Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 105 (1967) 3-4


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Allen, Clark Lee, The framework of price
theory. Belmont, Calif. 1967. 448 p.

Allen, R. G. D., Macro-economic theory. A
mathematical treatment. New York 1967.
480 p. $ 11,50.

Bergstrom, A. R., Construction andüse of
economic models. London 1967. 30/-.

Berndtsen, Holger, Produktionsfunktionen och insatsfaktorernas kvalitetsegenskaper. Belyst af industriproduktionen i Finland 1948-1962. Helsingfors 1967. 166 p.

Bilas, Richard A., Microeconomic theory.
Maidenhead, Engl. 1967. 318 p. 70/-.

Cameron, B. D., The theory of national income
and employment. Melbourne 1966.
170 p.

Cohen, Joel E., A model of simple competition.
Cambridge, Mass. 1966. 137 p.
$ 5,95.

Determinants of investment behavior. Publ.
by National Bureau of Economic Research.
New York 1967. $ 15,00.

Dorfman, R., Prices and markets. London
1967. 151 p. 16/-.

Emmer, R. E., Economic analysis and scientific
philosophy. London 1967. 264 p. 45/-.

Gill. R., Evolution of modern economics.
London 1967. 119 p. 14/-.

Gottheil, F. M., Marx's economic predictions.
Evanston, 111. 1966. 216 p. $ 7,50.

Jorgenson, D. W., J. J. McCall and R. Rådner,
Optimal replacement policy. Amsterdam
1967. 225 p.

König, H., H. Reichardtand C. C v. Weizsäcker,
Beiträge zur Produktions- und

Wachstumstheorie. Berlin 1966. 64 p. DM

Kuenne, Robert E., The Polaris missile
strike. A general economic systems analysis.
Columbus, Ohio 1967. 434 p. $ 8,00.

Lilley, Samuel, Men, machines and history. The story of tools and machines in relation to social progress. New York 1966. 352 p. $ 7,50.

List, Friedrich. Wegbereiter einer neuen Wirtschaft. Hauptgedanken aus seinen Schriften. Ausgewählt und erläutert von Hans Gehrig. Berlin 1966. 179 p. DM 26,00.

McNeill, Thomas F. and D. S. Clark, Cost
estimating and contract pricing. New York
1966. 513 p. $ 15,00.

Maillet, Pierre, La croissance économique.
Paris 1966. 128 p.

Mainguy, Y., La demande et l'offre. Paris
1966. 268 p.

Marchal, Jean and Bernard Ducres (eds.),
The distribution of national income. New
York 1968. 776 p. $ 16,50.

Marshall, B. V., Comprehensive economics.
London 1967. 720 p. 45/-.

Meek, R. L. a. 0., Economics and ideology and other essays. Studies in the development of economic thought. London 1967. 227 p. 40/-.

Mozer, W., Die Wirtschaft in philosophischen
Denken des 20. Jahrhunderts. München
1966. 137 p.

Nørregaard Rasmussen, P. og Niels Thygesen, Noter og kommentarer til Don Patinkin: Money, interest and prices. København 1967. 72 p.

Phelps, Edmund S., Golden rules of economic
growth. New York 1967. $ 6,95.

Side 197

Phelps, Edmund S. (eds.), Problems of the
modern economy. New York 1967. $ 4,50.

Pilkington, Edward Cecil Arnold, The economic
problem in outline. Oxford 1966.
201 p. 17/6.

Rima, I. H., Development of economic analysis.
Homewood, 111. 1967. 422 p. $ 7,95.

Salter, W. E. G. and W. B. Reddaway, Productivity
and technical change. New York
1966. 220 p. $ 6,50.

Shapiro, E., Macroeconomic analysis. New
York 1966. 618 p. $ 8,95.

Shell, Karl (ed.), Essays on the theory of
optimal economic growth. Cambridge
1967. 320 p. $ 7,50.

Skene-Smith, N., Economics, commerce and
administration. Oxford 1966. 120 p. 12/6.

Stora, Benjamin, Accumulation du capital, croissance et repartition des revenus dans de modele de Mrs. Joan Robinson. Paris 1966. 236 p. F. 32,00.

Surdnyi-Unger, T., Wirtschaftsphilosophie
des 20. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart 1967. 400 p.

Tullock, G. (ed.), Papers on non-market
desision making. Charlotteville, Virg.
1966. 170 p.

Tyrni, 1., The role of income requirements,
excess demand, and cost pricing in the
economic process. Tampere 1966. 139 p.

Wachstum, Vermögensbildung, Stabilisierung, Professoren-Kolloquien der Adolf Berlin 1967. 127 p. DM 11,60.

Yotopoulos, Pan A. (ed.), Economic analysis
and economic policy. Athens 1966.
205 p.


Agarwala, A. N. and S. P. Singh (eds.),
Accelerating investment in developing
economics. London 1967. 520 p. 30/-.

Allen, G. C, Japan as a market and source
of supply. Oxford 1967. 150 p. 21/-.

Amin, Galal, Food supply and economic
development - with special reference to
Egypt. London 1967. 132 p. 35/-.

Berry, Brian Joe Lobley a.0., Essays on
commodity flows and the spatial struc

ture of the Indian economy. Chicago 1966.
334 p.

Bogndr /., Economic growth in the developing
countries. Budapest 1966. 55 p.

Browaldh, Tore, Samhälle i omvandling. 16 forskare behandlar problem av central betydelse for dagens och morgondagens svenska ekonomi. Festskrift till Tore Browaldh. Stockholm 1967. 216 p.

Cotta, Alain, Analyse quantitative de la
croissance des pays sous-développes. Paris
1967. 128 p. F 33,00.

Dillard, Dudley, Economic Development of
the North Atlantic Community. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1967. 672 p. $ 10,00.

Freithaler, William, Mexico's foreign trade
and economic development. New York
1967. 200 p. $ 12,50.

Granick, David, Soviet metal-fabricating and economic development. Practice versus policy. Madison, Wis. 1967. 382 p. $ 8,50.

llargreaues, E. L., The industrial revolution
in Scotland. London 1966. 303 p. 45/-.

Haswell, Margaret Rosary, Economics of development
in village India. London 1967.
105 p. 21/-.

Johansson, Osten, The gross domestic product
of Sweden and its composition 1861-1955.
Stockholm 1967. 190 p.

Johnson, Walford, John Whyman, and George Wykes, A short economic and social history of twentieth century Britain. London 1967. 239 p. 28/-.

Kermani, Taghi, Economic development in action. Theories, problems, and procedures as applied in the Middle East. New York 1967. 320 p. $ 7,95.

Kilty, Daniel R., Planning for development
in Peru. New York 1967. 214 p. $ 12,50.

Kindleberger, Charles P., Europe's postwar
growth. The role of labor supply. Cambridge,
Mass. 1967. 270 p. § 6,50.

Krause, W. (ed.), The economy of Latin
America. lowa City 1966. 187 p.

Lütgenhorst, M., Der Koloss. Report über
das Ruhrgebiet, die grösste Industrielandschaft
Europas. München 1967. 336 p.

Malenbaum, Wilfred, The economics of Indian
development. New York 1967.

Side 198

Markowiteh, T. J., L'industrie francaise de
1789 å 1964. Analyse des faits. Paris 1966.
264 p.

Martin, Kurt and John Knapp (eds.), The teaching of development economics. The proceedings on the Manchester Conference on Teaching Development Economics, April 1964. London 1967. 238 p. 45/-.

Miller, H. P., Income distribution in the
United States. A 1960 census monograph.
Washington 1966. 306 p. $ 2,25.

Montias, John Michael, The economic development
of Rumania. Cambridge 1967.
384 p.

New direction in the Soviet economy. Study prepared for Subcommittee on Foreign Economic Policy, 89th Congress, 2nd session. Part I-IV. Washington 1966. 1093 p. $ 2,10.

O'Connor, A.M., An economic geopraphy of
East Africa. London 1966. 292 p. 35/-.

Peterec, R. J., Dakar and West African development.
New York 1967. 244 p.

Purdue Faculty Papers in Economic History,
1956-1966. Homewood, 111. 1967. 450 p.
$ 6,50.

Raynolds, David R., Rapid development in
small economies. The example of El Salvador.
New York 1967. 144 p. § 12,50.

Richardson, H. W., Economic recovery in
Britain, 1932-1939. London 1967. 337 p.

Sharma, Ram Sharon, Light on early Indian
society and economy. Edinburgh
1967. 168 p. 40/-.

Ture, Norman R., Accelerated depreciation
in the United States, 1954-1960. New York
1967. 238 p.

Viby Mogensen, Gunnar m. fl., Økonomiske
udviklingslinier 1945-1965. København
1967. 205 p.

Woodruff, William, The impact of western man. A study of Europe's role in the world economy, 1750-1960. New York 1967. 400 p. $ 6,00.

Worswick, G. N. D. and D. G. Tipping, Profits
in the British economy 1919-1938.
Oxford 1967. 155 p. 30/-.

Youngson, A. J., Britain's economic growth,
1920-1966. London 1967. 320 p. 25/-.


Bauer, R. A. (ed.), Social indicators. London
1966. 337 p. 80/-.

Chaudhry, Mahinder D., Regional income accounting in an underdeveloped economy. A case study of India. Calcutta 1966. 144 p. Rs. 30,00.

Chiang, Alpha C, Fundamental methods of
mathematical economics. New York 1967.

Conway, F., Sampling. An introduction for
social scientists. London 1967. 154 p. 35/-.

Ferguson, G. A., Nonparametric trend analysis.
Montreal 1967.

Goldberger, A. S., Topics in regression analysis.
London 1967. 130 p.

Kazmier, Leonard J., Statistical analysis for
business and economics. Maidenhead,
Engl. 1967. 352 p. 36/-.

Nemhauser, George, Introduction to dynamic
programming. New York 1966. 256 p.
$ 7,95.

Nørregaard Rasmussen, P., Forelæsninger
om nationalregnskaber. København 1967.
120 p.

Palmer, E. Z., The meaning and measurement of the national income and of other social accounting aggregates. Lincoln, Neb. 1966. 417 p. $ 10,95.

Schöpf, Anton, Das Prognoseproblem in der
Nationalökonomie. Versuch einer Gesamtbetrachtung.
Berlin 1966. 229 p. DM 38,60.

Seidler, Lee J., The function of accounting
in economic development. New York 1967.
270 p. $ 15,00.

Shao, Stephen P., Statistics for business
and economics. Columbus, Ohio 1967. 816
p. $ 9,75.

Zarnowitz, Victor, An appraisal of shortterm
economic forecasts. New York 1967.
144 p.


Bleton, P., Le capitalisme fran^ais. Paris
1966. 261 p. F 16,50.

Branton, Noel, Economic organization of

modern Britain. London 1966. 224 p. 25/-.
Briefs, Goetz u A. (Hrsg.), Laissez-faire

Side 199

Pluralismus. Demokratie und Wirtschaft
des gegenwårtigen Zeitalters. Berlin 1966.
532 p. DM 59,60.

Buchanan, D. H., The development of capitalistic
enterprise in India. New York
1966. 497 p.

Clarke, W. M., Private enterprise in developing
countries. New York 1966. 59 p.
S 1,50.

Donnithorne, Audrey, China's economic system.
London 1967. 560 p. 80/-.

Franck, L., La politique économique des Etats-Unis. Paris 1966. 374 p. F 35,00. Galhraith, John Kenneth, The new industrial state. Boston, Mass. 1967. 427 p. $ 6,95.

Das Gegengewichtsprinzip in der Wirtscaftsordnung. Band I: CA. Andreae und W. Glahe, Wirtschaftliche Macht und Wettbewerb. Band II: A. Gutersohn und H.-G. Greisbüsch, Machtungleichgewichte und Gegengewichtsbildungen in der Wirtschaftswirklichkeit. Cologne 1966. 148 + 207 p. DM 16,50 -f 23,50.

Gleitze, Bruno U.A., Der Osten auf dem
Wege zur Marktwirtschaft? Berlin 1967.
97 p. DM 12,00.

Harlow, J. S., French economic planning -
a challenge to reason. lowa City 1966.
104 p. $ 2,50.

Harrod, Roy, Towards a new economic policy.
Manchester 1967. 70 p. 10/6.

Hedtkamp, G. Planification in Frankreich.
Grundlagen, Technik und Erfahrungen.
Cologne 1966. 176 p.

Heth, Meir, The legal framework of economic
activity in Israel. New York 1967. 290
p. $ 10,00.

Kaliski, S. F. (ed.), Canadian economic policy since the war. A series of six public lectures in commemoration of the twenthieth anniversary of the »White Paper« on employment and income of 1945, delivered at Carleton University, September-November 1965. Monteral 1966. 154 p.

Kieps, Karlheinz, Langfristige Wirtschaftspolitik in Westeuropa. Die neuen wirtschaftspolitischen Konzeptionen und ihre Problematik. Freiburg im Breisgau 1966.

Köllner, Lutz, Propheten und Magier der

Wirtschaftspolitik von Marx bis Erhard.
Kettwig 1967. 400 p. DM 26,00.

Lemdn, Gudrun, Stellung und Aufgaben der ökonomischen Einheiten in der jugoslawischen Unternehmungen. Berlin 1967. 141 p. DM 23,30.

Levy, Fred D. Jr., Economic planning in
Venezuela. New York 1967. 220 p. $ 12,50.

Millikan, Max F. (ed.), National economic
planning. New York 1967. 413 p.

Nugent, J. 8., Programming the optimal development of the Greek economy 1954-1961. Formulation of a linear programming model in evaluating economic planning and performance of the Greek economy. Vol. I-11. Athens 1966. 171 + 132 p.

Pallmann, M., Der Kibbuz. Zum Strukturwandel eines konkreten kommunetyps in nichtsozialistischer Umwelt. Tübingen 1966. 186 p. DM 23,50.

Perroux, Francois, Frankreichs Wirtschaftsprojektion.
Berlin 1967. 206 p. DM 15,00.

Planning the external sector. Techniques, problems, and policies. Report on the First Interregional Seminar on Development Planning, Ankara, 1965. Publ. by UN. New York 1967. 265 p. $ 3,50.

Public administration and economic development.
Publ. by OECD. Paris 1967.
208 p. F 16,00.

Red ford, E. S., The role of government in
American economy. New York 1966. 148 p.
$ 1,50.

Schneider, Erich (Hrsg.), Regionale Wirtschaftspolitik und Planung in der Wirtschaft von heute. Berlin 1967. 567 p. DM 76,80.

Suennilson, Ingvar, Schwedens WTirtschaftsprojektion.Tirtschafts-
Berlin 1967. 224 p. DM 17,50.

Tevey, L., Nationalization in British industry.
London 1966. 219 p. 30/-.

Tobin, James, The intellectual revolution in
US economic policy-making. London 1966.
26 p. 5/-.

Twentieth anniversary of the employment act of 19i6, an economic symposium. Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, 89th congress, 2nd session, Feb. 21, 1966. Washington 1966. 150 p.

Side 200

VI Haq, The strategy of economic planning.
A case study of Pakistan. New York 1966.
266 p. $ 5,30.

Walton, C. and R. Eells (eds.), The business
system. Readings in ideas and concepts.
Vol. I-111. London 1967. 1155 p. 240/-.

Warner, S. B. Jr., Planning for a nation of
cities. Cambridge, Mass. 1966. 310 p.
S 8,75.

Wessels, Theodor, Theoretische und institutionelle Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik. Theodor Wessels zum 65. Geburtstag. Berlin 1967. 464 p. DM 65,00.


Bolton, A. Hamilton, Money and investment
profits. Homewood, 111. 1967. 382 p. $ 8,50.

Chapman, John and Robert P. Shay (eds.),
The consumer finance industry. Its costs
and regulation. New York 1967. $ 6,00.

Cohen, Jerome B. and Edward D. Zinbarg, Investment analysis and portfolio management. Homewood, 111. 1967. 803 p. $ 9,00.

Davenport, Robert W'., Financing the small
manufacturer in developing countries.
New York 1967. 385 p.

The development of a European capital market. Report of a group of experts appointed by the EEC Commission. Publ. by EEC, Commission. Brussels 1966. 382 p.

Fellner, W., Monetary policies and full employment.
Hamden, Conn. 1966. 260 p.

Ford, J. L. and T. Stark, Long and shortterm
interest rates. An economic study.
Oxford 1967. 10/6.

Frazer, William J., The demand for money.
New York 1967. 275 p. $ 10,00.

Friend, Irwin a. 0., Investment banking and
the new issues market. New York 1967.
260 p. 3 12,00.

Fritz, Sven, Studier i svenskt bankväsen
1772-1789. Stockholm 1967. 293 p. Sv. kr.

Garvy, G., Money, banking, and credit in
Eastern Europe. New York 1966. 167 p.
S 1,25.

Gramann, Ernst-August, Monetäre Voraus-

Harwich, George, Monetary process and
policy. Homewood, 111. 1967. 350 p. $ 6,00.

Hath, Meir, Banking institutions in Israel.
Jerusalem 1966. 380 p.

Johnson, Harry G., Essays in monetary economics.
London 1967. 332 p.

Keilhau, Wilhelm C, Penge og pengeökonomi. Stenografisk referat av forelesninger for de studerende ved 2. avdeling av ökonomisk embetsstudium. Hefte I-111. Oslo 1966. 126 p.

Kohn, E., The future of small banks. An
anal3"sis of their abibity to compete with
large banks. New York 1966. 185 p. $ 0,25.

Krivine, David (ed.), Fiscal and monetary problems in developing states. Proceedings of the Third Rehovoth Conference. New York 1967. 400 p. $ 12,50.

Lisle, E.-A., L'épargne et l'épargnant. Paris
1967. 268 p. F 36,00.

Manaktala, T. R., Economic development
and monetary management in India.
Bombay 1966. 251 p.

Meenai. S. A., Money and banking in Pakistan.
Karachi 1966. 264 p.

Miller, Glenn H. Jr., The process of inflation. A review of the literature and some comparisons of cyclical performance, 1953-1965. Washington 1966. 147 p.

Morrison, Ch. et R. Goffin, Questions financiéres
aux XVIIIe et XIX« siécles. Paris
1967. 152 p.

Mukherjee, P. K., Money supply and prices
in India since independence, 1947-1960.
Calcutta 1966. 174 p. Rs. 16,00.

Norgaard, Richard L. and Donald E. Vaughn,
Cases in financial decision making. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1967. 373 p.

Propektor, D. S. and S. G. Weiss, Surveys of
financial caracteristics of consumers. Washington
1966. 166 p. S 1,85.

Rasminsky, Louis, The role of the central banker today. Lecture delivered November 9th, Altieri Palace, Rome, 1966. Rome 1966. 59 p.

Richter, P., Ökonometrische Untersuchungen
zum Inflationsproblem unter beson

Side 201

dere Berücksichtigung von Deutschland
und Österreich. Stuttgart 1967. 144 p.

Sarnat, M., The development of the securities
market in Israel. Tübingen 1966. 129
p. DM 21,00.

Schmitt, 8., Monnaie, salaires et profits.
Paris 1966. 354 p. F 18,00.

Smith, Harlan M., Elementary monetary
theory. New York 1967. 192 p. $ 1,95.

Symposium on the development of capital markets, held in Tehran, Iran, May, 1965. Publ. by Central Treaty Organization. Ankara 1966. 358 p.

Thiers, André, Quarante ans d'erreurs monétaires,
ou les quinze devaluations du
franc. Paris 1966. 268 p.

Tschopp, Peter, Inflation et politique monétaire.
Le cas de la Suisse. Geneve 1967.
226 p.

Tyrni, 1., The effect of changes in the value of money on consumers' saving, on firms' investment, and on the equilibrium of a two-sector macromodel. Tampere 1966. 70 p.

Van Hörne, J. (ed), Foundations for financial
management. A book of readings.
Homewood, 111. 1966. 606 p. $ 6,95.

Ward, R. A. (ed.), Monetary theory and
policy. Scranton. Penn. 1966. 502 p. $ 5,95.


Bellstedt, Christoph, Die Steuer als Instrument der Politik. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Steuerpolitik in den USA und Deutschland. Berlin 1966. 469 p.

Betænkning om principperne for en almindelig tillægspensionsordning. Afgivet af tillægspensionsudvalget af 1964. København 1967. 185 p. 14,75.

Buchanan, James M., Public finance in democratic process. Fiscal institutions and the individual choice. Chapel Hill, N.C. 1967. 307 p.

Gupta, B. N., Government budgeting. London
1967. 45/-.

Herber, Bernard P., Modern public finance.
Homewood, 111. 1967. 519 p. $ 8,95.

Kulkarni, R. G., Deficit financing and eco-

Orewa, G. Oka, Local government finance
in Nigeria. Ibadan 1966. 159 p.

Tax changes for shortrun stabilization. Hearings and report. United States, Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy, Joint Economic Committee, 89th congress, 2nd session. Vol. I-11. Washington 1966. 313 + 23 p. $ 0,75 + 0,15.


Bachmann, Hans, The external economic relations of less-developed countries. A manual on economic policies. New York 1967. 350 p. S 15,00.

Balassa, Beta, Trade liberalization among
industrial countries. Objectives and alternatives.
Nev/ York 1967. 251 p. $ 7,95.

Berg, Michael von, Die strategische Bedeutung des Ost-West-Handels im Rahmen der weltpolitischen Auseinandersetzung. Leyden 1966. 205 p.

Bickel, Gary W., Factor proportions and
relative price under C.E.S. production
functions. Stanford, Calif. 1966. 229 p.

Brash, D. T., American investment in Australian
industry. Cambridge, Mass. 1966.
366 p. $ 7,50.

Brémaiid, Guy, Etude structurelle de la croissance en economic ouverte. Éssai d'analyse structurelle des relations existant entre le développement interne d'une économie et son commerce extérieur. Paris 1966. 431 p.

Britain and Europe. A study by a C.8.1. committee of the implications for British industry of membership of the European Economic Community. Publ. by Confederation of British Industry. London 1967.

Caves, Richard E. and Harry G. Johnson
(eds.), Readings in international economics.
Homewood, 111. 1967. 550 p. $ 8,50.

Dales, J. H., The protective tariff of Canada's development. Eight essays on trade and tariffs when factors move. With special reference to Canadian protectionism 1870-1955. Toronto 1966. 168 p. S 2,25.

Side 202

Danmark og de europæiske fællesskaber.
Bd. 1-5. Udg. af Udenrigsministeriet. København

The effect on prices of tariff dismantling
in EFT A. Publ. by EFTA. Geneva 1966.
118 p.

Effective aid. Report of an international conference held jointly by the Ditchley Foundation and the Overseas Development Institute. London 1967. 131 p. 15/-.

Frei, R., The price of gold. A problem of
international monetary reform. Tübingen
1966. 75 p. DM 9,80.

Gelber, 11. G., Australia, Britain and the
E.E.C. 1961-1963. London 1967. 304 p. 65/-.

Gold, and world monetary problems. Publ.
by National Industrial Conference Board,
Inc. London 1967. 240 p. 48/-.

Herberg, Horst, Wirtschaftswachstum, Aussenhandel
und Transportkosten. Göttingen
1967. 280 p.

Hesse, Helmut, Strukturwandlungen im
Welthandel, 1950-1960/61. Tübingen 1967.
425 p. DM 64,00.

Hirsch, Seev, Location of industry and international
competitiveness. London 1967.
140 p. 35/-.

Ilollcrmann, Leon, Japan's dependence on the world economy. The approach toward economic liberalization. Princeton, N.J. 1967. 376 p. $ 8,50.

Kaaber, Anna-Lise, Et udvalg af litteratur om EFTA til slutningen af december 1966. Udg. af Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab. København 1967. 28 p.

Kumar, Dharma, India and the European
Economic Community. London 1966.

Laf ave, Mayne R. and Peter Hay (eds.), International
trade, investment, and organization.
Urbana, 111. 1966. 400 p. $ 7,50.

Livingstone, J. M., Britain and the world
economy. Baltimore, Md. 1966. 234 p.
$ 1,75.

Masson, Paul, L'Aide bilaterale. Assistance,
commerce ou Strategie? Paris 1967. 332 p.
F 17,00.

Measurement of the flow of resources to developing countries. A report on methodological problems by a group of experts appointed by the Secretary-General.

Publ. by UN. New York 1967. 131 p.
S 1,50.

Mossé, Robert, Les problemes monétaires
internationaux. Paris 1967. 320 p. F 19,00.

Nairn, Ronald C, International aid to Thailand.
The new colonialism? New Haven,
Conn. 1966. 228 p. § 6,50.

Parsons, Ernest, Overseas aid. The next
phase. London 1967. 164 p. 12/6.

Pen, Jan, A primer on international trade.
New York 1967. 150 p. § 1,95.

Perkins, J. O. N., Sterling, the Commonwealth
and world economic growth. London
1967. 120 p. 20/-.

Pickles, William, Britain and Europe - how
much has changed? London 1967. 10/6.

Prebisch, Raul, On trade and development.
New York 1967.

Ray, G. F.. The competitiveness of British
industrial products. A round up. London
1966. 28 p. 3/6.

La reforme du Systeme monélaire international.
Ed. par Emile Roche e.a. Paris
1967. 191 p. F 16,50.

Report on the ECA mission on economic
co-operation in Central Africa. Publ. by
UN. New York 1967. 212 p. $ 3,00.

Safariun, Albert E., Foreign ownership of
Canadian industry. Toronto 1966. 346 p.

Silj, Alessandro, L'lndustrie européenne face
å la concurrence internationale. Laussanne
1966. 113 p.

Singh, Laiila Prasad, The politics of economic cooperation in Asia. A study of Asiaa international organizations. Columbia, Mo. 1967. 310 p. $ 7,00.

Sladkovskii, M. 1., History of economic relations
between Russia and China. Jerusalem
1966. 299 s.

Snider, D. A., International monetary relations.
New York 1966. 141 p. $ 1,95.

Stokke, Baard Richard, Soviet and East
European trade and aid in Africa. New
York 1967. 290 p. $ 15,00.

Thomsen, B. N. og B. Thomas (under medvirken af John W. Oldham), Dansk-engelsk samhandel. Et historisk rids 1661-1963. Århus 1966. 438 p. 30,00.

Weintraub, Sidney, Trade preference for
less-developed countries. An analysis of

Side 203

United States policy. New York 1967. 225
p. $ 12,50.

Wells, Sidney, Trade policies for Britain. A
study in alternatives. London 1966. 148 p.

Zolotas, X., International labor migration
and economic development. Athens 1966.
62 p.


Active manpower policy. Final report of the Scandinavian Regional Seminar held in Oslo, Nov. 23-24 1965. Pubi. by OECD. Paris 1967.

Administrative problems of family planning
programmes. Publ. by UN. New York
1967. 64 p. $ 1,00.

Altmeyer, Arthur J., The formative years of social security. A chronicle of social security legislation and administration, 1934-1954. Madison, Wise. 1966. 314 p. $ 6,50.

Armengaud, André, Demographie et société.
Paris 1966. 212 p.

Baldwin, R. W., Social justice. Oxford 1966.
292 p. 45/-.

Barkin, Solomon, Technical change and manpower planning. Co-ordination at enterprise level. Publ. by OECD. Paris 1967. 290 p. F 22,00.

Ben-Porath, Y. The Arab labor force in
Israel. Jerusalem 1966. 96 p.

Brennan, Michael, Philip Taft and Mark
Schupack, The economics of age. New
York 1967. § 7,50.

Budd, Edward (ed.), Inequality and poverty.
New York 1967. $ 1,95.

Burns, Tom and S. B. Saul (eds.), Social
theory and economic change. London
1967. 101 p. 25/-.

Campolonge, Alberto, Incomes policy. Mediobanca
1966. 82 p.

Chandrasekhar, S. (ed.), Asia's population
problems. London 1967. 311 p. 45/-.

Child, J., Industrial relations in the British
industry. The quest for security. London
1967. 378 p. 65/-.

Comby, 8., Les relations entre la mobilité du travail et l'aménagement du territoire en Europe d'aprés-guerre. Fribourg 1966. 220 p.

Crouch, H. Trade unions and politics in
India. Bombay 1966. 315 p.

Davison, JR. 8., Black British-immigrants
to England. London 1966. 163 p.

Final report of the regional sejninar on the
employment of old workers. Publ. by
OECD. Paris 1967.

Fischer, M. R., Wage determination in an
integrated Europe. Leiden 1966. 104 p.

Ginzberg, Eli, The development of human
resources. New York 1967. 299 p. § 7,95.

(Gordon, R. A. and Margaret S. Gordon (eds.), Prosperity and unemployment. The paradox of unemployment in an expanding economy. New York 1966, 353 p. $ 3,95.

Harbison, F. H. and J. D. Mooney (eds.), Critical issues in the employment policy. A report of the Princeton Manpower Symposium, May 12-13, 1966. Princeton, N.J. 1966. 162 p. $ 3,00.

fAchtblau, George E., The politics of African
trade unionism. New York 1967.300 p.
S 15,00.

Mathematical models in educational planning.
Publ. by OECD. Paris 1967. 296 p.
F 15,00.

Maynaud,J. and A. Salah-Bey, Trade unionism
in Africa. London 1967. 264 p.

Methods and statistical needs for educational
planning. Publ. by OECD. Paris 1967.
364 p. F 34,00.

Mieth, Wolfram, Ein Beitrag zur Theorie
der Lohnstruktur. Göttingen 1957. 217 p.
DM 32,00.

Musgrave, P. W., Technical change, the labor force and education. A study of the German and British iron and steel industries, 1860-1964. Oxford 1967. 286 p. 63/-.

Ohlin, Goran, Population control and economic
development. Publ. by OECD. Paris
1967. 140 p. F 16,00.

Pedersen, Poul 0., Modeller for befolkningsstruktur og befolkningsudvikling i storbyområder - specielt med henblik på Storkøbenhavn. Udg. af Statens Bygge

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forskningsinstitut. København 1967. 222
p. 75,00.

Productivity. A bibliography. Publ. by Bureau
of Labor Statistics, US. Washington
1966. 129 p.

Simon, Pierre, Le controle des naissances.
Histoire, philosophic, morale. Paris 1966.
303 p.

Smith, D. C, Income policies. Some foreign
experiences and their relevance for Canada.
Ottawa 1966. 207 p. $ 1,75.

Soltow, L., Toward income equality in Norway.
Madison, Wise. 1966. 155 p. $ 10,00.

Stanley, Emilo J., Regional distribution of
Soviet industrial manpower, 1940-1960.
New York 1967. 210 p. $ 15,00.

Timdr, J., Planing the labor force in Hungary.
New York 1966. 145 p. $ 10,00.

Turnbull, John G. and Malcolm S. Cohen,
The changing faces of economic insecurity.
London 1966. 168 p. 40/-.

Wolfbein, S., Education and training for
full employment. New York 1967. 304 p.


Arnth-Jensen, N., Dansk industri under skærpede vilkår. Tale ved Danmarks Industriforenings generalforsamling. København 1967. Udg. af Industrirådet. 13 p. Ikke i bogh.

Bell, Carolyn Shaw, Consumer choice in the
American economy. New York 1966. 448 p.
$ 7,95.

Bolton, Roger E., Defence purchases and
regional growth. Washington 1966. 189 p.
$ 2,50.

Bonwick, G. (ed.), Automation on shipboard.
London 1967. 127 p. 30/-.

Bowen, Howard R. and Garth L. Mangum (eds.), Automation and economic progress. The National Commission Report. London 1967. 170 p. 16/-.

Bradley, Paul, G., The economics of crude
petroleum production. Amsterdam 1967.
148 p.

Chacko, G. K., Today's information for to-

Clark, C, The economics of irrigation. Oxford
1967. 120 p. 35/-.

Clausscn, Flemming, Driftsledelse og driftsøkonomi.
København 1967. 158 p. 25,00.

Coppock, John C, Atlantic agricultural
unity. Is it possible? New York 1966. 238
p. 8 7,50.

Cullingworth, J. 8., Housing and local government.
London 1966. 272 p. 36/-.

DcWildc, John C. and Peter F. M. McLoughlin, Experiences with agricultural development in tropical Africa. Baltimore, Md. 1967.

Dietzc, (Konstantin von, Grundzüge der
Agrarpolitik. Berlin 1967. 291 p. DM

Enke, Stephen (ed.), Defence management.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1967. 416 p. $ 10,00.

Franz, Rudolf, Schiffahrtsprotektionismus. Der Einfluss schiffahrtsprotektionistischer Massnahmen auf die Preisbildung im Seeverkehr. Berlin 1967. 288 p. DM 49,00.

Heady, Earl 0., A primer on the economics
of food and agriculture. New York 1967.
150 p. $ 1,95.

Henriksen, Thomas, Øresundsregionen og industriens lokalisering. En undersøgelse af motiverne bag til- og fraflytning af industrivirksomheder i den dansk-svenske Øresundsregion. København 1967. 110 p. 19,80.

Hunt, K. E. and K. R. Clark, The state of
British agriculture 1965-1966. Oxford
1966. 184 p. 21/-.

Hunter, Alex, Competition and the law.
Mystic, Conn. 1966. 328 p. $ 9,00.

Hutton, G. (ed.), Source-book on restrictive
practices. London 1966. 71 p. 15/-.

Kobe, Susume, Transport problems in West
Africa. Publ. by OECD. Paris 1967. 170 p.

Lai, Krishan, Die Agrarpolitik Indiens. Eine
kritische Würdigung. Berlin 1967. 99 p.
DM 19,80.

Landbrugseksporten 1962-1966. Udg. af
Landbrugets Afsætningsudvalg. København
1967. 97 bl. Ikke i bogh.

Side 205

Lean, W. and B. Goodall, Aspects of land
economics. London 1966. 414 p. 58/6.

Lefeber, Lousi, Location and regional planning.
Athens 1966. 104 p.

Mansfield, Edwin, Industrial research and
technological innovation. New York 1967.
$ 8,50.

Mathias, P., Retailing revolution. London
1967. 425 p. 42/-.

Matusow, Allen J., Farm politics in the
Truman years. Cambridge, Mass. 1967.
320 p. % 7,50.

Methods of estimating housing needs. Publ.
by UN. New York 1967. 99 p. $ 2,00.

Midttun, Kjell og Sverre Thon, Norges næringsliv.
En oversikt over utviklingen og
forholdene idag. Oslo 1966. 149 p.

Naragana, D. L., Entrepreneurship and agricultural
development. Bombay 1966. 120 p.

Ofer, Gur, The service industries in a developing
economy. Israel as a case study.
New York 1967. 159 p. $ 8,50.

O'Loughlin, Carleen, The economics of see
transport. Oxford 1967. 228 p. 25/-.

Phillips, John, The development of agriculture
and forestry in the tropics. New
York 1967. 221 p. $ 10,50.

Posner, M. V. and S. J. Wolf, Italian public
enterprice. Cambridge, Mass. 1967. 158 p.
§ 5,50.

Ridker, Ronald G., Economic costs of air
pollution. Studies in measurement. New
York 1967. 227 p. $ 13,50.

Seybert, Rudolf, Wege und Kosten der Distribution
der industriell gefertigten Konsumwaren.
Cologne 1966. 536 p. DM 99,00.

Skeeoh, L. A. (ed.), Restrictive trade practices
in Canada. Toronto 1966. 354 p.
$ 9,85.

Smith, H. E. (ed.), Agricultural develop-

Soberman, Richard A/., Transport technology for developing regions. A study of road transportation in Venezuela. Cambridge, Mass. 1966. 177 p.

Stone, P. A., Building economy. Design, production
and organization. A synoptic
view. London 1966. 259 p. 42/-.

Thornton, D. S., Contrasting policies in
irrigation development: Sudan and India.
Reading 1966. 54 p. 7/6.

7'oim's/n, development, and economic
growth. Publ. by OECD. Paris 1967. 46 p.
F 4,00.

Wilde, J. C, Agricultural development in
tropical Africa. Vol. I: A synthesis. Vol.
II: The case studies. Baltimore, Md. 1967.

Yen, Y. C. James a. 0., Rural reconstruction
and development. A manual for field
workers. New York 1967. 448 p. $ 10,00.


Alkjær, Ejler og Jørn L. Eriksen, Location and economic consequences of international congresses. København 1967. 134 p. 30,80.

Boulding, K. E., The impact of the social
sciences. New Brunswick, N.J., 1966. 117
p. $ 3,75.

Fleischmann, Gerd, Nationalökonomie und
sozialwissenschaftliche Integration. Tübingen
1966. 121 p. DM 21,00.

Fouilhé, P., La Psychologie commerciale.
Paris 1966. 161 p. F 9,00.

Mai,L.H. (ed.), Master thesis in economics - approved by graduate schools in United States 1961-1964. An annotated index. San Antonio, Tex. 1966. 144 p.