Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 99 (1961)ØKONOMISK KONGRES I WIEN.International
Economic Association, af hvilken Nationaløkonomisk
Forening er Kongressens emne
er Economic Development, og det tilsendte program er
fastlagt Thursday 30
August: Morning: Plenary Session. Opening of the
Congress. The Problems Thursday 30
August: Afternoon: The Congress will divide into four
sections. Section 1: The
Determinants of Economic Development. Chairman: The
President Section 2:
Industrialisation and Methods of Increasing Labour
Productivity. Section 3:
Techniques and Problems of Development Planning.
Chairman: Section 4: The
Stabilisation of Primary Producing Economies. Chairman:
Professor Thursday 30
August: Afternoon, to Wednesday 5 September: Afternoon:
Meetings Thursday 6
September: Morning: Plenary session. Conclusion of the
Congress. Side 122
Alle medlemmer af
Nationaløkonomisk Forening har adgang til kongressen.
Kongresgebyret Anmeldelse om
deltagelse kan ske til Österreichisches Verkehrsburo,
Wien i, |