Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 107 (1969)CONVERGENCE AND STABILITY IN THE NEOCLASSICAL GROWTH MODELHANS BREMS * 1. IntroductionIn the neoclassical growth model entrepreneurs are assumed to produce a single good from labor and an immortal capital stock of that good. Thus investment is simply the act of setting aside part of output for installation as capital stock. Capital stock is the result of accumulated savings under an autonomously given propensity to save. Available labor force is growing autonomously, and there is always full employment. Traditionally the one-good neoclassical growth model ignores the price of that good. But if one wants to examine the stability of neoclassical growth equilibrium, he will find price a convenient stabilizing variable. Let us, therefore, try to solve the neoclassical growth model for price and the proportionate of growth of price. In doing so we shall assume the money wage rate and its growth rate to be autonomously given. 2. NotationVariables
C =
consumption Professor, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. The present article grew out of ray discussion Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 1969, 107. bind, 1.-2. hefte, pp. 43-48 of Ølgaard's contribution to Udviklingslinjer i makroøkonomisk teori, eds. Niels Thygesen and P. Nørregaard Rasmussen, Copenhagen 1969. Side 227
L = labor
employed Parameters
et, (3 =
parameters of production function For time coordinate we shall use t. The flow variables C, I, and X are measured in physical units consumed, invested, or produced, respectively, per annum of the good produced. All flow variables refer to the instantaneous rate of that variable measured on a per annum basis. 3. The Equations of the ModelTo the seven
variable growth rates listed in Sec. 2 apply the
definition of a (1) through (7)
Define investment as
the derivative of capital stock with respect to time:
(8) Let entrepreneurs
apply the Cobb-Douglas production function (9) where 0< a<
1, 0 < 0< 1, a + 0 = 1, and M > 0. Side 228
Let profit
maximization under pure competition equalize real wage
rate (10) Define the
physical marginal productivity of capital as (11) Define revenue as
(12) It follows from
(12) applied to (11) that entrepreneurs will be earning
(13) Under full employment
available labor force must equal labor employed:
(14) Define the wage
bill as money wage rate times employment (15) Define national money
income as the sum of wage bill and profits bill (16) Let consumption
be a fixed proportion of output: (17) where 0 <
c< 1. Output
equilibrium requires output to equal the sum of
consumption and (18) Eqs. (1) through
(18) contain the 18 variables listed in Sec. 2. Can we
Side 229
4. The Convergence of Neoclassical Growth EquilibriumBy the
convergence of equilibrium we mean its tendency to
settle down at Take the
derivative of (9) and (14) with respect to time, divide
the derivatives (19) From the
consumption function (17), the equilibrium requirement
(18), (20) Using (1) through
(7), differentiate (20) with respect to time and find
Insert (19) into
this and express it (21) Now there are
three possibilities: If gs > gM/<x -f- gF then
(22) If (23) then (24) And if gs <
gja + gF then (25) We conclude
that as long as gs is greater than the value (23), (22)
shows 1. The convergence of equilibrium should not be confused with the stability of equilibrium: Convergence no violation of any equilibrium condition, indeed all equations (1) through (18) remain satisfied throughout Sec. 4. A stability test necessarily involves such violation, as we shall see in Sees. 6-11. Side 230
mainso.And as
long as gs is less than that value, (25) shows it to be
Now gs cannot alternate around the value (24), for differential equations trace continuous time paths, so to get from a value on one side of (23) to a value on the other side, gs would have to pass through the value (23). But then (24) would keep it there. Finally gs cannot converge toward anything else than the value (23), for if it did, then by letting enough time elapse we could make the left-hand side of (21) less than any arbitrarily assignable positive constant e, however without the same being possible for the right-hand side. We have trapped
gs, then: Either it equals f/w/« ~r 9f from the outset,
or Insert (23) into
(19) and find (26) Once we have
found gs and g^ we may guess the rest (27) (28) (29) (30) To convince himself that those are indeed solutions, the reader should take derivatives with respect to time of Eqs. (8) through (10), (16) with (12) through (15) inserted into it, (17) and (18), use the definitions (1) through (7), insert solutions (23) and (26) through (30), and see that each equation is satisfied. 5. Equilibrium PriceAt a particular
time, the reader may wish to know, what is the
equilibrium Use (1) through
(8), (17) and (18) to see that X/S = gsl(lgsl(l — c),
then take (31) where gs stands
for (23). 6. Stability of Price EquilibriumBy stability of
equilibrium we mean its ability to restore itself after
a disturbance. Side 231
(32) Initially D — 0,
but now let price P change by dP. The effect of the
change (33) If we can show that (33) is negative, we have demonstrated that a price lower than equilibrium (dP -^ 0) will create positive excess demand, i.e. inventory depletion, and that a price higher than equilimiuiu uIP 0) will create negative excess demand, i.e. inventory accumulation. We have, m other words, shown equilibrium to be stable. 7. Two Asymmetries in Applying the Stability TestShowing that (33)
is negative will have to be done twice, once for dP <
0 The first asymmetry is that capital stock can rise but not fall. Once installed, stock is immortal, hence no cost is involved in using it. Furthermore, according to (9) and (11) the physical marginal productivity of capital stock is always positive. Consequently, no already installed unit of capital stock should be left idle. The second asymmetry is that at full employment, employment can fall but not rise. 8. The Desired Capital IntensityThe clue to the stability of the neoclassical growth model is its flexible capital intensity. Insert the production function (9) into the profit-maximization consequence (10) and find how a profit-maximizing entrepreneur's desired capital intensity responds to the real wage rate facing him: (34) The elasticity of
desired capital intensity with respect to the real wage
9. Real Wage Rate Too HighFirst let us examine the disequilibrium case dP < 0. A lower price means a higher real wrage rate, which raises the desired capital intensity, i.e. induces capital deepening. Since the new higher real wage rate exceeds the physical marginal productivity of labor at full employment, entrepreneurs will accomplishtheir deepening by reducing employment L at constant Side 232
Side 233
capital stock
S. The instant effect of the higher real wage rate,
then, is a Of course, had the money wage rate w been a variable, such a negative excess demand would have reduced w until at the new lower price P the original real wage rate w/P had been restored. The inducement to capital deepening would then have been removed as suddenly as it arose, and the stability story would have ended. However, the money wage rate w was assumed to be a parameter, our numeraire if you like, so our story must go on In (34) keep -S constant, let L vary with P, and find (35) Use (10) and (35)
to find the effect of the new lower price P upon output
(36) Capital stock S
remains as in equilibrium and grows as it did in
equilibrium, (37) When output
falls, consumption falls according to (17) (38) Finally insert the
derivatives (36) through(3B) into (33), use(l7), and
find (39) which is
negative, so equilibrium is stable for dP < 0
10. Real Wage Rate Too LowIs equilibrium
also stable for dP > 0? In that case we collide
head-on with A higher price
means a lower real wage rate, which reduces the desired
Side 234
employment, entrepreneurs will try to accomplish their capital shallowing by raising employment L at constant capital stock S. The instant elTect of the lower real wage rate is a positive excess demand in the labor market. Again, had the money wage rate been a variable, it would have adjusted itself and restored the original real wage rate. But again, the money wage rate is our numeraire, hence the inducement to capital shallowing persists. But how can one
raise an already full employment? Instead, the capital
(40) Once installed, however, capital stock is immortal, and there is no cost involved in using it. Furthermore, according to (9) and (11) the physical marginal productivity of capital is always positive. Consequently, no already installed unit of capital stock should be left idle. When neither employment L nor capital stock S changes, output X will not change either: (41) According to
(17), consumption is unchanged if output is (42) But what does change? How can the desired capital shallowing be accomplished? answer is that while no already installed unit of capital stock should be left idle, entrepreneurs are still perfectly free to reduce future capital stock by reducing investment. The partial derivative (40) measures the change in desired capital stock brought about by, say, one cent's worth of price change. Such a change is small compared with a whole year's investment and may therefore be accomplished by changing the latter — remember that investment, like all flow variables, was said to be an instantaneous rate measured on a per annum basis. Consequently we may also think of the partial derivative (40) as measuring the change of a year's investment brought about by one cent's worth of price change: (43) Finally insert
the derivatives (41) through (43) into (33) and find:
Side 235
(44) (44) is negative,
hence equilibrium is stable for dP > 0, too 11. ConclusionOur stability test relied on the sensitivity of the desired capital intensity to the real wage rate. In this reliance the test admitted two possibilities. First the possibilitv that in order to accomplish capital deepening, firms may employ less than the availabip larmr force, liie possibility that in order to accomplish capital shallowing, firms may invest less than what is being saved. But our stability test clearly recognized two impossibilities, both relevant to linns trying to accomplish capital shallowing. First the impossibility of raising an already full employment. Second the impossibility of leaving idle any already installed unit of capital stock. We conclude that at a parametric money wage rate w, a variable price of goods P cannot for long deviate from its equilibrium level. Pushed off its equilibrium path by a wrong price, the system will correct that price. Once the price is back at its equilibrium level it will induce a capital intensity permitting firms once again to employ the available labor force and to invest what is being saved. |