Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 101 (1963)THE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIESVol. 29 (3), No. 80, June 1962: K. J. Arrow, The economic implications of learning by doing. N.Kaldor & J. A. Mirrlees, A new model of economic growth. P. A. Samuelson, Parable and realism in capital theory: the surrogate production function. R.M.Solow, Substitution and fixed proportions in the theory of capital. J. Robinson, A neo-classical theorem. /. E. Meade, The effect of savings on consumption in a state of steady growth. D. G. Champernowne, Some implications of golden age conditions when savings equal profits. J.Black, Technical progress and optimum savings. R. Stone and J. A. C. Brown, Output and investment for exponential growth in consumption. KB-Å. KB-Ä.