Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 107 (1969)Gösta A. Eriksson, Alf-Erik Lerviks and Caj-Gunnar Lindström (eds.): Essays in Memory of Børge Barfod. Åbo 1969. 89 si- der. (Meddelanden från Företagsekonomiska Institutionen vid Handelshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi, 23).Nærværende mindeskrift om professor Børge Barfod indeholder foruden en fortegnelse syv sider over Børge Barfods skrifter bidrag: Gösta A. Eriksson: »Models in Human Geography; Walter Goldberg: the Question of Systems Education a Business School«; Leif Johansen: the Relationships between Some Systems of Demand Functions«; Erik Johnsen: Remark on Some Analytical Problems a Normative Marketing Systems Model«; Gösta Mickwitz: »Product Quantity as a Means of Competition«; Arne Rasmussen »How Sensitive are the Optimal Points of Micro-economics?«; David M. Robinson: »Some Comments on the Nature of the Scholarly Assumption as a Basis for Model Construction«; Tryggwe Saxen: »Note on the Barfod Epsilon Process«; Herman O. Wold: »E. P. Mackeprang's fråga om val av regression. Ett Nyckelproblem i ekonometrins Børge Barfod var
fra 1965 til sin død |