Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 101 (1963)


Vol. 15, Fasc. 3, 1962: S. Enke, Welfare and trade. S. J. Prais, Econometric research in international trade: a review. R. M. Stern & E.Zupnik, The theory and measurement of elasticity of substitution in international trade. R. Erba, Die internationale Währrungsordnung. R.J.Ball, Capital imports and economic development: paradoxy or orthodoxy. R. E. Slesinger, Fiscal policy considerations for underdeveloped economies. /. F. Becker, Social imbalance and the Marxian system. S. Riemer. The devaluation of the Israel pound.

Vol. 16, Fasc. 1, 1963: C. W. J. Granger & O. Morgenstern, Spectral analysis of New York stock market prices. G. N. Halm, Feste oder flexible Wechselkurse? J. K. Sengupta & G. Tintner, On some aspects of trend in the aggregative models of economic growth. D. Dosser, Towards a theory of international public finance. G. Karmiloff, Soviet economic models, investment criteria and prices. J. Vanek, The labor market, technology, and stability in the Keynesian model. N. R. Collins & R. H. Holton, Programming changes in marketing in planning economic development. KB-HB-Å-ArA.