Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 98 (1960)THE ECONOMIC JOURNALVol. 70, No.
279, September 1960: Symposium on restrictive practices
legislation. /. J. Wiseman, Side 265
Some Economic Consequences. P. Einzig, Some recent changes in forward exchange practices. R. G. Lipsey, The theory of customs unions: A general survey. V. K. Rrnaswami, The effects of accumulationon the terms of trade. ./. Parry Lewis, Building cycles: A regional model and its national setting. P. Wells, Keynes' aggregate supply function: A suggested interpretation. K. Hancock, Wages policy and price stabiliSy in Australia, 1953—60. KB-HB-Å-Sta. KB-HB-Å-Sta.