Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 103 (1965)


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Lilian Vohn.


Bibliografija ekonomiske literature. 1-2.
Zagreb 1962-1963.

Auswahlbibliographie zur europäischen Integration. Aufl. Stand: 1. Feb. 1963. Hamburg 1963. DM 3. (Schriftenreihe z. europäischen Integration. Sonderheft. 5.)

Bibliographie démographique 1945-1962. Paris
33 s.

Bibliographie internationale d'économie ré-

Side 181

gionale. Bruxelles 1964. 768 s.

Bibliography on co-operation. New Delhi
1963. 171 s.

Bibliography on the analysis and projection
of demand and production 1963. Rome
1963. (Commodity Reference Ser. 2.)

Bibliography on income and wealth, v. 8,
1957/1960. New Haven 1964. 304 s.

Blaug, M., A selected annotated bibliography in the economics of education. London 1964. 20/-. (Education Libraries Bulletin, Supplement. 8.)

Coman, Edwin T., Jr., Sources of business
information. 2nd ed. Berkeley, Calif. 1964.
$ 8,50.

Economics. A select book list. British Council.

Glossary of terms relating to restrictive
business practices. Paris 1965. 95 s.

Greenwald, D. a.o. (eds.), McGraw-Hill dictionary
modern economics. New York
& London 1965. 736 s. $ 14,75.

Horn, Stefan F., Glossary of financial terms
in English/American/French/Spanish/German.

Internationella organisationer för ekonomiskt
Ett kompendium.. . . 2.
rev. uppl. Omslagstitel. Stockholm 1964.
Sv. kr. 15.

Lindfors, Grace V., Bibliography, Cases and
other material for the teaching of multinational
Boston 1964.

Mesics, Emil A., Training and education for manpower development. An annotated bibliography on education and training in organizations. Ithaca, N.Y. 1964. 99 s.

OECD, General catalogue of O.E.C.D. Publications
up to date of 31st January
Paris 1964.

Palmer, Archie M. (ed.), Research Centers
Directory. 2nd ed. Detroit 1965.

Seiden, Arthur & F. G. Pennance (comp.),
Dictionary of economics. Everyman's dictionary
economics. London 1965. 25/-.

Vance, Mary, ASPO index to proceedings of national planning conference 1909-1961. American Society of Planning Officials. Chicago 1963. § 6.

Vitale, Philip H., Basic tools of research. An
annotated guide. Great Neck 1963. 173 s.

Wagley, Charles (ed.), Social science research
Latin America. London 1965.

Webster, D., Guide to the study of economics.
1963. 141 s. 13/-.


Barfod, Børge, Lidt om kvantitative modeller
deres anvendelse indenfor distributionsøkonomi.
1964. 57 s.

Beranek, William, Analysis for financial decisions.
111. 1963. % 8,50.

Bergström, Stig-Erik, Om ekonomiska prognoser. 1964. 94 + 4 s. (Svenska publ. Ser. C. [2].) Bibliogr.

Bernard, Michel, Introduction å une sociologie doctrines économiques, des Physiocrates Stuart Mill. Publié avec le concours du C.N.R.S. Paris 1964. 270 s. F 24. (Coll. »Société, mouvements sociaux et ideologies«, 1. serie, Etudes VIL)

Böhm, Peter, External economics in production.
1964. 95 s. (Stockholm
econ. stud. Panphlet ser. 3.) Bibliogr.

Catt, A. J. L., Investment decision making in New Zealand; a study of borrowers' and lenders' attitudes to the finance of investment. 1964. (New Zealand institute of economic research, Wellington. paper. 5.)

Egerton, R. E. D., Investment decisions and
uncertainty. (An analysis of Shackle's
theories). Liverpool 1965. 18/6.

Feinberg, Daniel, Consumer economics. New
York 1964. 94 s. $ 76.

Gehring, Paul, Friedrich List - Jugend-
und Reisejahre 1789-1825. Tübingen 1964.
DM 26.

Gendarme, René, La pauvreté des nations.
Paris 1963. F. 28.

Goldsmith, Raymond W., The flow of capital in the postwar economy. New York 1965. 317 s. (Nat. Bur. of Economic Research Studies in Capital Formation and Financing. 12.)

Haeberle, Karl Erich, Phänomen Nachfrage.
Essen 1963.

Hickman, Bert, Investment demand and U.S.

Side 182

Hicks, J. R., Capital and growth. London
1965. 304 s. 45/-.

Hoch, M., Wilhelm Roepke: Wort und Wirkung.
(16 Reden aus den Jahren
1947 bis 1964). Ludwigsburg 1964. 365 s.

Horwich, George. Money, capital and prices. Homewood, 111. 1964. 556 s. $ 12,50. (Krannert School, Purdue University Monograph Series. 1.)

Jacot, Simon P., Strategie et concurrence: de l'application de la théorie des jeux å l'analyse la concurrence spatiale. Paris 1963. F. 19,80. (Observation Economique. xx.)

Jørgensen, E., Income-expenditure relations
of Danish wage and salary earners. Kbh.
1965. 243 s.

Katona, G., The mass consumption society.
New York & London 1964. 330 s.

Meade, J. E., The stationary economy. London
232 s. 35/-.

Meade, J. E., Efficiency, equality and the
ownership of property. London 1965. 92 s.

Meade, J. E., A neo-classical theory of economic
London 1964. (Unwin Univ.
Books. 16.)

Menger, C, Problems of economics & sociology.
1963, 237 s. % 5.

Moser, Hans, Wilhelm Vershof ens Beitrag zu einer Theorie des Verbraucherverhaltens. Berlin (1963). DM 13,60. (Die Unternehmung Markt. 10.)

OECD, The residual factor and economic
growth. Paris 1965. 284 s. F. 20.

Oser, Jacob, The evolution of economic
thought. New York 1963. $ 6,50.

Radner, Roy, Optimal growth in a linearlogarithmic Prepared under contract for Office of Naval Research. Berkeley, Calif. 1964. 56 s. (University of California. Center for Research in Management Technical report. 18.)

Radner, Roy, Dynamic programming of economic
Prepared under contract
for Office of Naval Research. Berkeley,

Calif. 1964. 52 s. (University of California.
for Research in Management
Science. Technical report. 17.)

Recktenwald, Horst Claus (Hrsg.), Lebensbilder Nationalökonomen. Einf. in die Geschichte der politischen Ökonomie. Köln & Berlin 1965. 666 s. DM 48.

Scherhorn, G., Information und Kauf. Empirische der Markttransparenz. Stuttgart 1964. 86 s. DM 45. (Forschungsstelle empirische Sozialökonomik, Forschungsbericht 1358.)

Schackle, G, L. S., A new prospect of economics.
Liverpool 1965. 30/-.

Solow, Robert M., Capital theory and the
rate of return. Amsterdam 1963. Hfl. 9.

Unger, 1., The greenback era. A social and
political history of American finance,
1865-1879. Princeton, N.J. 1964. 456 s.

Veblen, Thorstein, The engineers and the
price system. With a new introduction by
Daniel Bell. New York 1963. 151 s. $ 1,95.

Yickrey, William S., Microstatics. New York
1964. $ 7,95.

de Vries,E. (ed.), Essays on unbalanced growth. New York 1963. 222 s. $ 8. (Publ. of the Inst. of Social Studies. Ser. maior. 10.)

Vogt, W., Makroökonomische Bestimmungsgründe wirtschaftlichen Wachstums d. Bundesrepublik Deutschland von 1950 bis 1960. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums, Stuttgart 1964. 226 s. DM 30. (Kieler Studien. 66.)

Walras, Leon, Correspondance of L' W' and related papers. Ed. by William Jaffé. 1: 1857-1883 ff. Amsterdam 1965. XLIV + 799 s. Fr. 62,50.

Watson, Donald Stevenson (ed.), Price theory
action, a book of readings. Boston
[c. 1965]. XI + 355 s. ? 4,50.

Werin, Lars, A study of production, trade and allocation of resources. [Akad. avh.J Sthlm. Gbg & Upps. 191 s. Bibliogr. (Stockholm econ. stud. New ser. 6.)

Wilson, George W. (ed.), Classics of economic
Bloomington 1964. 637 s.

Side 183


Adams, Thomas F. M., A financial history
of modern Japan. Tokyo 1964. Yen 2.300.

Austruy, Jaqques, Le scandale du développement.
1965. 512 s. (Bilans de la
connaissance économique. 8.)

Hasch, Antonin, Financing economic development.
York & London 1964. 350 s.
$ 6,95 / 55/-.

Bauer, P. T., The study of underdeveloped
economics. London 1963.

Bell, Philip W. (ed.), African economic problems. collection of published and unpublished works, with special reference to the problems of East Africa, for use by first-year economic students. Vol. 1-2. Kampala 1964. 30/-.

Bhatt, V. V., Aspects of economic change
and policy in India, 1800-1960. Portland
1963, Rs. 10,50.

Brech, Ronald, Britain 1984 - Unilever's
forecast. London 1963. 124 s. 15/-.

Butlin, N. G., Investment in Australian economic
1861-1900. London
1964. 477 s. 60/-.

Carlsson, Sune, Development economics and
administration. Stockholm 1964. Sv. kr.

Chao, K., Two studies on Mainland China's economy. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1963. $ 0,80. Center for Chinese Studies. Occasional paper. 2.)

Chatterjee, Ishan Kumar, Economic development deficit and payments restriction. 1963. 168 s. (Etudes d'Histoire, Économique, Politique et sociale.

Cheng, Chu-Yuan, Communist China's economy Structural changes and crisis. South Orange, N.J. 1963. XII + 217 s. $ 5.

Condliffe, J. 8., The development of Australia.
York 1964. 294 s.

David, Louis, Economie regionale et croissance.
1964. 300 s.

The economic development of Kuwait. Report
a mission organized by the International
for Reconstruction and

Development. Johns Hopking Pr. 1965.
208 s.

Economic picture of Japan. Tokyo 1964.

Economie et développement; Jean Fourastie;
Roux, A. Pages et al. Paris 1963.
Fr. 9.

Enterprise in the emerging socialist societies the Near East. 16th annual Near East Conference. Papers delivered at the 62nd meeting of the Princeton Univ. Conference, 19 & 20, 1964. Princeton, N.J. 1964. $ 2.

Faure-Sculet, J. F., Economie politique et progrés au sieécle des lumiéres. Paris 1964. Fr. 14,40. (Collection Techniques économiques modernes 4. serie Historie et Pensée économique. Tome 4.)

Feinstein, C. H., Domestic capital formation the United Kingdom, 1920-1938. (A study in the national income and expenditure of the United Kingdom). London 1965. 284 s. 90/-.

The flow of financial resources to lessdeveloped
1956-1963. Paris
1964. 165 s. (OECD.)

Fritz Gerhard with F.Kopp & K.H.Bilke, Organisation der Entwicklungspolitik International-national. (1963). DM 9,80.

Fromm, Gary (ed.), Transport investment
and economic development. Washington
1965. 314 s.

Gårdlund, Torsten, Att arbeta i u-land.
Stockholm 1965. 234 s. Skr. 34,50.

Gjermoe, Eilif, Aksjekursene i norsk skipsfart, og hvalfangst i mellomkrigstiden. eng. tit.] Bergen 1964. 69 s. (Skipsfartsökon. inst, ved Norges handelshöyskole.)

Goswami, Prabhas Chandra, The economic
development of Assam. London 1963.
351 s. 36/-.

Diamond, Sigmund (ed.), Economic and
political trends in Latin America. New
York 1964.

Fromm, Gary, (ed.), Transport investment
and economic development. Washington
D. C. 1965. The Brookings Institution.

Greenhat, Melvin & W. Täte Whitman

Side 184

Hall, A. R., The London capital market and
Australia 1870-1914. Canberra 1963. 30/-.
(Social Science monograph. 21.)

Hallowell, John H. (ed.), Development:
For what? Durham 1964. 242 s.

Hambridge, G. (ed.), Dynamics of development;
international development
reader. New York 1964. 401 s. Bibliogr.

Hart, P. E., Studies in profit, business saving
investment in the United Kingdom,
London 1965. 40/-.

Haseeb, K., The national income of Iraq,
1953-1961. New York 1964.

Hughes, H-, A history of the Australian
iron and steel industry 1848-1962. Melbourne
260 s.

Johansen, Jahn Otto, Rumäniens väg.
Sthlm. 1965. 32 s. Bibliogr. (Världspolitikens

Jungk, Robert & Hans Mundt (hrsg.),
Wege in neue Jahrtausend. München

Knorr, Klaus E., British colonial theories
1570-1850. Toronto 1963. XIX + 429 s.
$ 7,95.

Kuznets, Simon, Economic growth & structure.
essays. Cambridge, Mass.
1964. $ 7,50.

Lambert, Jacques, Amérique Latine. Structure
et institutions politiques.
Paris 1963. 448 s.

Li, Cho-Ming, Industrial development in Communist China. New York 1964. 205 s. (Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism. 150.)

Madan, B. K., Aspects of economic development
policy. London 1965. 35/-.

McCrone, Gavin, Scotland's economic progress,
London 1965. 184 s.

Malhotra, Prem Chand, A socio-economic
survey of Bhopal city and Bairagarh.
London 1964. 404 s. 60/-.

Meenan, James, The Irish economy: Problems
policies since 1922. Liverpool
1965. 45/-.

Meier, Gerald M., Leading issues in de-

Milhøj, P., Danmarks statistik. Bd. 2. Udg. af Københavns Universitets fond til tilvejebringelse læremidler. Kbh. 1965. 359 s.

Mishra, Vikas, Hinduism and economic
growth. New York 1963. 226 s. $ 3,35.

Monopolankenævnet 1955-1964. Monopol- og
prislovgivningens bestemmelser belyst
ved nævnets kendelser. Kbh. 1965. 59 s.

Moyes, Adrian & T.Hayter, World III; a
handbook of developing countries. Oxford
152 s. 12/6.

Nash, Gerald D., Issues in American economic
- Selected readings. Boston
552 s.

Novack, David E. & Robert Lekachman (eds.), Development and society. The dynamics economic change. New York 1964.

OECD. The residual factor and economic
growth. Paris 1964.

Olson, Mancur, Jr., The economics of the wartime shortage - A history of British food supplies in the Napoleonic War and in World Wars I and 11. Durham, North Carolina 1963. 152 s. $ 4,50.

Profit rates of manufacturing corporation
1947-62. Washington 1963. Federal trade

Pjuos, Jerome, Croissance économique et
impulsion exterieure. Paris 1964. (Etude
sur l'economie Mauritanianne.) NF 18.

Raupach, Hans, Geschichte der Sowjetwirtschaft. bei Hamburg 1964. 284 s. (Rowohlts Deutsche Enzyklopädie, Band 203/204.)

Riesman, D., Abundance for what? London

Robinson, E.A.G. (ed.), Economic development Africa South of the Sahara - Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association. London 744 s. 105/-.

Robinson, E.A.G. (ed.), Problems in economic
London 1965. 70/-.

The role of the entrepreneur in social
change in northern Norway. Ed. by Fred-

Side 185

rik Barth. Bergen 1963. 83 s. Bibliogr.
(Årbok for univ. i Bergen. Humanistisk
ser. 1963:3.)

Rüssel, Robert R., A history of the American
system. New York 1964.
X + 638 s. $ 7,50.

Såerling, J. Bodo, Rourkela. Sozio-ökonomische eines Entwicklungsprojekts. Vorgeschichte und Entwicklung des Rourkela-Projekts. Bibliographie. über Indien. Bonn 1963. DM 9,80.

Schramm, Wilbur, Mass media and national The role of information the developing countries. Stanford, 1965. 350 s.

Seltzer, I.H. (ed.), New horizons of economic Detroit 1964. 158 s. $ 4,95. (The Franklin Memorial Lectures. XII.)

Simha, S. L. N., Development with stability;
Indian experiment (College
textbook). Bombay 1963. Rs. 9.

Thalheim, Karl C, Die Wirtschaft der Sowjetzone Krise und Umbau. Berlin 1964. DM 16. (Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Mitteldeutschland. 1.)

Vatter, Harold G., The US economy in the
1950'5. New York 1963. 308 s. § 2,95.

Vernon, R. (ed.), Public policy and private
enterprise in Mexico. Cambridge 1964.
324 s. $ 6,95.

Ward, Barbara E. (ed.), The changing social
of men and women in South-
East Asia. Paris 1963.

Wedervang, Froystein, Development of a
population of industrial firms. The struc-
Bibliogr. (Skr. fra Norges handelshoyture
manufacturing industries in Norway
Bergen 1965. 275 s.
skole. 9.)

Zollschan, George K. & Waller Hirsch
(eds.), Explorations in social change.
Routledge & Kegan Paul. 860 s. 75/-.


Bolza, Hans, Die Elemente der Ökonome-

Eisner, K., Mehrstuftige Produktionstheorie
und dynamisches Programmieren. Meisenheim
Glan 1964. 162 s. Bibliogr.

Gass, Saul 1., Linear programming. 2. ed.
New York 1964.

Gasten, Rolf & Helmut Xaver Helmschrott, Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung in Tropisch-Afrika. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Wien & München 1965. 80 s. DM 11,40. (Afrika-Studien. 101. 3. Heft.)

Hofsten, Erland von, Praktisk statistik. Hur man planerar och genomför en statistisk undersökning. 5. delvis omarb. uppl. Stockholm 1963. 238 s. Bibliogr.

Holmberg Ingrid (utg.), Statistiska grundbegrepp. programmerad introduktion, Stockholm 1964. 300 s. (Pedagogisk orientering och debatt. 4.)

Hultén Cavallius, Carl & Lennart Sandgren,
Matematisk analys. 1-2. Lund 1964. Sv.
kr. 110.

Islam, N, A short-term model for Pakistan
economy. London 1965. 35/-.

Kornai, J., Mathematical programming of
investments. Budapest 1964.

Kreko, Bela, Lehrbuch der linearen Optimierung.

Kreyssig, Erwin, Statistische Methoden
und ihre Anwendungen. Göttingen 1965.
480 s. DM 38.

Lange, Oskar, On political economy and
econometrics. Essays in honour of Oskar
Lange. Warsaw 1964.

Mahalanobis, P. C, Essays on econometrics and planning. Compiled for presentation to Professor P. C. Mahalanobis. President of the National Institute of Sciences of Ind. on the occasion of his 70th birthday. by C. R. Rao. Pergamon Press 1965. 248 s.

National income and expenditure, issued
by the Central Statistical Office. London
1964. 6/-.

Nationalråkenskap, 1950-1963. Utgiven av
Statistiska Centralbyrån. Stockholm 1964.
39 s. (Meddelande nr. V, 1964:5.)

Nerlove, Marc, Two models of the British

Side 186

Oliver, F. R., What do statistics show?
London 1946. 157 s. 21/-.

Richmond, Samuel S., Statistical analysis.
2nd ed. New York 1964. $ 9.

Schultze, Charles L., National income analysis.
Cliffs, N. .1. 1964. $ 3,95.

Stöwe, H. a. 0., Bedeutung und Anwendung ökonometrischer Methoden in der agrarwirtschaftlichen Hiltrup, Westfalen 1963. 493 s. DM 40. (Veröffentlichungen Gesellschaft f. Wirtschafts u. Sozialwissenschaften d. Landbaues, V. Band 2.)

Wold, Herman, Huvudlinjer och grundbegrepp Statistiken. Stockholm 1964. Sv. kr. 18,50. Bibliogr. (Mål och medel i tillämpad statistik. Exkurs B.)

Yanovsky, M., Anatomy of social accounting
London 1965. 256 s. 30/-.

Yates, F., Sampling methods for censuses
and surveys. London 1964.

Yin, H. & Y. Lin, Economic statistics of
Mainland China (1949-1957). Cambridge,
Mass. 1960. $ 2,50.


Åsvårn, Gunnar, Hur planera ditt samhälle.
2. uppl. Stockholm. 1964. Sv. kr. 20.

Albrecht, Karl, Planifikateure beim Werk.
Wirtschaft zwichen Zwang und Freiheit.
Düsseldorf & Vienna 1964. 552 s.

Albrecht, Karl, Wirtschaftspraxis und Wirtschaftspolitik gestern, heute, morgen. by W. Niermann. Düsseldorf 1964. DM 14,80.

Baade, F., E. Benoit e. a., Wirtschaftliche
Folgen einer Abrüstung. Berlin 1965.
380 s. DM 30.

Bernhard, Richard C, Wettbewerb, Monopole öffentliches Interesse. Ihre Behandlung der ökonomischen Theorie sowie im angloamerikanischen und deutschen Recht. Stuttgart 1963. VIII + 155 s. DM 18. (Schriften zum Vergleich

wirtschaftlicher Lenkungssysteme, hrsg.
von K. P. Hensel. 3.)

Boettcher,Erik & Karl C. Thalheim (Hrsg.), Planungsprohleme im sowjetischen Wirtschaftssystem. einer Fachtagung. & München 1964. IXX -f 251 s. DM 43,70. (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche des Osteuropa-Instituts der Freien Universität Band 22.)

Brown, Charles V., Government and banking Western Nigeria. A case study in economic policy. Ibadan, Lagos 1964. Nigerian social and economic studies. 5.)

Copland, Sir D., The changing structure of the Western economy. Montreal 1963. $ 2,25. (McGill univ. The Sir Edward Beatty memorial lectures. 1961.)

Das-Gupta, A. K., Planning and economic
growth. London 1965. 176 s. 25/.

Dobb, Maurice (Herbert), Studies in the
development of capitalism. [Rev. ed.]
New York 1964. [c. 1963].

Economic »miracles«; studies in the resurgence the French, German and Italian economies since the Second World War, by J. Hennesy, V. Lutz & G. Scimone. Publ. by the Institute of Economic Affairs, London 1964. 228 s. 30/-.

Economic policy in our time. Vol. 3: Country [Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, France, Western Germany]. Amsterdam 1964. 481 s.

Fieser, Max E., Economic policy and war
potential. Washington 1964. $ 4,50.

Goodenough, W. H., Cooperation in change.
New York 1963. 542 s. $ 6,50.

Hadsz, Ä.t Der Kapitalismus unserer Zeit.
Budapest 1964.

Handbuch der Österreichischen Wirtschaftspolitik. von Anton Tautscher Mitarbeit von Arnold Ernst Pöschl. Wien 1965. 567 s. öS 380.

Hickman, Bert G. (ed.), Quantitative planning economic policy. A conference of the Social Science Research Council. Committee on economic stability. Brookings Washington, D. C. 1965.

Side 187

Horvat, Branko, Note on the rate of growth
of the Jugoslav economy. Beograd 1963.
$ 1. (Papers and Monographs. 4.)

Horvat, Branko, Toward an economic theory of planned economy. Beograd 1964. $ 7. (Jugoslav Institute of Economic Economic Studies. 1.)

Indian Statistical Institute, Economic strategy
the third plan. New York 1964.
132 s. (Indian statistical series. 21.)

Ingram, David, The communist economic
challenge. London 1965. 160 s. 30/-.

Kampala agreement. Issued by the Information of the United Republics of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Dares Salaam

Kende, Peter, Logique de l'économie centralisée. exemple: la Hongrie. Paris 1964. 516 s. (Coll. Développement économique.

Käser, Michael, The integration problems
of planned economics. London 1965. 216
s. 30/-.

Lambert, Paul, Studies in the social philosophy
cooperation ... . Transl. from
the French by Joseph Létargez with the
assistance of D. Flanagan. Brussels 1963.

Macesich, George, Yugoslavia. The theory
and practice of development planning.
Charlottesville, Va. 1964. 227 s. $ 5,50.

Mahalanobis, P. C, The approach of operational to planning in India. Calcutta & London 1964. (Indian stat. ser. 18.)

Mathematik und Rechentecknik bei der Planung. (Übersetzung aus dem Russischen). Berlin 1964. 299 s. DM 28,50.

Mathur, G., Planning for steady growth.
London 1985. 400 s. 50/-.

Melin, Ingvar S., Våra partier och socialiseringsfrågan. 1964. 88 s. (Meddelanden från ekon.-socialvetenskapliga vid Svenska handelshögskolan.

Messner, Johannes, Der Eigenunternehmer in Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik. Heidelberg 1964. 163 s. (Sammlung Politeia.

OECD, Techniques of economic forecasting.
An account of the methods of shortterm
economic forecasting. Paris 1965.

OECD, Economic policy committee, Growth and economic policy: an unpublished report of Working party no. 2 to the Economic policy committee. Paris 1964. 27 + 177 s.

Ostergaard, G. N. & A. H. Halsetj, Power in co-operatives: A study of democratic control in British retail societies. Oxford 1965. 256 s. 35/-.

Paish, F. W. & Josslegn Hennesxj, Policy
for incomes? Institute of Economic Aff.
Ltd. 1964.

Papers by Garrett Hardin a. 0., Central planning and neomercantilism. Edited by Helmut Schoeck & James W. Wiggins. Princeton, N. J. 1964. 227 s.

Planning for balanced social and economic development. Six country case studies. New York 1964. 281 s. (U. N. Dep. of econ. & soc. affairs.)

Problems of economic dynamics and
planning. Warszawa 1964.

Programme for Israel's industrial development; outlook 1965-1970; publ. by the Ministry of commerce and industry. Jerusalem 1964. 506 s.

Redemo, Arne, Jugoslavien. Folkstyrd planekonomi.
1965. 32 s. (Världspolitikens

Reflexions pour 1985. Rapport établi sous
le présidence de M. Cuillaumat. Paris
1964. F. 6.

Research programme for the preparation of
the Third Five-Year Plan, 1965-70. Karachi

Smyth, R. L. (ed.), Essays in the economics
socialism & capitalism. London
1964. 50/-.

Solterer, J., Die Grundsätze d. pluralistischen Stuttgart 1964. 112 s. DM 18,60. (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, 80.)

Spaull, Hebe, The co-operative movement in the world to day. With an introduction W. P. Watkins. London 1965. 16/-.

Side 188

Stojanovic, Radmila (ed.), Yugoslav economists problems of a socialist economy. York 1964. 175 s. (Eastern European economics. 2 (1963-1964): 1-2.)

Sundbom, Ivar, Den ekonomiska liberalismen
vår tid. Sthlm. 1964. Sv. kr.

UNITED NATIONS. 11. B. Economic development 1964. Planning for economic report of the Secretary-General, the study of a group of experts. New York 1964. 156 s. (A/5533/Rev. 1.)

Walther, Elmar, Kapitalismus im Übergang.
freie Wirtschaft auf dem

Weg zum Volkskapitalismus. München
1963. DM 9,80.

Wiberg, Ole, Polen. Økonomi og markedsforhold.
1965. 137 s.

Zebot, C. A., The economics of competitive coexistence. Convergence through growth. New York & London 1964. 262 s. Bibliogr.


Balogh, T., The economic impact of monetary commercial institutions of a European origin in Africa. Cairo 1964. 71 s.

Banking trends in Europe today. Lectures
delivered at the 17th international Banking
School. London 1964.

Bos, H. C, A discussion on methods of monetary analysis and norms for monetary Rotterdam 1965. Gld. 4,50. (Publications of the Netherlands economic

Chandler, Lester V., The economics of money
banking. 4th ed. New York 1964.

Conard, Joseph W. [a. o.], Inflation, growth, and employment. A series of research prepared for the Commission Money and Credit. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1964. 470 s.

Faffa, Jean-Claude, Les sociétés d'investissement
la gestion collective de

l'épargne. Paris 1963. (Connaissance économique.

Frere, Maurice & Rodrigo Gomez, Econonomic and monetary stability. Washington D. C. 1965. The Per Jacobsson

Gaskin, Maxwell, The Scottish banks. London
232 s. 36/-.

Ghosh, S., Monetization of an economy.
Calcutta 1964. 82 s. Rs. 6,50.

Groetschin, Pierre, L'évolution du marché monétaire å Londres (1931-1952). Geneve (Travaux de droit, d'économie et de sociologie. I.)

Hagger. A. S., A theory of inflation. London
New York 1964.

Jacobsson, Per, The role of money in a dynamic
New York 1963. (The
Arthur K. Salomon lecture. 1.)

Morgan, E. Victor, Monetary policy for
stable growth. London 1964. 296 s. (Hobart
27.) Bibliogr.

Odeh, Hanna Salin, The impact of inflation the level of economic activity. Rotterdam & 's-Gravenhagen 1963. Bibliogr.

Sparbankernas strukturproblem. Stockholm
1964. 113 s.

Stabiles Geld geht vor. Vorträge der neunzehnte der Aktionsgemeinschaft Marktwirtschaft in Bad Godesberg. Hrsg. von Alexander Rüstow et al. Ludwigsburg 1963. DM 9,90. (ASM- Tagungsprotokoll. 19.)

Stein, H. -H., Strukturwandlungen in der
Anlagepolitik der Kreditbanken. Berlin

Suits, Daniel B. (ed.), Impacts of monetary
policy. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1964.

Thon, Eivind, Gode og dårlige penger. Inflasjon
historisk belysning. Oslo 1965.
191 s. Bibliogr.

Thunholm, Lars-Erik, Bankorna och penningspolitiken.
1964. 204 s.
Sv. kr. 24,50.


Ambirajan, S., The taxation of corporate

Side 189

income in India. London 1965. 312 s.

Andel, N., Probleme der Staatsschuldentilgung.
& München 1964. 150 s.
DM 19,60.

Besteuerung und Währung im Gemeinsamen Bonn 1963. DM 6. (Schriftenreihe Instituts »Finanzen und Steuern«. 69.)

Bjare, Torgny, Aktuella skatteproblem.
Skatteberedningens forslag till nytt Skattesystem.
1965. 67 s.

Clark, Colin, Högre skater - lagre penningsvärde. och forslag till en beskattningsreform. Stockholm 1964. Sv. kr. 7,50. Bibliogr.

Dorfman, Robert (ed.), Measuring benefits
of government investments. Washington,
D. C. 1965.

Finansministeriet, Betænkning vedrørende
skattebegunstigelse for opsparing. Kbh.
1965. 76 s.

Garfield, Paul J. & Wallace F. Lovejoy,
Public utility economics. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1964. XVI + 505 s. 5 10.

Gevinstbeskat ningsutvalgel, Innstilling.
Oslo 1964. 47 s.

Glaeser, Rolf, Finanzpolitische Willensbildung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Versuch einer Analyse der Grundstruktur Problematik. Berlin 1965. 234 s. (Volkswirtschftliche Schriften. 82.)

Government and manpower. A statement by the National Manpower Council with background chapters by the council staff. New York & London 1964.

Graham, John Finlayson, Fiscal adjustment and economic development. Toronto 1963. 159 s. (Social science research council of Canada. Atlantic provinces study. 1.)

Hessler, Heinz-Dieter, Gegenwartsprobleme
staatlicher Anleihepolitik. Köln & Opladen
DM 77.

Issing, Ottmar, Monetäre Probleme der Konjunkturpolitik in der EWG. Berlin 1964. DM 24,80. (Untersuchungen über des Spar-, Giro- und Kreditwesen. 22.)

Ponsson, Ernst, Kommunernas finanspolitik
mål och medel. Stockholm 1964. Sv.
kr. 42.

OECD, Government finance and economic
development. Athen 1965.

Östby, Ivar, Merværdiskatlen og dens virkningar.
1965. 38 s. Bibliogr. (Ökonomi

Palkhivala, N.A., The highest taxed nation.
Bombay 1965. 93 s. Rs. 5.

Peacock, A.T. & D.J.Robertson, Public
expenditure. London 1963.

Philip, Kjeld, Skattepolitik. Kbhvn. 1965.
534 s.

Public policies and manpower resources. Proceedings of a conference on government manpower. Held November 15-20, 1959. National Manpower Council. York & London 1964.

Shiomi, Saburo, Japan's finance and taxation,
Translated by Shotaro
Hasegawa. Columbia U. P. $ 7,50.

Skatteprogresjonsutvalget: Innstilling om progresjonen og andre spørgsmål i forbindelse statsskatten. Oslo 1964. 104 s.

Subventionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Materialen zu einem wirtschaftspolitischen Berlin & München 1963. 141 s. DM 17,50.

Taxation in Australia. Agenda for reform.
R. I. Downing e. a.). Melbourne 1964.
196 s. 27/6.

Tripathy, Ramranjan N., Public finance
in underdeveloped countries. Calcutta
1964. Rs. 15.

Weddingen, Walter, Allgemeine Finanzwissenschaft einem Überblick über das Steuersystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 4. rev. ed. Berlin & München 262 s. DM 24,60.


Ågoston, Istvdn, Le marché commun communiste Principes et pratique du COMECON. 1964. 353 s. (Travaux de Droit, d'Économie et de Sociologie. 23.)

Ahmad, Naseem & Ernst Becher, Entwicklungsbanken -gesellschaften in Tropisch-Afrika. Heidelberg, New York, Wien & München 1964. 88 s. DM 12. (Afrika-Studien. 99. 1. Heft.)

Side 190

Barzanti, Sergio, Underdeveloped areas
within the Common Market. Princeton,
N. J. 1965. 456 s. 80/-.

Dizaguet, A. et al., Les banques de développement le monde. Tome I. Preface d'O. Mareau-Neret. Introduktion de J. Branger. Paris 1964. 528 s. F 68.

Bos, Hendricus Cornells, Spatial dispersion
of economic activity. Rotterdam 1964.
106 s. Bibliogr. (Diss.)

Braunerhielm, Erik, Sverige och den gemensamma
Stockholm 1964.
Sv. kr. 10.

British aid, 5. Colonial development - a factual survey of the origins and history of British aid to developing countries. London 1964. 96 s. 7/6.

Camps, Miriam, What kind of Europe? The
community since de Gaulle's veto. London
140 s.

Corden, W. M., Recent developments in the theory of international trade. Princeton, N. J. 1965. 82 s. (Princeton University. International Section. Special Papers in International Economics. VII.)

Council for Technical Co-operation in South and South-east Asia, Technical cooperation the Colombo plan: report London 103 s. $ 1,20.

Ducruet, Jean, Les capitaux européens du
Proche-Orient. Paris 1964.

Edwards, Anthony David, Investment in the European Economic Community. A study of problems and opportunities. Prepared by the Economist Intelligence Unit. New York 1964. 75 s. $ 15.

Einzig, Paul, Foreign dollar loans in Europe.
1965. 159 s.

Ellsworth, P. T., The international economy.
ed. London 1964. 560 s. $ 7,95.

European Investment Bank 1958-1963.
Bruxelles 1964.

The Finance of international trade. London
(Ernest Sykes Memorial Lectures.

Fb'ldi, T., (Hrsg.), International economic problems (Beiträge zum Problem der Entwicklung der zwei Weltwirtschaftssysteme). 1964.

Fryer, D. W., World economic development.
New York 1965. 592 s.

Gowda, K. V., International currency plans
and expansion of world trade. London
1964. 216 s.

Gruening, E., Report of a study of the United foreign aid in ten Middle Eastern and African countries: Turkey, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Greece, Tunesie, Libya, Egypt. Subcommittee Reorganisation and international of the Senate Committee Government Operations. Washington

Halm, George N., The »Band« proposal: The limits of permissible exchange rate variations. Princeton, N. J. 1965. 58 s. (Special papers in internat, econ. 6.)

Hansen, A. H., The dollar and the international
system. New York
1964. 225 s.

Harrod, Roy, Reforming the world's money.
1965. 184 s. 35/-.

Henderson, W. (ed.), Southeast Asia: Problems
United States policy. Cambridge
273 s. $ 6,75.

Hinshaw, Randall, The European community American trade. A study in Atlantic economics and policy. London 1965. 180 s. 35/-.

Holler, Joanne E., The German expellees:
A problem of integration. Washington,
D. C. 1963. $ 1,25.

Hubert-de Perrot, Francine, La Suisse et la cooperation avec les pays en voie de développement. Autré éd.: These sc. écon. Geneve. Genéve 1964. 246 s. Sfr. 24. (Travaux de droit, d'économie, de sociologie et de sciences politiques. 21.)

Humphrey, Don D., The United States and
the Common Market. (Rev. ed.). A background
London 1965. 250 s. 35/-.

Integration Europénnes et Réalite économique. integration and economic College d'Europe. Semaine de Bruges 1964. Bruges 1964. 450 s. (Cahiers de Bruges. N. S. 11.)

Jantzen, Torben, The operation of a free
trade area. Geneva 1964. 24 s.

Side 191

Johnson, Morris G., Eurodollars in the new
international money market. New York
1964. First National City Bank.

Käser, M., Comecon. The integration problems planned economics. London 1965. 216 s. (Royal Institute of international

Katano, Hikoji, Production theory of international
Kobe 1963. 81 s. (Kobe
economic & busines research series. 2.)

Krause, Lawrence B. (ed.), The Common
Market: Progress and controversy. Englewood
N.J. 1964. $ 4,50.

Kretzschmar, Winfried Walter, Auslandshilfe Mittel der Aussenwirtschaftsund Eine Studie über die amerikanische Auslandshilfe von 1945 bis 1956 unter Berücksichtigung sowohl wirtschaftlicher als auch praktisch-politischer München 1964. 256 s. DM 38. (Dokumente u. Berichte. 21.)

Lewin, P., The foreign trade of Communist
China. Its impact on the free world.
London 1964. 136 s.

Markham, Jesse W., C. E. Fiero & Howard
S.Pipuet, The Common Market: Friend or
competitor? New York 1964. 123 s. $ 3.

Martenson, G. Carroll, The Euro-dollar
market: message and meaning. New York

Maud, Sir J., Aid for developing countries.
London 1964. 23 s. 3/6.

Meade, J. E., Theory of international economic
Vol. I-11. London 1963-64.

Müller, Kurt, Über Kalkutta nach Paris Strategie und Aktivität des Ostblocks in den Entwicklungsländern. Hannover 1963. 250 s. DM 36.

New York Times, World economic review
and forecast, 1965. New York 1965. 256 s.

A possible plan for a Canada-U. S. free
trade area. A staff report. Washington

Prochnow, Herbert V., World economics
problems and politics. London 1965.

Ranis, G. (ed.), The United States and the developing economies - an introduction to a current issue of public policy. New York 1964. 174 s. $ 1,50.

Rees, Graham L., Britain and the postwar
European payments system. Cardiff 1963.

Repertoire des organisations agricoles non gouvernementales groupées dans le cadre la Communauté économique européenne. éd. Bruxelles 1964.

Rieber, Heinrich & Lutz Köllner (eds.)r Integration. With contrib. by Schmölders Röpke a. o. Baden-Baden 1965. 268 s. DM 36. (Schriftenreihe zum Handbuch Europäische Wirtschaft. 29.)

Rivkin, Arnold, Africa and the European
Common Market: A perspective. Denver,.
Colorado 1964. 61 s. $ 1.

Rose, Elaus, Theorie der Aussenwirtschaft.
Berlin & Frankfurt 1964. DM 49,50.

Salant, Walter S., Does the international monetary system need reform? Washington, C. 1964. The Brookings Institution.

Salin, Edgar, Die Entwicklung des internationalen und politische Aspekte und Probleme. Basel & Tübingen 1964. 77 s. DM 3,50. (Sonderreihe List-Gesellschaft. Band 2.)

Schammell, W. M., International monetary
policy. London 1964. 446 s. 42/-.

Schatz, Sayre P., Development bank lending
Nigeria. The Federal Loans Board»
Ibadan 1965. 126 s. 17/-.

Schenk, Karl-Ernst, Arbeitsleitung im Rat für Gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe. Berlin 1964. 158 s. (Osteuropa-Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin. Wirtschaftswissenshafliche 21.) Litteraturfortegnelse s. 145-154.

Sb'dersten, 80, A study of economic growth and international trade. Stockholm 1964. 189 s. (Stockholm econ. studies. New series. 5.) Bibliogr.

Studies in long-term economic projections for the world economy. Aggregative models. York 1964. 90 s. (N. N. Dep. of Econ. & soc. affairs.)

Wasserman, Max J., Charles W. Hültman & Russee F. More, The Common Market American business. New York 1964.

Weltwirtschaft 196 b - (Festschrift zum 50-

Side 192

jährigen Bestehen der Gesellschaft.) Deutsehe Weltwirtschaftliche Gesellschaft V. Berlin & Frankfurt 1964. DM 6,50.

Wionczek, Miguel S., Latin American Free
Trade Association. New York 1965. 80 s.
(International Conciliation. 551.)


Andersen, Bent Rold, Fysisk handicappede i Danmark. Bd .2: Nogle hovedresultater af undersøgelsen. Kbh. 1964. (Socialforskningsinstituttets nr. 16.)

Conference internationale du Travail, 48e session, Geneve 1964. Le travail des femmes un mode en evolution. Geneve 1963. 144 s. (Int. Kongr. arbejdsrapport VI-1.)

Employment and economic growth. Geneva
1964. VI + 216 s. (Int. Lab. Off. Studies
& reports. N. S. 67.)

Die Erwerbstätigkeit in der Landwirtschaft in den Mitgliedstaaten der EWG. Teil I: Die Struktur der Erwerbstätigkeit. Brüssel 61 s. (Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft. Socialpolitik.

European economic community. Commission, circulation et migrations des travailleurs dans la Communauti. Bruxelles 2 v. in 1.

Fein, Rashi, Health programs and economic
Washington 1964. The
Brookings Institution.

Finansministeriet, Betænkning vedrørende
tjenestemænds adgang til almindelig folkepension.
1965. 111 s.

Fivelsdal, E., Funksjonærenes syn på faglige
politiske spørgsmål. En intervjuundersøkelse.
1964. 165 s.

Fridén, Lennart, Inkomstfördelingen under efterkrigstiden. En studie av loneandelens Stockholm, Göteborg & Uppsala 1964. 53 s. Sv. kr. 6. (Industriens Småtryck. 32.)

,Galenson, W. & G. Pyatt, The quality of
labour and economic development in
certain councils. Geneva 1946. 116 s.

Geisert, Harold L., Population growth and
the development of South America. 2nd
printing. Washington, D. C. 1963. $ 1,25.

Geisert, Harold L., The control of world
poputation growth. Washington. D. C.
1963. S 1,25 .

Gotaas, Per, Forelæsningsnoter over formel
demografi på grundlag af Formeli befolkningsteori.
68 s. Multigraferet.

Håndbog i arbejdsanvisning og arbejdsløshedsforsikring
Danmark. Kbh. 1963.
421 s.

Harbison, F. H. & C. A. Myers (eds.), Manpower education; country studies in economic development. New York 1965. 343 s.

Hiestand, D. L., Economic growth and employment
for minorities.
New York 1964. 192 s.

Institutioner for handicappede. Red. E.
Engberg, L. Fjord Jensen og C Lange.
Kbh. 1964. 186 s.

Jürgens, Hans Werner, Beiträge zur Binnenwanderung Bevölkerungsentwicklung Liberia. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Wien & München 1965. 108 s. DM 13,50. (Afrika-Studien. 102. 4. Heft.)

Kuczynski, Jürgen, Der Geschichte der Lage
der Arbeiter unter dem Kapitalismus. Bd.
10-11, 14, 22-25 u. 28. Berlin 1960-64.

Külp, Bernhard, Lohnbildurig im Wechelspiel politischen und wirtschaflichen Berlin 1965. 401 s. DM 56. (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften. 84.)

Kvinnans jämlikhet. Stockholm 1964. 156 s.
Sv. kr. 11.

Larry, K. Y. & Stuart Mudd (eds.), The population crisis: Implications and plans for action. Bloomington, Ind. 1965. 450 s. $ 2,95.

Lester, Richard A., Economics of labor.
New York 1964.

Lettenström, Gerd Skoe & Gisle Skancke, De yrkesaktive i Norge 1875-1960 og prognoser for utviklingen fram til 1970. Oslo 1964. 56 s. (Artikler fra Statistisk sentralbyrå, 10.)

McDams, A. K., Power and politics in la-

Side 193

Mouchez, Philippe, Demographic Paris
1964. Fr. 10,80.

Muzumdar, Ammu Menon, Social welfare
in India: Mahatma Gandhi's contribution.
1965. 25/-.

Reid, G. L. & D. J. Robertson (eds.), Fringe
benefits, labour costs and social security.
1965. 352 s. 48/-.

Ross, Arthur Af. (Hrsg.), Unemployment
and the American economy. New York
& London 1964. 216 s. 38/-.

Sheps, Mindel C. Joane Clare Ridley (eds.), Public health & population change: Current issues. Proceedings of a symposium held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2-5, 1964. Cambridge, Mass. 1965. 744 s. $ 15.

Sturmthal, A., Worker's council: A study of workplace organisation on both sides the Iron Curtain. London 1964. 217. s. 40/-.

Tøttrup, E., Uddannelse af ikke-faglærte.
Kbh. 1965. 77 s.

van der Horst, Sheila T., African workers
in town. A study of Labour in Cape
Town. Cape Town 1964. 35/-.

Vielrose, Egon, Elements of the natural movement of population. Transl. from the Polish by J. Dobosz. Oxford & New York 1965. 70/-.

Weisbrod, Burton A., External benefits of public education. An economic analysis. Princeton, N. J. 1964. $ 3. (Princeton University, Industrial Relations section. Dept. of Economics Research Report Ser. 10, 105.)


Batten, T. R., Training for community development.
critical study of method.
London 1963.

Bentzel, Ragnar, Assar Lindbeck & Ingemar
Bostadsbristen. En studie av

prisbildningen på bostadsmarknaden,
Stockholm (1963). 109 s. (Småtryck från
Industriens utredningsinstitut. 27.

Bernitz, Ulf, Swedish anti-trust law and
resale price maintenance. Stockholm
1964. 54 s.

Bouldeville, J. R., Problems of regional
economic planning. London 1965. 100 s.

Dansk Markedsanalyse Forening, Boligundersøgelse.
1965. 33 s.

Florence, P. Sargant, Economics and sociology
industry. A realistic analysis
of development. London 1964. 258 s. 27/6.

Fog, B. & A. Rasmussen, Detailhandelen
i dag og i overmorgen. Under medvirken
af Leif Kristensen. Kbh. 1965. 133 s.

Frederiksen, P. Sonne, Dansk landbrug
som leverandør til industrien. Kbh.
1964. 64 s.

Lowinski, Leonard, Grundlagen, Zielsetzungen Methoden der Wohnungspolitik der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Köln 1965. 160 s. DM 9,80.

OECD, Restrictive business practices. Comparative of legislations in Europe North America. Paris 1946. 134 s.

Phillips, Almarin (ed.), Perspectives on antitrust
Princeton, N.J. 1965.

Regional rural development programmes with special emphasis on depressed agricultural areas including mountain regions. Paris 1964. 321 s. + 7 bil. Bibliogr. Documentation in agric. and food. 66.)

Ruthenberg, Hans, Agricultural development Tanganyika. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Wien & München 1964. 212 s. DM 28. (Afrika-Studien. 100. 2. Heft.)

The South east studu, 1961-1981 issued by
Ministry of housing and local government.
1964. 145 s.

Wendt, Poul F., Housing Policy - the
search for solutions. Berkeley 1963.


Barringer, Herbert R. et al. (eds.), Social
change in underdeveloped areas: A rein-

Side 194

terpretation of evolutionary theory.
Cambridge, Mass. 1965. 45/-.

Barzun, J., Science: The glorius entertainment.
York 1964. 322 s. $ 6.

Becker, Gary S., Human capital. A theoretical empirical analysis, with special to education. New York & London 1964. 187 s. (National bur. of econ. res. Gen. ser. 80.)

Coombs, Philip H. & Karl W. Bigelow, Education
foreign aid. Cambridge,
Mass. 1965. 96 s. 18/-.

Fisher, Joseph L. & Neal Potter, World
prospects for natural resources. Baltimore

Handy, R. & P. Kurtz, A current appraisal
of the behavioral sciences. Great Barrington,
1964. 154 s. $ 7,50.

Hasson, J. A., The economics of nuclear
power. London 1965.

Highet, G., Kunsten at undervise. Overs, af
Eva Mortensen og K. Bruun-Rasmussen.
Kbh. 1964. 237 s.

Hoeck-Gradenwitz, E., Individ, gruppe,
samfund. Socialpsykologiske betragtninger.
1963. 197 s.

Høyer, Suennik, Samfunnsvitenskapelig
tekstanalyse. 2. udg. Oslo 1964. 51 s.

Kempe, Carl, Festskrift tillägnad Carl
Kempe 80 år, 1884-1964. Uppsala 1964.
986 s.

Latané, Henry A. a.0., The social science of organization. Four perspectives. A product the seminar in the social science of organization, 1962. Ed. by Harold J. Leavitt. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1963. 182 s. Bibliogr.

Lazarsf eld, Paul F. & Morris Rosenberg, The
language of social research. New York
1964. 590 s.

Ludz, Peter Christian, Studien und Materialien Soziologie der DDR. Köln-Opladen 540 s. (Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Sonderheft Litteraturfortegnelse s. 469-540.

Nossiter, Bernard D., The mythmakers. An
essay on power and wealth. Boston 1964.
$ 4.

Radions och televisionens framtid i Sverige. 1960 års radioutredning. 1-2. Sthlm. 1965. 1. Bakgrund och förutsättningar. Programfrågor. och finansieringsfrågor. s. 2. Bildnings- och undervisningsverksamhet. Forskningsfrågor. s. Bibliogr. (SOU 1965: 20-21.)

Shannon, Claude E. Æ Warren Weaver, The
mathematical theory of communication.
Urbana, 111. 1963. 117 s. 95 c.

Smelser, NeilJ. (ed.), Readings on economic
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

Social research and a national policy for
science. London 1964. 7/-. (Tavistock
Pamphlet. 7.)

Tendenskalkuler over det framtida behovet
av jurister, samhällsvetare, civilekonomer.
1964. 239 s.

Watson, Bruce & William Tan, The social
sciences and American civilization. London
584 s. 60/-.

Wiseman, Stephen, Education and environment.
1964. 202 s. 37/6.

Zollschan, George K. & Walter Hirsch (eds.),
Social change. Boston 1964. $ 10,95.