Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 98 (1960)THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEWVol. 50, No. 4, September I960: A. W. Coals, The first two decades of the American economic association. Robert Dorf'man, Operations research. H. B. Chcncry, Patterns of industrial growth. I). A. Alhadeff, Credit controls and financial intermediaries. J. G. Gurley, The Radcliffe report and evidence (review article). Vol. 50, No. 5, December 1960: G. H. Orcutl, Simulation of economic systems. M. Shubik, Simulation of the industry and the firm. C. P. E. Clarkson & H. A. Simon, Simulation of individual and group behavior. R. L. Bishop, Duopoly: Collusion or Warfare? H. P. Miller, Annual and lifetime income in relation to education: 1939—1959. D. G. Davies, Progressiveness of a sales tax in relation to various income bases. R. Robinson, Employment, growth, and price levels: The Joint Economic Committee Report (Review Article). KB-HB-Å-Ar-AL. KB-HB-Å-Ar-AL.