Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 108 (1970)


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Ahlberg, Göran og Sven-Ivan Sundqvist: Traditionella kalkylmetoder och linjär programmering. Stockholm 1970. 180 pp. Sv. Kr. 35.

Assmus, Ursula: Alva und Gunnar Myrdal. Versuch einer Bibliographic Anlässlich der Verleihung des Friedenpreises 1970. Frankfurt 1970. 12 pp.

Brit sch, KL: Zur ökonomischen Theorie der
Planung optimaler Entwicklung. Stuttgart
1970. 140 pp. DM 24.

Cooper, Ronald L.: The predictive performance of quarterly econometric models of the United States. Berkeley, Calif. 1969. 145 pp.

Delander, Lennart og Per Gunnar Edebalk:
Samhällets ekonomi. Stockholm 1970. 320
pp. Sv. Kr. 37.

Dumont, Fernand: La dialectique de l'objet
économique. Paris 1970. 385 pp. F 25.

Eichhorn, W.: Theorie der homogenen Produktionsfunktion.
Berlin 1970. 119 pp.

Fair, Ray C: A short-run forecasting model
of the United States economy. Lexington,
Mass. 1970. 272 pp. 5 12,50.

Faure-Soulet, J. F.: De Malthus å Marx.
Paris 1970. 280 pp. F 36.

Flamant, Maurice og Jeanne Singer-Kerel:
Modern economic crises. London 1970.
125 pp. 255.

Goodwin, Richard Murphy: Elementary
economics from the higher standpoint.
London 1970. 199 pp. 50s.

Griliches, Z. ög V. Ringstad: Economies of
scale in manufacturing and the form of
the production function. An econometric

study of Norwegian established data. Amsterdam

Gröhn, E.: Spektralanalytische Untersuchungen zum zyklischen Wachstum der Industrieproduktion in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1950-1967. Stuttgart 1970. 176 pp. DM 40.

Hacche, J.: Economics of money and income.
London 1970. 428 pp. 455.

Hague, D. C: Managerial economics. London
1969. 356 pp. 455.

Hahn, F. H., red.: Readings in the theory
of growth. London 1971. 70s.

Hamberg, D.: Models of economic growth.
New York 1970. 235 pp. $ 9,95.

Hempenius, A. L.: Monopoly with random
demand. Rotterdam 1970. 96 pp. / 23,55.

Hillier, F. S.: The evaluation of risky interrelated
investments. New York 1969. $ 7.

Hirschman, Albert O.: Exit, voice, and loyalty. Responses to decline in firms, organizations, and states. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 162 pp. $ 6,95.

Intriligator, Michael D.: Mathematical optimization
and economic theory. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1970. 544 pp. $ 13,95.

Intriligator, Michael D., red.: Frontiers of
quantitative economics. Amsterdam 1970.

Jacobsson, Lars: An econometric model of
Sweden. Dupl. Stockholm 1970.

Jacquemin, A. og H. Tulkens: Fondements
d'économie politique. Bruxelles 1970. 254
pp. BF 396.

Johnson, Edward R.: Simulation and gaming in business and economics in the 1960'5. A bibliography. lowa City 1969. 48 pp. $ 1.

Key nes, John Maynard: The collected works
of John Maynard Keynes. 6. Bind. Basingstoke,
Hampshire 1970 .

Side 336

Kiesow, H.: Theoretische Aspekte ciner
wachstumsorientierten Konjunkturpolitik.
Stuttgart 1970. 118 pp. DM 30.

Kuczynski, J.: Propheten der Wirtschaft.
Berlin 1970. 195 pp.

Mansfield, E.: Microeconomics. New York
1970. 478 pp. $ 7,95.

Marder, K. B.: Practical economics. London
1970. 301 pp. 30s.

Mattsson, Bengt: Samhällsekonomiske kalkyler.
Stockholm 1970. 212 pp.

Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki: Personal savings and
consumption in postwar Japan. Tokyo

Moore, James C: On Pareto optima and competitive equilibria. Bind I: Relationships among equilibria optima. Bind II: The existence of equilibria and optima. Lafayette, Ind. 1970. 66 pp., 60 pp.

Moore, P. G. og S. D. Hodges, red.: Programming
for optimal decisions. Harmondsworth

Nagels, Jacques: Genese, contenu et prolongements de la notion dc reproduction du capital selon Karl Marx, Boisguillebert, Quesnay, Leontiev. Bruxelles 1970. 276 pp. BF 585.

Odhnoff, Jan og Carl-Gustaf Olofsson:
Sammansatta planeringsprocesser. Stockholm
1970. 47 pp. Sv. Kr. 15.

Parent, J.: Le modéle suédois. Paris 1970.
308 pp. F 22.

Prasad, P. H.: Growth with full employment.
Calcutta 1970. 51 pp. Rs. 6.

Reutlinger, S.: Techniques for project appraisal
under uncertainty. Washington
1970. 95 pp.

Rohrlich, George F., red.: Social economics
for the 1970'5. New York 1970. $ 9,95.

Rothschild, K. W.: Wirtschaftsprognose.
Methoden und Probleme. Berlin 1969. 205
pp. DM 12,80.

Ruggles, Nancy D., red.: Economics. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1970, 192 pp. $ 5,95.

Schachtsabel, Hans G.: Geschichte der
volkswirtschaftlichen Lehrmeinungen.
Stuttgart 1970. 170 pp. DM. 13.

Schleehauf, Ursula: Zur Theorie der Einkommensverteilung.
Berlin 1970. 156 pp.
DM 28.

Schulze, David L.: Student workbook for
Introduction to modem microeconomics.
Chicago 1970. 208 pp. % 3,95.

Schweitzer, Thomas T.: Personal consumer expenditures in Canada, 1926-75, part I: Food, beverages and tobacco, clothing, footwear and accessories, gross rent, fuel and light. Ottawa 1970. 80 pp.

Shackle, G. L. S.: The theory of the firm.
Expectation enterprise and profit. Chicago
1970. 158 pp. $ 7,95.

Shephard, Ronald W.: Theory of cost and
production functions. Princeton 1970. 320
pp. $ 15.

Simpson, S. J.: Money, Prices, and incomes.
Oxford 1969.

Sirageldin, Ismail Abdel-Hamid: Non-market
components of national income. Ann
Arbor 1970. 127 pp. $ 4.

Steinmann, Gtinter: Theorie der Spekulation.
Tubingen 1970. 101 pp. DM 30.

Sterling, Robert R.: Theory of the measurement
of enterprise income. London 1970.
384 pp. 1455.

Stone, Richard: Mathematical models of
the economy and other essays. London
1970. 335 pp. £ 5.

Studenski, Paul: The income of nations.
2 bind. London 1970. 200 pp., 168 pp.
25 shyer.

Thiemeyer, Theo: Gemeinwirtschaftlichkeit als Ordnungsprinzip. Grundlegung einer Theorie gemeinniitziger Unternehmen. Berlin 1970. 348 pp. DM 56.

Ward, Richard A.: The economic and financial
system. Scranton, Pa. 1969. 302
pp. $ 8,50.

Westphal, L. E.: Planning investments with
economies of scale. Amsterdam 1970.
300 pp.


Aubin, Herman og Wolfgang Zorn, red.:
Handbuch der deutschen Wirtschafts-

Side 337

und Sozialgeschichte. Bind I. Stuttgart
1970. 768 pp. DM 76.

Baudhuin, Fernand: Histoire économique
de la Belgique 1957-1968. Bruxelles 1970.
516 pp.

Beck, Robert H. et at.: The changing structure
of Europe. Economic, social and political
trends. Minneapolis 1970. 286 pp.

Bergman, J.: Brazil. Industrialization and
trade policies. London 1970. 281 pp. 555.

Bhagwati, Jagdish og Padma Desai: India. Planning for industrialization. Industrialization and trade policies since 1951. London 1970. 537 pp. £ 6 10s.

Busuttil, S. i samarbejde med L. Baron, J. Dowdall og A. Rote: An assessment of industrial development in Malta. A costeffectiveness approach. Malta 1970. 117 pp.

Chandler, Lester Vernon: America's greatest
depression, 1929-1941. New York 1970.
260 pp.

Cipolla, Carlo M., red.: The economic decline
of empires. London 1970. 60s.

Condliffe, J. B.: The economic outlook for
New Zealand. Christchurch, New Zealand
1969. 154 pp.

Confino, Michael: Systémes agraires et progrés agricole. L'assolement triennal en Russie aux XVIHe-XIXe siécles, fitude d'economie et de sociologie rurales. Paris 1970. 495 pp. F 78.

Cornelsen, D.: Finanzhilfe fiir West-Berlin. Eine Untersuchung iiber Umfang und Bedeutung der finanziellen Verflechtung im öffentlichen Sektor zwischen West- Berlin und Westdeutschland. Berlin 1970. 120 pp. DM 54,60.

Development problems in Latin America. An analysis by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America. Austin, Texas 1970. 372 pp.

Dias Alejandro, Carlos F.: Essays on the
economic history of the Argentine Republic.
New Haven 1970. $ 18,50.

Hansen, Roger D.: The politics of Mexican
development. Baltimore 1970. $ 12,50.

Uiggins, J. P. P. og S. Pollard, red.: Aspects

Hoffmann, Lutz: Importsubstitution und wirtschaftliches Wachstum in den Entwicklungsländern. Tubingen 1970. 378 pp. DM 38.

Hutchings, Raymond: Soviet economic development.
Oxford 1970. 655.

Jain, Satya Prakash: Studies in finance and
economic development. Agra 1969.

in Scandinavia 1850-1914. London 1970.
Jorberg, Lennart: The industrial revolution
134 pp.

Kanovsky, Eliyahu: The economic impact of the six-day war. Israel, the occupied territories, Egypt, Jordan. London 1970. 350 pp. £6 ss.

Kurien, C. T.: A theoretical approach to
the Indian economy. London 1970. 64 pp.

Lewis, Stephen R., Jr.: Pakistan. Industrialization
and trade policies. London 1970.
214 pp. 555.

Livingstone, 1., red.: Economic policy for
development. Harmondsworth 1971. 10s.

Meenan, James: The Irish economy since
1922. Liverpool 1970. 472 pp. £5.

Moffat, G. G.: Import control and industrialization.
Melbourne 1970. 188 pp.

Myint, H.: Economic theory and the underdeveloped
countries. London 1971. 250 pp.

Myrdal, G.: The challenge of world poverty.
A world anti-poverty program in outline.
New York 1970. 518 pp.

Nabseth, Lars et al.: Svensk industri under
70-talet med utblick mot 80-talet. Stockholm
1970. Sv.Kr. 40.

Parekh, H. T.: India and regional development.
The case for a common market.
Bombay 1969. 90 pp.

Parkinson, John Richard: Economic development
in Ireland. Nottingham 1970. 24
pp. 6s.

The postwar development of the Republic of Vietnam. Policies and programs. Joint Development Group. Forord af David E. Lilienthal. London 1970. 584 pp. £8.

Preston, Richard, red.: Contemporary
Australia. History, politics, and economics.
Durham, N. C. 1969. 587 pp. $ 13.

Side 338

.4 programme for growth. 9: Exploring 1972 with special reference to the balance of payments. Univ. of Cambridge. Dept. of Applied Economics. London 1970. 137 pp. 40s.

Rahman, M. A.: The private sector of East
Pakistan. An analysis of lagged development.
Karachi 1970. 76 pp.

Reynolds, Clark W.: The Mexican economy.
Twentieth-century structure and
growth. New Haven 1970. $ 13,50.

Roemer, M.: Fishing for growth. Exportled
development in Peru, 1950-1967. Cambridge,
Mass. 1970.

Sham, Said Ahmad: Structural obstacles to
economic development. A political economy
of India. Delhi 1969.

Singh, Kumar Ramchandra Prasad: State and industrialisation of developing countries with special reference to India. Delhi 1969.

Södersten, 80, red.: Svensk ekonomi. Stockholm
1970. Sv.Kr. 35.

Temin, Peter: The Jacksonian economy.
New York 1969. 208 pp.

Weinstein, Allen: Prelude to Populism. Origins
of the silver issue, 1867-1878. New
Haven 1970. 433 pp.

Wirth, J. D.: The politics of Brazilian development
1930-1954. Stanford, Calif.
1970. 278 pp.


Harnett, Donald L.: Introduction to statistical
methods. Reading, Mass. 1970, 540
pp. $ 9,50.

Hooper, John W. og Marc Nerlove, red.: Selected readings in econometrics from Econometrica. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. $ 20.

Maunder, W. F.: Bibliography of index
numbers. London 1970. 355.

Searle, R. S. og W. H. Hausman: Matrix
algebra for business and economics. New
York 1969. 362 pp. $ 14,95.

Theil, H.: Principles of econometrics. Amsterdam
1970. 736 pp.


Apthorpe, Raymond, red.: People, planning and development studies. Some reflections on social planning. London 1970. 455.

Bettelheim, C: Ökonomischer Kalkiil und Eigentumsformen. Zur Theorie der Übergangsgesellschaft. Rerlin 1970. 160 pp. DM 6,50.

Ruchholz, Edwin: Interessen - Gruppen - Interessentengruppen. Elemente einer wirtschaftssoziologischen Organisationslehre unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der deutschen Verbandsforschung. Tubingen 1970. 565 pp. DM. 44.

Cairncross, Alec, red.: The managed economy.
Oxford 1970. 455.

Canapa, M.-P.: Reforme économique et socialisme
en Yougoslavie. Paris 1970. 98
pp. F 17.

Carter, Anne P.: Structural change in the
American economy. Cambridge, Mass.
1970. 292 pp.

Cohn, Edward J.: Turkish economic, social and political change. Development of a more prosperous and open society. London 1970. 175 pp. £5 ss.

Conklin, David W.: An evaluation of the Soviet profit reforms. With special reference to agriculture. London 1970. 200 pp. £6 ss.

Dobb, Maurice: Socialist planning. Some
problems. London 1970. 69 pp. 7s.

Governmental intervention in the market mechanism. I: Economists' views. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly ... The petroleum industry» 91st cong., Ist sess. Washington 1969. 604 pp.

Gregory, Paul: Socialist and non-socialist
industrialization patterns. A comparative
appraisal. London 1970. 260 pp. £6 ss.

Helliwell, J. F. et ah: Government sector
equations for macroeconomic models. Ottawa
1969. 173 pp.

Honey, John C: Planning and the private
sector. New York 1970. $ 8,50.

Porwitt, K.: Die Optimierung des Volks-

Side 339

Rea, K. J. og J. T. McLeod: Business and
government in Canada. Toronto 1970.

Singh, Mohinder: Cooperatives in Asia.
London 1970. 325 pp. £ 8 10s.

Tullock, Gordon: Private wants, public
means. New York 1970. $ 6,95.

Williamson, Oliver E.: Corporate control and business behavior. An inquiry into the effects of organization form on enterprise behavior. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1970. 224 pp. $ 8,95.


Baer, Werner og Isaac Kerstenetsky: Inflation
and growth in Latin America. New
Haven 1970. $ 9,50.

Baker, James C: The German stock market.
Its operations, problems, and prospects.
London 1970. 165 pp. £6 ss.

Chandler, Lester V.: American monetary
policies, 1928-1941. New York 1970. 480
pp. $ 11,95.

Desai, V. R. Mutalik og B. D. Ghonasgi,
red.: Monetary policy and central banking
in India. Bombay 1969.

Granger, Clive W. J. og Oskar Morgenstern:
The predictability of stock market prices.
Lexington, Mass. 1970. 350 pp. $ 15.

Heth, Meir: The flow of funds in Israel.
London 1970. 275 pp. £4 ss.

Johnson, Brian: The politics of money.
London 1970. 330 pp. 70s.

Mundell, Robert A.: Monetary theory. Inflation, interest and growth in the world economy. Pacific Palisades, Calif. 1970. 288 pp. $ 10.

Roll, Richard: The behavior of interest
rates. New York 1970. $ 7,95.

Sheppard, D.: Statistics for U.K. financial
institutions, 1880-1966. London 1971. 300

Stone, Bernell K.: Risk, return and equilibrium. A general single-period theory of asset selection and capital market equilibrium. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. $ 12,50.

Taylor, Basil, red.: Investment analysis and

Vaish, M. C: An analysis of investments
and advances of scheduled banks in India
during 1951-66. Agra 1969.

Williams, Harold R. og Henry W. Woudenberg: Money, banking and monetary policy. Readings in domestic and international policy. New York 1970. 724 pp. $ 8,95.


Andreae, C.-A. og Rottraud Mauser: Finanztheorie.
Stuttgart 1969. 195 pp. DM 16,80.

Andreae, Clemens August, red.: Handbuch
der österreichischen Finanzwirtschaft.
Innsbruck 1970. 310 pp.

Becker, A. P., red.: Land and building taxes.
Madison, Milwaukee 1969. 308 pp.

Beckmann, Martin og Gotz Uebe: Makroökonomische Undersuchungen der Auswirkung von Steuersystemanderungen. Wiesbaden 1970. 149 pp. DM 18.

Byrne, R. F. et al., red.: Studies in budgeting.
New York 1970.

Dagli, Vadilal, red.: The public sector in
India. A suvey. Bombay 1969. 296 pp.

Derthick, M.: The influence of federal
grants. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 285 pp.

Dieckmann, K.: Steuerbilanzpolitik. Stuttgart
1970. 250 pp. DM 18,50.

Due, John F.: Indirect taxation in developing
economies. Baltimore 1970. $ 9,95.

Eppler, Rudolf: Die Steuerwirkungen. Eine
makroökonomische Modellstudie. Berlin
1970. 184 pp. DM 44,60.

Gupta, Kulwant Rai: Issues in public enterprises.
Delhi 1969.

Haller, Heinz: Besteuerung und Wirtschaftswachstum.
Tubingen 1970. 70 pp. DM 6,80.

Hedt kamp, G.: Lehrbuch der Finanzwissenschaft.
Neuwied 1969. 485 pp. DM 38.

Levy, M. E. og J. de Torres: Federal
revenue sharing with the states. New
York 1970. 103 pp. $ 2.

Lippuner, Hans: Die Bundesfinanzen und
die EWG-Steuerharmonisierung (unter

Side 340

besonderer Berucksichtigung der Umsatzsteuer).
Bern 1970. 148 pp. SF 25.

Myers, Margaret G.: The financial history
of the United States. Irvington, N.Y. 1970.
$ 11,95.

Roslin, Bertil: Kommunal lånepolitik i långtidsperspektiv. En studie i idéutveckling och ekonomisk-politisk diskussion. Dupl. Åbo 1970. 179 pp. Sv.Kr. 15.

Schweigert, Eberhart: Die Finanzverwaltung Westdeutschlands in der Zeit vom Ende des 2. Weltkrieges bis zu ihrer Neviordnung durch das Grundgesetz. Bonn 1970. 227 pp. DM 11,50.

Tanzi, V., J. B. Bracewell-Mitnes og D. R.
Myddelton: Taxation. A radical approach.
London 1970. 130 pp. 18s.


Baldwin, Robert E.: Nontariff distortions
of international trade. Washington 1970.
210 pp. $ 6,95.

Bergsten, C. Fred, George N. Halm, Fritz Machlup og Robert V. Roosa: Approaches to greater flexibility of exchange rates. The Biirgenstock papers. Princeton, N.J. 1970. $ 12,50.

Biskup, R.: Sowjetpolitik und Entwicklungsländer.
Stuttgart 1970. 212 pp. DM

Brémaud, Guy: Le commerce extérieur des
six pays de la Communauté Économique
Européenne. Paris 1969. 184 pp.

Clark, P. B.: Planning import substitution.
Amsterdam 1970. 380 pp. f 68,50.

Cohen, Stephen D.: International monetary
reform 1964-69. The political dimension.
London 1970. 275 pp. £5 15s.

Dagli, Vadilal, red.: Two decades of Indo-
U.S. relations. Bombay 1969. 231 pp.

Ebel, Robert E.: Communist trade in oil and gas. An evaluation of the future export capability of the Soviet bloc. New York 1970. 447 pp. $ 20.

Dickie, R. B.: Foreign investment. France
- a case study. Leiden 1970. 135 pp. f. 20.

Fernon, B.: Issues in world farm trade.
London 1970. 143 pp. 10s.

Freeman, A. Myrick: International trade.

Freedman, Robert Owen: Economic warfare in in the Communist bloc. A study of Soviet economic pressure against Yugoslavia, Albania and Communist China. London 1970. 185 pp. £6.

Gray, H. Peter: International travel. International
trade. Lexington, Mass. 1970. 208
pp. $ 12,50.

Greene, J. og M. G. Duerr: Intercompany
transaction in the multinational firm.
New York 1970. 55 pp. $ 5.

Grimm, Hermann O.: Die Grundlagen der
japanischen Einfuhr ausländischer Technologie.
Köln 1970. 229 pp.

Gygi, Pierre: Multiple Wechselkurse. Wesen, Erscheinungsformen und volkswirtschaftliche Wiirdigung. Bern 1970. 116 pp. SF 25.

Hoener, H. W.: Bestimmungsgriinde fiir die Entwicklung der Zahlungsbilanz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit der Aufwertung im Jahr 1961 bis 1967. Stuttgart 1970. 141 pp. DM 35.

Hudson, M.: A financial payments-flow analysis of U.S. international transactions, 1960-1968. New York 1970. 103 pp. $ 3.

The international migration of high-level manpower. Its impact on the development process. The Committee on the International Migration of Talent. London 1970. 625 pp. £8 10s.

Jacoby, Neil Herman: The progress of peoples toward a theory and policy of development with external aid. Santa Barbara, Calif. 1969.

Johnson, Harry Gordon: The crisis of aid and the Pearson Report. A lecture delivered at the University of Edinburgh on 6.3. 1970. 24 pp. ss.

Kamrany, Nake M.: Peaceful competition in Afghanistan. American and Soviet models for economic aid. Washington 1969. 125 pp. % 6,50.

Labys, Walter C. og Clive W. J. Granger: Speculation, hedging and commodity price forecasts. Lexington, Mass. 1970. 350 pp. $ 15.

Side 341

Legum, Colin, red.: The first U.N. development
decade and its lessons for the
19705. London 1970. 240 pp. £ 7.

Nehrt, Lee Charles: The political climate for private foreign investment. With special reference to North Africa. London 1970. 424 pp. £7 15s.

Neldner, M.: Die Kursbildung auf dem Devisenterminmarkt und die Devisenterminpolitik der Zentralbanken. Berlin 1970. 181 pp. DM 44.

Palloix, Christian: Problémes de la croissance
en économie ouverte. Paris 1969.

Schreiber, Jordan C: U.S. corporate investment
in Taiwan. New York 1970. $ 9,95.

Seung Hee Kim: Foreign capital for economic
development. A Korean case study.
London 1970. 175 pp. £6 ss.

Staley, Charles E.: International economics.
Analysis and issues. Englewood Cliffs
1970. 320 pp. $ 9,95.

Swedberg, Hans: Sveriges utrikeshandel.
Stockholm 1970. 104 pp. Sv.Kr. 14,10.

Trade policy toward developed countries. Foreign economic policy for the 1970'5, pt. 2, Mar. 16-19, 1970. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Foreign Economic Policy, 91st cong., 2nd. sess. Washington 1970. $ 1,25.

Zartman, I. William: The politics of trade negotiations between Africa and the European Economic Community. The weak confront the strong. Princeton, N.J. 1970. 220 pp. $ 8,50.


Adams, Leonard P.: The public employment service in transition 1933-1968. Evolution of placement service into a manpower agency. Ithaca, N.Y. 1969. 246 pp.

Banks, Joseph Ambrose: Marxist sociology in action. A sociological critique of the Marxist approach to industrial relations. London 1970. 324 pp. 70s.

Berg, Ivar og Sherry Gorelick: Education
and jobs. The great training robbery.
New York 1970. 200 pp. $ 7,50.

Chamberlain, Neil W.: Beyond Malthus.


Population and power. New York 1970.
$ 6,95.

Chatterjee, S. K.: Population and food. Calcutta

Cohn, Jules: The conscience of the corpora.
tion. Business and urban affairs, 1967-1970.
1970. $ 6.

Egrot, M. og J. Maitron: Dictionnaire biographique
du mauvement ouvrier francais.
Paris 1970.

Flanders, A.: Management and unions. London
1970. 317 pp. 70s.

Fleisher, B. M.: Labor economics. Theory
and evidence. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
1970. 304 pp.

Guillaume, Pierre og Jean-Pierre Poussou:
Démographie historique. Paris 1970, 414

Hance, William A.: Population, migration
and urbanization in Africa. Irvington,
N.Y. 1970. $ 15.

Hollingsworth, T. H.: Migration. Glasgow
1970. 176 pp.

Ingham, G. K.: Size of industrial organization
and worker behaviour. London
1970. 170 pp. £ 2.50

Kaitz, Edward M. og Herbert Harvey Hyman: Urban planning for social welfare. A model cities approach. London 1970. 200 pp. £5 15s.

Kershaw, Joseph A. og Paul N. Courant:
Government against poverty. Washington
1970. 174 pp. % 6,95.

Mathur, K. og N. R. Sheth: Tripartitism in
labour policy. New Delhi 1969. 183 pp.

Needham, Douglas, red.: Readings in the
economics of industrial organization. New
York 1970. 427 pp. $ 5,95.

Northrup, Herbert R.: The negro in the
paper industry. Philadelphia 1989. 233
pp. $ 8,50.

Orliae, Claude: Le contra t de travail. Paris
1969. 128 pp.

Population index bibliography cumulated 1935-1968, by authors and geographical areas, Princeton University. 2 dele. Boston 1971. $ 654.

Preller, Ludwig: Praxis und Probleme der
Sozialpolitik. 2. bind. Tubingen 1970.

Pressat, R.: Population. London 1970.

Side 342

Quag, William Howard og Marjorie C. Denison:
The negro in the chemical industry.
Philadelphia 1970. 110 pp. $ 3,50.

Regionala och lokala befolkningsprognoser.
Lund 1970. 335 pp. Sv.Kr. 40.

Robertson, D. J. og L. C. Hunter, red.: Labour
market issues of the 19705. Edinburgh
1970. 223 pp. £2.

Segal, Judith A.: Food for the hungry. The
reluctant society. Baltimore 1970. $ 6.

Seidman, Joel, red.: Trade union government
and collective bargaining. Some
critical issues. London 1970. 350 pp. £6 ss.

Siegel, Abraham J., red.: The impact of
computers on collective bargaining. Cambridge,
Mass. 1969.

Vllenhag, Jörgen: Den solidariska lönepolitiken i Sverige. Debatt och verklighet. Mångfald. Maskinskr. Uppsala 1970. 234 pp.

Vietorisz, Thomas og Bennett Harrison:
The economic development of Harlem.
London 1970. 450 pp. £6 ss.

Wilson, N. A. 8., red.: Manpower research. A conference held under the aegis of the N.A.T.O. Scientific Affairs Division. London 1970. 456 pp.


Aboltin, Benoit, Bolton et al: Wirtschaftliche Folgen einer Abrustung. Bind I: Volkswirtschaftlische und sozialpolitische Untersuchungen im Ausland. Berlin 1969. 260 pp.

Air pollution publications. A selected bibliography with abstracts 1966-1968. Red. af Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress, for the National Air Pollution Control Administration. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Washington 1969. 522 pp.

Barkin, David og Timothy King: Regional economic development. The river basin approach in Mexico. London 1970. 262 pp. 655.

Borchardt, Kurt: Structure and performance
of the U.S. communications industry.

Government regulation and community
planning. Boston 1970. 180 pp. $ 6.

Bosa, G. R.: The financing of small-scale
interprises in Uganda. Nairobi, London
1970. 105 pp. 365.

Boussard, J.-M.: Programmation mathematique
et théorie de la production agricole
Paris 1970. 251 pp. F 40.

Branch, Melville C: Comprehensive urban planning. A selective annotated bibliography with related materials. Beverly Hills, Calif. 1970. 477 pp. $ 20.

Christodoulou, Aris P.: Conversion of nuclear facilities from military to civilian uses. A case study in Hanford, Washington. New York 1970. 118 pp. 3 12,50.

Cline, William R.: Economic consequences
of a land reform in Brazil. Amsterdam
1970. 213 pp.

Cowling, K., D. Metcalf og A. J. Ray ner: Resource structure of agriculture. An economic analysis. Oxford 1970. 248 pp. 555.

Cullingworth, J. B. og S. C. Orr, red.: Regional
and urban studies. London 1970.

Derycke, Pierre-Henri: L'économie urbaine.
Paris 1970. 264 pp. F 15.

Donnithorne, A.: China's grain. Output,
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1970. 36 pp.

Goldsmith. Maurice, red.: Technological innovation and the economy. A Science Foundation Symposium on Technological Innovation and the Growth of the Economy, held at Churchill College, Cambridge, England, April 11/13, 1969. Chichester 1970. 292 pp. 755.

Guback, Thomas: The international film industry. Western Europe and America since 1945. Bloomington, Indiana 1969. 244 pp. $ 10.

Hagevik, George H.: Decision-making in air pollution control. A review of theory and practice, with emphasis on selected Los Angeles and New York City management experiences. London 1970. 220 pp. £6 ss.

Hufner, Klaus, red.: Bildungsinvestionen und Wirtschaftswachstum. Ausgewählte Aufsätze zur Bildungsökonomie. Stuttgart 1969. 356 pp pp. DM 24,50.

Side 343

Jordan, William A.: Airline regulation in
America. Baltimore 1970. $ 11.

Kienewicz, Stefan: The emancipation of the
Polish peasantry. Chicago 1969. 285 pp.

Kneese, Allen V., Robert V. Ayres og Ralph
C. d'Arge: Economics of the environment.
Baltimore 1970. $ 2,50.

Mack-Forlist, Daniel M. og Arthur Newman: The conversion of shipbuilding from military to civilian markets. New York 1970. 232 pp. $ 15.

Mändle, Eduard: Agrarpolitik. Stuttgart
1970. 170 pp. DM 14.

Marshall, Ray og Lamond Godwin: Cooperatives
and rural poverty in the south.
Baltimore 1970. $ 6.

Maunder, W. J.: The value of the weather.
London 1970. 388 pp. 755.

Miernyk, William H. et al.: Simulating
regional economic development. Lexington,
Mass. 1970. 364. pp. $ 15.

Morris, S. T. et al.: Farm organization and
incomes in the South West England 1968-1969.
1970. 67 pp. 7s 6d.

Mozer, Alfred: Landwirtschaft im Umbruch.
Tubingen 1970. 16 pp. DM 4.

Noren, N.-E.: Long-range decision models
in mining. Stockholm 1969. 351 pp. Sv.Kr.

Pascal, Anthony H., red.: Thinking about
cities. New perspectives on urban problems.
Belmont, Calif. 1970. 188 pp.

Pillai, N. G. et ah, red.: Regional development and economic growth. Problems, analysis, and policies. Selected bibliography. Ottawa 1969. 285 pp.

Quandt, Richard E., red.: The demand for
travel. Theory and measurement. Lexington,
Mass. 1970. 224 pp. $ 12,50.

Russell, Cliff ord S., David G. Arey og Robert
W. Kates: Drought and water supply.
Baltimore 1970. $ 8.

Russett, Bruce M.: What price vigilance?
The burdens of national defense. New
Haven 1970. $ 7,50.

Scherer, F. M.: Industrial market structure
and economic performance. Chicago 1970.
535 pp. $ 13.

Serck-Hanssen, J.: Optimal patterns of
location. Amsterdam 1970. 246 pp. / 45.

Spangler, Miller B.: New technology and marine resource development. A study in government-business cooperation. London 1970. 450 pp. £8 lOs.

Stocking, G. TV..- Middle East oil. Nashville,
Tenn. 1970. 485 pp.

Supersonic transport and development. Economic analysis and efficiency of government, pt. 4. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Economy in Government, 91st cong., 2nd. sess., May 7-12, 1970. Washington 1970. 60c.

Taggart 111, Robert: Low-income housing.
A critique of federal aid. Baltimore 1970.
$ 6.

Tjersland, Tore: Making ends meet. A longitudinal study of the economic impact of community action programs in San Diego County, California. La Jolla, Calif. 1969. 114 pp.

Turnock, D.: Patterns of Hihgland development.
London 1970. 272 pp. 160s.

Ullmann, John E., red.: Potential civilian markets for the military-electronics inrhistry. Strategies for conversion. London 1970. 275 pp. £7 15s.

Valsan, E. H.: Community development programs and rural local government. Comparative case studies of India and the Philippines. London 1970. 514 pp.

Walton, Clarence C, red.: Business and social progress. Views of two generations of executives. New York 1970. 157 pp. $ 5,95.

Wharton, Clifton R., red.: Subsistence agriculture
and economic development. Chicago
1970. 481 pp. $ 12,50.

Wohlin, Lars: Skogsindustrins strukturomvandling
och expansionsmojligheter.
Stockholm 1970. Sv.Kr. 45.

Worrell, Albert Cadwallader: Principles of
forest policy New York 1970.

Zeinaty, Afif: L'industrie du petrole au
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The behavioral and social sciences: Outlook and needs. National Academy of Sciences/ Social Science Research Council. Englewood Cliffs 1970. 336 pp. $ 7,95.

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Correa, Hector: Quantitative methods of
educational planning, Aut. af HEP og
UNESCO. Scranton, Pa. 1969. 242 pp. $ 7.

Galtung, Johan: Theory and methods of
social research. Rev. udg. Stockholm 1970.
534 pp. Sv.Kr. 31,10.

Kruskal, William, red.: Mathematical sciences
and social sciences. Englewood Cliffs
1970. 96 pp. $ 4,95.

Shah, A. 8., red.: Modernization of university
teaching of national and social sciences
in India. Bombay 1969.

Yaari, Menahem E.: Linear algebra for
social sciences. Englewood Cliffs 1970.
190 pp. $ 9,95.

Yuan-li Wu og Robert B. Sheeks: The organization and support of scientific research and development in mainland China. London 1970. 618 pp. £7 ss.