Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 102 (1964)


Fortegnelsen omfatter de vigtigste titler blandt den nyeste økonomiske litteratur, som Det kongeligle Bibliotek har bestilt eller anskaffet. Listen er søgt opdelt systematisk. For hvert skrift oplyses forfatter, titel, udgiversted og -år, og så vidt muligt sidetal og pris. Bøger vedrørende driftsøkonomi, organisation etc. er ikke medtaget; herom henvises til »Økonomisk Dokumentation«, som fremkommer i hvert nummer af Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift og omfatter anskaffelser til Handelshøjskolens bibliotek.

Oversigten er udarbejdet af bibliotekar ved Det kongelige Bibliotek, cand. polit.
Lilian Vohn.


Akhtar, 11. S., The economy of Pakistan. A
selected bibliography. Karachi 1964.

Alexamler-Frutschi, M. C, Human resources and economic growth an annotated bibliography. Menlo Park 1963. 398 s. •S 3,50.

Hack, 11., 11. Cirullies & (i.Marqunrd (eds.),
POLEC, dictionary of politics and economics.
Berlin 1964. 800 s. DM 35.

Bibliografie over het derde Wereldblok.

Bibliography of social science periodicals and monograph series: Denmark, 1945-1961. Washington 1963. 60 c. (Foreign social science bibliographies, series P-92. 11.)

Cntulofjui' general des périodiques. [issued
by the] Library. European Economic
Community [E.E.C.] Bruxelles 1963.

Side 303

Fayt, René, Les civilisations afro-asiatiques. Suggestions bibliographique particulierement destinées au personel enseignant. Brussels 1963. 91 s.

Juncker, Thorkild, Det økonomiske Fakultet
under Aarhus Universitet. Aarhus 1963.
10 s.

Literatur über Arbeitsweise und Struktur der Konzerne. Titelanzahl: 100. Berichtszeit: 1945-1963. Nur Monographien. Leipzig 1963.

Literatur über Wert und Preis bei Karl Marx und in der Sowjetunion. Lit.-Nr.: 103/64 Berichzeit: 1913-64. Leipzig. Deutsche Bücherei.

Mahar, M., India: a critical bibliography.
1964. $ 3,50.

The Rand Corporation. The first fifteen
years. Santa Monica, Calif. 1963.

The Rockefeller Foundation — a condensed
record of activities from 1913 to 1963.
New York 1963. 27 s.

Scientific Council for Africa South of the Sahara, Inventory of economic studies concerning Africa south of the Sahara; an annotated reading list of books, articles, and official publications: Supp. No. 1. London 1964. 301 s. § 8,75. (1. Africa, Sub-Saharan-Econo. condit.-Bibl.)

Sparks, Stanley, Bibliography on development administration: India and Pakistan. 1964. 51 s. Maxwell graduate school of citizenship and public affairs. Publication, no. 11.)

Spitz, Alan & Edward W. Weidner (comps.), Development administration. An annotated bibliography. Honolulu 1963. 116 s. $ 3,50.

A survey of Japanese bibliographies concerning
Asian studies. Comp. by [M. Okamoto
a.o.] Tokyo 1963. 200 s.

United Nations. Office of conference services. United Nations official records, 1948-1962; a reference catalogue. New York 1963. 107 s. (United Nations publications. 1964. I. 3.)

United Nations, Input-output bibliography
1960-1963. (Statistical Papers. Series M.
39.) New York 1964. 159 s.

UNESCO. International directory of sample

Welt-Wirt schafts-Archiv, Hamburg. Wirtschaftsforschung und Wirtschaftspraxis; fünfzehn Jahre Hamburgisches Welt unter der Leitung von Clodwig Kapferer. Hamburg 1963. 98 s.

White, C. M., Sources of information in the
social sciences. A guide to the literature.
Totowa. N.J. 1964. 498 s.


Amundsen, A., Konsumelastisiteter og konsumprognoser bygd på nasjonalregnskapet. Oslo 1963. 44 s. (Artikler fra Statistisk Sentralbyrå. 7.)

Anderson, Oskar, Ausgewählte Schriften. Hrsg. von Hans Kellerer, Werner Mahr, Gerda Schneider und Heinrich Strecker. 2 Bde. Tübingen 1963. 963 s. DM 45.

Arrow, J. Kenneth, Social choice and individual values. New York 1963. (Cowles Foundation For Research in Economics at Yale Univ. Monograph. 12.)

Attwood, Thomas, Selected economic writings of Thomas Attwood; edited with an introduction by Frank Whitson Fetter. London 1964. London School of Economic & Political Science. 307 s.

Barrere, A., Histoire de la pensée scientifique
en economic politique. Paris 1964.

Barton, John, Economic writings. Vol. 11. With an introduction and notes by G. Sotiroff. Regina (Sask.) 1963. 335 s. 8 14,95.

Beckerath, Erwin von, Systeme und Methoden in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Erwin von Beckerath zum 75. Geburtstag. Herausgegeben von Norbert Kloten, Wilhelm Krelle, Heinz Müller & Fritz Neumark. Tübingen 1964. 732 s.

The behaviour of income shares. Selected theoretical and empirical issues. Princeton 1964. 394 s. (Studies in income and wealth. 27.)

Side 304

Blaug, M., Economic theory in retrospect.
1964. Heinemann. 654 s.

Boon, Gerard Karel, Economic choice of human and psysical factors in production. An attempt to measure the micro-economic possibilities of variation in factor proportions of productions. Amsterdam 1964. 332 s. Bibliogr. (Contributions to economic analysis. 35.)

Bosou, Marcel, La pensée sociale et cooperative
de Leon Walras. Paris 1963. 176 s.

Caplovitz, D., The poor pay more. Consumer
practices of low-income families. New
York & London 1963. 220 s. S 5,50.

Carr, Charles R. & Charles W. Howe, Quantitative decision procedures in management and economics: Deterministic theory and applications. New York 1964. 383 s.

Chase, Samuel 8., Asset prices and economic
theory. Berkeley & Los Angeles 1963. $ 5.

Dernburg, Thomas F., Macro-economics: the measurement, analysis, and control of aggregate economic activity. 2nd edition, tion. New York 1964. 310 s.

Dorf man, Robert, Price theory. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1964. (The Foundations of
Modern Economic Series.)

Dupriez, Leon H., Konjunkturphilosophie.
Übersetzt von Klaus Dieter Schneider.
Berlin & München 1963. 425 s.

Ferguson, C. E., A macroeconomic theory of
workable competition. Durham, D.C.
1964. 217 s. $ 7,50.

Fisher, Malcolm, Macroeconomic models.
Nature, purpose and limitations. London

Fox, Stanford, Economic control and free
enterprise. New York 1963. 205 s.

Ghaussy, A. Ghanie, Verbrauchen und Sparen. Berlin 1964. DM 39,60. 236 s. (Untersuchungen über d. Spar-, Giro- u. Kreditwesen. 16.)

Green, H. A. John, Aggregation in economic
analysis: an introductory survey. Princeton,
N.J. 1964. 144 s. $ 4,50.

Hösli, H., Kapitalbildung und Wirtschaftswachstum.
Wintherthur 1963.

Johansen, Leif, Forenklet velferdsteoretisk

Johansen, Leif, Pareto-optimale allokeringer, Edgeworthallokeringer og Walrasallokeringer. Oslo 1963. 17 s. (Memorandum from institute of econ. 1963: 13 sept.)

Katona, G., Psychological analysis of economic
behavior. New York 1964. 347 s.

Kraus, 0., Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsphilosophie.
Eine analytische Einführung.
Berlin 1963. 271 s. DM 29,60.

Kyrer, Alfred, Der WTerkzeug der Nationalökonomie.
National-ökonomische Propädeutik.
Wien & Stuttgart 1964. 104 s.

Lambert, Paul, L'oeuvre de John Maynard
Keynes. The Hague 1963. 325 s. Gid. 30,75.
(Collection Scientifique. 15.)

Lekachman, Robert (ed.), Keynes' General
Theory. Reports of three decades. New
York & London 1964. 347 s. 30/

Lesourne, Jacques, Economic analysis and industrial management. (English translation of Technique Economique et Gestion Industrielle, 2éme edition. Paris, Dunod.) Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1963. 22 -f 631 s.

Letiche,J.M. (ed.), A history of Russian
economic thought. Ninth through eigteenth
centuries. 1964. 725 s. $ 12,50.

Levenson, Albert M. & Babette S. Solon. Outline
of price theory. New York 1964. 260
s. 48/ .

Mackenroth, Gerhard, Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik. Gerhard Mackenroth zum Gedächtnis von seinen Freuden und Schlülern. Herausgegeben von Erik Boettcher. Tübingen 1964. 550 s. DM 68.

Madsen, Børge 0., Familiens økonomiske livsløb. Et studie af familiens forbrugsadfærd på forskellige livsløb-stadier. København 1964. 230 s. Bibliogr. (Foreningen til unge handelsmænds uddannelse. Handelshøjskolen i København. Skriftrække F.34.)

Marris, R., The economics of capital utilization.
Cambridge 1964. (University of

Side 305

Cambridge. Department of Applied Economies
Monographs. 10.)

Models of income determination. Princeton
1964. IX + 427 s. (Studies in income and

OECD. Economic aspects of higher education,
ed. by Seymour E. Harris. Paris

Oppenländer, K., Die moderne Wachstumstheorie. Eine kritische Untersuchung der Bausteine, der Gleichgewichtkonzeption u. der Wirklichkeitsnähe. München 1964. 272 s. DM 48,60. (Schriftenreihe des Ifo für Wirtschaftsforschung. 66.)

Paulsen, Andreas, Wirtschaftswachtum. Beiträge zur ökonomische Theorie und Politik. Professor Dr. Andreas Paulsen zugeeignet. Herausgegeben von Rudolf Schilcher. Berlin 1964. 199 s.

Pearce, I. F., A contribution to demand analysis.
Oxford 1964. 44/-.

Perroiix, Francois, Industrie et creation collective. T. I. :Saint-Simonisme du XXe siécle et creation collective. Paris 1964. 204 s. F. 8.

Pessemier, Edgar A., Experimental methods of analyzing demand for branded consumer goods with applications to problems in marketing strategy. Pullman, Wash. 1963. Washington State University Press. 165 s.

Pyatt, F. G., Priority patterns and the demand for household durable goods. Cambridge Univ. Press 1964. (University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics Monograph. 11.)

Samuelson, Paul A., Economics: an introductory
analysis. Sixth edition. New York
1964. 864 s. $ 7,95.

Samuelson, Paul o.a. (eds.). Readings in
economics. Fourth edition. New York

Schultz, T. W., The economic value of education.
Columbia 1963. 92 s. 18/6.

Shackle, G. L. S., General thought-schemes
and the economist. London 1964. 20 s.
3/6. (Woolwich Economic Paper, No, 2.).

Schoeck, Helmut & James W. Wiggins, The
new argument in economics. Princeton
1963. 264 s. $ 5,95.

Silverman, H. A., The substance of economics.
16th ed. London 1964. 25/-.

Tolles, iV. A., Origin of modern wage theories.
1964. 182 s. $ 5,95.

Wagner, H. M. & J.Haldi, Simulated economic
models. 1963. 40/-.

Weintraub, Sidney, Intermediate price theory.
Philadelphia & Toronto 1964. 378 s.
$ 8.

Winding Pedersen, H., Noter til pris- og konkurrenceteorien. København 1964. Gad. 43 bl. kr. 14. (Memorandum fra Københavns Universitets Økonomiske Institut, 11-)

Woytinsku, Wladimir S., Market and prices.
Theory of consumption, market and market
prices. New York 1964.


Barach, Arnold 8., USA, and its economic future. Graphics by Rudolf Modley. New York 1964. (A Twentieth Century Fund Survey.)

Berle, A.A. The American economic republic.
New York 1963. 247 s.

Billerbeck, Klaus, Die Konsequenzen der Industrialisierung der Entwicklungsländer für die Industrieländer. Köln & Opladen 1964. 41 s. DM 6,80.

Bowen, William G., Economic aspects of
education, three essays. Princeton 1964.
122 s. $ 3.

Carus-Wilson, E. M., Essays in economic
history. Vol. 111. New York 1963. 393 s.
$ 12.

Clough, Shepard 8., The economic history of
modern Italy. Columbia, N.Y. 1964. 72/-.

Conditions favourable to faster growth.
Issued by National Economic Development
Council. London 1963. 54 s. 4/-.

Cowan, C. D. (ed.), The economic development of China and Japan. London 1964. 255 s. 35/-. (School of Oriental and African Studies, Studies on modern Asia and Africa. 4.)

Cowan, C. D., The economic development of
South-East Asia. London 1964. 192 s. 32/-.

Side 306

(School of Oriental and African Studies,
Studies on modern Asia and Africa. 3.)

Curie, A., Educational strategy for developing societies. A study of educational and social factors in relation to economic growth. London 1963. 180 s. 25/-.

Damalas, B. V., Observations sur l'économie
Hellénique. Athénes 1964. 54 s. Dr. 50.

Datta, A., A century of economic development
of Russia and Japan. Calcutta 1963.
187 s. Us. 10.

A development plan for Scotland. London
1963. (Planning Broadsheet. 476.)

Expanding private investment for Ecuador's economic growth; a report and recommendations. Prepared for the governments of Ecuador and the United States of America. Washington 1961.

Furtado, Celso, Development and underdevelopment in Brazil. Translated by Ricardo W. de Aguiar and Eric Charles Drysdale. Berkeley 1964. 260 s. $ 6.

Galbraith, John Kenneth, Economic development.
Cambridge, Mass. 1964.

Geertz, Clifford (ed.), Old societies and new
states: the quest for modernity in Asia
and Africa. New York 1963. 310 s.

Gutman, Peter M., Economic growth. An
American problem. Englewood Cliffs,
N.J. 1964. 181 s. $ 1,95.

Harbison, Frederick & Charles A. Myers, Education, manpower and economic growth. Strategies of human resource development. New York, Toronto & London 1964. 229 s. $ 7,50.

Herskovits, M. J. & M. Harwitz (eds.), Economic
transition in Africa. London 1964.
442 s. 50/-.

Hopkins, Harry, The new look. A social
history of the forties and fifties in Britain.
London 1963.

Institutional Reforms and Social Development Trends in Latin America. Washington D.C. 1963. Inter-American Development Bank. 299 s.

Klatzmann, Joseph, Les enseignements de
l'experience israelienne. Paris 1963. (Collection
»Tiers Monde«.)

Lateinamerika. Wirtschaft und Kultur.
Zürich 1964. 200 s. (Publikationen des

Lateinamerikanischen Instituts an der
Hochschule St. Gallen.)

Lebergott, Stanley, Manpower in cconomic growth. The United States record since 1800. New York & London 1964. 561 s. S 8,95.

Lesourd, Jean-Alain & Claude Gerard, Histoire
économique, XIX et XX siécles. Paris
1963. 2 tomes. F 19 & F 24.

Lcwis, John P., Quiet crisis in India. Economic devclopment and American policy. Washington D.C. 1964. Brooking Inst. 350 s.

Maddison, Angus, Economic growth in the West. Comparative experience in Europe and North America. London 1964. 240 s. 30/-.

Mitchell, Joan, Crisis in Britain, 1951. Nottingham
1963. 312 s. 35/-.

Munro, Dana G., Intervention and Dollar
diplomacy in the Carribbean 1900-1921.
Princeton, N.J. 1964.

Myint,H., The economics of the developing
countries. London 1964. 192 s. 30/-.

Redlich, Fritz, Der Unternehmer. Wirtschaft
und Sozialgeschichtliche Studien.
Göttingen 1964.

Rosenstein-Rodan, P. N. (ed.), Capital formation and economic development. London 1964. 164 s. 30/-. (Studies in the economic development of India. 2.)

Rothbard, M. N., Americas great depression.
Princeton 1963. 361 s.

Roustang, Guy, Développement économique de l'Allemagne Orientale. Paris 1964. 240 s. F. 16. (Coll. »Développement économique«.)

Rudebeck, Lars, Mexico. Stockholm 1964. 32
s. (Viirldspolitikens dagsfrågor. 1964, nr.

Sachdeva, T. N., Economics of development,
full view at a glance. New Delhi 1964.
205 s.

Silcock, T. H. & E. K. Fisk (eds.), The political economy of independent Malaya. A case-study in development. Berkeley & Los Angeles, California 1964. 306 s. § 6.

Sludenski, Paul & Herman E. Krooss, Financial
historv of United States. Fiscal,

Side 307

monetary, banking and tariff, including
finance. New York 1963. 605 s. 8 8,95.

Sundbom, 1., Den ekonomiska liberalismen
och vår tid. Stockholm 1964. 204 s.

Suranyi-Unger, T'., Studien zum Wirtschaftswachstum
Südosteuropas. Stuttgart 1964.
216 s. DM 29,50.

United Nations. Department of economic and social affairs. World economic survey, Supplement, 1963: Economic developments in the Middle East. 1961-1963. New York 1964. 147 s.

United Nations. Economic commission for Africa. Industrial growth in Africa. New York 1963. 100 s. (United Nations publications. 1963. 11. K. 3.)

United Nations. Economic commission for Europe. Economic survey of Europe, 1961, pt. 2: Some factors in economic growth in Europe during the 19505. Geneva 1964. 1 v.

Wagley, Charles, An introduction to Brazil.
New York 1964. 322 s. $ 5,95.

Zauberman, Alfred, Industrial progress in
Poland, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany
1937-1962. London 1964.


Bernstein, Allen L., A handbook of statistics
solutions for the behavioral sciences. New
York & London 1964. 145 s.

Blomberg, Clns, Statistical analysis of prognoses.
Stockholm 1963. (Kungl. tekn.
Högskolans Handlingar. 203.)

Boot, J. C. G., Quadratic programming. Amsterdam 1964. North-Holland Publishing Company. 250 s. (Studies in mathematical and managerial economics. Vol. ID

Bowen, Earl K., Mathematics - with applications
in management and economics.
Homewood, 111. 1963. 417 s. S 7,95.

Burkhardt, F., Zur Anwendung statistischer
Methoden. Festschrift z. 75. Geb. v. Felix
Burkhardt. Leipzig 1963.

Downing, R. /., National income and social

Edvardsen, Kåre, Nonplex-metoden. Admissibilitetssøkning innenfor en basisform. Oslo 1963. 8 s. Bibliogr. (Memorandum fra socialøkonomisk inst. 28 des. 1963.)

Ghosh, A. K., Experiments with input-output models. Cambridge 1964. Cambridge U.P. 148 s. (Cambridge University Dept. of applied economics. Monograph. 9.)

Goldberger, Arthur S., Econometrics theory.
New York, London & Sidney 1964. 399 s.

Oranger, C. W. J. & M.Hatanaka, Spectral analysis of economic time series. Princeton 1964. Princeton University Press. 212 s.

Greenwald, W. 1., Statistics for economics.
London 1964. 366 s.

Haseeb, K., The national income of Iraq
1953-1961. London 1964. 184 s. 42/-.

Hirsch, Werner Z., Elements of regional accounts. The Committee on Regional Accounts. Baltimore, Maryland 1964. 221 s. $ 6.

Kemeny-Schleifer-Snell-Thompson, Matematik
für die Wirtschaftspraxis. Berlin
1964. 550 s. DM 35.

Khan, S. U., Probleme der Volkseinkommensberechnung in Pakistan. Ein kritischer Beitrag zur Statistik in Entwicklungsländern. Stuttgart 1963. 148 s. (Ökonomische Studien. 8.)

Lange, 0., Introduction to econometrics (2nd
rev. ed.). Oxford 1963. 384 s.

Nemtsr.hinow, W. S. & Dadajan, Mathematische
Methoden in der Wirtschaft. 1963.
480 s. DM 49.

OECD. Statistics of national accounts 1950-1961.
Paris 1964.

Pitt, H. R., Integration, measure and probability.
Edinburgh & London 1963. 118 s.
(University mathematical monographs.)

Sadowski, W., Theorie und Methoden der
Optimierungsrechnung in der Wirtschaft.
Berlin 1963.

Scarf, Herbert E., Dorothy M. Gilford & Maynard
W. Shelly (eds.), Multistage inventory
models and techniques. With con

Side 308

tributions by Klaus Hermann Daniel
[a.o.]. Stanford 1963. 231 s.

Schmidt, Karl-Ulrich, Graphisch-mathematische
Methoden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften.
Meisenhaim a. Glan 1964. 232 s.

Shubik, Martin, Game theory and related approaches to social behavior relation. New York 1964. 390 s. S 4,25. (Bibliografi).

Stone, Richard (ed.), A programme for
growth. 2. A social accounting matrix
for 1960. London 1964. 70 s.

Stone, Richard (ed.), A programme for
growth. 3. Input-output relationships,
1954-1966. London 1964. 81 s.

Sverdmp, Erling, Lov og tilfeldighet. Den praktiske statistikks metode og teknikk. Bd. 1: En elementær innføring. Bergen 1964. 13 + 350 s. (Scandinavian University Books.)

Sverdrup, Erling, Lov og tilfeldighet. Den praktiske statistikks metode og teknikk. Bd. 2: En matematisk videreføring. Bergen 1964. 7 + 261 s. (Scandinavian University Books.)

United Nations. Statistical office. Statistical papers, Series C, no. 1, rev. 2: Recommendations for the preparation of sample survey reports. New York 1964. 16 s.

Weingartner, H. Martin, Mathematical programming and the analysis of capital budgeting problems. Englewood Cliffs. 200 s. (Ford Found, doctoral dissertation ser.)

Wold, Herman. Orientering i det statistiska arbetsfältet. Exkurs A. Stockholm 1963. 168 s. (Mål och medel i tillåmpad statistik.) 32,50.

Wold, Herman, Econometric model building. Essays on the causal chain approach. Amsterdam. XIII + 419 s. (Contributions to economic analysis. 36.)

Yamane, Taro, Statistics. An introductory
analysis. New York & London 1964. 734
s. + Appendix tables.


Baer,W. & I. Kerstenetszky (eds.), Inflation

Basch, Antonin, Financing economic development. An analysis of saving investment within a political, social, and economic framework in underdeveloped nations. New York & London 1964. 334 s.

Bauchet, Pierre, Economic planning. The
Franch experiment. Transl. by Daphne
Woodward. London 1964. 35/-.

Boarman, Patrick M., Germany's economic dilemma. Inflation and the balance of payments. New Haven 1964. Yale U.P. 336 s.

Cole, G. D. 11., A century of co-operation.
London 1963.

Culbertson, John M., Full employment or
stagnation? New York & London 1964.
252 s. 46/-.

Degras, J. & A. Nove (eds.), Soviet planning:
Essays in honour of Naum Jasny. London
1964. 225 s.

Desroche, de Pierre, College coopératif. Planification et volontariat dans les développements coopératifs. Paris 1964. 422 s. F. 18.

Desroche, Henri, Cooperation et développement. Mouvements coopératifs et Strategie du développement. Paris 1964. 336 s. F. 17. (Coll. »Tiers Monde«.)

Dieterlen, Pierre, Stabilisierungsplan und
Einkommenspolitik in Frankreich. Kiel
1964. 14 s. (Kieler Vorträge. N.F. 31.)

Digby, Margaret, Co-operatives. London
1963. Overseas development institute. 65

Dow, J. C. R., The management of the British economy 1945-60. Cambridge 1964. 462 s. (National Institute of Economic and Social Research. Economic and social studies. 22.)

Fraser, T. C, New ways of planning for growth in Britain. Oslo 1963. 15 s. (Memorandum from institute of econ. 1963: 17 oct.)

Galbraith, J. K. ca., The economic strategy
and the Third Plan. London 1964.

Gilpin, R. & C. Wright (eds.), Scientists and

Side 309

Grossman, Gregory, Economic systems.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1964.

Hansmeyer, K.-H., Subventionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Materialien zu einem wirtschaftspolitischen Problem. Berlin 1963. 141 s.

Hag, Mahbub VI, The strategy of economic
planning. - A case study of Pakistan.
London 1964. 266 s. 44/-.

Helander, Sven, Entwicklungspolitik in Nigeria. Wirtschaftspolitische Probleme eines neuen afrikanischen Staates. Köln & Opladen 1963. Westdeutscher Verlag. 86 s. (Die industrielle Entwicklung ... Abt. C. 2.)

Iyengar, S. K., Fifteen years of democratic
planning. London 1964. Asia Publ. House.
432 s.

Jungk, Robert & H.J.Mundt (eds.), Modelle für eine neue Welt. Vol. 11. Wege ins neue Jahrtausend. Wettkampf der Planungen in Ost und West. München, Wien & Basel 1964. 562 s.

Kopp, Ferdinand 0., Entwicklungsplanung. Grundzüge, Probleme, Methoden. Bonn 1964. 72 s. (Wissenschaftliche Beitr. z. Aussen- und Entwicklungspolitik. 2/3.)

König, E., Vom Revisionismus zum »demokratischen Sozialismus«. Zur Kritik des ökonomischen Revisionismus in Deutschland. Berlin 1964. 264 s. DM 16. (Schriften des Instituts f. Wirtschaftswissenschaften der DAdW zu Berlin. 16.)

Landauer, Carl, Contemporary economic systems, a comparative analysis. Philadelphia 1964. 560 s. (Lippincott coll. econ. ser.)

Lange, Oskar, Entwicklungstendenzen der modernen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Eine sozialistische Analyse. Wien & Zürich 1964. 191 s.

Levitan, Sar A., Federal aid to depressed areas. An evaluation of the area redevelopment administration. Baltimore 1964. 268 s. 56/-.

Linder, Willy, Die kommunistische Planwirtschaft
am Beispiel Ungarns. Zürich
1964. 143 s.

Loutfy, Aly, La technique élevée a la supreme puissance: la planification de l'économie. Preface de Marcel Boson. Geneve 1964.

Lovenstein, Meno, Capitalism, communism, socialism (comparative economic systems) Ruth Haines: consultant. Curriculum Resources. Chicago 1963. 150 s.

Macrae, Norman. Sunshades in October. An analysis of the main mistakes of British economic policy since the mid nineteenfifties. London 1963. 30/-.

Marris, Robin, The economic theory of
»managerial capitalism«. London 1964.
346 s. 40/-.

Miller, Margaret, Teresa M. Piotrowicz, Ljubo Sire & Henry Smilh, Communist economy under change. Studies in the theory and practice of markets and competition in Russia. London 1963. 272 s. 25/-.

Möhlenbrock, Sigurd, Att planera for framtiden.
Lund 1963. 115 s. 26.

Papi, G. U'., Di una problematica della economica
Haliana. Milano 1963. Giuffré.
321 s.

Planning and statistics in socialist countries.
London 1964. (Indian statistical
series. 19.)

Pons, F., Un cas de developpement sans
inflation: le Japon (1945-1962). Paris
1963. F. 12.

Problems of long-term economic projections - with special reference to economic planning in Asia and the Far East. Report of the third group of experts on programming techniques, Econ. Comm. for Asia and the Far East, Bangkok, Thailand. New York 1963. U.N. 98 s.

Prou, Ch., Etablissement des programmes en économie sous-développée. T. 1. ff. Paris 1964. 294 s. (Statistique et programme économiques. 1.)

Saulnier, Raymond J., The strategy of economic policy. New York 1963. Fordham Univ. Press. 81 s. (The Millar lectures. 5.)

Second programme for economic expansion laid by the Government [Ireland] before each house of the Oireachtas, August, 1963. Dublin 1963.

Side 310

Swerdlow, Irving (ed.). Development administration: Concepts and problems. Syracuse. N'.Y. 1963. Syracuse university press. 162 s.

Tandon, 8.C., Economic planning: Principles
and problems. Allahabad 1963. 527 s.

Ten-year plan of economic and social development for Sierra Leone 1962/63-1971/72: Background policies and programmes . . . memorandum. Freetown, Westafrica 1962.

United Nations. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Economic Development Institute: Planning in Pakistan. Baltimore 1963. 150 s.

Vakil, C. N., Poverty and planning. Bombay
1963. Allied Publishers. 357 s.

Vernon, R. (ed.), Public policy and private enterprise in Mexico. Studies by M. S. Wionczek, D. H. Shelton, C. P. Blair & R. Izquierdo. Cambridge, Mass. 1964. 336 s. (Center for International Affairs.)

Weststrate, C, Types of economy. Christchurch
1963. (Univ. of Canterbury publications.

Wilson, Thomas, Planning and growth. London
1964. 210 s.


Ahearn, Daniel S., Federal reserve policy
reppraised 1951-1959. New York & London
1963. 376 s. 72/-.

Arndt, H.-J., Politik und Sachverstand im Kreditwährungswesen. Die verfassungsstaatlichen Gewalten und die Funktion von Zentralbanken. Berlin 1963. DM 48,60.

Beranek, W., Analysis for financial decisions.
Homewood, 111. 1963. 479 s. $ 8,50.

Bizaguet, A. a.0., Les banques de développement
dans le monde. Tome I. Paris 1964.
528 s. F. 68.

Bouueng, C.-J., S. Sannesson & A. Ögren, Konsumtionskrediter i Sverige. Konsumtionskrediternes framväxt. Stockholm 1963. 199 s.

Broida, A. L., Liquidity as a variable in monetary
analysis. Chicago 1963. 137 s.

Carson, D. (ed.), Banking and monetary
studies. Homewood 111. 1963. 441 s. S 6.

Duesenberry,J. S., Money & credit: impact

and control. Engkwood Cliffs. N.J. 1964.

Grubel, Herbert G. (ed.), World monetary
reform. Plans and issues. Stanford. Calif.
1963. 446 s. 8 10.

Hahn, L. A., Ein Traktat zur Währungsreform.
Tübingen 1964. 170 s. (Veröffentl.
der List Gesellschaft e.V. 39.)

Hutton, G.. Inflation and society. London.

James, E., Problemes monétaires d'aujourd'hui.
Paris 1964. 360 s. F. 36.

Joslin, David, A century of banking in Latin
America. London & New York 1963.
307 s.

J ucker-Fl eet wood, Erin E., Money and finance
in Africa. London 1964. 335 s. 45/-.

Justér, Thomas & Robert P. Shay, Consumer sensitivity to finance rates: an empirical and analytical investigation. New York 1964. 105 s. (National bur. of econ. res. Occ. paper. 88.)

Kéréver, André, L'lnflation aujourd'hui. Paris 1963. Economie et humanisme les Editions Ouvriéres. 197 s. (»Initiation économique«, 4.)

Munn, Glenn G., Encyclopedia of banking
and finance. 6th ed. Rev. by F.L. Garcia.
Boston, Mass. 1964. 788 s. .$ 25.

Robinson, Roland Inwood, Money and capital
markets. New York & London 1964.
McGraw-Hill. 371 s.

Sayers, R. S., Modern banking. 6th revised
ed. Oxford 1964. 330 s. 30/-.

Seiden, Martin 11., The quality oftrade credit. New York 1964. XX + 129 s. - ill. (National Bureau of Economic Research. Occasional paper 87.)

Smith, Paul F., Consumer credit costs 1949-1959.
Princeton 1964. (Studies in Consumer
instalment financing. 11.)

Solomon, Ezra, The theory of financial management.
Columbia 1963. 170 s. 28/-.

Stucken, R., Deutsche Geld- und Kreditpolitik
1914-1963. 3. Auflage. Tübingen
1964. 341 s. DM 25.


Andersson, Edward, Efterbeskattning och
Grundbesvar vid Stats- och Kommunal

Side 311

beskattningen. Helsingfors 1964. (Ekuiiumi
och Samhalle. Skrifter utgivna av
Svenska Handelhogskulan. 9.)

Blum, W. J. & H. Kalven, jr., The uneasy
case for progressive taxation. Chicago
1964. 9/-.

Caulcy, T. J., Public finance and the general
welfare. 1964. 398 s.

Dale, A., Tax harmonization in Europe.
1963. 162 s.

Emi, Koichi, Government fiscal activity and
economic growth in Japan 1868-1960.
Tokyo 1963. 186 s.

Fiscal survey of Panama. Problems and proposals for reform. Published for the Joint Tax Program of the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Development Bank. Baltimore, Maryland 1964. 212 s. $ 7,50.

Kahn, C. Harry, Business and professional income under the personal income tax. Princeton Univ. Pr. 1964. (Nat. Bureau of economic research. Fiscal studies. 8.)

Kommunal skatteutjämning. Bet. av 1958
års skatteutjämningskomitte. Sthlm. 1964.
419 s. (SOU 196:19.)

Koncernbidrag m.m. Betänkande av Skatteutredningen
ang. ackumulerad inkomst
m.m. Sthlm. 1964. 160 s. (SOU 1964:29.)

Lösenbeck, H.-D., Die Preisbildung der öffentlichen Unternehmen. Stuttgart 1964. 121 s. DM 16,60. (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften. 72.)

Masse, M. P., Rapport sur la politique des
revenus. Paris 1964. F. 4. (Collection
»Recueils et Monographies«. 47.)

ATöll von der Nahmer, Robert, Lehrbuch der Finanzwissenschaft. Band I: Allgemeine Finanzwissenschaft. 430 s. Band II: Spezielle Steuerlehre. 271 s. Köln & Opladen 1964. DM 100.

Norr, M. & C. Sandels, The corporate income
tax in Sweden. Stockholm 1963. Stockholms
Enskilda Bank. 61 s.

Nytt skattesystem. Forslag avg. av allmänna skatteberedningen. (Skattesystemutredningen och företagskatteutredningen.) Sthlm. 1964. 827 s.

Pedersen, Oluf, Virkningerne af fuld grundskyld.
København 1963. 112 s.

Preinchand, A., Control of public expenditure in India. A historical and analytical account of the administrative, audit and parliamentary processes. London 1964. 40/-.

The role of direct and indirect taxes in the federal revenue system. A conference report of the National Bureau of Economic Research and the Brooking Institution. Princeton 1964.

Rosenstein-Rodan, P. A7.,A7., Pricing and fiscal policies. A study in method. London 1964. 216 s. 35/-. (Studies in the economic development of India. 3.)

Sammandrag av statsverkspropositionen
1963. [Utg. av] Finansdepartementet.
Stockholm 1963. 113 s.

Schierloh, Klaus, Fiscal policy in Grossbritannien.
Berlin 1964. 227 s. (Volkswirtschaftliche
Schriften. 76.)


Balassa, Belå A. (ed.), Changing patterns in foreign trade and payments. New York 1964. 180 s. (Problems of the mod. economy.)

Bandera, V. N., Foreign capital as an instrument
of national economic policy. The
Hague 1964. 155 s. Gld. 19,75.

Barach, Arnold B. & Rudolf Modley, The
new Europe and its economic future. New
York 1964.

Rritsch, Walther & Helmut Zimmermann,
Die Ahsatszwirtschaft in Gemeinsamen
Markt. Baden-Baden 1964.

Camps, Miriam, Britain and the European
Community 1955-1963. Oxford University
Press 1964. 547 s.

Danmark og u-landene. København 1963.
44 s. (Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke's Småskrifter,

Deniau, Jean-Francois, Le Marché eommun.
Nouv. edit. rev. Paris 1964.

Economic integration. Financial aspects. Round table on financial aspects of economic integration in the Hemisphere. Annual meeting of the board of governors Inter-American development bank.

Side 312

4. (Caracas, 1963). Caracas 1963. Inter
development bank. 96 s.

The effectiveness of the aid programs in
eight countries. New York 1963.

European Investment Bank 1958-1963. Bruxelles

Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft:
Nahrungsmittelhilfe der EWG an die Entwicklungsländer.
Brüssel 1964. 233 s.

Everling, Ulrich, Die Koordinierung der Wirtschaftpolitik in der Europäischen Wirtschaftgemeinschaft als Rechtsproblcm. Tübingen 1964.

A factual survey of the government and private contribution to overseas development through education and training. London 1963. 125 s. 7/6. (British Aid-3.)

Fatemi, Nasrollah S., Thibaut de Saint Phalle
& Grace M. Keefle, The dollar crisis.
New York 1964. 317 s.

Feis, Herbert, Foreign aid and foreign policy.
New York 1964. 246 s.

Gara, John P. de, Trade relations between the Common Market and the Eastern Bloc. Bruges 1964. De Tempel. 102 s. (Cahiers de Bruges. 7.)

Holbik, Karel & Henry Myers, Postwar trade in divided Germany. The intranational and international issues. Baltimore, Maryland 1964. 138 s. $ 5.

Kommersiellt och handelspolitiskt utuecklingsbistånd; rapport avgiven av en arbetsgrupp inom Beredningen for internationella biståndsfrågor. Stockholm 1963. 151 s. (Statens offentliga utredningar, 1963:37.)

Lateinamerika und Europa. Probleme und Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit. Europäisches Forum für Lateinamerika, Brüssel, November 1962. (Mit Beitr. von Raul Prebisch). Ölten 1963. Peter H. Werhan. 215 s. (Veröffentlichungen der Vereinigung christlicher Unternehmer der Schweiz. 8.)

Maritano, Nino & Antonio H. Obaid. An alliance for progress; the challenge and the problem. Minneapolis 1963. Denison. 205 s.

Metzäer, Stanley D., Trade agreements and
the Kennedy Round; an analysis of the

economic, legal, and political aspects of the trade expansion act of 1962 and the prospects for the Kennedy Round of tariff negotiations. Fairfax, Va. 1964. 119 s.

Neumark, S. Daniel, Foreign trade and economic development in Africa: a historical perspective. Stanford 1964. (Publication of the Food Research Institute. Miscellaneous publication. 14.) $ 6,95.

New directions for world trade. A Chatham House report. Proceedings of a Chatham House conference Bellagio, 16-24 September 1963. London 1964. 241 s. 30/-.

Nyboe Andersen, P., Udenrigsøkonomi. 2. udg. København 1964. 323 s. Bibliogr. (Foreningen til unge handelsmænds uddannelse. Handelshøjskolen i København. Skriftrække A. 9.)

Ottel, Fritz, Untergang oder Metamorphose
der sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Stuttgart
1963. 121 s.

Ouersättning av viktigare följdförfattningar till fordragen angående Europeiska ekonomiska gemenskapen och Europeiska kol- och stålgemenskapen. Sthlm. 1964. 521 s. (SOU 1964:33.)

Pfleiderer, Otto, Währungsordnung und
Europäische Integration. Kiel 1964. 19 s.
(Kieler Vorträge. N.F. 32.)

Pinto, Roger, Les organisations européenes.
Paris 1963.

Polach, Jaroslav G., EURATOM - Its background,
issues and economic implications.
New York 1964. 232 s. $ 7,50.

La poiilique de cooperation avec les pays en voie de developpement. (Rapport de la Commission d'Etude présidée par M.J.M. Jeanneney). Paris 1964. F. 16.

Reuss, Henry S., The critical decade, an economic
policy for America and the free
world. New York 1964. 227 s.

Ross, Anthony Clunies, One per cent - the
case for greater Australian foreign aid.
London 1964. 49 s. 6/-.

Rymalow, W. W., Die UdSSR und die wirtschaftlich schwach entwickelten Länder. Übers, [aus der Russ.] Berlin 1964. Dietz. 198 s.

Sarmet, M., L'épargne et le Marché Commun.
Preface de M. le Professeur Maurice

Side 313

Byé. Paris 1963. Editions Cujas (Collection
Connaissances Économiques). 506 s.

Sosa-Rodriguez, Raul, Les problémes structurels des relations économiques internationales de l'Amérique Latine. Genéve 1963.

Stoessinger, John G., Financing the United
Nations system. Washington 1964.

Strömbom, 80, Svensk marknadsföring på
europamarknaden. Göteborg 1964. 373 s.

Thorp, Willard L., Development assistance efforts and policies of the members of the development assistance committee. Bibliogr. Paris 1963. O.E.C.D. 82 s.

Tillmann, Heinz & Werner Kowalski (Hrsg.), Westdeutscher Neokolonialismus. Untersuchungen über der wirtschaftliche und politische Expansion des westdeutschen Imperialismus in Afrika und Asien. Berlin 1963. 280 s. DM 24.

Travis, William P., The theory of trade and
protection. Cambridge, Mass. 1964. 296 s.
$ 6,25. (Harvard Economic Studies. 121.)

United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe, Fifteen years of activity of the Economic Commission for Europe, 1947-1962. New York & London 1964. 169 s. 11/6.

United Nations. Interim co-ordinating committee for international commodity arrangements. Review of international commodity problems, 1964. New York 1964. 101 s. (E/3856).

United Nations. Secretary general. International flow of long-term capital and official donations, 1960/1962. New York 1964. 53 s. (E/3917).

Waer, D. K., Common Market Antitrust. A
guide to the law, procedure and literature.
The Hague 1964. 67 s. Gld. 7,25.

Voigt, Günter, Der Verbraucher im Gemeinsamen Markt. Baden-Baden 1963. (Der Schriftenreihe zum Handbuch für europäische Wirtschaft. 25.)

Wolfram, D., Die Assoziirung überseeischer
Gebiete an die EWG. 1964. 112 s. DM 13.
(Annales Universitatis Saraviensis. 6.)

Zimmermann, H., Öffentliche Finanzhilfen
an Entwicklungsländer. Gesamtwirtschaftliche
und politische Massstäbe zur


Bestimmung ihrer Form. Berlin 1963. 168
s. DM 19,80. (Finanzwissenschaftl. Forschungsarbeiten
N.F. 29.)


Andersen, Bent Rold & Finn Madsen, Fysisk handicappede i Danmark. Bd. 1. Undersøgelsens teknik og metoder. København 1964. 267 s.

AOF 192b-i96b. [Arbejdernes Oplysningsforbund]
1964. 32 s.

Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension. (Omslagstitel:
Alt om tillægspension). Ved
Tage Mortensen. København 1964. 32 s.

Chamberlin, E. H., The economic analysis
of labour union power. Washington 1963.

Coale, A. J. & M. Zelnik, New estimates of fertility and population in the United States. Princeton & Oxford 1963. 204 s. 32/-.

The current population survey: reinterview
program. Washington 1963. 87 s. 55 c.

The current population survey: a report
on methodology. Washington 1963. 91 s.
65 c.

Dich, Jørgen S., Socialpolitikens teori. Læren
om de offentlige tilskud. Bd. 1. København
1964. 471 s. Kr. 33,25.

Gendell, Murray, Swedish working wives.
Totowa, N.J. 1963. Bedminster Press. XV
+ 269 s.

Godwin, F. W., R. N. Goodwin & W. F. Hoddad (eds.), Foreword by S. Shriver. The hidden force. A report of the international conference on middle level manpower, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 10-12, 1962. New York 1963. 203 s. S 3,95.

Harbison, Frederick H., Education, manpower, and economic growth; strategies of human resources development. New York 1964. McGraw-Hill. 229 s.

Hauser, Philip M., The population dilemma.
(2. print.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1964.
192 s.

Lester, Richard A., Economics of labor.
New York 1964. 2nd. rev. edition (1941).
626 s.

Madsen, Marvin, Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægs-

Side 314

OECD. Manpower statistics 1950-1962. Statistiques
de main-d'oeuvre. Paris 1963.

Det Økonomiske Sekretariat, Den fremtidige
befolkningsudvikling. København 1964. 43


Alkjær, Ejler, Danmarks inddeling i erhvervsdistrikter.
København 1964. 47 s.

Kapitalutvecklingen i det svenska lantbruket. Undersökning utförd på uppdrag av 1960 års jordsutredning av dess arbetsgrupp för kreditfrågor. Sthlm. 1964. 88 s. (SOU 1964:8.)

Lantbrukets strukturutveckling. Stockholm
1964. (SOU 1964:37.)

Paarlberg, Donald, American farm policy,
a case study of centralized decisionmaking.
New York 1964. 375 s.

U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Economic research service. Agricultural policies of foreign governments, including trade policies affecting agriculture. Washington 1964. 266 s. (Agriculture handbook, no. 132.)

Van Hao, Nguyen, Les problémes de la nouvelle
agriculture vietnamienne. Geneve

Det økonomiske Råd, Formandskabet,
Strukturproblemer i dansk landbrug. Maj
1964. København 1964. 36 s. kr. 4.


Barzun, J. & H. F. Graff, The modern researcher.
New York 1962. 386 s. S 1,95.

Berelson, Bernard & Gany A. Steiner, Human
behavior: An inventory of scientific findings.
New York 1964. 712 s. S 8,95.

Bierstedt, R., P. A. Samuelson & E.Meehan, Modern social science survey. New York 1964. (Sociology, economics & political science.)

Bjerstedt, ń Sociometriska metoder. Stockholm
1963. 17.50.

Blood, J. (ed.), The management of scientific
talent. New York 1963. 240 s.

Braybrooke, D. & C. E. Lindblom, A strategy
of decision, policy evaluation as a social
process. New York & London 1963. 268 s.

Dige, E., Politisk revy på langs og tværs.
København 1964. 215 s. kr. 25.

Economic aspects of disarmament. Vienna
1963. 104 s. 25 c.

Feigenbaum, Edward & Julian Feldman
(eds.), Computers and thought. New York
1963. Book Co. XIX + 535 s.

Halmos, Paul li., Measure theory. Princeton,
N.J. 1964. 320 s.

Hoggatt, Austin Curwood & Frederick E. Balderston (eds.), Conference on Computer Simulation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1961. Symposium on simulation models; methodology and applications to the behavioral sciences. Cincinnati 1963. 289 s. $ 4,25.

Johnson, John J., The military and society
in Latin America. Stanford 1964. 308 s.
$ 7.

Kuhn, A., The study of society: a united
approach. Homewood, 111. 1963. $ 9.

Kvinden i mandssamfundet. København
1964. 72 s. Kr. 7.

Leauitt, H. (ed.), The social science of organizations. Four perspectives. Englewood Cliffs, N.Y. 1963. 182 s. % 2,50. (Behavioral sciences in business series.)

McEwen, William P., The problem of socialscientific
knowledge. Totowa, N.J. 1963.
590 s. $ 12,50.

Miller, Norman F. & DuanaM. Robinson,
The leisure age. Its challenge to recreation.
Belmont, Calif. 1963. $ 6,95.

Misra, B. 8., The Indian middle classes:
their growth in modern times. London
1961. VIII + 438 s. Rs. 25.

Nafziger,RalphO. & David M. White (eds.), Introduction to mass communications research. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1963. (Journalism monographs. 6.)

Nye, F. Ivan & Lois Wladis Hoffman, The
employed mother in America. Chicago
1963. 406 s. ?> 6,50.

Parsons, T., Social structure and personality.
New York & London 1964.