Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 108 (1970)


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Balogh, Thomas: Unfashionable economics.
Essays in honour of Lord Balogh. Red. af
Paul Streeten. London 1970. 379 pp. £ 5.

Bentham, Jeremy: The collected works of Jeremy Bentham. Bd. I: An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation. Red. af J. H. Burns og H. L. A. Hart. Bd. II: Of laws in general. Red. af H. L. A Hart. London 1970. 386 pp., 384 pp. £ 6 hver.

Boulding, Kenneth E.: Economics as a science.
New York 1970. 157 pp.

Bowen, lan: Acceptable inequalities. An
essay on the distribution of income. London
1970. 355.

Brown, Michael Barratt: What economics
is about. London 1970. 60s.

Cetron, M. J.: Technological forecasting.
New York 1969. 345 pp.

Cogan, L. P.: The rhythmic cycles of
optimism and pessimism. New York 1969.
54 pp. $ 5,95.

Court, W. H. B.: Scarcity and choice in
history. London 1970. 256 pp. 70s.

Eggers, G.: Wachstum
und technischer Fortschritt. Bremen 1970.
229 pp.

Ferkiss, V. C: Technological man. London
1969. 336 pp. 555.

Fishburn, Peter C: Utility theory for decision
making. 1970. 224 pp. DM 55.

Fortes, Meyer: Time and social structure
and other essays. London 1970.

Gehrels, Franz, Henry M. Oliver og George W. Wilson, red.: Essays in economic analysis and policy. Bloomington, Ind. 1970. 288 pp. S 8.95.

Hansen, Bent: A survey of general equilibrium
systems. New York 1970. 256 pp.

Hirsch, A. A. og M. C. Looell: Sales anticipations
and inventory behaviour. Chichester
1969. 256 pp. 100s.

Ihlau, Toni og Lothar Rail: Die Messung des technischen Fortschritts. Ansätze und Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung fiir die BRD. Tubingen 1970. 247 pp. DM 34,50.

Isard, Walter et al.: General theory. Social, political, economic, and regional, with particular reference to decision-making analysis. Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 1040 pp. $ 10.

Kalecki, Michal: Introduction to the theory
of growth in a socialist economy. Oxford
1970. 355.

Lange, Oskar: Papers in economics and
sociology, 1930-60. Oxford 1970. 624 pp.
£ 6.

Lange, Oskar: Introduction to economic
cybernetics. Oxford 1970. 220 pp. 465.

Laulajainen, R.: The base location as a
factor of efficiency for mobile activity.
Helsinki 1970. 155 pp.

Lindbeck, Assar: Den nya vänsterns politiska
ekonomi. Stockholm 1970. 88 p. Sv.
Kr. 13,80.

McCulloch, J. R.: J. R. McCulloch: a study
in classical economics, af D. P. O'Brien.
London 1970. £ 5. ss.

Morgan, James N., James D. Smith med
stab: A panel study of income dynamics.
ML Ann Arbor, Mich. 1970. $ 4 hver.

Mossner, E. C: Adam Smith. The biographical
approach. Glasgow 1969. 26 pp. 7s.

Paish, Frank Walter: How the economy
works, and other essays. London 1970.
238 pp. 90s.

Side 233

Rag, G. F. ass. af F. Leimdorffer: La prevision
économique å court terme en
Europe. London 1969. 29 pp.

Ruff ner, Armin: Zum Normenproblem in
der Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Berlin 1970.
175 pp. DM 48,60.

Schumpeter, Joseph A.: Joseph A. Schumpeter. Leben und Werk eines grossen Sozialökonoms. Af Erich Schneider. Tubingen 1970. 93 pp. DM 15.

Seller, K.: Introduction to systems costeffectiveness.
New York 1969. 108 pp.

Selten, Reinhard: Preispolitik der Mehrproduktenunternehmung
in der statischen
Theorie. Berlin 1970.

Sen, Amartga, red.: Growth economics.
Harmondsworth 1970. 12s.

Silk, Leonard S.: Contemporary economics.
Principles and issues. New York 1969.
500 pp. $ 8,95.

Slesinger, Reuben E.: Chapters in basic
economics. Berkeley 1969. 365 pp.

Smith, Warren L.: Macroeconomics. Homewood,
111. 1970.

Sonkodi, L.: Business and prices. London
1969. 236 pp. 555.

Stekler, Herman 0.: Economic forecasting.
New York 1970. $ 11,56.

Stier, Winfried: Makroökonomische Anwendungen von Operations Research-Methoden. Markoffsche und Nicht-Markoffsche Prozesse. Meisenheim a.G. 1969. 115 pp. DM 22,30.

Stigler, George J. og James K. Kindahl: The
behavior of industrial prices. New York
1970. 100 pp.

Tichg, G. E.: Theoretische Grundlegung der politischen Ökonomie. Wirtschaftstheorie als Gestaltungslehre. Berlin 1970. 400 pp. DM 68,60.

Tintner, Gerhard: Economic models, estimation and risk programming. Essays in honor of Gerhard Tintner. Red. af K. A. Fox, J. K. Sengupta og G. V. L. Narasimham. Berlin 1969. 461 pp. DM 24.

Townsend, E. C: Investment and uncertainty.
Edinburgh 1969. 161 pp. 545.

Ullmo, Jean: Le profit. Paris 1969. 264 pp.
Walsh, H. G. og Alan Williams: Current

Walsh, Vivian: Introduction to contemporary
microeconomics. New York 1969. 352
pp. $ 5,95.

Weddepohl, H. N.: Axiomatic choice models
(and duality). Rotterdam 1970. 174
pp. f 33,65.

Weiss, Roger W.: The economic system.
New York 1969. 128 pp. $ 2,50.

White, D. J.: Decision theory. Chicago 1969.
181 pp. $ 8,95.

Wills, Gordon, D. Ashyon og B. Taylor, red.:
Technological forecasting and corporate
strategy. London 1969. 273 pp. 90s.

Woll, A.: Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre.
Berlin 1969. 413 pp. DM 36.


Barkin, K. D.: The controversy over German
industrialization, 1890-1902. Chicago
1970. 352 pp.

Economic developments in countries of Eastern Europe. Compendium of papers, submitted to the Subcommittee on Foreign Economic Policy, 1970. Joint Committee Print, 91st cong., 2nd sess. Washington 1970. 634 pp. $ 2,75.

Evans, T.: The challenge of change. Oxford
1970. 190 pp. 355.

Gerschenkron, Alexander: Europe in the
Russian mirror. Four lectures in economic
history. London 1970. 158 pp. 40s.

Grunwald, Joseph og Philip Musgrove: Natural
resources in Latin American development.
Baltimore 1970. $ 20.

Havens, A. Eugene og William L. Flinn, red.: International colonialism and structural change in Colombia. New York 1970. 272 pp. $ 15.

King, Timothy: Mexico. Industrialisation
and trade policies since 1940. Oxford
1970. £2.

Pearson, Lester B.: The crisis of development.
London 1970. 114 pp. 425.

Perkins, Derek Cyril: British economic history
from 1750. Swansea 1970. 10s. 6d.

Side 234

Rozenthal, A. A.: Finance and development
in Thailand. New York 1970. 300 pp.

Schnitzer, M.: The economy of Sweden.
London 1970. 250 pp.

Shah, S. A.: Structural obstacles to economic
development. A political economy of
India. New Delhi 1969. 219 pp. Rs. 15.

Shenoy, Sudha: Under-development and
economic growth. Harlow 1970. 40 pp. 6s.

Shinohara, Miyohei: Structural changes in
Japan's economic development. Tokyo
1970. 445 pp.

Solomon, Morris J.: Analysis of projects for economic growth. An operational system for their formulation, evaluation, and implementation. New York 1970. 499 pp. $ 20.

Spiegelglas, Stephen og Charles J. Wels,
red.: Economic development. Challenge
and promise. London 1970. 366 pp. 455.

Satcliffe, R. B.: Industrialization and underdevelopment.
London 1970. 350 pp.

Sgmonds, Richard: International targets
for development. London 1970. 266 pp.

Thalheim, Karl C, red.: Wachstumsprobleme
in den Osteuropäischen Volkswirtschaften,
2. Bd. Berlin 1970.

Thanos, Costas A.: Problems of development
policies. Athen 1969. 48 pp.

Tregear, T. R.: Economic geography of
China. London 1970. 322 pp. 70s.

Weisshuhn, Gernot: Die Komponenten des
Sozialproduktwachstums in West-Berlin.
Berlin 1970. 179 pp. DM 78.

Zenoff, David B.: Private enterprise in the
developing countries. Englewood Cliffs
1969. 282 pp.


Carter, A. P. og A. Broby, red.: Input-output
techniques. 2 bd. Amsterdam 1970. 343
pp., 385 pp.

A comparative study of national income statistics in the Philippines, Malaysia, China and Thailand. Asian Development Bank, Rizal, Philippines 1969. 99 pp.

Hochstådter, Dieter og Götz Uebe: Ökonometrische
Methoden. 1970. 250 pp. DM 18.

Johnson, Norman L. og Harry Smith Jr., red.: New developments in survey sampling. A Symposium on the Foundations of Survey Sampling held at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. New York 1969. 732 pp.

Throsby, Charles David: Elementary linear
programing. New York 1970. 256 pp.
$ 9,95.

Wagner, H. M.: Principles of operations
research. Englewood Cliffs 1969.


Anderson, Charles W.: The political economy of modern Spain. Policy-making in an authoritarian system. Madison, Wise 1970. 320 pp. $ 12,50.

Anderson, James E.: Politics and economic
policy making. Selected readings, Reading,
Mass. 1970. 458 pp.

Baumgarten, Peter og Wolfgang M&ckl: Wirtschaftspolitische Zielkonflikte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Tubingen 1969. 193 pp. DM 25.

Bergström, Vill: Den ekonomiska politiken
i Sverige och dess verkningar. Stockholm
1969. 151 pp. Sv. Kr. 20.

Brody, A.: Proportions, prices and planning.
Amsterdam 1970. 189 pp. / 35.

Brown, E. H. Phelps: Indicative economic
planning in the United Kingdom. Sydney
1969. 15 pp.

Chubb, B. og P. Lynch, red.: Economic development
and planning. Dublin 1969.
369 pp. 755.

Coméliau, Christian: Conditions de la planification
du développement. Paris 1969.

Deoons, Ely: Papers on planning and economic
management. Red. af Alec Cairncross.
Manchester 1970. 286 pp. 60s.

Emmerich, Volker: Der unlautere Wettbewerb
der öffentlichen Hand. Tubingen
1969. 78 pp. DM 7,80.

Side 235

Grif fin, Keith B. og John L. Enosi Planning
development. London 1970. 262 pp.

Hamid, 5. M. og M. Hasan, red.: Development
administration. Karachi 1969. 117

Kaser, Michael og J. Zielinski: Planning
in East Europe. London 1970. 21s.

Kaser, Michael: Soviet economics. London
1970. 256 pp. 355.

Knips, Walter: Die Problematik wirtschaftspolitischer
Zielkonflikte. Tubingen 1970.
164 pp. DM 9.

Knirsch, P.: Strukturen und Formen zentraler
Wirtschaftsplanung. Berlin 1969.
310 pp. DM 58.

Moerman, P. A.: Methodical tactical planning.
Rotterdam 1970. 208 pp. / 33,65.

Ofari, Earl: The myth of black capitalism.
London 1970. 127 pp. 445.

Papandreou, Andreas G.: Man's freedom.
Irvington, N.Y. 1970. 80 pp. $ 4.

Pedersen, Jørgen: Økonomisk politik 1960-1970. artikler. Red.: Jørgen Gelting, Karsten Laursen og Otto Lippert. Århus 1970. 234 pp. Kr. 42.

Sandford, Cecil T., M, S. Bradbury et al.:
Economic policy. London 1970. 324 pp.

Simonet, H.: La gauche de la societé industrielle.
Paris 1970. F 7,40.

Sty kolt, Stefan: Efficiency in the open economy. Collected writings on Canadian economic problems and policies. London 1969. 216 pp.

Tcheprakov, Victor: La capitalisme monopoliste
d'état. Paris 1969. 472 pp. F 9,80.

Thalheim, Karl C: Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis von Wirtschaftssystemen. Festgabe flir Karl C. Thalheim zum 70. Geburtstag. Red. af Wolfgang Förster og Detlef Lorenz. Berlin 1970. 401 pp. DM 76.

Touraine, Alain: La societé post-industriel -
le. Paris 1970. 320 pp. F 7,50.

Vanek, Jaroslav: The general theory of
labor-managed market economies. Ithaca,
N.Y. 1970. 424 pp. % 14,50.

Wadekin, K.-E.: Die sowjetische Staats-

Wilczynski, J.: The economics of socialism.
London 1970. 555.

Williams, William Appleman: The roots of the modern American empire. A study of the growth and shaping of social consciousness in a marketplace society. New York 1969. 547 pp.

Wolff, Jacques: Capitalisme et croissance.
Paris 1969. 248 pp. F 10.

Zinn, Karl Georg: Basistheorie des ökonomischen
Wohlstandes in der Demokratie.
Wiesbaden 1969. 200 pp. DM 36.


Bain, A. D.: The control of the money
supply. Harmondsworth 1970. 7s.

Basch, Antonin, Milic Kybal og Luis Sanchez-Masi:
Capital markets in Latin
America. New York 1970. 150 pp. % 12,50.

Brennan, John A.: Silver and the first New
Deal. Reno 1969. 187 pp. $ 5,50.

Britson, E. J.: The Stock Exchange and
investment analysis. London 1970. 105s.

Claassen, Emil-Maria: Probleme der Geldtheorie.
Berlin 1970. 295 pp. DM 64.

Franzmeyer, Fritz: Die aggregative Ermittlung
der industriellen Anlagevermögens,
Berlin 1970. 132 pp. DM 32,60.

Friedman, Milton og Anna Jacobson
Schwartz: Monetary statistics of the
United States. Washington 1970.

Garvy G. og M. R. Blyn: The velocity of
Money. New York 1969. 116 pp.

Gordon, Robert J.: The recent acceleration
of inflation and its lessons for the future.
Washington 1970.

Guillaumont-Jeanneney, S.: Politique monétaire
et croissance économique en
France, 1950-1966. Paris 1969. 169 pp.

Häselbarth, Volker: Der Geldmarket der
Bundesrepublik. Berlin 1970. 181 pp. DM

Hahn L. A.: Geld und Gold. Vorträge und
Aufsätze 1962-1968. Tubingen 1969. 285
pp. DM 24,50.

History of the Reserve Bank of India 1935-51.

Side 236

Homer, Sidney og Richard I. Johannesen: The price of money, 1946 to 1969. An analytical study of the United States and foreign interest rates. New Brunswick, N.J. 1969. 156 pp. $ 9.

Johnson, H. G.: Efficiency in domestic and international money supply. A lecture delivered at the University of Surrey on 7 February 1968. Surrey 1970. 16 pp.

Kardouche, George K.: The competition for savings. Determinants of deposits at commercial banks, mutual savings banks, and savings and loan association. New York 1969. 187 pp. $ 15.

Köhler, Claus: Geldwirtschaft. Bd. I: Geldversorgung
und Kreditpolitik. Berlin
1970. 373 pp. DM 39,80.

Lundberg, Lars: Kapitalbildningen i Sverige
1861-1965. Stockholm 1969. 154 pp. Sv.
Kr. 20.

Silber, William L.: Portfolio behaviour of financial institutions. An empirical study ■with implications for monetary policy, interest-rate determination and financial model-building. London 1970. 142 pp. 665.

Simond, Alain: Analyse critique des roodéles
théoriques de Gurley et Shaw. Haag
1969. 237 pp.

Straszheim, Mahlon R.: The regional dimension to commercial bank markets and counter cyclical monetary policy. Cambridge, Mass. 1969.

Straszheim, Mahlon R.: An introduction
and overview of regional money capital
markets. Cambridge, Mass. 1969.

Tew, Brian: Monetary theory. London 1969.
128 pp. 18s.

Van Fenstermaker, J.: Readings in financial
markets and institutions. New York
1969. 477 pp.

Van Home, James C: The function and
analysis of capital market rates. Englewood
Cliffs 1970. 192 pp. ? 7,95.

Westphal, Uwe: Theoretische und empirische Untersuchungen zur Geldnachfrage und zum Geldangebot. Tubingen 1970. 145 pp. DM 35.


Brag, J.: Decision in government. London
1970. 320 pp. 60s.

Farquharson, R.: Theory of voting. Oxford
1970. 83 pp. 40s.

Galvin, Charles O. og Boris 1. Bittker: The
income tax. How progressive should it
be? Washington 1969. 184 pp. $ 5,75.

Gaudemet, P. M.: Precis de finances publiques.
2 bd. Paris 1970. 467 pp., 530 pp.
F 88.

Haller, Heinz, Lore Kullmer, Carl S. Shoup og Herbert Timm, red.: Theorie und Praxis des finanzpoHtischen Interventionismus. Tubingen 1970. 675 pp. DM 98.

Hepworth, N. P.: The finance of local
government. London 1970. 60s.

Houghton, R. W., red.: Public finance. Harmondsworth
1970. 12s.

Jennings, George W.: State purchasing. The essentials of modern service for modern government. A study for the National Association of State Purchasing Officials. Lexington, Ky. 1969. 118 pp. $ 5.

Jochimsen, Reimut og Udo E. Simonis,
red.: Theorie und Praxis der Infrastrukturpolitik.
Berlin 1970. 846 pp. DM 89,80.

Morris, A.: Value added tax. A tax on the
consumer. London 1970. 23 pp. 3s.

Nowak, Norman D.: Tax administration in theory and practice. With special reference to Chile. New York 1970. 248 pp. $ 15.

Peacock, Alan og G. K. Shaw: The economic
theory of fiscal policy. London 1970.

Prest, A. R.: Social benefits and tax rates.
London 1970. 31 pp. 6s.

Recktenwald, Horst Claus: Finanzpolitik.

Recktenwald, Horst Claus, red.: Nutzen- Kosten- Analyse und Programmbudget. Grundlage staatlicher Entscheidung und Planung. Tubingen 1970. 445 pp. DM 54.

Reid, G. L. og K. Allen: Nationalized industries.
Harmondsworth 1970. 196 pp. 7s.

ReusSy Henry S.: Revenue-sharing. Crutch
or catalyst for state and local governments.
New York 1970. 170 pp. $ 6,50.

Side 237

Sabine, B. E. V.: British budgets in peace
and war 1932-1945. London 1970. 755.

Schatz, S. P.: Politics and administration
in government lending. London 1970. 60s.

Taylor, Milton Cecil, red.: Taxation for
African economic development. London
1970. 556 pp. 90s.

Trebing, Harry M. og R. Hayden Howard, red.: Rates of return and regulation. New directions and perspectives. Kast Lansing. Mich. 1969. 217 pp. $ 7,50.

Willis, Arthur 8., red.: Studies ia substantive
tax reform. Chicago 1969. 183 pp.
$ 5.

Wolfelsperger, A.: Les biens collectifs. Fondements
théoriques de l'économie publique.
Paris 1969. 206 pp. F 12.

Zimmermann, Horst: Offentlichen Ausgaben
und regionale Wirtschaftsentwicklung.
Tubingen 1970. 331 pp. DM 39,50.

Zinsli, Urs: Die Quellenbesteurung des unselbständigen
Erwerbseinkommens in der
Schweiz. Bern 1969. 216 pp. SFr. 25.


Bhagwati, Jagdish og Richard S. Eckaus,
red.: Foreign aidL Harmondsworth 1970.

Brahmananda, P. R.: The gold-money rift.
A classical theory of international liquidity.
Bombay 1969. 351 pp. Rs. 36.

Brittan, Samuel: The price of economic
freedom. A guide to flexible rates. London
1970. 118 pp. 40s.

Caves, Richard E. og Grant L. Reuber: Canadian economic policy and the impact of international capital flows. Toronto. 82 pp. $ 2,50.

Chamberlain, M. E.: The new imperialism.
London 1970. 47 pp. ss.

Cooper, R. A., K. Hartley og C. R. M. Harvey:
Export performance and the pressure
of demand. London 1970. 288 pp.

De Podwin, Horace J. og Barbara Epstein: The British power transformer industry and its excursions into the United States market. A case study in international price discrimination. New York 1969. 103 pp. $ 3.

Drake, Keith: Britain's exports and the
balance of payments. London 1970. ss.

Dupriez, L. 11. et al.: Diffusion de progres et convergence des prix. Etudes internationales. 2 bd. Louvain 1970. 504 pp., 640 pp. FB 2050.

Einzig, Paul: The case against floating
exchanges. London 1970. 211 pp. 60s.

Findlay, Ronald: Trade and specialization.
Harmondsworth 1970. 7s.

Giffen, James Henry: The legal and practical
aspects of trade with the Soviet
Union. New York 1969. 373 pp.

Hawkins, E. K.: The principles og development
aid. Harmondsworth 1970. 7s.

Heath, Edward: Old world, new horizons. Britain, the Common Market, and the Atlantic Alliance. London 1970. 96 pp. 10s.

Hellmann, Rainer. Veltunternehmen nur
amerikanisch? Baden 1970.

Hirschman, Albert O.: National power and
the structure of foreign trade. Berkeley
1969. 170 pp.

Horsefield /., Keith: The international monetary fund. Twenty yers of international monetary cooperation. 3 bd. Washington 1969. $ 12,50.

Hultman, C: Ireland in world commerce.
Cork 1969. 160 pp. 12s.

Johansen, Hans Chr.: Udenrigshandel og
betalingsbalance. København 1970. 84 pp.
Kr. 16.

Johnson, Harry Gordon: An overall view of international economic questions facing Britain, the United States, and Canada during the 1970'5. London 1970. 24 pp. Bs.

Kemp, M. C: The general equilibrium
theory of preferential trading. Amsterdam
1969. 147 pp.

Krauss, Mel: Fiscal harmonization in the
Benelux economic union. Amsterdam
1969. 89 pp.

McDougall, I. A. og R. H. Snape, red.: Studies in international economics. Monash conference papers. Amsterdam 1970. 290 pp. / 54.

Maizels, Alfred: Growth and trade. London
1970. 309 pp. 21s.

Side 238

Mathis, F. John: Economic integration in Latin America. The progress and problems of LAFTA. Austin, Texas 1969. 112 pp. $ 3.

Mikesell, Raymond F.: Financing world trade. An appraisal of the international monetary system and of proposals for reform. New York 1969. 161 pp. $ 6.

Ohlsson, Lennart: Utrikeshandeln och den
ekonomiska tillväxten i Sverige 1871-1966.
1969. 151 pp. Sv. Kr. 20.

Pearce, I. F.: International trade. 2 bd.
London 1970.

Perkins, J. O. N.: The Sterling area, the
Commonwealth and world economic
growth. London 1970. 136 pp. 18 s.

Semmel, Bernard: The rise of free trade imperialism. Classical political economy. The empire of free trade and imperialism, 1750-1850. London 1970. 250 pp. 70s.

Shibata, H.: Fiscal harmonization under freer trade. Principles and their applications to a Canada-U.S. free trade area. Toronto 1970. 88 pp. $ 2,50.

Sideri, S.: Trade and power. Informal colonialism
in Anglo-Portuguese relations.
Rotterdam 1970. 266 pp. / 35.

Sperling, Jan Bodo: The human dimension of technical assistance. The German experience at Rourkela, India. Ithaca, N.Y. 1969. 227 pp.

Stubenitsky, F.: American direct investment in the Netherlands industry. A survey of the year 1966. Rotterdam 1970. 190 pp. / 27,50.

Swann, D.: The economics of the Common
Market, Harmondsworth 1970. Bs.

Tanzer, Michael: The political economy of
international oil and the underdeveloped
countries. Boston 1969. 435 pp. $ 12,50.

Väjda, L.: Internationale Arbeitsteilung
und Wirtschaftsreform. Budapest 1969.
249 pp.

Wasowski, Stanislaw, red.: East-West trade
and the technology gap. A political and
economic appraisal. London 1970. £ 5 ss.

Wells, S. J.: International economics. London
1969. 48s.

Wilczunski, J.: The economics and politics
of east-west trade. London 1969. 80s.

Young, D.: International economics. London
1969. 244 pp. 525.

Zenoff, David B. og Jack Zwick: International
financial management. Englewood
Cliffs 1969. 550 pp. $ 11,95.


Agarwala, S. N.: A demographic survey of
six urbanising villages. London 1970.

Bernstein, Irving: Turbulent years. A history
of the American worker, 1933-1941.
Boston 1970. 873 pp. $ 12,95.

Bethell, L.: The abolition of Brazilian
slave trade. London 1970. 425 pp. 90s.

Biological components of human reproduction.
Udg. af the WHO. Geneva 1969.
41 pp.

Blumberg, Paul: Industrial democracy. The
sociology of participation. New York 1969.
278 pp. $ 6.

Bridger, Gordon og Maurice de Soissons:
Famine in retreat? London 1970. 205 pp.

Burns, Eveline M.: Social security in international perspective. Essays in honor of Eveline M. Burns. Red af S. Jenkins. New York 1969. 255 pp.

Carlson, B.: Trade union in Sweden. 1969.
175 pp.

Cassedu, James H.: Demography in early
America. Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 409 pp.

Clegg, H. A.: The system of industial relations
in Great Britain. Oxford 1970. 484
pp. 655.

Coll. Blanche D.: Perspectives in public
welfare. A history. Washington 1969. 107
pp. * 0,70.

Beaux, George: The Black Death 1347. London
1969. 229 pp.

Drake, Michael: Population in industrialization.
London 1969. 200 pp.

Ehrlich, Paul R. og Anne H. Ehrlich: Population,
resources, environment. Issues in
human ecology. Stanford 1970. 400 pp.

Emery, F. E. og E. Thorsrud: Form and
content in industrial democracy. London
1969. 116 pp. 28s.

Epstein, Cynthia F.: Woman's place. Options
and limits in professional careers.
Berkeley 1970. 221 pp. $ 6,95.

Side 239

Goubert, Pierre: Louis XIV and twenty
million Frenchmen. London 1970. 352 pp.

Hankinson, R. K. B. og Nani Soewondo,
red.: Family planning and national development.
1969. 260 pp.

Hodges, W. L. og M. A. Kelly, red.: Technological
change and human development.
New York 1970. 388 pp. $ 12.

Horowitz, David: The abolition of poverty.
New York 1969. 178 pp.

Hutchinson, Joseph, red.: Population and
food supply. London 1969. 144 pp.

James, Edward: America against poverty.
London. 1970. 128 pp. 255.

Jones, Gavin W.: Les consequences du déclin de la fecondité dans les pays en voie de développement. New York 1969. 34 pp.

Jones, K. og A. D. Smith: The economic
impact of Commonwealth immigration.
London 1970. 174 pp. 355.

Lomas, G. M. og P. A. Wood: Employment
location in regional economic planning.
London 1970. 158 pp. 755.

A manual for surveys of fertility and family
planning. Knowledge, attitudes, and
practice. New York 1970. 405 pp.

Matthiessen, P. C: Teoretisk demografi.
Bd. 1-3. København 1970. 136 + 96 + 69

Morse, David A.: The origin and evolution
of the 1.L.0. and its role in the world
community. Ithaca, N.Y. 1969.

Mueller, Eva et al.: Technological advance in an expanding economy. Its impact on a cross-section of the labor force. Ann Arbor 1970. $ 7.

Okun, Arthur M. og Nancy M. Teeters: The
full employment surplus revisited. Washington

Patankar, Tara: A bibliography of fertility
studies in India. Bombay 1969. 38 pp.

Perloff, Harvey S,: Alliance for progress.
A social invention in the making. Baltimore

Raynaud, Edgar: Investissements humains.
Illusions et realités. Paris 1969. 318 pp.
F 44.

Reubens, Beatrice G.: The hard-to-employ.

Rezler, Julius: Automation and industrial
labor. New York 1969. 224 pp. $ 5,95.

Robertson, N. og K. I. Sams, red.: Trade
union documents. Oxford 1970. 600 pp.

Sanghvi, P.: Surplus manpower in agriculture
and economic development. London
1969. 343 pp. 755.

Schmidman, John: British unions and economic
planning. University Park, Penns.
1969. 106 pp. $ 1.

Schnitzer, Martin: Regional unemployment and the relocation of workers. The experience of Western Europe, Canada, and the United States. London 1970, £6 ss.

Schuller, J.: ökonomische Aspekte der
Volkspensionierung in Schweden. Kiel
1970. 185 pp. DM 40.

Silenstam, Per: Arbetskraftutbudets utveckling
i Sverige 1870-1965. Stockholm 1970.
115 pp. Sv. Kr. 20.

Somers, G. G. og W. D Wood, red: Costbenefit analysis of manpower policies. Proceedings of a North-American conference, held at Madison, Wise, May 14-15, 1969. Ontario 1970. 272 pp. | 5.

Somers, Gerald G., red.: Essays in industrial
relations theory. Ames, lowa 1969.
200 pp. $ 6,50.

Taira, Koji: Economic development and
the labor market in Japan. London 1970.
256 pp. 81s.

Tanic, Zivan: Workers' participation in
management. Ideal and reality in India.
New Delhi 1969. 132 pp.

Taylor, L. R., red.: The optimum population
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spatial. Louvain 1969. 252 pp. BF

Thurow, L. C: Poverty and discrimination.
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1969. 297 pp.

Van de Vall, Mark: Labor organizations.
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on comparative basis. London 1970. 555.

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Weber, Arnold R., Frank H. Cassell og Woodrow L. Ginsburg, red.: Public-private manpower policies. Madison, Wise. 1969. 210 pp. $ 4,50.

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problems and policies in Italy and
France. London 1970. 90s.

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steel industry. Nashville 1969. 202
pp. $ 10.

Berkowitz, Marvin: The conversion of military-oriented
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to civilian uses. London 1970. £9 10s.

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agriculture. An economic study in Malawi.
Aberdeen 1970. 72 pp. ss.

Cicchetti, Charles J., Joseph J. Seneca og Paul Davidson: The demand and supply of outdoor recreation. An econometric analysis. New Brunswick, N.J. 1969. 310 PP.

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of remuneration and their effects.
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Gulbrandsen, Odd og Assar Lindbeck: Jordbruksnäringens
ekonomi. Stockholm 1969.
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Hansen, Niles M.: Rural poverty and the urban crisis. A strategy for regional development. Bloomington, Ind. 1970. 384 pp. $ 12,50.

Hapighurst, Robert J. og Aparecida J. Gouveia: Brazilian secondary education and socio-economic development. New York 1969. 352 pp. $ 12,50.

Heeckt, Hugo: Der Wandel von Nachfrage
und Angebot auf dem Weltschiffbaumarkt.
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Hindley, Brian: Industrial merger and
public policy. London 1970.

Iloyle, B. S. og D. Hilling, red.: Seaports
and development in tropical Africa. London
1970. 272 pp. 80s.

Hunter, Guy: The administration of agricultural
development. Lessons from India.
London 1970. 160 pp. 355.

Huybrechts, André: Transports et structures de développement au Congo. Etude du progrés économique de 1900 å 1970. Paris 1970.

Jensen, W. G.: Energy and the economy of
nations. Oxford 1970. 164 pp. 755.

Klarman, Herbert E. og Helen H. Jaszi,
red.: Empirical studies in health economics.
Baltimore 1970. $ 10.

Kuwahara, M., red.: Economic approaches
to Japanese agriculture. 1969. 299 pp.

Lagerkvist, Magnus, red.: Hotet mod miljön.
Stockholm 1969. Sv. Kr. 27,50.

Landsberger, Henry A., red.: Latin American
peasant movements. Ithaca, N.Y. 1969.
476 pp. $ 12,50.

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dungsökonomischen Aspekten. Berlin

Lgnch, John E.: Local economic development
after military base closures. New
York 1970. 240 pp. $ 17,50.

McFarquhar, A. M. M., red.: Europe's future
food and agriculture. Amsterdam 1970.
400 pp. / 70.

McLoughlin, Peter F. M., red.: African food
production systems. Baltimore 1970. $ 10.

Melman, Seymour, red.: The defense economy. Conversion of industries and occupations to civilian needs. New York 1970. 558 pp. % 19,50.

Miller, Robert F.: One hundred thousand tractors. The MTS and the development of controls in Soviet agriculture. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 423 pp.

Niesing, Hartmut: Die Gewerbeparks (»industrial estates«) als Mittel der staatlichen regionalen Industrialisierungspolitik dargestellt am Beispiel Grossbritanniens. Berlin 1970. 193 pp. DM 48.

Odell, Peter: Oil and world power. A geographical
interpretation. Bath 1970. 192
pp. 10s 6d.

Okhawa, K., B. F. Johnston og H. Kaneda, red.: Agriculture and economic growth. Japan's experience. Princeton 1970. 433 PP.

O'Sullivan, P.: Transport networks and the
Irish economy. London 1969. 62 pp. 21s.

Owen, Wyn F., red.: American agriculture.
Lexington, Mass. 1969. 152 pp.

Ramsettt, David E.: Regional industrial development in Central America. A case study of the integration industries scheme. New York 1969. 136 pp. $ 15.

Raper, Arthur F. et al.: Rural development in action. The comprehensive experiment at Comilla, East Pakistan. Ithaca, N.Y. 1970. 376 pp. $ 12,50.

Schlebecker, John T., red.: Bibliography of books and pamphlets on the history of agriculture in the United States, 1607-1967. Barbara, Calif. 1969. 183 pp. $ 15.


Schuh, G. Edward og Eliseu Roberto Alves:
The agricultural development of Brazil.
London 1970.

Shand, R. T., red.: Agricultural development
in Asia. Berkeley 1970. 382 pp. $ 9.

Silcock, T. H.: The conomic development
of Thai agriculture. Ithaca, N.Y. 1970.
264 pp. $ 11,50.

Smith, C. Selby: The costs of further education.
A British analysis. Oxford 1970.
212 pp. 38s.

Smith, Wallace F.: Housing. The social and
economic elements. Berkeley 1970. 544
pp. $ 12,95.

Stanback, Thomas M. og Richard V. Knight:
The metropolitan economy. London 1970.
260 pp. 90s.

Taylor, J. A., red.: Weather economics.
Oxford 1970. 126 pp. 60s.

Thurow, Lester C: The investment in human
capital. Belmont, Calif. 1970. 125 pp.

Utton, M. A.: Industrial concentration. Harmondsworth
1970. 7s.

Vilain, Michel: La politique de l'énergie
en France de la seconde guerre mondiale
å l'horizon 1985. Paris 1970. 368 pp. F 45.

Villeneuve, J. G. de, red.: Les cooperatives
agricoles dans de Marché Commun. Paris
1970. 550 pp. F 68.

Walsh, Annemarie Hauck: T^e urban challenge to government. An international comparison of thirteen cities. New York 1969. 294 pp. $ 10.

Watson, M. M.: Regional development policy
and administration in Italy. Harlow
1970. 110 pp. 20s.

Wickham, S.: L'Economie des transports.
Paris 1969. F 59.

Wolff, J. H.: Bildungsplanung fur Entwicklungsländer.
Götersloh 1969. 154 pp.
DM 32.

Woodward, J., red.: Industrial organization.
Behaviour and control. London
1970. 262 pp. 265.

Yudelman, M. og F. Howard: Agricultural
development and economic integration in
Latin America. London 1970. 368 pp.