Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 101 (1963)


Vol. 72, No. 287, September 1962: E. H. Phelps Brown & M. H. Browne, Earnings in industries of the United Kingdom, 1948-59. - A. R. Prest, The sensitivity of the yield of personal income tax in the United Kingdom. - M. B. Shupack, The predictive accuracy of empirical demand analyses. - H. N. Goldstein, The relative security market impact of open-market sales and »equivalent« reserve-repuirement increases. - A. N. Mcleod, Credit

Side 98

expansion in an open economy, - M. Lipton, Balanced and unbalanced growth in underdevelopedcountries.
- A. K. Bagchi, The choice of the optimum technique. - D. H. Robertson,The
Variorum edition of Marshall's principles. KB-HB-Å-Sta.
