Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 104 (1966) 3-4FORTEGNELSE OVER DET KONGELIGE BIBLIOTEKS ANSKAFFELSER AF ØKONOMISK LITTERATURFortegnelsen omfatter de vigtigste titler blandt den nyeste økonomiske litteratur, som Det kongelige Bibliotek har bestilt eller anskaffet. Listen er søgt opdelt systematisk. For hvert skrift oplyses forfatter, titel, udgiversted og -år, og så vidt muligt sidetal og pris. Bøger vedrørende driftsøkonomi, organisation etc. er ikke medtaget; herom henvises til »Økonomisk Dokumentation«, som fremkommer i hver nummer af Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift og omfatter anskaffelser til Handelshøjskolens Oversigten er
udarbejdet af bibliotekar ved Det kongelige Bibliotek,
cand. polit. BIBLIOGRAFIER:A cumulation of a selected and annotated bibliography of economic literature on the arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East, 1938-60. Boston, Mass. 1966. Economics library selections. Cumulative bibliography. Series I and 11. 1954-1962. Ed. by the Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh. New York 1965. 352 p. GENEREL TEORI OG EMPIRISKE STUDIER; ØKONOMISKE IDEERS HISTORIE:Arndt, Helmut, Mikroökonomische Theorie. Bd. 1: Marktgleichgewicht. Bd. 2: Marktprozesse. 1966. Bd. 1: 275 p. DM 23,00. Arrow,
Kenneth J., Aspects of the the ry Böhler,
Eugen, Der Mythus in Wirtschaft Bouniation,
Mentor, Mes theories économiques Brown,
Murray, On the theory and measurement Burns, Emile,
An introduction to Marxism. Cohen, Kaiman J. and Richard M. Cyert, Theory of the firm. Resource allocation in a market economy. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1965. 406 p. S 7,95. Collins, H.
and C. Abramsky, Karl Marx Coontz, S,
ft-. Productive labor and effective Dana, Sven,
Industrial production models. Dobias,
Peter, Polnische Beiträge zu einer Dorfman,
Robert, Elementary price theory. Eltis, W.,
Economic growth. Analysis and Fohl, Carl. Wirtschaftskreislauf und Wirtschaftswachstum. Fohl zum 65. Geburtstag. von Erich Schneider. Tübingen 224 p. DM 30,00. Gerschenkron, Alexander. Industrialization in two systems. Essays in honor of Alexander by a group of his students. Ed. by Henry Rosovsky. New York 1966. 289 p. Gillot, F.,
Elements de logique économique. Hague, D. C.
(ed.), Price formation in various Heinemann, Klaus, Externe Effekte der Produktion ihre Bedeutung für die Wirtschaftspolitik. Berlin 1966. 149 p. DM 28,00. Heuss, E.,
Allgemeine Markttheorie. Tübingen Hirsch, Hans,
Alfred Marshalls Beitrag Side 192
Höglund, Bengt, Modell och observationer. En studie av empirisk anknytning och aggregation för en linjär produktionsmodell. 1966. 224 p. Halteten,
Bertil, Investment and financing Industrial
production 1955-1964. Statistical James,
Patricia (ed.), The travel diaries of Jungenfelt,
K. G., Löneandelen och den ekonomiska Khan, Anwar
Tahmasp (ed.), Cost-benefit Kornai, J.,
Linear programming of investments. Krupp,
Sherman (ed), The structure of Kürpick,
Heinrich, Die Lehre von den fixen Lewis, J.,
The life and teaching of Karl Malinvaud, E. and M. O. L. Bacharach (eds.), Activity analysis. An 1.E.A.-conference London 1966. 360 p. 42/-. Marglin, S.,
Public investment criteria. London Martin, R. S.
and R. G. Miller, Economics Murphy, Jr.
and E. Roy, Adaptive processes Ott, Alfred
E., Vertikale Preisbildung und Papandreou,
Andreus G., Introduction to Pen, J.,
Modern economics. Utrecht 1965. Pike, E. R.,
Adam Smith. London 1965. Rakowski,
Mieczysaw (ed.), Efficiency of Report of the
interregional symposium on Schmid, Lothar M., Grundlagen und Formen Preisdifferenzierung im Lichte der Marktformenlehre und der Verhaltensteorie. 1965. 158 p. DM 24,80. Shackle, G.
L. S., The nature of economic Sharpe, M. (ed.), Planning, profit and incentives the USSR. Vol. 1: The Liberman a new phase in Soviet economic thought. Vol. 2: Reform of the Soviet economic management. New York 1966. Each $ 10,00. Singh,
Baljit, Benefit-cost analysis of the Taylor, XV.
L., Francis Hutcheson and David Thalberg,
Björn, A trade cycle analysis. Theil, H.,
Applied economic forecasting. Uhlig,
Christian, Das Problem der «Social Vibe-Pedersen, J., Økonomisk
teori I. Århus Vokuhl,
Peter, Möglichkeiten der Anwendung Weintraub,
Sidney, A Keynesian theory of Weizsäcker,
Carl Christian von, Zur ökonomischen Wittlage,
Helmut, Probleme der Preisdifferenzierung. Wolf son,
Murray, A reappraisal of Marxian Ølgaard,
Anders, Growth, productivity and Side 193
Åberg, Carl
Johan, Samhällsekonomisk ØKONOMISK UDVIKLING, ØKONOMISK HISTORIE, ENKELTE LANDES Ø, Ojetunji, Foundations of an African A study of investment and growth in Nigeria. New York 1966. 284 p. 5 15,00. Allan, W.,
The African husbandman. Edinburgh Baer, Werner,
Industrialization and economic Baldwin,
Robert E., Economic development Basu, S. K., Alak Ghosh and Subrata Ray, Problems and possibilities of ancillary industries in a developing economy, Calcutta 161 p. Birmingham, Walter, I, Ne.uatradt and E. N. Omaboe (eds.), A study of contemporary Ghana. Vol. 1: The economy of Ghana. Vol. 2: Some aspects of social structure. London 1966. Brochier,
Hubert, Le miracle économique Court, W. H.
8., British economic history, Cuban economic research project. A study on Cuba: The colonial and republican periods; the socialist experiment; economis institutional development; socialism and collectivization. Miami 1965. 774 p. § 12,50. Dollerup, Preben, Brugsforeningerne 1866-1896. økonomiske og politiske undersøgelser de danske brugsforeningers historie fra 1866 til 1896. København 1966. 367 p. 45,00. Draper,
Theodore, Castroism: Theory and Eckstein,
Alexander, Communist China's Furtado,
Celso, Diagnosis of the Brazilian Glamann, K.t
Otto Thott's uforgribelige tan- Gorce, Paul
Marie de la, La France pauvre. Hobshawm, E.
J., Labouring men. Studies Hoffmann, Walther G. mit Franz Grambach Helmut Hesse, Das Wachstum der deutschen Wirtschaft seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Berlin 1965. 842 p. DM 138,00. Industrial
development in Asia and the Karpinski,
Andrzej, Twenty years of Polands Lexique de l'Économie Suisse. Publié par un comité de redaction sous le patronage de la Société Suisse de Statistique et d'Économie politique. Neuchatel 1965. 654 p. SF 100,00. Lundström,
Ragnhild (red.), Kring industrialismens Mamalakis,
Markos and Clark W. Reynolds, Menguy, Marc,
L'économie de la Chine populaire. Möller, 8.,
U-länder i omvälving. Stockholm Newman, P. C, Cuba before Castro. An
Review of
long-term economic projection Sauvy, A.,
Histoire économique de la France Schwartz,
Harry, The Soviet economy since The Scottish economy 1965 to 1910. A plan for expansion. Presented to parliament by the Secretary of State for Scotland by command of Her Majesty January 1966. Edingburgh 1966. 165 p. Side 194
Singh, V. 8.,
Economic history of India Skånes
industri. Struktur och utveckling Svensk ekonomisk tilväxt. En problemanalys. av Kungliga Finansdepartementet. 1966. 258 p. Sv. kr. 18,00. Thygesen, I. C, 1960ernes industrielle ekspansion. ved Danmarks Industriforenings 19. April 1966. København 1966. 17 p. (Ikke i bogh.). Tilanus, C.
8., Input-output experiments. Wu, Yuan-Li,
Wilfred. International comparisons Chambers,
Raymond J., Accounting evaluation Culmann, R.,
Les comptabilités nationales. Doody,
Francis S., Introduction to the use Fisher,
Franklin M., The identification problem
Héline, R.,
Etude méthodologique du capital Horowitz, M.
C, Basic statistics as applied Kattsoff, L. O. and A. J. Simone, Finite mathematics applications in the social and management sciences. New York 1965. 407 p. 3 8,95. Kaufmann, A.
et M. Cruon, La programmation Kendall,
Maurice G. and Alison G. Doig, King, J. R.,
Graphical data analysis with Leontief,
Wassily, Input-output economics. Leser, Conrad
Emanuel Victor, Econometric National
accounts statistics 1955-1964. Expenditure, Nemchinow, W.
S., ökonomisch-mathematische Prékopa,
Andreas, Colloquium on applications Problems of
input-output tables and analysis. Rosenblatt, Harry M., Spectral analysis and parametric methods for seasonal adjustment economic time series. Washington 52 p. Stobbe,
Alfred, Volkswirtschaftliches Rechnungswesen. Stone,
Richard, Mathematics in the social Viet, Jean,
Input-output. Essai de presentation Wold, Herman
O. A. (ed.), Bibliography on ØKONOMISKE SYSTEMER, PLANLÆGNING, GENEREL ØKONOMISK POLITIK:Baran, Paul A. and Paul M. Sweezy, Monopoly an essay on the American economic and social order. New York 1966. 402 p. Basic principles and experience of industrial planning in the Soviet Union. Publ. by U. N. New York 1966. 136 p. 8 2,50. Bernard,
Philippe J., Planning in the Soviet Side 195
W. and A. G. Ford, Planning Burns, A. F.,
The management of prosperity. Economic and social development plans: Centrally-planned economies and developed economies. Publ. by U. N. New York 1966. 59 p. $ 1,00. Economic
planning in Europe. Publ. by Fox, K. A., J. K. Sengupta and E. Thorbecke, theory of quantitative economic Amsterdam 1966. 538 p. Gld. 60,00. Hayward, Jack Ernest Shalom, Private interests public policy: the experience of the French Economic and Social Council. 1966. 115 p. 15/-. Kaiser,
Joseph 11. (Hrsg.), Planung I. Recht Mitchell,
Joan, Groundwork to economic Noue, Alec,
Economic rationality and Soviet O'Brien,
Frank, Crisis in world communism. Perkins,
Dwight H., Market control and Rosen, G.,
Democracy and economic change A select annotated bibliography of United Nations publications and documents on general and methodological aspects of development planning, 1955-1965. Publ. by U. N. New York 1966. 39 p. Tobin, James,
National economic policy. Verre, E.,
L'entreprise industrielle en Union Waterson,
Albert, Development planning. Weisbrod,
Burton A. (ed.), The economics PENGEFORHOLD, PENGE- OG KREDITPOLITIK:Basu, S. K.,
Theory and practice of development Baumöl,
William J., The stock market and Bosch, Alfred
and Reinhold Veit, Theorie Bosnian, 11.
W. J., Monetary and financial Cagan, P.,
The effect of pension plans on Clayton, G.
and W. T. Qsborn, Insurance Clifford, A.
J., The independence of the Federal Cohen, Kaiman
J. and Frederick S. Hammer Dähne, Erwin,
Inflationsbekämpfung in Deshmukh, C. D. and Robert V. Roosa, The balance between monetary policy and other instruments of economic policy in a modern society. Washington 1965. Ederer,
Rupert J., The evolution of money. Friedland,
Seymour, The economics of Goldfeld, Stephen M., Commercial bank behavior and economic activity. A structural of monetary policy in the postwar United States. Amsterdam 1966. 212 p. Goldsmith,
Raymond W., The determinants Inflationens
årsager. København 1966. 168 Konsumtionskrediter i
Sverige. Statens offentliga Laursen,
Mogens, Investering i obligationer Side 196
Macesieh, George, Commercial banking and regional development in the United States, Tallahassee, Florida 1965. 158 p. S 5,50. Monetary theory and policy: A bibliography. I: Domestic aspects. Publ. by the Federal Reserve System. Board of Governors. Washington 1965. 127 p. § 1,00. Morgan,
Edward Victor, A history of money. Mors, Wallace P., Consumer credit finance charges: Rate information and quotation. Publ. by the National Bureau of Economic New York 1965. 133 p. $ 5,00. Robbins,
Sidney, The securities markets. Veit, Otto,
Reale Theorie des Geldes. Tübingen Wilson, J. S.
G., Monetary policy and the Wood, Elmer.
Essays in monetary policy in OFFENTLIGE FINANSER, FINANSPOLITIK:Ardant,
Gabriel, La théorie sociologique de Cameron,
Helen A. and William Henderson Colm, Gerhard, Federal budget projections; a report of the National Planning Association the Brookings Institution. Washington 1966. 194 p. Comiez, Maynard S., A capital budget statement the U. S. government. Publ. by the Brookings Institution. Washington 1966. 143 p. S 6,00. Durand, Francois J., Le financement du budget en Chine populaire. Un exemple de développement fiscal dans une économie croissance. Paris 1965. 409 p. Kitschler, Wolfgang, Entwicklungslinien der neueren Steurinzidenslehre. Ein Abriss Entfaltung seit den zwanziger Jahren. Mainz 1965. 154 p. Morgan,
Daniel C. Jr., Retail sales tax: an Netzer, Dick, Economics of the property tax. Studies of government finance. Publ. by the Brookings Institution. Washington 325 p. S 6,75. Översikt av statshushållningens utueckling åren 1960-1965 saml basbudget for åren 1966-1969. Utg. av Finansministeriet. Helsingfors 76 p. Problems of tax administration in Latin America. Papers and proceedings of a conference held in Buenos Aires, October 1961. Baltimore 1965. 574 p. $ 10,00. Rhodes, G.,
Public sector pensions. London Shoup, Carl
S., Federal estate and gift Shoup, Carl
S., Fiscal harmonization in INTERNATIONAL ØKONOMI, TEORI OG POLITIK:Aliber,
Robert Z., The future of the dollar The Asian
Development Bank and trade Baerresen,
Donald W., Martin Carnoy and The balance of payments statistics, part 1, 2 and 3. Publ. by United States, Joint Economic Committee, Subcommittee on Economic Statistics, 89th. Cong. Ist. sess. Washington 1965. 289 p. $ 1,00. Basch, Antonin, Capital markets of the European community. Problems of integration. Ann Arbor 1965. 127 p. 3 4,00. Beier, Dietrich, Die Theorie der peripheren Wirtschaft nach Raul Prebisch und ihre Stellung in der allgemeinen Aussenhandelstheorie. 1965. 94 p. DM 16,80. Chandrasekhar, S., American
aid and In- Side 197
dia's economic
development. NewYork Curzon, G., Multilateral commercial diplomacy. general agreement on tariffs and trade and its impact on national commercial policies and techniques. London 367 p. 60/-. Dell, Sidney,
A Latin American common Economic integration and industrial specialization the member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. by U.N. New York 1966. 34 p. $ 0,50. External
financing in Latin America. Publ. Ford, J. L.,
The Ohlin-Heckscher theory of Hawkins, R.
G., Compendium of plans for Hawkins, R.
G. and S. E. A. Rolfe, A critical Hunsberger,
W., Japan and the United States Ingram, James
C, International economic International
flow of long-term capital and International
monetary issues and the developing International payment problems. A symposium by the American Enterprise September 23 and 24, 1965. (Including papers by Haberler, Lutz, Meade, Machlup a.0.). Washington 1965. 107 p. $ 1,00. International trade and development theory and policy. Papers selected by Jösef Soldaczuk published by Polish Seientific Warszawa 1966. 345 p. Janocha, Peter, Intervention und Kooperation Zentralbanken auf den Devisenmärkten Zweiten Weltkrieg. Tuhingen 149 p. Kindleberger,
C. P., Europe and the dollar. Köhler,
Heinz, Economic integration in the Linnemann,
H., An econometric study of Little, I. M. D. and J. M. Clifford, International A discussion of the flow of public resources from rich to poor countries. particular reference to British London 1965. 360 p. 25/-. Macßean, A.
1., Export instability and economic Ohlin, Goran,
Foreign aid policies reconsidered. Olsen,
Erling, Welfare criteria and the Sachs,
Ignacij, Foreign trade and economic Sawyer,
Carole A., Communist trade with Triff in,
Robert, The world money maze; Vadja, Imre,
The role of foreign trade in a Ward, Barbara
and P. T. Bauer, Two views Ward,
Richard, International finance. Englewood DEMOGRAFI, ARBEJDSMARKED, SOCIALPOLITIK:Becker,
Joseph M. (ed.), In aid of the Beykirch,
Heinz (Hrsg.), Einkommenspolitik Bolin, Bertil
och Sven Fockstedt, Arbetsmarknad Side 198
Georg, The hungry planet: The Bourgeois-Pichat, Jean,
Population growth Buch, Poul,
Befolkningsudvikling og sundhedsforhold Cheng, C. Y.,
Scientific and engineering Christensen, C. L. and It. A. Myren, Wage policy under the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act - a critical review. Bloominston, 1966. 239 p. Coale, Ansley
J. and Paul Deineny, Regional Corina, J.,
The labor market. London 1966. Corina, J.,
The development of incomes policy. Creighton, Charles, A history of epidemics in Britain. With additional material by D.E.C. Eversley et al. In 2 vols. London 1965. 706 + 883 p. Eskilsson,
Sture, Löneutveckling under kontroll. Evans,
Robert, Jr., Public policy toward Fattig i et
velstandssamfund. Udg. af Socialpolitisk Ferris, Paul,
The nameless abortion in Friedlander, Stanley L., Labor migration and economic growth. A case study of Puerto Rico. Cambridge, Mass. 1965. 181 p. S 6,00. Galenson,
Walter, A primer on employment Grais,
Bernard, Forecasting of the active Hall, Charles, The effects of civilization on the people in European states. With: Observations on the principal conclusion in Mr. Malthus' Essay on Population. New York 1965. 349 p. Hansen, Sv.,
K. Francis Madsen og Ole Hermann,
Frank V., Population forecasting Hugh-Jones,
E. M. (ed.), Wage-structure in Kiser, Clyde
V. (ed.), Components of population Legeard, C,
Guide de recherches documentaires Lenica, J.
och A. Sauuy, Befolkningsprablem. Lester,
Richard A., Manpower planning in Montvalon,
Robert de, Un milliard d'änalphabétes. Perry, George
L., Unemployment, money Proceedings of the Second International Demographic Symposium, Budapest, held on 13-15 September, 1965. Some aspects of fertility and population growth. Budapest 392 p. Schnore, Leo
F., The urban scene: Human Stelly, Matthias (ed.), World population and food supplies, 1980. A symposium sponsored by the American Society of Agronomy. Madison, Wis. 1965. 50 p. Turner, 11. A. and //. Zoeteweij, Prices, wages incomes policies in industrialised economies. Publ. by ILO. Geneve 1966. Wedebye, Jørgen, Beregningen af dødeligheds-, og reproduktionsmål i Danmark. København 1966. 44 p. Stencileret. Whelpton,
Pascal, A. A. Cambell and /. E. Side 199
in the United
agricultural development. Publ. by Artie, Roland, The structure of the Stockholm toward a framework for projecting metropolitan community development. N.Y. 1965. 197 p. Basis research, applied research, and development industry, 1962. Publ. by National Foundation. Washington 1965. 195 p. $ 1,00. Betænkning
angående en ny konkurrencelov. Betænkning
vedrørende foranstaltninger til Blaug, M.,
Economics of education. A selected Bollens, J.
C. and H. J. Schmandt, The metropolis Bostadspolitiskt kreditstöd.
Statens offentliga Bowley, Marian E. A., The British building industry. Four studies in response and resistance to change. Cambridge 1965. 498 p. 70/-. Bramley, H.,
Farming and food supplies - Brittain,
John A., Corporate dividend policy. Brown, Robert
T., Transport and the economic Buck, John
Lossing, Owen L. Dawson and Bussmann, Ludwig, Der Einfluss der Konzentration Preise und Gewinne. Der Einfluss der Konzentrationsgrades einer Branche auf die Preise und Gewinne im interregionalen
Vergleich. Köln 1965. 139 The community
development approach to Community economic development efforts. Five case studies. Prepared for the Committee Economic Development. New York 1966. 349 p. S 7,50. Burstein, M.
L. a.0., The cost of trucking: Dale, E.,
Readings in management: Landmarks Duelund
Nielsen, H., International erhvervs Economic concentration. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly the Committee on the Judiciary, States Senate. Eighty-eight congress, second session, Washington 1964-1965. 3 vols. 497 + 572 + 462 p. Economic development of agriculture: The modernization of farming. Publ. by lowa State Univ. Center for Agricultural and Economic Development. Ames, lowa 1966. 314 p. $ 4,95. Ferron,
Olivier de, Le probléme des transports Fishlow,
Albert, American railroads and Fuchs, V. R.,
The growing importance of Fuchs, V. R.,
Productivity trends in the Green, James
L., Metropolitan economic republics. Haefele,
Edwin T. and Eleanor B. Steinberg, Hanson, John
W. and Cole S. Brembeck |