Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 99 (1961)


V01.75, No. 1, February 1961: I. M. D. Little, The real cost of labor, and the choice
between consumption and investment. M. A. Adelman, Steel, administered prices and inflation.

Side 191

R. R. Nelson, Uncertainty, prediction, and competitive equilibrium. R. A.Easterlin, Israel's development: Past accomplishments and future problems. J. B. Lasing, J.-C. Liu &, D. B. Suits, An analysis of interurban air travel. W. J. Samuels, The physiocratic theory of property and state. K. J. Cohen & R.M. Cuert, Computer models in dynamic economics. /. O'Connor, Anticipated employment instability and labor market.

Vol. 75, No. 2, May 1961: L. R. Klein &R.F. Kosobud, Some econometrics of growth: Great ratios of economics. R. Robinson, The economics of disequilibrium price. J.Johnston, An econometric study of the production decision. J. N. Wolfe, Co-ordination assumptions and multiple equilibria. V. R. Fuchs, Integration, concentration, and profits in manufacturing industries. H. G. Grubel, Ricardo and Thornton on the transfer mechanism. L. E. Gallaway & P. E. Smith, Real balances and the permanent income hypothesis. KB-HB-Å.