Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 103 (1965)


ASZTÉLY, SANDOR: Investeringsplanering. Handelshogskolan i Goteborg. Skrifter 1965. 2. Goteborg 1965. 182 s. - BEECH, GEORGE T.: A Rural Society in Medieval France. The Johns Hopkins Press. Baltimore 1964. 141 s. S 5.00. - CAMPS, MIRIAM: What Kind of Europe? Oxford University Press. London 1965. 140 s. 10 sh 6 p. - CARLSON, SUNE: Development, and Administration. Svenska Bokforlaget/Bonniers. Stockholm 1965. 95 s. 27 sv. kr. - La COUR, JACOB og WASS, AXEL: Skattelovene I og 11. Gyldendal. København 1965. 406 + 349 s. 68 kr. + 59 kr. - E.F.T.A.: Regional Development Policies in E.F.T.A. Geneve 1965. 78 s. 3.00 Sw. Fr. - EINZIG, PAUL: Foreign Dollar Loans in Europe. Macmillan. London 1965. 160 s. 36 sh. - ENGBERG, HOLGER L.: French Money and Capital Markets and Monetary Management. New York University. The Bulletin No. 32-33. New York 1965. 76 s. $ 2.00. - FUCHS VICTOR R.: Productivity Trends in the Goods and Service Sectors, 1929-61. National Bureau of Economic Research. Columbia LTniversity Press. London 1965. 48 s. 12 sh. 6 p. - HAHN, F. H. and BRECHLING, F. P. R.: The Theory of Interest Rates. Macmillan. London 1965. 365 s. 50 sh. - HARROD, ROY: Reforming thc World's Money. Macmillan. New York 1965. 181 s. 25 sh. - JØRGENSEN, ERLING: Income - Expenditure Relations of Danish Wage and Salary Earners. Statistisk Departement. København 1965. 243 s. 10 kr. - KASER, MICHAEL: Comecon. Oxford University Press. London 1965. 215 s. 35 sh. - KNIPE, JAMES L.: The Federal Reserve and the American Dollar. The University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill. 1965. 321 s. $ 8.00. - KOSTOLANY, Hvad sker på Børsen? Forlaget Fremad. København 1965. 183 s. - MAC, GEORG R.: Karl Marx, Liv og Værk I-111. Forlaget Fremad. København 1965. 746 s. 48,50 kr. - 0.E.C.D.: Techniques of Economic Forecasting. O.E.C.D. - Economic Studies. Paris 1965. 173 s. 22 sh. 6 d. - PHILIP, KJELD: Skattepolitik. Gyldendal. København 1965. 534 s. - Political and Economic Planning Report: Thrusters and Sleepers. George Allen & Univin Ltd. London 1965. 295 s. 35 sh. - PROCHNOW, HERBERT V.: World Economic Problems and Policies. Harper & Row Ltd. London 1965. 382 s. 52 sh. - RAINNIE, G. F.: The Wallen and Worsted Industry. Oxford University Press. London 1965. 199 s. 30 sh. - ROSKAMP, KARL W.: Capital Formation in West-Germany. Wayne State University Press. Detroit 1965. 287 s. $ 12.00. - Festskrift til K. K. Skovgaard. København 1965. 299 s. - WEDERWANG, FRSYSTEIN: Development of a Population of Industrial Firms. Universitetsforlaget. 1965. 275 s. 42 n. kr. - WERIN, LARS: A Study of Production, Tråde and Allocation of Resources. Almquist & Wiksell. Stockholm 1965. 191 s. 30 sv. kr. - ZOLOTAS, XENOPHON: Remodelling the International Monetary System. Bank of Greece Papers and Lectures 17. Athen 1965. 30 s. - ZOLATAS, XENOPHON: Monetary Equilebrium and Economic Development. Princeton University Press. New Jersey 1965. 223 s.