Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 99 (1961)KYKLOSV01.14, Fasel, 1961: B. Balassa, Towards a theory of economic integration. A.Maizels, The effects of industrialization on exports of primary-producing countries. F. Gehreis, The effect of price on Europe's exports to the United States. K. K. Kurihara, Cost disinflation and export expansion. L. Hollerman, Some doubts about the »Over-Fulfillment« of Japan's New Long Range Economic Plan. A note. W. Krelle, Income distribution and technical progress. A review article. D. Villeu, Au delå de l'offre et de la demande. V01.14, Fasc. 2, 1961: M.Dobb, Some problems in the theory of growth and planning policy. R. A. Mundell, The international disequilibrium system. H.Willgerodt, Marktspaltungen. E. Lerdau, Indicators for the national accounts in underdeveloped countries. E. K. Francis, Prolegomena to a theory of social change. P. A. Bar an & E. J. Hobsbawm, The stages of economic growth. Side 190
Vol. 14, Fase. 3, 1961: P. Jacobsson, Current economic problems. L. B. Yeagcr, The Triffia plan: Diagnosis, remech', and alternatives. R. L. Allen, Integration in less developed areas. W. Fischer, Das Verhältnis von Staat und Wirtschaft in Deutschland am Beginn der Industrialisierung. B. C. Swerling, Some interrelationships between agricultural trade and economic development. P. N. Mathur & H. Ezckiel, Marketable surplus of food and price fluctuations in a developing economy. J.H. Richter, A note on agriculture in the European common market. R. E. Slesinger & T. E. Hollander, The impact of price level changes on the measurement of business income. KB-HB-Å-Ara. KB-HB-Å-Ara.