Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 99 (1961)


International Economic Association, af hvilken Nationaløkonomisk Forening er
medlem, afholder sin 2. kongres i Wien i dagene d. 30. august til 6. september 1962.

Kongressens emne er Economic Development, og det tilsendte program er fastlagt

Thursday 30 August: Morning: Plenary Session. Opening of the Congress. The Problems
of Economic Development. By the president (Professor Austin Robinson).

Thursday 30 August: Afternoon: The Congress will divide into four sections.

Section 1: The Determinants of Economic Development. Chairman: The President
(Professor Austin Robinson).

Section 2: Industrialisation and Methods of Increasing Labour Productivity.
Chairman: Professor Clark Kerr.

Section 3: Techniques and Problems of Development Planning. Chairman:
Professor J. Tinbergen.

Section 4: The Stabilisation of Primary Producing Economies. Chairman: Professor
A. Lewis.

Thursday 30 August: Afternoon, to Wednesday 5 September: Afternoon: Meetings
of sections to discuss papers that are being planned for each section by its chairman:

Thursday 6 September: Morning: Plenary session. Conclusion of the Congress.
Reports by chairmen of the sections on the work of the sections.

Side 122

Alle medlemmer af Nationaløkonomisk Forening har adgang til kongressen. Kongresgebyret
er 10 $ eller modværdien heraf i anden valuta.

Anmeldelse om deltagelse kan ske til Österreichisches Verkehrsburo, Wien i,
Friedrichstrasse 7, Østrig, hvorefter bureauet vil tilsende tilmeldingsblanket og oplysning
om hotelmuligheder. Det tilrådes at foretage anmeldelse i god tid.