Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 99 (1961)


Vol.B, No. 1, February 1961: P.E. Hart & A. I. Macßean, Regional differences in productivity, profitability and growth. A. L.Macfie, Adam Smith's theory of moral sentiments. A. E. Holmans, The quantity of money, gross national product, and the price level. D. I. Trotman-Dickenson, The Scottish industrial estates. B. Weber & J. Parry Lewis, New industrial building in Great Britain, 1923-38. S. Rottenberg, The meaning of »Excess supplies of labour«.

Vol.B, No. 2, June 1961: A. K. Cairncross, Programmes as instruments of co-ordination. //. Behrcnd, A fair day's work. R. L. Meek, Mr. Sraffa's rehabilitation of classical economics. R. H. Campbell, The church and social reform. /. Parry Lewis, Indices of house-building in the Manchester conurbation, South Wales and Great Britain, 1851-1913. KB.