Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 108 (1970)


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Bauer, Leonhard: Wissenschaftstheoretische tJberlegungen zu Grundannahmen der Nationalökonomie. Berlin 1969. 153 pp. DM 29,80.

Bowler, Samuel and David Kendrick in coll. with Lance Taylor and Marc Roberts: Notes and problems in microeconomic theory. Chicago 1970. 275 pp. $ 3,50.

Brehm, Carl: Introduction to economics.
New York 1970. 224 pp. $ 7,50.

Brooman, Frederick S. and Henry D. Jacoby: Macroeconomics. An introduction to theory and practice. Chicago 1970. 384 pp. $ 8,50.

Burmeister, Edwin, Rodney Dobell and Robert M. Solow: Mathematical theories of economic growth. New York 1970. 448 pp. $ 12,95.

Butter, Irene Hasenberg: Academic economics
in Holland, 1800-1870. Haag 1969.
162 pp. / 27,90.

Carlson, John A.: Macroeconomic adjustments.
New York 1970. 162 pp.

(Chamberlain, Neil W., red.: Contemporary
economic issues. Homewood, 111. 1969.
272 pp.

Coleman, Donald Cuthbert, red.: Revisions
in mercantilism. London 1969.

Daniel, Coldwell: Mathematical models in
microeconomics. Boston 1970. 228 pp.

Ecker, Dieter: Rationales Handeln in der
ökonomie. Berlin 1970. 135 pp. DM 24,80.

Fabricant, Solomon: A primer on productivity.
New York 1969. 206 pp. $ 1,95.

Fase, M. M. G.: An econometric model of
age-income profiles. A statistical analysis

of Dutch income data 1958-1967. Rotterdam
1970. 104 pp. / 23,50.

Ferguson, C. E. and Charles Maurice: Economic
analysis. Homewood, 111. 1970.

Gisser, Micha and Peter S. Barth: Basic
economics. Scranton, Penns. 1970. 455 pp.
$ 8.

Goddard, F. O.: A two-sector model of economic
growth with technogical progress.
Gainesville 1969. 62 pp. $ 2.

Hirshleifer, J.: Investment interest and capital.
Englewood Cliffs 1970. 336 pp.
$ 9,95.

Holloway, Robert J., M. Venkatesan and Robert A. Mittelstaedt, red. Consumer behavior. Selected readings. Boston 1970. 500 pp.

Horowitz, Ira: Decision making and the
theory of the firm. London 1969. 416 pp.
140 s.

Icobeljic, Nikola and Radmila Stojanovi: The theory of investment cycles in a socialist economy. White Plains, N.Y. 1969. 168 pp.

Kasun, Jacqueline R.: Change and choice.
An overview of economics. London 1970.
106 pp. 17 s.

Katzner, Donald W.: Static demand theory.
New York 1970. 256 pp. $ 9,95.

Keil, Gtinler: Vorlesungen iiber mikroökonomische
Theorie. Wiirzburg 1969. 193
pp. DM 29,50.

Kohler, Heinz: Economics. The science of
scarcity. London 1970. 608 pp. 94 s.

Koopmans, T jailing: Scientific papers of Tjalling Koopmans. Red. af M. Beckmann, C. F. Christ og M. Nerlove. Wiirzburg 1970. 560 pp. DM 108.

Kuhn, H. W. and G. P. Szegö, red.: Mathe-

Side 98

Lange, O. in coll. with A. Banasinski: Theory
of reproduction and accumulation.
Oxford 1969. 175 pp. 60 s.

Langholm, Odd: Full cost and optimal
price. A study in the dynamics of multiple
production. Oslo 1969. 87 pp.

Larrieu, J.: Gestion de la qualité. Aspects
économiques et techniques. Paris 1970.
204 pp. F 48.

Laughhunn, D. J.: On the predictive value of combining cross-section and time-series data in empirical demand studies. Urbana, 111. 1969. 152 pp. $ 3,75.

Lindert, Peter H.: Macro. A Game of
growth and policy. New York 1970. 80 pp.
$ 2,95.

Majumdar, Tapas, red.: Growth and choice. Essays in honour of U.N. Ghosal, by Amiya K. Bagchi et al. London 1969. 104 pp. 345.

Massy, William F., David B. Montgomery and Donald G. Morrison: Stochastic models of buying behavior. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. $ 17,50.

Mattick, Paul: Marx and Keynes. The limits
of the mixed economy. Boston 1969. 364
pp. $ 6,95.

Miller, James R.: Professional decisionmaking.
A procedure for evaluating complex
alternatives. New York 1970. $ 12,50.

Mintz, Ilse: Dating postwar business cycles. Methods and their application to Western Germany, 1950-1967. London 1969. 110 pp. 355.

Nordhaus, W. D.: Invention, growth and
welfare. Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 168 pp.

Okun, A. M.: The political economy of prosperity.
London 1970. 475.

Orr, John A. and Donald T. Savage: Economics
in American society. Belmont 1970.
384 pp.

Paunio, J. J.: A theoretical analysis of
growth cycles. Helsinki 1969. 80 pp.

Peter, Adolf: Die Messung der personellen
Einkommensverteilung. Bern 1969. 336 pp.
SFr. 35.

Rima, Ingrid: Readings in the history of
economic theory. New York 1970. 96 pp.
$ 2,95.

Robinson, Joan: Freedom and necessity.
London 1969. 25 s.

Sauermann, Heinz, red.: Beiträge zur experimentellen
Wirtschaftsforschung. 2 Bände.
Tubingen 1970. 252 pp. DM 56.

Schlieper, Ulrich: Pareto-Optima, externe
Effekte und die Theorie des Zweitbesten.
Köln 1969. 97 pp. DM 13,60.

Selten, Reinhard: Die Preispolitik der Mehrproduktenunternehmung als Problem der statischen Theorie. Wiirzburg 1970. 220 pp. DM 64.

Sen, Amartya: Collective choice and social
welfare. San Francisco 1970. 256 pp. ? 15.

Solow, Robert M.: Growth theory. An exposition.
London 1970. 148 pp.

Suits, Daniel B.: Principles of economics.
New York 1970. 543 pp. $ 9,95.

Sglos-Labini, Paolo: Oligopoly and technical
profess. Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 237
pp. $ 6,50.

Trescott, Paul B.: The logic of the price
system. New York 1970.

Turner, C. B.: An analysis of Soviet views
on John Maynard Keynes. Durham, N.C.
1969. 183 pp. $ 6,50.

Walter, Helmuth: Der technische Fortschritt
in der neueren ökonomischen Theorie.
Berlin 1969. 268 pp. DM 49,80.


Agawala, Amar Narain ad S. P. Singh, red.: Accelerating investment in developing countries. A series of articles and papers. London 1969. 630 pp. 78s.

Akhtar, Haq Nawaz: New horizons. A survey of the social and economic progress of Pakistan and the challenge ahead. Lahore

A vila, Manuel: Tradition and growth. A
study of four Mexican villages. Chicago
1969. 219 pp.

Baranson, Jack: Automotive industries in
developing countries. Baltimore 1969. 106
pp. $ 3.

Side 99

Brochier, Hubert: Le miracle économique
japonais. Paris 1970. 344 pp. F 24.

Bunte, R. och L. Joerberg, red.: Problem i
världsekonomiens historia. Stockholm
1969. 564 pp.

Cook, M. A., red.: Studies in the economic history of the Middle East from the rise of Islam to the present day. London 1970. 528 pp.

Eicher, Carl and Carl Liedholm, red.:
Growth and development of the Nigerian
economy. East Lansing, Mich. 1970. $ 10.

Evans, M. K.: An econometric model of the
French economy. Publ. by OECD. Paris
1969. 106 pp.

Faber, M.: Towards economic independence.
Papers on the political economy of
Zambia, 1964-1969. London 1970. 220 pp.

Fryer, Donald W.: Emerging Southeast
Asia. A study in growth and stagnation.
London 1970. 486 pp. 60s.

Ghosh, Santikumar: Structural changes in
the Indian economy. Calcutta 1969.

Guha, Sunil: Rural manpower and capital
formation in India. Bombay 1969. 186 pp.

Hacker, Louis M.: The course of American
economic growth and development. New
York 1970. 368 pp. $ 8,95.

Hapgood, David, red.: The role of popular participation in development. Report of a conference on the implementation of Title IX of the Foreign Assistance Act, June 24 to August 2, 1968. Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 222 pp. $ 5.

Hetzler, Stanely A.: Technological growth
and social change. Achieving modernization.
New York 1969. 302 pp. § 7,50.

Hills, Richard L.: Power in the Industrial
Revolution. Manchester 1970. 274 pp. 80s.

Hilton, K. and D. F. Heathfield, red.: The econometric study of the United Kingdom. Proceedings of the 1969 Southampton Conference on Short-run Econometric Models of the U.K. Economy. London 1970. 496 pp.

Hoelscher, H. E. and M. C. Hawk, red.: Industrialization
and development. San
Francisco 1970. 463 pp.

Hughes, Jonathan R. I.: Industrialization

Ikeda, Koiaro, Yoshitaro Kato und Junichi Taiyoji: Die industrielle Entwicklung in Japan unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik. Berlin 1970. 234 pp. DM 48,60.

Ilchman, Warren F. and Norman T. Uphoff:
The political economy of change.
Los Angeles 1969. 316 pp. $ 8,50.

Kemp, T.: Industrialization in nineteenthcentury
Europe. London 1969. 230 pp.

Kilby, Peter: Entrepreneurship and economic
development. New York 1970. 448 pp.
$ 11,95.

Krelle, Wilhelm et al.: Ein Prognosesystem fiir die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wiirzburg 1969. 355 pp. DM 53.

Kunkel, John H.: Society and economic
growth. A behavioral perspective of social
change. London 1970. 400 pp.

Lewis, W. Arthur: Some aspects of economic
development. London 1969. 16s.

Little, 1., T. Scitoosky and M. Scott: Industry and trade in some developing countries. A comparative study. London 1970. 496 pp.

McKay, John P.: Pioneers for profit. Foreign entrepreneurship and Russian industrialization, 1885-1913. London 1969. 104s.

Maddison, Angus: Economic progress and
policy in developing countries. London
1970. 328 pp. 70s.

Marcus Edward and Mildred Marcus: Economic
progress and the developing world.
Glenview, 111. 1970. 128 pp. $ 2,95.

Mukherjee, Moni: National income of India.
Trends and structure. Calcutta 1969.

Nightingale, P.: Trade and empire in Western
India 1784-1806. London 1970.
272 pp.

Richman, Barry M.: Industrial society in Communist China. A firsthand study of Chinese economic development and management with significant comparisons with industry in India, The U.S.S.R.,

Side 100

Japan and the United States. New York
1969. 968 pp. S 15.

Robinson, E. A. G. and M. Kidron, red.: Economic development in South Asia. Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Kandy in 1969. London 1970. 500 pp.

Robinson, Joan: The cultural revolution in
China. Baltimore 1969. 151 pp. $ 1,25.

Said, Shafik Georges De Leopoldville å Kinshasa. La situation économique et financiére au Congo ex-belge au jour de l'indépendance. Bruxelles 1969. 262 pp. FB 500.

Salles, P. et J. Wolff: Croissance et développement.
Les faits. 2 vols. Paris 1970.
308, 340 pp. F 35.

Sansom, Robert L.: The economics of insurgency
in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam.
Cambridge, Mass. 1970. $ 12,50.

Sheahan, John: An introduction to the
French economy. Columbus, Ohio 1969.


Aitchison, John: Choice against chance. An
introduction to statistical decision theory.
Reading, Mass. 1970.

Bacharach, Michael: Bioproportional matrices
and input-output change. London
1970. 170 pp. 60s.

Balsley, Howard L.: Quantitative research
methods for business and economics.
New York 1970. 352 pp. $ 9,95.

Brown, T. Merritt: Specification and uses
of econometric models. New York 1970.
500 pp. $ 15.

Chu, Kong: Quantitative methods for business
and economic analysis. Scranton,
Pa. 1969. 373 pp. $ 8,95.

Cole, Roseanne: Errors inprovisional estimates
of gross national product. New
York 1970. 106 pp.

Dhrymes, Phoebus J.: The estimation of
distributed lags. San Francisco 1970. 400
pp. S 12,95.

Dhrymes, Phoebus J.: Econometrics. Statistical
foundations and applications.
New York 1970. 584 pp. $ 14,95.

Fishman, George S.: Spectral methods in

Gupta, Y. P.: Statistical estimation of linear economic relationships. Distributed lags and simultaneous equations. Rotterdam 1970. 130 pp. / 23,50.

Kellerer, Hans: Bibliographic der seit 1928 in Buchform ershienenen deutschsprachigen Veröffentlichungen iiber theoretische Statistik und einige ihrer Anwendungsgebiete. Wiesbaden 1969. 143 pp.

Klein, Lawrence R., red.: Essays in industrial
econometrics. 2 vols. Philadelphia
1970. $ 12.

Klein, Lawrence R. and Robert Summers:
The Wharton index of capacity utilization.
Philadelphia 1970. % 3.

Kmenta, Jan: Elements of econometrics.
New York 1970. 700 pp. $ 13,50.

McMillan, Claude: Mathematical programming. An introduction to the design and application of optimal decision machines. Wurzburg 1970. 468 pp. DM 50.

Ramana, D. V.: National accounts and input-output
accounts of India. London
1969. 50s.

Wonnacott, Ronald J. and Thomas H. Wonnacott:
Econometrics. New York 1970.
480 pp. $ 12,95.

Zangwill, Willard I.: Nonlinear programming.
A unified approach. Englewood
Cliffs 1969. 356 pp. S 12,50.


Audigier, P.: ficonomie politique et politique
économique. Paris 1970. 276 pp.
F 44.

Aijres, Robert U.: Technological forecasting
and long-range planning. New York 1969.
237 pp.

Rettelheim, Charles: Calcul économique et
formes de proprieté. Paris 1970. 144 pp.
F 11,80.

Brockmeyer, M. J., red.: Yugoslav workers' selfmanagement. Proceedings of a symposium held in Amsterdam, January 7-9, 1970. Dordrecht 1970. 270 pp. /. 40.

Dawson, William Harbutt: Bismarck and

Side 101

since 1870. London, Swan Sonnenschein
1890. St. Glair Shore, Mich. 1969.

Denning, Basil, red.: Corporate long rage
planning. Industry's problems and national
policies. London 1970. 226 pp. 70s.

Ewing, David W.: The human side of planning.
Tool or tyrant? London 1969.
216 pp.

Gill, Richard T.: Economics and the private
interest. Pacific Palisades, Calif. 1970.
288 pp.

Goodman, E.: The impact of size. A study of human and economic values in modern industrial society. London 1969. 113 pp. 15s.

Jantsch, E.: Perspectives of planning. Proceedings of the OECD working symposium on long-range forecasting and planning. Publ. by OECD. Paris 1969. 528 pp.

Knall, B.: Grundsätze und Methoden der Entwicklungsprogrammierung. Techniken und Aufstellung von Entwicklungsplänen. Wiesbaden 1969. 338 pp. DM 72.

Knapp, J. G.: The rise of American cooperative
enterprise 1620-1920. Danville, 111.
1969. 532 pp. 8 8,95.

Low, Richard: Modern economic organization.
Homewood, 111. 1970.

Nichols, Theo: Ownership control and ideology. An enquiry into certain aspects of modern business ideology. London 1970. 272 pp. 555.

O'Connor, James: The origins of socialism
in Cuba. Ithaca, N.Y. 1970. 344 pp. $ 10.

Pant, Yadav Prasad: Planning for prosperity.
A study in Nepal's experiences.
Kathmandu 1969.

Prybyla, Jan, S.: The political economy of
Communist China. Scranton, Penns. 1970.

Riasanovsky, Nicholas Valentine: The teaching
of Charles Fourier. Berkeley, Calif.
1969. 256 pp.

Sweezy, Paul M. et Charles Bettelheim:
Lettres sur quelques problémes actuels
du socialisme. Paris 1970. 72 pp. F 4,80.

Tanzania second five-year plan for economic
and social development 1969-197U.
4 vols. Dares Salaam 1969.

The task ahead: economic assessment to
1972. Great Britain, Department of Economic
Affairs. London 1969. 113 pp.

Venkatasubbiah, H.: The anatomy of Indian
planning. Bombay 1969. 218 pp.
Rs. 16.


Bos, P. C: Money in development. Rotterdam
1969. 183 pp. / 33,65.

Chung, Pham: Money, banking, and income.
Theory and policy. Scranton, Penns. 1970.

Croome, David R. and Harry G. Johnson, red.: Money in Britain, 1959-1969. The papers of the Radcliffe Report-Ten Years After Conference at Hove, Sussex, Oct. 1969. London 1970. 304 pp. 455.

Delivanis, D. J.: L'influence de l'inflation.
Paris 1969. 218 pp. F 30.

Diller, Stanley: The seasonal variation of
interest rates. New York. 1970. 128 pp.
S 4,50.

Dunkman, William E.: Money, credit and
banking. New York 1970. 496 pp. $ 9,95.

Eistert, Ekkehard: Die Beeinflussung des Wirtschaftswachstums in Deutschland von 1884-1913 durch das Bankensystem. Eine theoretisch-empirische Untersuchung. Berlin 1970. 190 pp. DM 42,60.

Farmer, Elihu Jerome: The conspiracy
against silver, or a plea for bi-metallism
in the United States. New York 1969.

Foley, Duncan K.: Monetary and fiscal policy
in a growing economy. New York
1970. 288 pp. $ 9,95.

Friedman, Milton and Anna J. Schwartz:
Monetary statistics of the United States.
New York 1970. 517 pp.

Guttentag, Jack M. and Philip Cagan, red.:
Essays on interest rates. New York 1969.

Home, James C. Van: The function and
analysis of capital market rates. Englewood
Cliffs 1970. 182 pp. $ 3,95.

Kartsaklis, Georg A. B.: Theoretische Untersuchungen zum mikro- und makroökonomischen Kreditangebot. Ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftstheorie. Berlin 1970. 205 pp. DM 45,80.

Malkiel, Burton G. and Richard E. Quandt:

Side 102

Meyer, R. H.: Banker's diplomacy. The currency
crisis of the twenties. Columbia
1970. 184 pp.

Polakoff, Murray E. et al.: Financial institutions
and markets. Boston 1970. 650 pp.

Prasad, Kamta: Role of money supply in a developing economy. A theoretical and empirical analysis. Bombay 1969. 177 pp. Rs. 18.

Raman, A.: Central banking in India. A
study of recent development. Calcutta
1969. 363 pp. Rs. 23.

Ritter, Lawrence S. and William L. Silber:
Money. New York 1970. 221 pp. $ 5,95.


Andel, Norbert: Subventionen als Instrument des finanzwirtschaftlichen Interventionismus. Tiibingen 1970. 175 pp. DM 34,50.

Arrow, Kenneth J. and Mordecai Kurz: Public investment, the rate of return, and optimal fiscal policy. Baltimore 1970. $ 9.

Benson, C. S. and P. B. Lund: Neighborhood
distribution of local public services.
Berkeley, Calif. 1969. 181 pp. $ 3.

Brundage, Percival Flack: The bureau of
the budget. New York 1970. $ 10.

Capability of Gao to analyze and auditdefence expenditures. Hearings, ninetyfirst Congress, first Session, September 16, 17 and 25, 1969. U.S. Congress. Senate, Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Executive Reorganization. Washington 1969.

Cremades, Juan A.: Le systéme fiscal
espagnol. Paris 1970. 227 pp. F 30.

Ehmcke, Rolf: Einkommensbesteuerung. Einkommensverteilung und Wirtschaftsablauf. Analyse der privaten Haushalte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 1950. Wiirzburg 1970. 239 pp. DM 34.

Federal budget, inflation, and full employment.
Hearings before the Subcommittee

on Fiscal Policy, 91st Congress, lst Session,
October 7-23, 1969. Washington
1970. 378 pp. $ 1,50.

Frey, René L.: Infrastruktur. Grundlagen
der Planung öffentlicher Investitionen.
Tiibingen 1970. 132 pp. DM 19,80.

Haller, Heinz: Probleme der progressiven
Besteuerung. Tiibingen 1970. 34 pp. DM


Haveman, Robert and Julius Margolis: Public
expenditures and policy analysis. Chicago
1970. 595 pp. ? 9.50.

Haveman, Robert H.: The economics of the
public sector. New York 1970. 320 pp.
$ 6,95.

Hinrichs, Harley and Graeme M. Taylor: Program budgeting and benefit cost analysis. Cases, text and readings. Pacific Palisades, Calif. 1969. 464 pp. $ 11,95.

Johnson, Harry L., red.: State and local tax problems. In honor of Charles P. White. Knoxville, Tennessee 1969. 190 pp. $ 7,50.

Karl, Fritz: 150 Jahre Staatsschuldenverwaltung..
17.1.1820-17.1.1970. Berlin 1970.
132 pp. DM 33,60.

Labovitz, I. M.: Federal programs of Grants-in-Aid to state and local governments. A study of their major characteristics. Issues by the U.S. Library of Congress, Legislative Reference Service. Washington 1969.

Makalou, Omar: L'équilibre budgétaire des
pays en voie de développement. Paris
1970. 184 pp. F 18,10.

Military budget and national economic priorities. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Economy in Government, 91st Congress, Ist Session, June 3-24, 1969. Washington 1969.

Mushkin, Selma J. and John F. Cotton: Sharing federal funds for state and local needs. Grants-in-Aid and PPB System. New York 1969.

Neumart, Fritz: Grundsätze gerechter und
ökonomisch rationaler Steuerpolitik. Tubingen
1970. 428 pp. DM 39,50.

Peacock, Alan T. and Dieter Biehl, red.:
Quantitative analysis in public finance.
New York 1969.

Side 103

Schultze, Charles L., Edward K. Hamilton and Allen Schick: Setting national priorities. The 1971 budget. Washington 1970. 192 pp. 3 6,50.

Weidenbaum, Murray L.: The modern public
sector. New ways of doing the government's
business. New York 1969. 211 pp.


Alting von Geusau, F. A. M.: Beyond the
European community. Leyden 1969. 247
PP. / 28.

Angelopoulos, Angelos: Gold in the service
of the developing countries. A financing
plan. Geneva 1969. 128 pp.

Areskoug, Kaj: External public borrowing.
Its role in economic development. New
York 1969.

Bavelier, Alain: Le commerce extérieur.
Paris 1969. 128 pp.

Bochud, Francois: Zahlungsbilanz und
Währungsreserven. Tubingen 1970. 151
pp. DM 20.

Bromberger, Merry and Serge Bromberger:
Jean Monnet and the United States of
Europe. New York 1969. 349 pp.

Bruning, Hans: Wohlfahtseffekte einer Zollunion.
Tubingen 1969. 169 pp. DM 25.

Clendenning, H. W.: The Euro-Dollar market.
London 1970. 224 pp.

Cohen, B. J.: Balance-of-payments policy.
Harmondsworth 1969. 166 pp. 7s.

La communauté et la tiers monde. Bruxelles
1969. 125 pp. FB 225.

Dam, Kenneth, W.: The GATT. Law and
international economic organization.
London 1969. 1355.

Di Delupis, Ingrid Doimi: The East African
community and Common Market. Harlow
1970. 185 pp. 20s.

Dunning, J. H.: Studies in international
investment. London 1970. 80s.

Gajzago, Oliver von: Der Zwischenhandel im Osthandel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1962-1966. Berlin 1970. 256 pp. DM 48.

Gaston, J. Frank and William J. J. Smith:
Border taxes and international economic
competition. New York 1969.

Hilton, Ronald: The movement toward
Latin American unity. New York 1969.
561 pp.

Hirschman, A. 0.: National power and the
structure of foreign trade. Berkeley, Calif.
1969. 170 pp. $ 8,25.

Hughes, Helen and You Poh Seng, red.: Foreign investment and industrialization in Singapore. Madison 1970. 240 pp. $ 6,50.

3alee, Pierre: The Third World in world
economy. New York 1969. 207 pp.

Kang, Shin Joe and Klaus Boeck: Economic
integration in Asia. Hamburg 1969. 90 pp.
DM 24.

Kindleberger, Charles P., red.: The international
corporation. A symposium. Cambridge,
Mass. 1970. $ 15.

Kindleberger, Charles P.: Power and money. The politics of international economics and the economics of international politics. New York 1970. $ 8,95.

Learner, Edward E. and Robert M. Stern:
Quantitative international economics. Boston
1970. 224 pp.

Leighton, Richard L: Economics of international
trade. New York 1969. 240 pp.
$ 8,95.

Lindert, Peter H.: Key currencies and gold,
1900-1913. Princeton, N.J. 1969. 85 pp.
$ 1.

Matzner, Egon: Trade between East and
West. The case of Austria. Stockholm
1970. 169 pp. Sv.Kr. 45.

Musgrave, Peggy B.: United States taxation
of foreign investment income. Issues and
arguments. Cambridge, Mass. 1969.

Ocker, Alfred: Wachstum und Aussenhandel. Das neoklassische Zwei-Sektoren- Wachstumsmodell und der Zeitpfad des Tauschgleichgewichts im Zwei-Länder- Fall. Wurzburg 1969. 98 pp. DM 23,90.

Parker, Geoffrey: An economic geography
of the Common Market. New York 1969.
178 pp. $ 6.

Preeg, Ernest H.: Traders and diplomats. An analysis of the Kennedy round of negotiations under the general agreement on tariffs and trade. Washington 1970. 320 pp. $ 6,75.

Side 104

Rohwedder, J.: Untersuchungen iiber Zahlungsbilanzprobleme bei Stufenflexibilität und freier Flexibilität der Wechselkurse. Tubingen 1969. 164 pp. DM 35.

Rolfe, Sidney E. and Walter Damm: The multinational corporation in the world economy. Direct investment in perspective. London 1970. £ 4. ss.

Scharrer, Hans-Eckart: Portfolio-Kapitalexport
und Zahlungsbilanz. Wiirzburg
1970. 242 pp. DM 34.

Sen, Sudhir: United Nations in economic
development. Need for a new strategy.
Dobbs Ferry 1969.

Vernon, Raymond, red.: The technology
factor in international trade. New York
1970. 535 pp.

Wionczek, M. S., red.: Economic cooperation in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. A handbook of documents. Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 566 pp.

Åkerman, Johan: Internationell politik och
samhällsekonomi. Lund 1970. 181 pp.
Sv.Kr. 25,75.


Bain, George Sayers: The growth of whitecollar
unionism. London 1970. 250 pp.

Blitz, Herbert J., red.: Labor-management contracts and technological change. Case studies and contract clauses. New York 1969. 348 pp. $ 17,50.

Bolino, August C: Manpower and the city.
Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 282 pp. $ 8,95.

Cassedy, James H.: Demography in early America. Beginnings of the statistical mind, 1600-1800. Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 5 8,50.

dross, John G.: The economics of bargaining.
New York 1969. $ 8,95.

Delehanty, John A., red.: Manpower problems and policies. Full employment and opportunity for all. Scranton, Penns 1969 412 pp. $ 4,95.

Dickinson, Frank G.: The changing position
of philanthropy in the American economy.
London. 1969. 214 pp. 725.

Durbin, Elizabeth F.: Welfare income and

Effects of population growth on natural resources and the environment. Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, 91st Congress, Ist Session, sept. 15 and 16. Washington 1969.

Ferman, Louis A., Joyce L. Kornbluh and J. A. Miller, red.: Negroes and jobs. A book of readings. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1969. $ 9.

Finances publiques el securité sociale/Public finance and social security. Congrés de Turin, Septembre 1968, XXIVe sess. Lyon 1969.

Flanders, Allan D.: Trade unions and the
force of tradition. Southampton 1969. 24
pp. 3s.

Gottschalk, A. W., T. G. Whittingham and N. Williams: British industrial relations. An annotated bibliography. Nottingham 170. 7s 6d.

Henderson, William L. and Larry C. Ledebur: Economic disparity. The problem and the strategy for black America. New York 1970. 384 pp. $ 8,95.

Hilton, W. S.: Industrial relations in construction.
London 1968. 243 pp. 255.

Hunter, L. C, G. L. Reid and D. Boddy:
Labour problems of technological change.
London 1970. 368 pp. 80s.

Jackson, J. M.: Wages and labor economics.
Maidenhead 1970. 256 pp. 445.

Johnslon, G. A.: The international labour
organisation. 1970. 350 pp.

Kassalow, Everett Malcolm: Trade unions
and industrial relations. An international
comparison. New York 1969. 333 pp.

Levine, Robert: The poor we need not have.
Lessons from the war on poverty. Cambridge,
Mass. 1970. $ 7.95.

Levitan, Sar A.: Programs in aid of the
poor for the 1970'5. London 1970. 575.

I.evitan, Sar A., Garth L. Mangum and Robert
Teggart HI: Economic opportunity
in the ghetto. London 1970. 575.

Mangum, Garth L.: The emergence of manpower
policy. New York 1970. 192 pp.
? 3,50.

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Manpower aspects of recent economic developments in Europe. Publ. by the International Labour Office. Geneva 1969. 175 pp.

Mepham, George James: Problems of equal
pay. London 1969.

Morse, David A.: The origin and evolution
of the 1.L.0. and its role in the world
community. Ithaca, N.Y. 1969. 125 pp.

Nell-Breuning, Oswald von: Mitbestimmung
- wer mit wem? Freiburg 1969. 300 pp.
DM 22,80.

Ornati, Oscar A.: Transportation needs of
the poor. New York 1969.

Pagnter, Will: British trade unions and the
problem af change. London 1970. 168 pp.

Rees, Albert and George P. Shultz: Workers
and wages in an urban labour market.
London 1969. 90s.

Ruttenberg, Stanley H.: Manpower challenge
of the 1970'5. Baltimore 1970.

Searle-Barnes, R. G.: Pay and productivity
bargaining. Manchester 1969. 190 pp. 455.

Sewell, D. O.: Training the poor. A benefitcost analysis of manpower training projects in the U.S. antipoverty program. Kingston, Ont. 1970. 170 pp. § 7.

W inkier, Wilhelm: Demometrie. Berlin
1969. 447 pp. DM 68,60.


Arthur, Donald Ramsay: Man and his environment.
New York. 1969.

Asian agricultural survey. Issued by Asian
Development Bank. Tokyo 1969.

Bachman, Paul W.: Research for profit.
The problem the solution, a case history.
New York 1969. 197 pp.

Barro, S. M.: An exploratory study of
science resource allocation. Santa Monica.
Calif. 1969. 131 pp.

Ihtuer, Raymond A. et al.: Second-order consequences. A methodological essay on the impact of technology. Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 240 pp.

Bennathan, Esra and A. A. Walters: The

Hird, James: The webs of location. An inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Southampton on the 4th November 1969. Southampton 1969. 27 pp. 3s.

Blaug. M., red.: Economics of education.
Vol 2. Harmondsworth 1969. 396 pp. 10s.

Bos, G. G. J.: A logistic approach to the
demand for private cars. Rotterdam 1970.
176 pp. f 33,65.

Bowles, Samuel: Planning educational systems
for economic growth. Cambridge,
Mass. 1969. 245 pp.

Brown, Lester R.: Seeds of change. The
Green Revolution and development in
the 1970'5. New York 1970. 224 pp. $ 6,95.

Cetron, Marvin J. et al.: Technical resource
management. Quantitative methods. Cambridge,
Mass. 1970. $ 10.

Cochrane, Willard W.: The world food problem.
A guardedly optimistic view. New
York 1969. 331 pp. $ 7,95.

The cost of clean water and its economic impact. Issued by the U.S. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. Washington

Dawson, Owen L.: Communist China's
agriculture. Its development and future
potential. London 1970. £6 ss.

Dean, Robert D., William 11. Leahy and
David L. McKee, red.: Spatial economic
theory. New York 1970. 384 pp. $ 5,95.

Desai, M. B.: Agriculture East and West.
London 1969. 124 pp. 15s.

Développement économique et agriculture.
Paris 1970. 106 pp. F 23.

Dumont, René: Types of rural economy.
Studies in world agriculture. London
1970. 568 pp. 60s.

Economics and financing of higher education in the United States. Compendium of papers (comp. by Robert Haveman). Washington 1969. 683 pp. § 3.

The economics of irrigation development.
A symposium. Reading 1969. 67 pp. 7s 6d.

Eichner, Alfred S.: The emergence of oligopoly
sugar refining. Baltimore 1969.

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Fox, Karl A. and D. Gale Johnson, red.:
Readings in the economics of agriculture.
Homewood, 111. 1969. 517 pp. $ 8.

Gollin, Albert E.: Education for national
development. Effects of U.S. technical
training. London 1969. £6 ss.

Gronau, Rueben: The value of time in passenger
transportation. New York 1970.
92 pp.

Hill, Polly: Studies in rural capitalism in
West Africa. London 1970. 173 pp. 70s.

Hirsch, Eva: Poverty and plenty on the Turkish farm. An economic study of Turkish agriculture in the 1950'5. London 1970. 545.

Hoch, Irving: Progress in urban economics. The work of the Committee on Urban Economics, 1959-1968, and the development of the field. Washington 1969. 132 pp.

Holleb, Doris B.: Social and economic information
for urban planning. 2 vols.
Chicago 1969. 187,312 pp. $ 4.

Häffner, K. und J. Naumann, red.: Bildungsökonomie - eine Zwischenbilanz. Friedrich Edding zum 60. Geburtstag. Stuttgart 1969. 275 pp. DM 17,50.

The impact of science and technology on regional economic development: an assessment of national policies regarding research and development in context of regional economic development. Publ. by the National Academy of Siences and the National Academy of Engineering. Washington 1969. 112 pp. $ 3,95.

Jolly, Richard: Planning education for African
development. Economic and manpower
perspectives. Nairobi 1969. 168 pp.

Klarman, Herbert E., red.: Empirical studies
in health economics. Baltimore 1970.
$ 10.

Kulp, Earl M.: Rural development planning.
A systems analysis application. London
1969. £7 Ids.

Leahy, William H., David L. McKee and
Robert D. Dean, red.: Urban economics.

Theory, development, and planning. New
York 1970. 352 pp. $ 5,95.

Lean, W.: Economics of land use planning.
Urban and regional. London. 1969. 266
pp. 355.

Lehbert, Bernd: Bedeutung und Auswertung
regional er Input-Output-Tabellen.
Tubingen 1970. 96 pp. DM 35.

Liebenberg, Rainer: Einzel- und gesamtwirtschaftliches Wachstum unter bildungsökonomischen Aspekten. Berlin 1970.. 191 pp. DM 39,80.

Lombardo, Heraclio A.: Research on agricultural
development in Central America.
New York 1969. 71 pp.

Ludwig, Armin K. and Harry W. Taylor:
Brazil's new agrarian reform. New York

MacAvoy, Paul W.: Economic strategy for
developing nuclear breeder reactors. Cambridge,
Mass. 1969. 204 pp. $ 10.

McKee, David L., Robert D. Dean and William H. Leahy, red.: Regional economics. Theory and practice. New York 1970. 304 pp. $ 5,95.

Netzer, Dick: Economics and urban problems.
New York 1969. $ 5,95.

Page, Alfred N. and Warren R. Seyfried, red.: Urban analysis. Readings in housing and urban development. Glenview, 111. 1969. 450 pp. ? 6,50.

Perloff, Harvey S., red.: The quality of the urban environment. Essays on »New Resources« in an urban age. Washington 1969. 332 pp. $ 6,50.

Report of the Committee of Inquiry into
Shipping. Chairman Viscount Rochdale.
London 1970. £3.

Ruttan, V. W., A. D. Waldo and J. P. Houck,
red.: Agricultural policy in an affluent
society. New York 1969. 321 pp. $ 7,50.

Schårlig, A.: Localisation optimale et théorie des graphes. Contribution å la théorie de la localisation optimale de la firme dans une structure de concurrence. Geneva 1969. 156 pp.

Schilderinck, J. H. F. and H. J. N. Sinner: Production and income relations in the Netherlands. A semi-regional input-output analysis. Rotterdam 1970.

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Schrau, Peter: The development of Chinese
agriculture 1950-1959. Urbana, 111. 1969.

Schultz, Theodore: Investment in man and
research. New York 1970.

Wood, W. D. and H. F. Campbell: Costbenefit analysis and the economics of investment in human resources. An annotated bibliography. Kingston, Ont. 1970. 200 pp. $ 10.


The behavioral and social sciences outlook. Issued by Behavioral and Social Sciences Survey Committee. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1969.

Boulding, Kenneth E.: A primer on social
dynamics. History as dialectics and development.
New York 1970. 125 pp. $ 4,95.

Buchanan, James M. and Nicos E. Devetoglou:
Academia in anarchy. An economic
diagnosis. New York 1969. $ 5,95.