Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 99 (1961)


Second Congress of the International Economic Association Vienna, Austria 30 August to * September, 1962

The Secretariat of the International Economic Association reminds those wishing to take part in the above Congress that they should register as soon as possible by completing the application card included in the leaflet issued by the Österreichisches Verkehrsbüro, Friedrichsstrasse 7, Vienna 1, Austria. This entails the payment of a Congress fee of U.S. $10, which entitles the participant to receive all the papers presented to the Section of the Congress which he has selected, and the payment of a deposit of U.S. $8 for hotel accomodation, which deposit will subsequently be deducted from the hotel bill.

The deadline date set by the Verkehrsbüro for guaranteed hotel accomodation is April 15, 1962. As it may be impossible to obtain hotel rooms at the last minute, and may even be difficult after April, intending participants are recommended not to delay in requesting the application forms from the Verkehrsbüro and sending the U.S. $18 required to the account which the Verkehrsbüro will indicate.

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