Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 98 (1960)EKONOMISTA (Warszawa)Nr. 1, 1960: Summaries: M. Pohorille, The reaction of the peasant farms to the price changes. S. Polaczek, Separate price system in foreign trade for the socialist countries. M. Kabaj, The mechanism of employment in the socialist economy. W. Brus, In the matter of the precise conceiving of the law of value in socialism. J. Gorski, A. Lukaszewucz, W. Sierpinski, Some methodological problems of the history of political economy. A. Szeworski, The policy of promoting exports in Great Britain in the postwar period as an example of the "economic planning" in the capitalist system. J. Nowicki, The problem of the rate of growth in the underdeveloped countries. Nr. 2, 1960: Summaries: K. Laski, The factors of growth of national income in the socialist economy. K. Porwit, Some problems of the choice in the enterprise plan. A. Rolow, The problem of labour intensity in the export goods production. E. Lipinski, Remarks on Professor Lange's Political Economy. M. Perczynski, The causes of the state intervention in the agricultural markets of the capitalist countries. 5. Schwann, The notes of Karl Marx. A contribution to his method of work. E. Wieczorek, The economic conditions of the work of tractor and horse. Nr. 3, 1960: Summaries: B. Mine, The problems of the theory of investment in the socialist economy. J. Zawadzki, Remarks on the discussion on the rate of profit in contemporary capitalism. H. Flakierski, The distribution of national income and the economic growth in the developde capotalist countries. /. Robinson, The philosophy of prices. Z. Pawlowski & W. Sadoiuski, The Side 266
elasticities of
demand for some foodstuffs ia Poland after the war
period. B. Galeski, In the matter Nr. 4, 1960: Summaries: B. Mine, Lenin's contribution to the theory of the socialist property of means of production. D. Sokoloiv, Lenin's theory of non-uniform development and the contemporary capitalism. J. Gordon, The directions of rationalization of the price system of manufactures products. /. G. Zielimki, The place and role of consumers in planned economy. A. Runowicz, The theory of land rent and marginalism. J. Jedruszek, An attempt to estimate the long period demand for power in Poland. S. Kurowski, The comparative study of labour efficiency in building industry. A. Szeivorski, The influence of the state on investment in the capitalist system as instanced by the "economic planning" in France. J. Rutkowski, The postwar structure of the world credit and capital market and the problem of dollar deficit. Nr. 5, 1960: Summaries: K. Porwit, The coordination problems of the central plan. ./. Czarnek, Some problems of the increment of production. ./. Drewmowski, The law of value in socialism. An attempt at a formulation. A. Wos, Researches in the income elasticity of demand of the rural population. S. Ladyka, From the economic concepts of the British socialism — remarks on the contemporary discussions among its followers. /. Gorski, The political economy of the Congress Kingdom and contradictions of capitalism. Z. Dobrska, The economic situation of the Western Europe. kb.