Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 98 (1960)THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICSVol. 42, No. 3, Part 1, August 1960: Controversial issues in recent monetary policy: A symposium. .S. E. Harris, Introduction and summary. J. W. Angell, Appropriate monetary policies and operations in the United States today. \V. Fellner, Appraisal of recent tight-money policies. A. H. Hansen, Appropriate monetary policy, 1957—60. A. G. Hart, Some inconsistencies in debt management. H. Neisser, The aims of federal reserve policy, 1951—1960. R. V. Roosa, The changes in money and credit, 1957—59. P. A. Sanwelson, Reflections on monetary policy. W. /,. Smith, Monetary policy, 1957—1960: An appraisal. YV. Thomas, How much can be expected of monetary policy. </. Tobin, Towards improving the efficiency of the monetary mechanism. .S. Weintraub, Monetary policy, 1957—60: Too tight, too often. A. P. Carter, Investment, capacity utilization, and change input structure in the tin can industry. V. R. Fuchs & R. Perlman, Recent trends in southern wage differentials. D. G. Luckett, "Rills only": A critical appraisal. M. Michaehj, The shares of countries in world trade. E. F. Renshaw, Estimating the returns to education. Vol. 42, No. 3,
Part 2, August 1960: S. E. Harris, Higher education in
the United States: The Vol. 42, No. 4, November 1960: R. A. Lester, The economic significance of unemployment compensation, 1948—1959, L. H. Moses, A general equilibrium model of production, interregional trade, and location of industry. A'. C. Kogiku, The economics of 1960 revisited. /. B. Kravis, International differences in the distribution of income. J. C. H. Fei, The study of the credit system by the method of linear graph. A. H. Meltzer, Mercantile credit, monetary policy and size of firm. KB-HB-A.