Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 98 (1960)ECONOMETRICAVol. 28, No. 3, July 1960: A. H. Land & A. G. Onig, An automatic method of solving discrete programming problems. R. E. Goinonj Æ W. J. Baumöl, Integer programming and pricing. /. R. Sauage & K. W. Deutsch, A statistical model of the gross analysis of transaction flows. A. L. Nagar, A Monte Carlo study of alternative simultaneous equation estimators. C. C Chow, Tests of equality between sets of coefficients in (wo linear regressions. L. W. McKenzie, Stability of equilibrium and the value of positive excess demand. W. Candler, A "short-cut" method for the complete solution of game theory and feed-mix problems. C. W. Howe, An alternative proof of the existence of general equilibrium in a von Neumann model. K. J. Arrow & L. Harwicz, Some remarks on the equilibria of economic systems. Vol. 28, No. 4, October 1960: J. S. Duesenberry, 0. Eckstein & G. Fromm, A simulation of the United States economy in recession. M. Bronfenbrenner & T. Mayer, Liquidity functions in the American economy. — A symposium on simultaneous equation estimation: I. C. F. Christ, Simultaneous equation estimation: Any verdict yet? 11. C. Hildreth, Simultaneous equations: Any verdict yet? 111. Ta-chung Liu, Underidentification, structural estimation, and forecasting. IV. L. R. Klein, Single ecjuation vs. equation system methods of estimation in econometrics. — //. i'zawa, Market mechanism and mathematical programming. X. S. Iyengar, On a method of computing Engel elasticititics from concentration curves. I). W. Jorgrnsun, A dual stability theorem. E. (). Heady & J. Pesek, Expansion paths for some production functions. A. Cowles, A revision of previous conclusions regarding stock price behavior. H. Working, Note on the correlation of first differences of averages in a random chain. E. S. Milk, A note on seasonal inventories. KB-HB-Å. KB-HB-Å.