Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 99 (1961)THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICSV01.43, No. 1, February 1961: H.P. Minsky, Employment, growth and price levels: A review article. H.C.Bos & L.M.Koyck, The appraisal of road construction projects: A practical example. W. J. Baumöl, Pitfalls in contracyclical politicies: Some tools and results. D. V. T. Bear, The relationship of saving to the rate of interest, real income, and expected future prices. /. P. Henderson, Comparability of estimates of the industrial distribution of employment. J. R. Schlesinger, A suggested framework for monetary-fiscal anlysis. T. Iwand, Models of capital accumulation and economic instability. Vol. 43, No. 2, May 1961: P. N. Rosenstein-Rodan, International aid for underdeveloped countries. A. P. Lerner, The burden of debt. W. H. White, The flexibility of anticyclical monetary policy. M. Segal, Regional wage differences in manufacturing in the postwar period. D. V. T. Bear, A multi-sector model of balanced growth. W. H. Locke Anderson & J. Cornwall, Problems of growth policy. T. Y. Shen, Innovation, diffusion, and productivity changes. H. D. Lytton, Public sector productivity. A. M. Strout, Weather and the demand for space heat. P. Desai, A short-term planning model for the Indian economy. H. O. Stekler, Diffusin index and first difference forecasting. E. Rayack, Discrimination and the occupational progress of negroes. KB-HB-Å.