Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 106 (1968) 1-2FORTEGNELSE OVER DET KONGELIGE BIBLIOTEKS ANSKAFFELSER AF ØKONOMISK LITTERATURFortegnelsen omfatter de vigtigste titler blandt den nyeste økonomiske litteratur, som Det kongelige Bibliotek har bestilt eller anskaffet. Listen er søgt opdelt systematisk. For hvert skrift oplyses forfatter, titel, udgiversted og -år, og så vidt muligt sidetal og pris. Bøger vedrørende driftsøkonomi, organisation etc. er ikke medtaget; herom henvises til »Økonomisk Dokumentation«, som fremkommer i hvert nummer af Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift og omfatter anskaffelser til Handelshøjskolens bibliotek. BIBLIOGRAFIER: GENEREL TEORI OG EMPIRISKE STUDIER; DE ØKONOMISKE IDEERS HISTORIE:Svennevig,
Palle, Nyere økonomisk litteratur. Ablin, Fred
and Paul H. Aron (eds.), Production, Ames, Edward,
Introduction to macroeconomic Anthony,
Robert N. and James S. Heki- Borch, Karl
Henrik, The economics of uncertainty. Brems, H.,
Quantitative economic theory: Cameron,
Burgess, Input-output analysis Chamberlain,
Neil W., Enterprise and environment. Davies, D.
and C. McCarthy, Introduction Side 94
to technological
economics. Chichester Dooley, P. C,
Elementary price theory. Frisch,
Helmuth, Beiträge zur Theorie der
Galatin, M.,
Economies of scale and technological Gordon, Barry
J., Non-Ricardian political Greene, James
H., Operations planning and Guitton,
Henri, Maitriser l'économie. Paris Hicks, John.
Value, capital and growth. Papers Hoffmann, Th.
R., Production. Management Holbrook, Robert Sumner, Alternative models of consumer behavior: the permanent income hypothesis and the life cycle hyp. Berkeley 1967. Horowitz,
David (ed.), Marx and modern Ibanés, J., La doctrine de l'église et les realités économiques au XHIe siecle. L'intérét, les prix et la monnaie. Paris 1965. 112 p. F 9,00. Johnson, Harry G., The economic approach to social questions. An inaugural lecture delivered 12. oct. 1967. London 1968. 30 p. 6/-. Kaufman, H. et J. L. Groboillot, La prevision économique å court termes. Méthodes générales, lissage exponentiel. Paris 1968. 296 p. Kendall, M.
G., R. J. Ball a. 0., Mathematical Klein,
Lawrence R. and Robert Summers, Kogiku, K. C,
Introduction to macroeconomic Kohler,
Heinz, Scarcity challenged. An in- Kowalski, Leo, Einkommensverwendung, Einkommensverteilung und Vermögensverteilung. Tübingen 1967. 248 p. DM 21,00. Kuhn, Helmut,
Die Struktur quantitativer Lancaster,
Kelvin, Mathematical economics. Marschak, Thomas A., K. Glennan and Robert Summers, Strategy for R & D Studies in the microeconomic development. Berlin 1967. 372 p. DM 56,80. Miller, David
W. and Martin K. Starr, The Moriguchi, C,
Business cycles and manufacturer's Morse, Philip M., Queues, inventories and maintenance. The analysis of operational systems with variable demand and supply. New York 1967. 202 p. Mundell,
Robert A., Man and economics. An Ott, Alfred
Eugen, Theoretische und empirische Parkinson, C.
N., Left luggage: from Marx Pham, Chi
Thanh, On the asymptotic behaviour Pichler, Hanns, Modellanalyse und Modellkritik. Darstellung und Versuch einer Beurteilung vom Standpunkte der ganzheitlichen Wirtschaftslehre. Berlin 1967. 160 p. DM 33,60. Ramström, D., The efficiency of control strategies. Communication and decisionmaking in organizations. Stockholm 1967. 442 p. Riqqs, James
L., Economic decision models Roll, Eric,
The world after Keynes. An Side 95
Roover, Raymond de, San Bernardino of Siena and Sant'Antonino of Florence. The two great economic thinkers of the middle ages. Boston, Mass. 1967. 46 p. % 4,00. Rothenberg,
Jerome, An approach to the Rowan, C. C,
Output, employment and Salzman,
Lawrence, Computerized economic Sauermann,
Heinz (Hrsg.), Beiträge zur Schmitt-Rink, G., Konsum-Dynamik. Die qualitative Expansion des privaten Verbrauches. Göttingen 1967. 172 p. DM 24,00. Schoenman,
Jean Claude, An analog of Simkin, C. G.
F., Economics at large. London Smith, Henry,
A prospect of political economy. Stephenson, Hans, Entwicklung der Wirtschaft. Eine wirtschaftsmathematische und wirtschaftstechnische Teilanalyse. Berlin 1967. 122 p. DM 19,80. Stigum, Bernt
P. and Marcia L. Stigum, Tangri,
Shanti S. (ed.), Capital accumulation Timms, Howard
L., Introduction to operations Vickers,
Douglas, The theory of the firm. Vogt, W.,
Theorie des wirtschaftlichen Weippert,
Georg, Wirtschaftslehre als Kulthurtheorie.
R. Bendin a. 0., Social theory Baranson,
Jack, Technology for underdeveloped Cohn, Einar,
Økonomi og politik i Danmark Croizat, Victor J., The Mekong river development project. Some geographical, historical, and political considerations. Santa Monica 1967. 146 p. Falcus, M.
E., Readings in the history of Fischer-Galati, Stephen A., The new Roumania. From people's democracy to socialist republic. Cambridge, Mass. 1967. 126 p. Goldman, M.
1., The Soviet economy: myth Helleiner, G.
K., Handel och bistand i Tanzania. Jaguaribe, Helio, Economic and political development. A theoretical approach and a Brazilian case study. Cambridge, Mass. 1968. 224 p. $ 5,75. Kainzbauer,
W., Der Handel in Tanzania. Käser,
Michael (ed.), Economic development Kopp, Laurence J. (ed.), Source materials for business and economic history. Proceedings of a colloquium convened at the Graduate School of Bus. Adm., Harvard Univ., Oct. 20-22, 1966. Boston, Mass. 1967. 151 p. $ 5,00. Lipton,
Michael, Assessing economic performance. Lithwick, N.
H., Economic growth in Canada. Montias, John
M., Economic development Myrdal, G.,
Asian drama. An inquiry into Side 96
the poverty of
nations. 3 vols. NewYork Officer, Lawrence H., An econometric model of Canada under the fluctuating exchange rate. Cambridge, Mass., 1968. 347 P- $ 12>50 Oxenbøll,
Erling, Finland. Økonomi og Pinther,
Walter Mackenzie, Russian economic Roesler,
Konrad, Die Finanzpolitik des Rutman,
Gilbert L., The economy of Tanganyika. Shorter,
Frederic C. (ed.), Four studies on Shreshtha, B.
P., The economy of Nepal. Sowelem, R. A., Towards financial independence in a developing economy. An analysis of the federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1952-1963. London 1967. 328 p. 55/-. Sveistrup, P.
P., The economy of Green. Tsuru,
Shigeto, Essays on economic de_ Wernet, K.
P., Wettbewerbs- und Absatzverhåltnisse Yü, T., Trade and
Dennis J., Principles of statistical Beckerman,
Wilfred, An introduction to Chambsdal,
L., Mathématiques, enseignement Evans,
Michael K. and Lawrence R. Klein, Fürst,
Gerhard, Die Statistik im Dienste Hadley, G.,
Introduction to probability and Harris, B.
(ed.), Spectral analysis of time Hymans, Saul
H., Probability theory with Jeppesen,
Jens, Forelæsningsnoter til statistisk Kappier,
Helmuth, Gradientenverfahren der Landgreen,
Eric og Jon Stene (red.), Opgaver Nåslund, Bertil, Decisions under risk. Economic applications of chance-constrained programming. Stockholm 1967. 188 p. Sv. kr. 30,00. Spurr, W. A.,
Statistical analysis for business Stowe, Heinz
und Erich Hårtter, Lehrbuch Tintner,
Gerhard, Methodology of mathematical Walters, A.
et Pierre-Henri Derycke, Bergmann, Theodor, Funktionen und Wirkungsgrenzen von Produktionsgenossenschaften in Entwicklungslåndern. Frankfurt a.M. 1967. 289 p. DM 25,00. Bettelheim,
Charles, La transition vers Side 97
Caire, Guy,
La planification, techniques et Gill, R. T.,
Economics and the public interest. Ilkin, S. and
E. Inanc (ed.), Planning in Iveroth,
Axel, Industri och samhälle. Stockholm Kitch, M.,
Capitalism and reformation. Larsson, Y.,
P. de Wolff and L. Currie, Leon, Paolo,
Structural change and growth Mossé,
Robert, L'économie socialiste. Paris Niklasson,
Harald, Laszlo Somogyi och Lars Polanyi, G.,
Planning in Britain. London Preiser,
Erich, Wirtschaftspolitik heute. Probleme der sozialistischen Wirtschaftsplanung. Osteuropäische Nationalökonomen über Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsplanung. Beiträge zu den Gösinger Gesprächen. München 1967. 200 p. DM 24,00. Rieger, Hans
Christoph, Begriff und Logik Schachtschabel, Hans G.,
Wirtschaftspolitische Sheahan,
John, The wage-price guideposts. Silverstolpe,
Gunnar Westin, Sovjets ekonomiska Sirkin,
Gerald, The visible hand. The fundamentals Slesinger,
Reuben E., National economic Tangri, S. S.
(ed.), Command versus de- PENGEFORHOLD, PENGE- OG KREDITPOLITIK:Bergander,
Bengt, Försäkringsväsendet i Bums, Emile,
Money and inflation. London Capital Markets Study: General report, Statistical annex to general report, Structure of interest rates in some OECD countries, Utilization of savings, Formation of savings. Publ. by OECD. Paris 1967. 262 + 212 + 126 + 552 + 346 p. F 24,00 + 18,00 + 4,00 -f 16,00 + 16,00. Claassen, E.
M., Monnaie, revenu national Cohan, Avery
8., Yields on corporate debt nneni?Pt J..
Monnaie. et financement. Paris Eliasson, Gunnar, Kreditmarknaden och industrins investeringer. En økonomisk studie av foretagens kortsiktiga investeringsbeteende. Stockholm 1967. 284 p. Sv. kr. 40,00. Hester, D. D.
and James Tobin (eds.), Financial Hester, D. D.
and James Tobin (eds.), Risk Hester, D. D.
and James Tobin (eds.), Studies Innstilling
om obligasjons- og aksjemarkedet Korst, Mogens (red.), Kampen om kapitalen. Rapport fra 9. nordiske civiløkonom kongres i København den 3.-5. juli 1967. København 1967. 230 p. 19,80. Kreditmarknadens struktur och Funktionssätt. Koncentrationsutredningen, 2. Utg. av finansdept. Stockholm 1968. 390 p. Sv. kr. 16,00. Larcier,
Raymond L. and Rogers de Vuyst, Side 98
Lawson, G. H. and D. W. Windle, Capital budgeting and the use of DCF criteria in the corporation tax regime. Edinburgh 1967. 250 p. 57/6. Merret,
Anthony J. and D. A. G. Monk, Inflation, Ölander,
Folke och Carl-Magnus Seipel, Pesek, Boris
P. and Thomas R. Saving, The Saving in contemporary economic research. Transactions of the congress organized by the General Savings Rank and Pension Fund of Relgium on the occasion of its centenary. Rrussels 1967. 306 p. Sejersted,
Francis, Norges Bank og høykonjunkturen Singh, A. and
G. Whittington, Growth, profitability Strøm,
Steinar, Kapitalavkastning i industrisektorer.
Wilhelm M., Das Geld. Seine Wechsberg,
Joseph, The merchant bankers. Westlund,
Knud, Realkredit. København Whight, M. C,
Discounted cash flows. London Yavitz,
Boris, Automation in commercial OFFENTLIGE FINANSER, FINANSPOLITIK:Agarwala, S.
N.r Indian public finance. Analyse af
merværdiafgiftens prisvirkninger. Betänkande
angående indirekta skatter och Chase, Samuel
B. (ed.), Problems in public Economic impact of the Vietnam war. Publ. by the Center for Strategic Studies, Georgetown Univ., Washington. New York 1967. 128 p. $ 2,95. Hagemann, Günter, Aufkommenselastizität ausgewählter Steuern in der Rundesrepublik Deutschland 1950-1963. Tübingen 1968. 208 p. DM 40,00. Innstilling om funksjons- og utgiftsfordelingen mellom staten, fylkeskommunerne og primærkommunerne. Innstilling 2 fra Funksjonsfordelingskomitéen. Utg. av Kommunal- og Arbejdsdept. Oslo 1967. 79 p. Innstilling
fra Skattelovkomitéen av 1966. McKean,
Roland N., Public spending. New Maxwell, R.
(ed.), Public sector purchasing. Statens
refusioner af kommunernes udgifter. Tautscher,
Anton, Steigender Steuerdruck INTERNATIONAL ØKONOMI, TEORI OG POLITIK:Adler-Karlsson, Gunnar,
Western economic Arnold, G.,
Economic cooperation in the Bär, Ulrich,
Der Kapitalverkehr in der Biblioprophie über den Verkehr in europäischen Integrationsprozess. Hrsg. von der Kommission der europäischen Gemeinschaften. Bruxelles 1967. 119 p. Britain's
invisible earnings. The report of Brown, Alan
A. and Egon Neuberger (eds.), Side 99
international trade and central Chalandon,
Albin et al., La reforme du Cut ajar,
Michael Zammit and Alison Einzig, Poul,
Foreign exchange crisis. New Gabriel, Peter P., The international transfer of corporate skills. Management contracts in less developed countries. Boston 1967. $ 5,00. Hahn, Oswald.
Die Währungsbanken der Hansen, Roger
D., Central America. Regional Ilazlcivood,
Arthur, Africa" integration and Hinshaw,
Randall (ed.), Monetary reform Innstilling
om den videre utbygging av Jain, R. K.,
International economic cooperation. Jantzen,
Torben, EFTA. Resultater og perspektiver. Jensen,
Walter G. W., The common market. Johnson, Harry, Paul Wonnacott and H. Shibata, Harmonization of national economic policies under free trade. Toronto 1967. $ 2,25. Kindleberger,
Charles P., Liberal policies Killinger,
Uwe Webster, The European Knusel, Jack
L., West German aid to developing Krause,
Lawrence 8., European economic Laufer,
Leopold, Israel and the developing Lloyd, Peter
J., International trade problems Lundstrom, H.
0., Capital movements and Mossé,
Robert, Les problémes monétaires Mundell,
Robert A., International economics. Mundell, Robert A. and Alexander K. Svoboda (eds.), Monetary problems of the international economy. Chicago 1968, 392 p. $ 12,50. Osswald,
Klaus D., Ulrich Köhler und Werner Ringmar, Torgil och Rolf Örjes, Fran i-land till u-land. Svensk fredskår i internationalt utvecklingsarbete. Stockholm 1967. 112 p. Sv. kr. 10,00. Rolfe, S. E.,
Capital markets in Atlantic Schneider,
Erich, Zahlungsbilanz und Wechselkurs. Schneider,
Erich (Hrsg.), Skandinavische Servan-Schreiber,
Jean-Jacques, Le défi Slater, David
W., World trade and economic Spencer, Daniel L. and Alexander Woroniak (eds.), The transfer of technology to developing countries. New York 1967. 223 p. $ 12,50. Sverige och
EEC. Romfördraget ur svensk Terpstra,
Vern, American marketing in the Tinbergen, J. a. 0., Towards a strategy for development cooperation with special reference to Asia. Rotterdam 1967. 104 p. Gld. 12,50. Treaty for
East African cooperation. Signed Side 100
on behalf of the governments of the United Republic of Tanzania, The Sovereign State of Uganda, and the Republic of Kenya. Corning into force lst December 1967. Nairobi 1967. 125 p. Triantis, S. G., Cyclical changes in trade balances of countries exporting primary products 1927-1933. Toronto 1967. 200 p. 3 4,50. Triffin,
Robert, Our international monetary Uri, P., P.
Millet, J. Houssiaux et al., Les Vries, Barend
A. de, The export experience Vjjgen, K.,
öffentliche Unternehmen im Walsh, A. E.
and J. Paxton, The structure Walter, Ingo
and Hans C. Vitzthum, The White, J.,
Pledged to development. London Wonnacott, Ronald J. and Paul Wonnacott, Free trade between the United States and Canada. Cambridge, Mass. 1967. 476 p. $ 9,50. DEMOGRAFI, ARBEJDSMARKED, SOCIALPOLITIK:Abel-Smith,
Brian, An international study Bogue, Donald
J. and Kitagawa, Evenly M., Delehanty. G.
E., Nonproduction workers in Desai, Ashok
V., Real wages in Germany Durand, John
D., The labor force in the Ginzberg,
Eli, Manpower agenda for America. Gordon,
Robert A., The goal of full employment. Incomes
policy. Publ. by General Confederation Ingbar, Mary
Lee and Lester D. Taylor, Isaac, J. E.,
Wages and productivity. Melbourne Johri, C. L.,
Trade unionism in a developing Kirk, Dudley,
Europe's population in the Krelle,
Wilhelm u.a. Überbetriebliche Ertragsbeteilung Matthiessen,
P. C, Teoretisk demografi. Regionale
befolkningsfremskrivninger 1960-2000. Roberts, B.
C. and L. G. Bellecombe, Collective Robertson, N.
and J. L. Thomas, Organized Ross, Arthur
M. and Herbert Hill (eds.), Smith,
Anthony D. (ed.), The labor market Stakman,
Elvin Charles, R. Bradfield and Thomas,
Dorothy Swaine, Social aspects of Wattelar,
Christine et Guillaume Wunsch, Wunsch,
Guillaume, Les mesures de la natalité. SPECIEL ØKONOMISK
A., Sector and project planning Side 101
Ägande och inflytande inom det private nåringslivet. Koncentrationsutredningen, 5. Utg. av finansdept. Stockholm 1968. 208 p. Sv. kr. 9,00. Arndt, Helmut, Die Konzentration in der Presse und die Problematik des Verleger Frankfurt a. M. 1967. 96 p. DM 18,00. Baligh, Helmg
R. and Leon E. Richartz, Bauer, P. T.
and B. S. Yamey, Markets, market Baumier,
Jean, Les grandes affaires francaises. Beaujeu-Garnier, J. et G.
Chabot, Urban Björklund,
Tom, Reklamen i svensk marknad Borin, Leif,
Lokaliseringsbeslut inom detaljhandeln. British agriculture, fisheries and food, and the European Economic Community. Report from the Select Committee on Agriculture Session 1966-67. 2 vols. London 1967. Butterwick,
M. and E. Rolfe, Food, farming Clawson,
Marion, Policy directions for U.S. Collins, Norman R. and Lee E. Preston, Concentration and price-cost margins in manufacturing industries. Berkeley 1968. 184 p. $ 6,00. Dillon, John
L., The analysis of response Edwards, C.
D., Control of cartels and monopolies. Ekonomisystem
for forsvaret. Stockholm Eyben, W. E
von u.a., Das Recht des un- Guyol, N. 8.,
The world electric power Hubbard,
Michael Edmund, The economics Huffschmid, J., J. Michaelis und W.-R. Plan, Bibliographie Konzentration und Konzentrationspolitik. Berlin 1967. 284 p. DM 56,00. Hull, Oswald,
A geopraphy of production. Industriens struktur och konkurrensförhållanden. Koncentrationsutredningen, 3. Utg. av finansdept. Stockholm 1968. 334 p. Sv. kr. 14,00. International aspects of anti-trust. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 89th Cong., 2. sess. Washington 1967. 709 p. Kristensen,
Thorkil, The food problem of Lbf, George U. G. and Allen V. Kneese, The economics of water utilization in the beet sugar industry. Baltimore 1968. 144 p. $ 4,00. McKean,
Roland N., Issues in defence economics. McManus,
George J., The inside story of Morgenstern, Oskar and Klaus-Peter Heiss, General report on the economics of the peaceful use of underground nuclear explosions. Princeton 1967. 218 p. $ 3,00. Myers,
Charles A. (ed.), The impact of Norton, H.
S., National transportation policy. Nourse, Hugh
0., Regional economics. New Perloff
Harvey S. and Lowdon Wingo, Jr. Side 102
Pred, Allan,
Behavior and location. Lund Roth, Gabriel
J., Paying for roads. Harmondsworth Rothenberg,
Jerome, Economic evaluation Sahota, Gian
S., Fertilizer in economic development. Salter, L.
A., A critical review of research Snoek, Gerd,
Wettbewerbs- und Wachstumsprobleme Somers,
Herman Miles and Anne Ramsay Sommer, M.,
Das Recht der Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen Southworth, Herman H. and Bruce F. Johnston (eds.), Agricultural development and economic growth. Ithaca, N.Y. 1967. 608 p. Stratford,
Alan H., Air transport economics Strukturutveckling och konkurrens inom handeln. Koncentrationsutredningen, 4. Utg. av finansdept. Stockholm 1968. 173 p. Sv. kr. 7,00. Sturm, H. M.,
Technology and manpower in Uebe,
Wolfgang, Industriestruktur und Undersøgelse
af det danske erhvervsfiskeris Viau, P.,
L'agriculture dans Péconomie. Warley,
Thorald K. (ed.), Agricultural producers Weitz, Raanan
and Avshalom Rokach, Agricultural Wheelright,
Edward L. and Judith Miskelly, Wollman,
Nathanael, The water resources Worcester, D.
A., Jr., Monopoly, big business, BESLÆGTEDE EMNER:Baude, Hans,
Att söka ekonomisk litteratur. Lumsden,
Keith G. (ed.), New developments Robinson, E.
A. G., The problems of teaching Trail, Thomas
F., Education of development |