Problem der Wirtshaftspolitik. Berlin
1970. 444 pp. DM 78,60.

Milenkovitch, Deborah D.: Plan and market
in Yugoslav economic thought. London
1971. 272 pp. £ 4.50.

Milward, Alan Sleele: The New Order and
the French economy. Oxford 1970. 320
pp. 75 s.

Oliver, J. M.: Public policy and economic
theory. 1970.

Pack, Howard: Structural change and economic
policy in Israel. London 1971. 272
pp. £ 3.95.

Pütz, T„ red.: Wirtschaftspolitik. 3 bind.
Stuttgart 1970.

Ranis, Gustav, red.: Government and economic
development. London 1971. 608
pp. £ 8.30.

Schneider, Robert: Die Gemeinde als wirtschaftspolitisches
Berlin 1971. 275 pp. DM 54,60.

Singh, T.: Towards an integrated society. Reflections on planning, social policy and rural institutions. London 1969. 560 pp.

Stolpe, Herman: Kooperationens grundsatser
förr och nu. Stockholm 1971. Sv. Kr.

Zur Theorie der allgemeinen und der regionalen
Planung. Bielefeld 1969. 224 pp.

Vogel, Heinrich, Heinz Kontetzki og Peter Schütterle: Betrieb und zentrale Planung in der UdSSR nach den Wirtschaftsreformen vom Herbst 1965. München 1970. 100 pp. DM 12.

Wiles, Peter, red.: The prediction of Communist
conomic performance. London
1971. 308 pp. 80 s.


Beckhart, Benjamin Haggott: The federal
reserve system. London 1971. 450 pp.
£ 5.65.

Bergen, Volker: Theoretische und empirische
Untersuchungen zur längerfristi

Side 116

gen Geldnachfrage in der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland (1950-1967). Tübingen
1970. 259 pp. DM 34,50.

Bristol, R. J.: The Stock Exchange and investment
analysis. 1970. 495 pp.

Catanach, I. J.: Rural credit in western
India, 1875-1930. Berkeley, Calif. 1970.
269 pp.

Einzig, P.: Parallel money markets. Bind
I: The new market in London. London

Hay, A. og R. H. T. Smith: Interregional
trade in Nigeria and money flows. London
1970. 250 pp. 75 s.

Kawaja, Michael: The regulation of the
consumer finance industry. London 1971.
102 pp. £ 1.08.

Kellison, Stephen G.: The theory of interest.
Homewood, 111. 1970. 243 pp. $ 10.

Magen, S. D.: The costs of funds to commercial
banks. An econometric analysis.
Cambridge, Mass. 1971.

Manne, Henry G., red.: Economic policy
and the regulation of corporate securities.
Washington, D.C. 1969. 385 pp.

Meiselman, David, red.: Varieties of monetary
experience. Chicago 1970. 416 pp.
$ 13,75.

Mittra, S., red.: Money and banking. New
York 1970. 624 pp. $ 5,95.

Outhwaite, R. B.: Inflation in Tudor and
early Stuart England. 1970. 72 pp.

Parrish, Michael E.: Securities regulation
and the New Deal. New Haven 1970. $

Ringel, Johannes: Geldtheoretische Ansätze im Lichte der modernen Wissenschaftstheorie. Tübingen 1970. 131 pp. DM 15.

Saravane, Mohandas: The demand for money
in India. A sectoral approach. Delhi

Sharpe, William F.: Portfolio theory and
capital markets. New York 1970. 316 pp.

Smith, Paul F.: Economics of financial
institutions and markets. Homewood, 111.

Ziese, Bernhard: Zur Neubegründung der
Quantitätstheorie. Tübingen 1970. 103 pp.
DM 30.

Ølander, Folke og Carl-Magnus Seipel:
Psychological approaches to the study of
saving. Urbana, 111. 1970. 114 pp.


Coffield, James: History of taxation. 1970.
377 pp.

Economy in Government property management, procurement of data processing equipment. Hearing before Subcommittee on Economy in Government, 91st Congress, 2d Session, July 1, 1970. Washington, D.C. 1970. 348 pp. $ 1,25.

Financing state and local governments in the '70 s. The proceedings of a conference held by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston in June, 1970. Boston 1970.

Hirsch, Werner Z.: The economics of state
and local government. New York 1970.
333 pp. $ 12,95.

Margolis, Julius: The analysis of public
output. Irvington, N.Y. 1970. $ 12,50.

Murray, C: Budgetteknik. Statsbudgeten i
omvandling. Stockholm 1970.

Nevile, J. W.: Fiscal policy in Australia.
Melbourne 1970. 115 pp.

North, Douglass G. og Roger Leßoy Miller:
The economics of public issues. New
York 1971. 192 pp. $ 2,95.

Penner, R. G.: Financing local government
in Tanzania. Nairobi 1970. 102 pp.

Shoup, Carl S., Douglas Dosser, Rudolph G. Penner og William S. Vickrey: The tax system of Liberia. Report of the Tax Mission. London 1971. 184 pp. £ 3.80.

Smith, Bruce L. R. og D. C. Hague: The dilemma of accountability in modern government. Independence versus control. London 1971. £ 4.50.


Agarwal, Jamuna Prasad: Das Zahlungsbilanzproblem im Rahmen der indischen Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Tübingen 1970. 130 pp. DM 30.

Andic, F., S. Andic og D. Dosser: A theory

Side 117

Bardhan, P. K.: Economic growth, development and foreign trade. A study in the pure theory. New York 1971. 180 pp. $ 15.

Beinsen, L.: Fundamentale Ungleichgewichte der Zahlungsbilanz als Folge internationaler Kapitalbewegungen. Berlin 1969. 186 pp.

Boltho, Andrea: Foreign trade criteria in
socialist economies. London 1971. £ 2.80.

Bosnian, H. W. J. og F. A. M. Alting von
Geusau, red.: Future of the international
monetary system. Leyden 1970. 180 pp.

Briner, H. R.: Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
Schweiz-Skandinavien. Zürich 1970. 261

Brooke, Michael og H. Lee Remmers: The
strategy of multi-national enterprise.
1970. 392 pp.

Bryant, R. C. og P. H. Hendershott: Financial capital flows in the balance of payments of the United States. An exploratory empirical study. Princeton, N.J. 1970. 74 pp. $ 1.

Chalmers, E. 8., red.: Forward exchange
intervention. The British experience,
1964-67. London 1971. 81 pp. £ 1.25.

Clarke, William: The world's money. How
it works. 1970. 238 pp.

Corbet, H. og D. Robertson: Europe's free
trade area experiment. Oxford 1970. 260

Cosgrove, C. A.: A reader's guide to Britain
and the European communities. London
1970. 106 pp. 75 p.

Dickey, R. B.: Foreign investment. France,
a case study. Leiden 1970. 135 pp. / 20.

English, H. Edward: Industrial structure in
Canada's international competitive position.

External financing for Latin American development. Prepared by the Department for Economic Affairs, General Secretariat of the Organization of American States. Baltimore 1970. $ 10.

Feld, Werner J.: Transnational business
collaboration among Common Market
countries Its implication for political

integration. London 1971. 100 pp. £5 5 s.

Fleming, J. M.: Essays in international
finance. London 1971. 376 pp.

Friedmann, Wolfgang G. og John Pierre Beguin: Joint international business ventures in developing countries. Case studiesand and analysis of recent trends. London 1971. 416 pp. £ 6.75.

Giersch, Herbert: Growth, cycles, and exchange
rates. The experience of West
Germany. Stockholm 1970. 39 pp.

Giersch, Herbert, red.: Integration durch Währungsunion? Integration through monetary union? Symposium 1970. Tübingen 1971. 178 pp. DM 20.

Gilbert, C: American financing of World
War I. Westport, Conn. 1970. 259 pp.
$ 9,50.

Gold, Joseph: The stand-by arrangements
of the International Monetary Fund.
Washington, D.C. 1970. 295 pp. $ 4.

Healey, J. M.: The economics of aid. London
1971. 107 pp. £ 1.25.

Heltberg, Leif: Hovedtræk af eksportforløbet
for udviklingslandene i efterkrigstiden.
København 1971. 57 pp. Kr. 11,50.

Hinshaw, Randall, red.: The economics of
international adjustment. Baltimore 1970.
$ 7,50.

Kasper, W.: Zur Frage grosserer Wechselkursflexibilität.
Kiel 1970. 159 pp. DM 35.

Kim, S. H.: Foreign capital for economic
development. London 1970. 175 pp.

Kindleberger, Charles P. og Andrew Shonfield, red.: North American and Western European economic policies. Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Alvor, Portugal, in September 1969. London 1971. £ 6.

Kindleberger, Charles P.: Trade, balance of payments, and growth. Papers in international economics, in honour of Charles P. Kindleberger. Red. af J. N. Bhagwati, R. W. Jonew, R. A. Mundeli og J. Vanek. Cambridge, Mass. 171. 464 pp. $ 24.

Lacharriere, Guy de: La nouvelle division
internationale du travail. Geneve 1969.
350 pp.

L'Huillier, Jacques: Les organisations in-

Side 118

Liesner, H. H. og S. S. Han: Britain and the EEC. The effect of entry on the pattern of manufacturing production. London 1971. 120 pp.

lApsey, Robert E. og I ruing B. Krauis:
Price competitiveness in world trade.
London 1971. 500 pp. £ 6.75.

Lipsey, R. G.: The theory of customs unions.
A general equilibrium analysis. London
1970. 176 pp. £ 2.75.

I.ituak, Isaiah A. og Christopher J. Maule,
red.: Foreign investment. The experience
of host countries. New York 1970. 406 pp.

McCord, Norman: Free trade. 1970.

Mandel, Ernest: Europe vs. America. Contradictions
of imperialism. New York
1970. 160 pp.

Michaely, Michael: Israel's foreign exchange
rate system. Jerusalem 1971.

Michaely, Michael: The responsiveness of demand policies to balance of payments. Postwar patterns. Irvington, N.Y. 1970. $ 10.

Mikesell, Raymond F. et al.: Foreign investment in the petroleum and mineral industries. Case studies of investor-host country relations. Baltimore 1970. $ 15.

Nötzold, Jürgen og Lieselotte Janssen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Aussenhandels mit den europäischen Ostblockstaaten. München 1970. 110 pp. DM 12.

Ribi, R. C: Das COMECON. Eine Untersuchung über die Problematik der wirtschaftlichen Integration sozialistischer Länder. Zürich 1970. 494 pp.

Robbing, L.: Money, trade and international
relations. London 1971.

Roethlisberger, Eric: La Suisse dans I'AELE 1960-1966. Sept ans d'intégration économique dans un cadre Européen restreint. Paris 1969. 309 pp.

Strange, S.: Sterling and British policy. A
political study of an international currency
in decline. London 1970. 368 pp.

Thorp, W. L.: The reality of foreign aid.
London 1971. 352 pp.

Walter, F. J.: Zum Problem des internationalen Gleichgewichts in einem linearen Aussenhandelsmodell. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der sozialistischen Volkswirtschaft. Berlin 1970. 121 pp.

Wandel, Eckhard: Die Bedeutung der Vereinigten Staten von Amerika für das deutsche Reparationsproblem 1924-1929. Tübingen 1971. 332 pp. DM 37,50.


Bok, Derek C. og John T. Dunlop: Labor
and the American community. New York
1970. $ 12,50.

Braun, R.: Sozio-kulturelle Probleme der
Eingliederung italienischer Arbeitskräfte
in der Schweiz. Zürich 1970. 589 pp.

Caldwell, John C: African rural-urban migration.
Montreal 1970.

Carter, Hugh og Paul C. Glick: Marriage
and divorce. A social and economic study.
Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 451 pp. $ 8,50.

Dale, Leon A.: A bibliography of French labor with a selection of documents on the French labor movement. New York 1969. 317 pp. $ 42,50.

Doeringer, Peter B. og Michael J. Pioro:
Internal labor markets and manpower
analysis. Lexington, Mass. 1971. 200 pp.

Fleisher, Belton M.: Labor economics.
Theory and evidence. Englewood Cliffs,
N.J. 1970. 404 pp. $ 7,95.

Greven, Philip J., Jr.: Four generations.
London 1970. 356 pp.

Ilyrenius, Hannes: Sä mycket folk. Stockholm
1970. 112 pp. Sv. Kr. 24,15.

Jnglis, Brian: Poverty and the Industrial
Revolution. London 1971. 440 pp. £ 3.75.

Kalbach, Warren £.: The impact of immigration
on Canada's population. Ottawa
1970. 465 pp.

McConnell, C. R.: Perspectives on wage
determination. New York 1970. 324 pp.

Meidner, R. og H. Niklasson: Arbetsmarknadspolitik.
Lund 1970. 207 pp.

Xaville, Pierre: Le salaire socialiste. 2
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Oppenheimer, Valerie Kincade: The female
labor force in the United States. Demo

Side 119

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Berkeley, Calif. 1970. 197 pp. $ 2,50.

Ramos, Joseph R.: Labor and development
in Latin America. Irvington. N.Y. 1970.
$ 10.

Scoville, James G.: Perspectives on poverty
and income distribution. Lexington, Mass.
1971. 400 pp.

Singleton & Topham: Workers' control in
Yugoslavia. London.

Sinha, J. N. og P. K. Sawhney: Wages and
productivity in selected Indian industries.
Delhi 1970. 186 pp.

Wilken, F.: The liberation of work. London
1969. 109 pp. 18 s.


Agrawal, G. D. og P. C. Bansil: Economic
theory as applied to agriculture. Delhi

Agawal, G. D. og P. C. Bansil: Economic
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1969. 415 pp.

Alaurent, J., C. Autin, J. Boudeville et al.: Développement urbain et analyse économique. Compte rendu du colloque international tenu å Quebec, du 8 au 11 septembre 1968. (Société Canadienne de Science Économique). Paris 1969. 472 pp.

Arrow, Kenneth J. et al.: Urban processes
as viewed by the social sciences. Washington,
D.C. 1970. 79 pp. $ 1,95.

Biermann, Herbert: Kybernetische Prognosemodelle
in der Regionalplanung. Berlin
1970. 249 pp. DM 56,60.

Blaug, Mark: An introduction to the economics
of education. London 1970. 363
pp. 70 s.

Bowers, John og V. H. Woodward: The anatomy of regional activity rates, and regional social accounts for the United Kingdom. London 1970. 176 pp. 25 s.

Brenner, Otto: Gewerkschaftliche Tarifpolitik
in den siebziger Jahren. Tübingen
1970. 18 pp. DM 4.

Buchanan, Keith: The transformation of
the Chinese earth. Aspects of the evalua

tion of Chinese earth from earliest times
to Mao Tse-tung. New York 1970. 336 pp.
$ 12,50.

Capstick, Margaret: The economics of agriculture.
1970. 160 pp.

Carin, Robert: Power industry in Communist
China. Hong Kong 1969. 163 pp.

Cassimatis, Peter, J.: Economics of the
construction industry. New York 1969.
168 pp. $ 12,50.

Chevalier, J. M.: La structure de l'industrie américaine et la probléme du eontröle dans les grandes sociétés américaines. Paris 1970. 272 pp.

Cooper, Joseph D., red.: The economics of
drugs innovation. Washington, D.C. 1970.
$ 7,95.

Coppock, J. T.: An agricultural geograpry
of Great Britain. London 1971. 352 pp.

Crocker, Thomas D. og A. J. Rogers III:
Environmental economics. Hindsdale, 111.
1971. 128 pp. $ 2,50.

Crosson, Pierre R.: Agricultural development
and productivity. Lessons from the
Chilean experience. Baltimore 1970. $ 7.

Economic performance and military burden in the Soviet Union. Compendium of papers, submitted to the Subcommittee on Foreign Economic Policy, 1970. (Joint Committee in print, 91st Congress, 2d Session). Washington, D. C. 1970. 295 pp. $ 1,25.

Europe's future food and agriculture. A comparison of models for projecting food consumption and agricultural production in Western European countries, to 1972 and 1975. Amsterdam 1970. 400 pp.

Fletcher, Lehman 8., Eric Gruber, William C. Merrill og Erik Thorbecke: Guatemala's economic development. The role of agriculture. Ames, lowa 1970. §> 4,95.

Garnett, H. C. og K. M. Johnson: The economics
of containerisation. London 1971.

Glennerster, H. og G. Wilson: Paying for
private schools. London 1970. 183 pp.
£ 3.50.

Gordon, David M.: The political economy
of urban problems. Lexington, Mass.
1971. 550 pp.

Gordon, Richard L.: The evolution of ener-

Side 120

Hansen, W. Le, red.: Education, income
and human capital. Irvington, N.Y. 1970.
5 10.

Hartman, Loyal M. og Don Seastone: Water Transfers. Economic efficiency and alternative institutions. London 1970. 127 pp. £ 2.75.

Haveman, Robert: Water resource development
and the public interest. Nashville,
Tenn. 1970. 199 pp. $ 7,50.

Hilhorst, J. G. M.: Regional planning. Rotterdam
1971. 166 pp. / 37,50.

Kilbridge, M. D., R. P. O'Block og P. V.
Teplitz: Urban analysis. Boston 1970. 332

Lopez, Raymond Henry: The ethylene-producing industry. Its growth and regional distribution in the United States. New York 1970. 301 pp. $ 25.

McCrystal, Lawrence P.: City, town or country. The economics of concentration and dispersal with particular reference to South Africa. Cape Town 1969. 279 pp.

Machlup, F.: Education and economic
growth. Lincoln 1970. 106 pp.

Malefakis, Edward E.: Agrarian reform and
peasant revolution in Spain. Origins of
the Civil War. New Haven 1970. $ 15.

Mason, E. S.: Industrial organization and economic development. In honor of E. S. Mason. Af Jesse W. Markham og Gustav F. Papanek. Boston 1970. 375 pp. $ 9,95.

Massy, William F., David B. Montgomery og Donald G. Morrison: Stochastic models of buying behavior. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 464 pp.

Myers, Ramon H.: The Chinese peasant economy. Agricultural development in Hopei and Shantung, 1890-1949. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 394 pp.

Norgren, M. og C. Norgren: Svensk industri.
Struktur och omvandling. Stockholm
1970. 187 pp.

Reader, W. J.: Imperial chemical industries.

Richardson, Harry W., red.: Regional economics.
A reader. Basingstoke, Hants.
1970. 256 pp. £ 1.25.

Schinzinger, Francesco: Die Mezzogiorrio Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Agrar- und Infrastrukturpolitik. Berlin 1970. 328 pp. DM 59,60.

Scott, A. D.: Economics of fisheries management.
A symposium. Vancouver 1970.
115 pp.

Serck-Hanssen, Jan: Optimal patterns of
location. Amsterdam. 235 pp.

Siebert, Horst: Regionales Wirtschaftswachstum
und interregionale Mobilität.
Tübingen 1970. 258 pp. DM 31.

Standke, K. H.: Europäische Forschungspolitik
im Wettbewerb. Baden-Baden
1970. 213 pp.

Swan, Craig: Homebuilding. A review of
experience. Washington, D. C. 1970.

Windham, Douglas M.: Education, equality
and income distribution. Lexington, Mass.
1970. 120 pp. $ 10.

Woodward, V. H.: Regional social accounts
for the United Kingdom. London 1970.
176 pp. £ 1.25.


Breit, William og Roger Ransom: The academic
scribblers. American economists in
collision. New York 1971. 256 pp. $ 6,95.

Davis, Morton D.: Game theory. A nontechnical
introduction. New York 1970.
208 pp. $ 6,95.

Firth, Raymond, red.: Themes in economic
anthropology. London 1970. 292 pp.

Harrod, Roy: Sociology, morals and mystery.
London 1971. £ 2.50.

Roper, J. F. H.: The teaching of economics
at university level. 1970. 296 pp.

Schenk, Karl-Ernst, red.: Systemanalyse in
den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften.
Berlin 1970.