Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 105 (1967) 5-6


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Index of economic journals. Vol. VII, 1964-1966.
Publ. by American Economic Association.
Homewood, 111. 1967. 399 p.

Input-output bibliography 1963-1966. Publ.
by UN. New York 1967. 259 p. $ 3,50.


Afhandlinger fra Handelshøjskolen i København. Udsendt i anledning af højskolens 50 års jubilæum den 1. oktober 1967. København 1967. 456 p.

Amstutz, Arnold E., Computer simulation
of competitive market response. Cambridge,
Mass. 1967. 432 p. $ 15,00.

Bohr, Kurt, Produktionstheorie der Mehrproduktunternehmung. Traditionelle Theorie und lineare sowie nich-lineare Programmierung. Köln 1967. 142 p. DM 39,00.

Brown, Murray (ed.), The theory and empirical
analysis of production. New York
1967. 515 p.

Bühlmann, H., H. Loeffel und E. Nievergelt, Einführung in die Theorie und Praxis der Entscheidung bei Unsicherheit. Berlin 1967. 125 p. DM 12,00.

Carney, Dauid, Patterns and mechanics of economic growth. A general theoretical approach. Yellow Springs, Ohio 1967. 256 p. $ 5,00.

Childs, G. L., Unfilled orders and inventories.
A structural analysis. Amsterdam
1967. 160 p.

Eder, Rudolf, Volkswirtschaftliche Theorie
des technischen Fortschritts. Berlin 1967.
150 p. DM 24,60.

Emmer, Robert E., Economic analysis and
scientific philosophy. London 1967. 250 p.

Ferber, Robert (ed.), Determinants of investment
behavior. New York 1967. 611 p.
$ 15,00.

Fb'ldi, T. (ed.), For the progress of Marxist
economics. Budapest 1967. 130 p.

Fontaine, C, Les mouvements de prix et leur dispersion, 1892-1963. Essai d'analyse et documents statistiques. Paris 1966. 229 p.

Geschichte der ökonomischen Lehrmeinungen.
Berlin 1966. 540 p. DM 18,00.

Gisser, Micha, Introduction to price theory.
Scranton, Pa. 1966. 325 p. $ 7,50.

Haaoelmo, Trygve, Orientering i makroøkonomisk
teori. Oslo 1966. 176 p. Stensilert.

Hayek, Friedrich August von, Studies in
philosophy, politics and economics. London
1967. 356 p. 42/-.

Healy, J., The just wage, 1750-1890. A study
of moralists from Saint Alphonsus to Leo
XIII. The Hague 1966. 510 p.

Hieber, Manfred, Aussenhandel, wirtschaftliche
Expansion und Preisniveau. Berlin
1967. 150 p. DM 28,60.

Johnson, James William, The formation or
English neo-classical thought. The road
to Cibbon. London 1967. 379 p. 72/-.

Jong, F. J. de, Dimensional analysis for economists. With a mathematical appendix on the algebraic structure of dimensional analysis by W. Quade. Amsterdam 1967. 236 p.

Kamerschen, David R. (ed.), Readings in
microeconomics. New York 1967. 608 p.
$ 6,95.

Kirzner, Israel M., An essay on capital. New
York 1966. 147 p. $ 5,00.

Koziolek, Helmut, Helmut Mann und Herbert Meissner, Aktuelle Probleme der politischen Okonomie. Berlin 1966. 100 p. DM 3,80.

Side 313

Kiilp, Bernhard, Grundfragen der Wirtschaft.
Eine Einfiihrung in die Sozialokonomie.
Koln 1967. 329 p. DM 30,00.

Lecaillon, Jacques, Analyse microéconomique.
Paris 1967. 263 p. F 20,00.

Lhomme, Jean, Économie et histoire. Genéve
1967. 204 p.

Lutz, Friedrich A., Verstehen und Verståndigung
in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft.
Tiibingen 1967. 28 p. DM 3,60.

Macfie, A. L., The indvidual in the society.
Papers on Adam Smith. London 1967. 168
P. 36/-.

Mack, Ruth P., Information, expectations, and inventory fluctuations. A study of material stock on hånd and on order. New York 1967. 306 p. § 10,00.

Madan, Gurmukh Ram, Economic thinking
in India. New Delhi 1966. 399 p. Rs 20,00.

Mahr, Alexander, Gesammelte Abhandlungen
zur okonomischen Theorie. Berlin
1967. 324 p. DM 58,00.

Mahr, W., Einfiihrung in die allgemeine
Volkswirtschaftslehre. Wiesbaden 1966.
235 p. DM 25,50.

Mandel, Ernest, La formation de la pensée
économique de Karl Marx. Paris 1967. 216
p. F 15,40.

Marscheider, Dieter, Die Erkentnisse auf dem Gebiet des Vertriebes in der deutschsprachigen Literatur von 1868 bis 1914. Berlin 1967. 238 p. DM 36,60.

Mauron, C, Discussion sur les théories reelles
et monétaires du capital. Paris 1966.
129 p.

Meade J. E., The growing economy. London
1967. 464 p.

Mitchell, Edward J., An econometric study of international and inter-industrial differences in labour productivity. Santa Monica, Calif. 1966. 97 p.

Mizuta, H., Adam Smith's library. A supplement to Bonar's catalogue with a checklist of the whole library. London 1967. 153 p. 37/6.

Montaner, Antonio (Hrsg.), Geschichte der
Volkswirtschaftslehre. Koln 1967. 476 p.
DM 22,80.

Miissiggang, Albert, Die soziale Frage in der

Mgint, H., Economic theory and development
policy. An inaugural lecture. London
1967. 20 p. 6/-.

Noll, Werner, Volkswirtschaftliche Aus eines kostensparenden technischen Fortschritts. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik. Berlin 1967. 187 p. DM 29,60.

Ott, Alfred, Grundzüge der Preistheorie,
Göttingen 1967. 136 p. DM 29,50.

Pack, L., Die Elastizität der Kosten. Grundlagen einer entscheidungsorientierten Kostentheorie. Wiesbaden 1966. 637 p. DM 57,00.

Pervushin, S. P. a.0., Production, accumulation
and consumption. White Plains,
N.Y. 1967. 174 p. $ 10,00.

Phillips, Almarin, Prices. Issues in theory,
practice and public policy. Philadelphia,
Pa. 1967. 308 p. $ 8,50.

Pollak, H., Wachstumsbedingte Verbrauchs und einige ihrer Kon für die Verbrauchsbesteuerung, Berlin 1966. 143 p. DM 24,80.

Quirk, James and Rubin Saposnik, Introduction
to general equilibrium theory and
welfare economics. New York 1967. 549 p.

Redder, K. W., Indkøbsundersøgelsen. Landhusmødres adfærd m.h.t. indkøb og konsulentbenyttelse. Udg. af Landbrugsministeriets produktivitetsudvalg. København 1967. 103 p. Ikke i bogh.

Rescher, N., Distributive justice. A constructive critique of the utilitarian theory of distribution. Indianapolis, Ind. 1966. 166 p. <j> 6,00.

Rosenfeld, F., Techniques d'analyse et
devaluation des projets d'investissements.
Paris 1966. 112 p. F 12,00.

Sengupta, S. Sankar, Operations research in
sellers' competition. A stochastic microtheory.
New York 1967. 256 p. $ 9,95.

Shackle, G. L. S., On the nature of profit. The Finlay lecture delivered om 24 May 1967 in University College, Dublin. Dublin 1967. 26 p. 3/6.

Side 314

Shackle, G. L. S., The years of high theory.
Cambridge 1967. 328 p. 45/-.

Stoleru, L., L'Équilibre et la croissance économiques.
Principes de macroéconomie.
Paris 1967. 524 p. F 78,00.

Strösslin, Werner, Friedrich Lists Lehre von der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Zur Geschichte der Entwicklungstheorie und -politik. Tübingen 1967. 120 p. DM 12,00.

The theory and empirical analysis of production.
Conference on research in income
and wealth. New York. 1967. $ 12,50.

Tucker, W. T., Foundations for a theory of
consumer behavior. New York 1967. 148 p.

Van den Bogarde, F., Elements of price
theory. Pretoria 1967. 350 p.

Whetham, Edith Holt and Jean I. Currie (eds.), Readings in the applied economics of Africa. Vol. I: Microeconomics. Vol. II: Macroeconomics. Cambridge 1967. 216 + 228 p. 22/6 + 22/6.

Williams, Bruce JR., Technology, investment
and growth. London 1967. 250 p. 40/-.

Worland, Stephen Theodore, Scholasticism
and welfare economics. London 1967. 298
p. 56/-.

Wu, Shih-Yen and Jack A. Pontneu, An introduction
to modern demand theory.
New York 1967. 256 p. % 8,95.

Youngson, A. J., Overhead capital. Edinburgh
1967. 192 p. 40/-.


Adelman, I. and C. T. Morris, Society, politics and economic development. A quantitative approach. Baltimore, Md. 1967. 272 p.

Albertini, Jean H., M. Auvolat et F. Lerouge,
Les méchanismes du sous-développement.
Paris 1967. 344 p. F 21,30.

Ambrose, Stephen E. (ed), The institutional revolution. Organizational change in modern America. Baltimore, Md. 1967. 160 p. S 5,95.

Amin, S., L'économie du Maghreb. Tome I:

Aron, R., Trois essais sur l'åge industriel.
Paris 1966. 239 p. F 15,00.

Bairoch, P., Diagnostic de I'évolution économique
du tiers-monde, 1900-1966. Paris
1967. 228 p.

Baldwin, George 8., Planning and development
in Iran. Baltimore, Md. 1967. 224 p.
$ 6,95.

Bienen, Henry, Tanzania: Party transformation
and economic development. Princeton,
N. J. 1967. 448 p. $ 11,50.

Black, C. H., Dynamics of modernization.
London 1967. 224 p. 48/-.

Chanrasekhar, S. and C. W. Hultman (eds.),
Problems of economic development. Boston,
Mass. 1967. 382 p. 3 3,95.

Christensen, Kaj, Grønland på vej mod 1970. Investeringsplanen 1966-1970. Udg. af Ministeriet for Grønland. København 1967. 40 p. 1,10.

Clifford, James, Aspects of economic development,
1760-1960. London 1967. 336
p. 25/-.

Coleman, John R. (ed.), The changing American
economy. New York 1967. 275 p.

Conolly, Violet, Beyond the Urals. Economic
developments in Soviet Asia. London
1967. 420 p. 75/-.

Degler, C. H., The age of economic revolution
1876-1900. Glenview, 111. 1967. 213 p.
§ 2,25.

Eckstein, Alexander, Walter Galenson and Ta-Chung Li (eds.), Economic trends in Communist China. Chicago 1967. 800 p. $ 17,50.

Economic profile of Mainland China. Studies prepared for the Joint Economic Committee. Vol. I: General economic setting, economic sector. Vol.11: Population and manpower resources, external economic relations, appendix. Washington 1967.

Eisenmenger, R. W„ The dynamics of growth in New England's economy, 1870-1964. Middleton, Conn. 1967. 201 p. $ 9,00.

Ekström, John, Industriella utvecklingstendenser
i Europa. En studie av industriens

Side 315

omställning till stormarknader. Stockholm
1967. 146 p.

Frank, Andre Gunder, Capitalism and underdevelopment in Latin America. Historical studies of Chile and Brazil. New York 1967. 298 p. $ 7,50.

Gannagé, Elins, Institutions et développement.
Paris 1966. 172 p.

Gregg, Pauline, The welfare state. An economic and social history of Great Britain from 1945 to the present day. London 1967. 388 p. 37/6.

Guth, W. (ed.), Probleme der Wirtschaftspolitik in Entwicklungsländern. Beiträge zu Fragen der Entwicklungsplanung und regionalen Integration. Berlin 1967. 173 p.

Hartwell, Ronald Max (ed.), The causes of
the industrial revolution in England. London
1967. 177 p. 25/-.

Hill, Christopher, Reformation to industrial revolution. A social and economic history of Britain, 1530-1780. London 1967. 253 p. 42/-.

Hirschman, Albert 0., Development projects
observed. Washington 1967. 194 p. $ 2,25.

Hohenberg, P. M., Chemicals in Western
Europe, 1850-1914. An economic study of
technical change. Amsterdam 1967. 160 p.

Johansen, Leif, U-landsproblemet - kan det
løses? Oslo 1967. 61 p. N. kr. 5,00.

King, J. A., Economic development projects and their appraisal. Cases and principles from the experience of the World Bank. Baltimore, Md. 1967. 512 p.

Kirby, Edward Stuart, Economic development
in East Asia. London 1967. 253 p.

Klement, Dieter, Strukturwandlungen des Kapitalstocks nach Anlagearten in Deutschland seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Tübingen 1967. 98 p. DM 12,00.

Konjunktursituationen i efteråret 1967. Redegørelse afgivet til regeringen september 1967 af Det økonomiske Råds Formandskab. København 1967. 35 p. 8,00.

Kranzberg, Meloin and Carroll W. Pursell, Technology in western civilization. Vol. I: The emergence of modern industrial society - earliest times to 1900. New York 1967. 750 p. $ 8,50.

Levine, A. L., Industrial retardation in Britain
1880-1914. London 1967. 201 p. 42/-.

Lewis, Arthur, Reflections on Nigeria's economic
growth. Publ. by OECD. Paris
1967. 66 p. F 6,00.

Lokanathan, P. S. Economic development. Issues and policies. Dr. P. S. Lokanathan seventy-second birthday commemoration volume. Bombay 1966. 293 p. Rs 20,00.

Mainland China in the world economy. Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the U.S., 90th cong., lste sess., April 5, 10, 11, and 12, 1967. 248 p.

Morris, B. R., Economic growth and development.
New York 1967. 529 p. § 7,50.

Ness, Gayl D., Bureaucracy and rural development in Malaysia. A study of complex organizations in stimulating economic development in new states. Berkeley, Calif. 1967. 257 p.

Oser, Jacob, Promoting economic development.
With illustrations from Kenya.
Evanston, 111. 1967. 242 p. $ 7,00.

Sayers, Richard Sidney, A history of economic
change in England, 1880-1939. London
1967. 179 p. 7/6.

Sen, Sunil Kumar, Studies in economic policy
and development of India. Calcutta
1966. 239 p. Rs 26,25.

Shapiro, Seymour, Capital and the cotton
industry in the industrial revolution.
New York 1967. 312 p. $ 9,00.

Social change and economic growth. Publ.
by OECD. Paris 1967. 264 p. F 13,00.

Spiro, H. J. (ed.), Patterns of African development.
Five comparisons. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1967. 144 p.

Thomas, Georg, Geschichte der deutschen
Wehr- und Rüstungswirtschaft 1918-1943/
45. Boppard 1966. 552 p. DM 38,00.

Ward, R. J. (ed.), The challenge of development.
Theory and practice. Chicago 1967.
256 p. $ 6,00.

Wilkie, James W., The Mexican revolution. Federal expenditures and social change since 1910. Berkeley, Calif. 1967. 337 p. 3 7,50.

Side 316


Almen, Clopper, Matrix methods in economies.
London 1967. 176 p.

Bolza, Hans, Der Wirtschaftsablauf in ökonometrischer
Sicht. Köln 1967. 40 p. DM

Boet, John C. G., Mathematical reasoning in
economics and management science. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1967. 178 p.

Draper, J. E. and J. C. Klingman, Mathematical
analysis. Business and economic applications.
London 1968. 500 p. 55/-.

Fisk, P. R., Stochastically dependent equations.
An introductionary text for econometricians.
London 1967. 181 p. 40/-.

Gregory, D. and H. Ward, Statistics for
business studies. London 1967. 340 p.

Hansen, Gerd, Ein ökonometrisches Modell
für die Bundesrepublik 1951-1964. Göttingen
1967. 144 p. DM 23,00.

Joshi, M. S., The national balance sheet of
India. Bombay 1966. 43 p. Rs 5,00.

Kattsoff, L, O. and A. Simone, Foundations of contemporary mathematics. With applications in the social and management sciences. New York 1967. 553 p. $ 9,50.

Mason, R. D., Statistical techniques in
business and economics. Homewood, 111.
1967. 520 p. $ 8,50.

Revell, Jack, The wealth of the nation. The national balance sheet of the United Kingdom, 1957-1961. Cambridge 1967. 378 p.

Van der Veen, 8., Introduction to the theory
of operational research. New York 1967.
203 p. $ 9,20.


Balinky, A. a.0., Planning and the market
in U.S.S.R. The 1960'5. New Brunswick,
N.J. 1967. 132 p. $ 4,00.

Bicanic, Rudolf, Problems of planning East
and West. The Hague 1967. 123 p.

Bor, Mikhail Z., Aims and methods of
Soviet planning. London 1967. 255 p. 50/-.

Daland, Robert T., Brazilian planning. De-

Dobb, Maurice, Papers on capitalism, development
and planning. London 1967.
274 p. 35/-.

Dobb, Maurice. Socialism, capitalism and economic growth. Essays presented to Maurice Dobb. Ed. by C. H. Feinstein, New York 1967. 350 p.

Filene, P. G., Americans and the Soviet experiment,
1917-1933, Cambridge, Mass,
1967. 404 p.

Frisch, H. and L. Surkau, Volkswirtschaft in unsere Zeit. Volkswirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik. Bad Homburg 1966. 275 p. DM 10,40.

Hahn, Albert L., Ewige Hochkonjunktur
und kommandiertes Wachstum. Tübingen
1967. 44 p. DM 6,50.

Hahn, G., Investitionslenkung in sowjetisehen Wirtschaftssystem. Eine Untersuchung der staatlichen Planung des Wirtschaftsprozesses. Stuttgart 1967. 176 p.

Hansen, Bent, Long- and short-term planning
in underdeveloped countries. Amsterdam
1967. 61 p.

Hardt, J. a.o. (eds.), Mathematics and computers
in Soviet economic planning. New
Haven, Conn. 1967. 25 p. $ 7,85.

Husain, Zakir, Capitalism. Essays in understanding.
London 1967. 204 p. 30/-.

Jacobg, Neil H. and James E. Howell, European economics - East and West. Convergence of five European countries and the United States. New York 1967. 115 p. $ 2,00.

Jeppesen, Steen Leth, Økonomisk politik.
København 1967. 79 p. 16,50.

Johnson, Harry G. (ed.), Economic nationalism
in old and new states. Chicago
1967- 192 P- $ s>oo5>00

Kanovsky, Eliyahu, The economy of the
Israeli kibbutz. Cambridge, Mass. 1966.
169 p.

Levkovskii, A. 1., Capitalism in India. Basic
trends and its development. New Delhi
1966. 663 p. Rs 40,00.

Lincoln, J., The restrictive society. London
1967. 256 p. 30/-.

Side 317

Ott, Alfred Eugen (Hrsg.), Fragen der wirtschaftlichen
Stabilisierung. Tübingen
1967. 114 p. DM 14,00.

Pang, Therese, Les communes populaires
rurales en Chine. Fribourg 1967. 208 p.
F 22,00.

Preston, Nathaniel Stone, Politics, economics and power. Ideology and practice under capitalism, socialism, communism, and facism. New York 1967. 242 p. $ 2,95.

Probleme der sozialistischen Wirtschaftsplanung. Osteuropäische Nationalökonomen über Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsplanung. München 1967. 200 p. DM 24,00.

Sik, 0., Ökonomie, Interessen, Politik. Berlin
1966. 506 p. DM 14,50.

Timmermann, Vincenz, Probleme und Möglichkeiten der Entwicklungsplanung. Die Strategie des balanced growth. Stuttgart 1967. 147 p. DM 24,80.

Tinbergen, Jan, Development planning. London
1967. 256 p. 14/-.

Weinmann, Manfred, Wirtschaftsplanung in Regionen. Französische Planungs-systematik und Wachstumspolitik der EWG. Baden-Baden 1967. 220 p. DM 24,00.

Woestyn, Étienne, La Belgique devant la
programmation économique. Paris 1967.
146 p. F 7,50.

Yamamura, Kozo, Economic policy in postwar Japan. Growth versus economic democracy. Berkeley, Calif. 1967. 264 s. $ 6,95.

Zaleski, Eugene, Planning reforms in the
Soviet Union, 1962-1966. Chapel Hill, N.C.
1967. 203 p. $ 6,00.

Zauberman, Alfred, Aspects of planometrics.
New Haven, Conn. 1967. 272 p.


Atkinson, Thomas R. and Elisabeth Simpson,
Trends in corporate bond quality.
New York 1967. 106 p. $ 4,00.

Christian, Ivan, Transformation des liquidités
et financement du plan. Paris 1967.
151 p.

Gibson, N. J., Financial intermediaries and
monetary policy. London 1967. 63 p. 7/6.

Haller, H., Das Problem der Geldwertstabilität. Eine zugleich in volkswirtschaftliches Danken einführende Untersuchung. Stuttgart 1966. 170 p. DM 4,80.

Hicks, John, Critical essays in monetary
theory. Oxford 1967. 219 p. 25/-.

Kaemmel, E., Finanzgeschichte. Berlin 1966.
416 p. DM 21,00.

Kellett, R.t The merchant banking arena.
With case studies. London 1967. 182 p.

Kolm, S.-C, Les choix financiers et monétaires.
Theorie et technique modernes.
Paris 1967. 331 p. F 58,00.

Krämer, Hans-R., Wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Probleme der monetären Integration in der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft. Tübingen 1966. 179 p. DM 32,00.

Kragh, Börje, Finansieringsproblem och
strukturomvandling. Stockholm 1967.
150 p.

Lutz, Friedrich A., Lohn, Inflation und
Zahlungsbilanz. Tübingen 1967. 47 p. DM

Merrett, A. J. a.0., Equity issues and the
London capital market. London 1967. 238
P. 42/-.

Moore, Geoff reg H. and Philip A. Klein, The
quality of consumer instalment credit.
New York 1967. 260 p. $ 8,50.

Nowak, Richard, Der Finanzmarkt New York. Eine ökonomische Analyse des objektivierten Geld- und Kapitalmarktes in der USA. Opladen 1967. 261 p. DM 24,00.

Nygren, Ingemar. Svensk sparbanksutlåningen 1820-1913. En analys av de större sparbankernas kreditgivning. Göteborg 1967. 415 p. Sv. kr. 25,00.

Pontecorvo, Giulio a.o. (eds.), Issues in
banking and monetary analysis. London
1967. 236 p. 60/-.

Rasch, H; Die Finanzierung des Wirtschaftswunders. Der Weg in die permanente Inflation. Stuttgart-Degerloch 1966. 273 p. DM 22,00.

Scherf, Harald, Untersuchungen zur Theorie
der Inflation. Tübingen 1967. 126 p. DM

Schuster, Leo, Zentralbankpolitik und Ban-

Side 318


Balopoulos, Elias T., Fiscal policy models
of the British economy. Amsterdam 1967.
313 p.

Economic effect of Vietnam spending. Hearings, 90th cong., Ist. sess. Vol. I: Statements of witnesses and supporting materials, April, 24-27, 1967. Vol. II: Military impact on American economy, now and after Vietnam, compendium of statements, articles, and papers compiled as background material. Washington 1967. 363 -1- 971 p. $ 1,00 + 2,00.

Okner, Benjamin A., Income distribution
and federal income tax. Ann Arbor, Mich.
1966. 148 p. $ 3,00.

Schnittger, Lübbe, Besteuerung und wirtschaftliche
Entwicklung in Ostafrika.
Berlin 1966. 193 p. DM 31,00.

Thurow, Lester C. (ed.)t American fiscal
policy. Experiment for prosperity. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1967. 177 p. $ 1,95.

Thimm, Herbert und Heinz Haller (Hrsg.),
Beiträge zur Theorie der öffentlichen
Ausgaben. Berlin 1967. 344 p. DM 48,60.

Tripathy, R. N., Local finance in a developing
economy. New Delhi 1967. 496 p.

Venkataraman, K., States' finances in India.
A perspective study for the plan periods.
London 1967. 232 p.


Development aid of non-governmental nonprofit
organizations. Publ. by OECD.
Paris 1967. 1378 p. F 90,00.

Donner, F. G., The world-wide industrial
enterprise. Its challenge and promise.
New York 1967. 114 p. $ 4,95.

Dudler, Hermann-Josef, Kurzfristige internationale Kapitalbewegungen. Ihre quantitativdefinitorische Erfassung und theoretische Analyse. Köln 1966. 184 p. DM 15,80.

Ennerfelt, P. Göran, Handel mellan öst och

Esman, Hilton J. and Daniel S. Cheever, The common aid effort. The development assistance activities of the OECD. Columbus, Ohio 1967. 420 p. $ 7,50.

Export credits and development financing. Vol. I: Current practices and problems. Vol. II: National export credit systems. Publ. by UN. New York 1966-67. 43 + 74 p.

Evans, John W., U.S. trade policy. New
legislation for the next round. New York
1967. 112 p. $ 3,95.

Glahe, Fred R., An empirical study of the
foreign-exchange market. Test of a theory.
Princeton, N.J. 1967. 627 p.

Grant, A. T. K., The machinery of finance
and the management of Sterling. London
1968. 192 p.

Kravitz, Irving B. and Robert E. Lipsey, Comparative prices of non-ferrous metals in the international trade, 1953-1964. New York 1967. $ 2,00.

Lorenz, Detlef, Dynamische Theorie der internationalen Arbeitsteilung. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der weltwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Berlin 1967. 184 p. DM 24,80.

Madl, F., Monopoly of foreign trade. Private
international law. Budapest 1967. 170 p.

Mangone, Gerard J. (ed.), UN administration
of economic and social programs.
New York 1966. 291 p.

Markensten, K., Svensk u-landshjälp idag.
Stockholm 1967. 184 p.

May, Herbert K., The prospects and challenge
of the Alliance for Progress. New
York 1967. 255 p. $ 12,50.

Meier, G. M., The international economics
of development. London 1967. 250 p. 38/-.

Mikesell, Raymond F., The economics of
foreign aid. Chicago 1967. 320 p. $ 7,95.

Mintz, Else, Cyclical fluctuations in the
exports of the United States since 1879.
New York 1967.

Mittelstadt, Axel, Frankreichs Währungspolitik
von Poincaré zu Rueff. Frankfurt
a.M. 1967. 257 p. DM 39,80.

Montgomery, John Dickey, Foreign aid in

Side 319

Moore, John R. and Frank A. Padovano, Food processing in Latin America. Incentives and barriers to U.S. direct private investment. New York 1967. 150 p. $ 12,50.

Okigbo, P. N. C, Africa and the Common
Market. Evanston, 111. 1967. 132 p. $ 5,00.

Quantitative models as an aid to development
assistance policy. Publ. by OECD.
78 p. F 6,00.

Roosa, Robert V., The Dollar and world
liquidity. New York 1967. 380 p. $ 7,50.

Seifert, Hubertus, Die deutsche Direktinvestitionen im Ausland und ihre statistische Erfassung als Instrument der internationalen technisch-wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit. Köln 1967. 125 p. DM 13,50.

Soavi, M. et M. Kemier, Problémes d'organisation
économique européenne. Paris
1966. 140 p. F 10,00.

Stellungnahme der Kommission an den Rat betreffend die Beitrittsgesuche des Vereinigten Königreichs, Irlands, Dänemarks und Norwegens gemäss den Artikeln 237 des EWG-Vertrags, 205 des EAG-Vertrags und 98 des EGKS-Vertrags. Hrsg. von Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. Brüssel, Den 29. September 1967. 92 p. DM 2,80.

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among developing conuntries. Publ. by
UN. New York 1967. 106 p. $ 2,00.

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Zsoldos, International finance. Boston,
Mass. 1966, 340 p. $ 7,50.

Wexler, Imanuel, Fundamentals of international
economics. New York 1967. 449
p. $ 7,95.


Agarwala, S. N., Some problems of India's
population. Bombay 1966. 151 p.

Ball, Joseph H., The government-subsidized
union monopoly. A study of labor prac

tices in the shipping industry. Washington
1966. 304 p. $ 7,00.

Berelson, Bernard a.o. (eds.), Family planning and population programs. A review of world developments. London 1966. 848 p. 90/-.

Bhagoliwal, T. N., Economics of labour and social welfare. An authoritative account of labour problems in India and other countries of industrial importance. Agra 1966. 470 p. Rs 15,00.

Blackman, J. L., Presidential seizure in
labour disputes. Cambridge, Mass. 1967.
368 p.

Blau, Peter M. and Otis Dudley Duncan,
The American occupational structure.
Chicago 1967. 536 p.

Blaug, Mark, Maurice Peston and Adrian Ziderman, The utilization of educated manpower in industry. A preliminary report. London 1967. 103 p. 42/-.

Clark, Garfield, Industrial relations in a
British car factory. London 1967. 100 p.

Colberg, Marshall R., Human capital in
southern development, 1939-1963. London
1967. 136 p. 40/-.

Dunlop, J. and N. Chamberlain (eds.),
Frontiers of collective bargaining. London
1968. 250 p. 56/-.

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in Argentina. Publ. by OECD. Paris
1967. 466 p. F 36,00.

Flanders, A., Collective bargaining. Prescription
for change. London 1967. 80 p. 16/-.

Gordon, R. A. (ed.), Toward a manpower
policy. New York 1967. 304 p.

Grebing, Helga, Geschichte der deutschen
Arbeiterbewegung. Ein Überblick. München
1966. 334 p. DM 15,80.

Green, Christopher, Negative taxesand poverty
problem. Washington 1967. 210 p.
$ 6,75.

Hildebrand, George H., Poverty, income
maintenance, and the negative income
tax. New York 1967. 72 p. $ 1,50.

Hoffmann, Charles, Work incentive practices and policies in the Peoples Republic of China, 1953-1965. New York 1967. 164 p. § 6,00.

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Homze, Edward L., Foreign labor in Nazi
Germany. Princeton, N.J. 1967. 350 p.
$ 8,50.

Isbester, A. Frazar (ed.), Industrial and
labor relations. Boston, Mass. 1967. 118 p.
$ 1,95.

Jørgensen, Erling og Frede Østergård, De ældres levevilkår. Bd. 3: Forbrug, formue og opsparingsforhold. København 1967. 102 p. 13,75.

Laffin, John, The hunger to come. London
1966. 207 p.

Lorwin, Val. R., Labor and working conditions
in modern Europe. New York
1967. 152 p. $ 1,50.

Mencher, S., Poor law to poverty program.
Economic security policy in Britain and
the U.S. Pittsburg, Pa. 1967. 480 p.

Paulus, Margarete, Das Genossenschaftswesen in Tanganyika und Uganda. Möglichkeiten und Aufgaben. Berlin 1967. 156 p. DM 26,00.

Policy conference on highly qualified manpower.
Paris 26th-28th September, 1966.
Publ. by OECD. Paris 1967. 362 p. F 18,00.

Pressat, R., Practique de la demographic
Paris 1967. 301 p.

Proceedings of the World Population Conference 1965. Vol. I: Summary report. Vol. II: Fertility, family planning, mortality. Vol. Ill: Projections, measurement of population trends. Vol. IV: Migration, urbanization, economic development. Publ. by UN. New York 1967. $ 5,50 each.

Raffaele, Joseph A., Labor leadership in
Italy and Denmark. Madison, Wis. 1967.
454 p. $ 10,00.

Rehnman, K., Industrial democracy and industrial management. A critical essay on the possible meanings and implications of industrial democracy. Assen 1967. 130 p.

Sloane, Arthur A. and Fred Witney, Labor
relations. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1967. 450
p. $ 8,95.

Subject guide to publications of the International
Labour Office, 1919-1964. Geneve
1967. 478 p.

Tabah, Leon et Jean Viet, Demographic

Technological change and manpower in a
centrally planned economy. Publ. by ILO.
Geneva 1966. 92 p.

Thomlinson, Ralph, Demographic problems.
Controversy over population control. Belmont,
Calif. 1967. 117 p.

Turner, H. A., G. Clark and G. Roberts, Labour relations in the motor industry. A study of industrial unrest and an international comparison. London 1967. 365 p. 55/-.

Ulman, Lloyd (ed.), Challenges to collective
bargaining. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1967.
180 p.

Vail, Mark van de, Die Gewerkschaften im
Wohlfartsstaat. Opladen 1966. 245 p. DM


Andersen, Helge, Kendsgerninger bag aktieselskabernes
regnskaber. København 1967.
145 p. 34,75.

Berki, S. R. (ed.), Antitrust policy, economics
and law. Boston, Mass. 1966. 149 p.
% 1,75.

Berry, Brian J. L., Geography of market
center and retail distribution. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1967. 146 p.

Bibliopraphy of resource material in the field of regional economic development. Publ. by the Regional Economic Development Institute. Washington 1966. 99 p.

Burn, D., The political economy of nuclear
energy. London 1967. 152 p. 21/-.

Clark, J. W., Economic regionalism and the
Americas. New Orleans, Lou. 1966. 63 p.
$ 3,00.

Crotty, R. D., Irish agricultural production.
Its volume and structure. Cork 1966. 384
P. 42/-.

Cummings, R. W., Pricing efficiency in the
Indian wheat market. New Delhi 1967.
203 p.

Farris, Martin T. and Poul T. McElhiney,

Side 321

Feldstein, M. S., Economic analysis for health service efficiency. Econometric studies of the British National Health Service. Amsterdam 1967. 322 p.

Goldman, Marshall T. (ed.), Controlling pollution. The economics of a cleaner America. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1967. $ 1,95.

Harper, D. V., Price policy and procedure.
New York 1966. 308 p. $ 3,95.

Hazari, R. K., The structure of the corporate private sector. A study of concentration, ownership and control. New York 1967. 400 p. $ 9,00.

Hyde, F. E.} J. R. Harris and A. M. Bourn,
Shipping enterprise and management,
1830-1939. Liverpool 1967. 208 p. 42/-.

Kerridge, Eric, The agricultural revolution.
London 1967. 428 p. 84/-.

Knaus, Fritz and Otto Vogel, Unternehmenskonzentration in der westlichen Welt. Stand, Entwicklungstendenzen und Vergleiche. Köln 1967. 135 p. DM 8,50.

Kothari, M. L., Industrial combinations. A
study of managerial integration in Indian
industries. Allahabad 1967. 235 p.

Lacour, C, Revenus agricoles et croissances
regionales en France. Paris 1966. 394 p.

Lovejoy, Wallace F. and Paul T. Homan, Economic aspects of oil conservation regulation. Baltimore, Md. 1967. 336 p. $ 8,50.

McLachlan, D. L. and D. Swann, Competition policy in the European Community. The rules in theory and practice. London 1967. 480 p.

Mainguy, Y., L'économie de l'énergie. Paris
1966. 556 p. F 89,00.

Manners, C, The geography of energy. Chicago
1967. 205 p. $ 2,45.

Mead, Walter J., Competition and oligopsony
in the Douglas Fir Lumber Industry.
Berkeley, Calif. 1966. 276 p. $ 6,00.

Mosher, Arthur T., Getting agriculture moving.
Essentials for development and modernization.
New York 1967. 191 p. $ 6,50.

Fred, A. R., The spatial dynamics of U.S.

Reuter, Axel L., Konzentration und Wirtschaftswachstum.
Köln 1967. 160 p. DM

Salin, Edgar, Niels Bruhn und Michel Marti (Hrsg.), Polis und Regio. Von der Stadtzur Regionalplanung. Tübingen 1967. 400 p. DM 34,00.

Schmidt-Volkmer, A., Die Rationalität der
europäischen Agrarpolitik. Göttingen
1967. 150 p. DM 22,00.

Schmb'lders, Günter, Privatisierung der öffentlichen Wohnungsbaudarlehen. Ein Beitrag zur Eingliederung der Wohnungswirtschaft in die sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Frankfurt a.M. 1966. 99 p. DM 12,60.

Shaner, Willis F., Economic evaluation of investments in agricultural penetration roads in developing countries. A case study of the Tingo Maria-Tocach project in Peru. Stanford, Calif. 1966. 312 p.

Shipbuilding Inquiry Committee 1965-1966 Report. Chairman R. N. Gedders. Presented to Paliament by command of Her Majesty, March 1966. London 1966. 209 p.

Sichel, Werner (ed.), Industrial organization
and public policy. New York 1967.
419 p.

Siebert, H., Zur Theorie des regionalen Wirtschaftswachstums.
Tübingen 1967. 182 p.

Skinner, G. William, Marketing and social
structure in rural China. Stanford, Calif.
1967. 180 p. $ 5,75.

Spreen, Eckhardt, Räumliche Aktivitätsanalysen. Die Aussagefähigkeit der Input und der linearen Programmierung für die Regionalpolitik. Göttingen 1966. 172 p. DM 25,00.

Symons, L., Agricultural geography. Bell's
advanced economic geographies. London
1967. 283 p. 30/-.

Weille, Jan de, Quantification of road user
savings. Baltimore, Md. 1966. 93 p. $ 1,00.

Wolf, Gerd, Die Entwicklung des Weltluftverkehrs
nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Tübingen 1967. 224 p. DM 40,00.

Side 322


Ball, Joyce (ed.), Foreign statistical documents.
Stanford, Calif. 1967. 173 p.

Economic indicators: Historical and descriptive background, 1967. Publ. by U.S. Congress, Joint Economic Committee. Washington 1967. 136 p.

Galtung, Johan, Theory and methods of
social research. København 1967. 534 p.

Moore, Geoffrey H. and Julius Shiskin, In-

The overall level and structure of research and development efforts in the OECD member countries. Publ. by OECD. Paris 1967. 66 p. F 6,00.

Waizey, J. and J. Sheehan, Resources for education. An economic study of education in United Kingdom, 1920-1965. London 1967. 208 p. 35/-.