Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 98 (1960)


Vol. 74, No. 1, February 1960: J.W. Angell, Uncertainty, likelihoods and investment decisions. S. A. Ozga, Imperfect markets through lack of knowledge. K. Miuazawa, Foreign trade multiplier, input-output analysis and the consumption function. R. E. Baldwin, The effect of tariffs on international and domestic prices. C. E. Ferguson, On theories of acceleration and growth. R. G. James, The casual labor problem in Indian manufacturing. H. M. Oliver jr., German neoliberalism.

Vol. 74, No. 2, May 1960: F. D. Holzman, Soviet inflationary pressures, 1928-1957: Causes and cures. A. Smithies, Productivity, real wages, and economic growth. F. H. Hahn, The stability of growth equilibrium. R. A. Mundell, The monetary dynamics of international adjustment under fixed and flexible exchange rates. D. R. Hodgman, Credit risk and credit rationing. G. S. Tolley & V. S. Hastings, Optimal water allocation: The North Platte River. H. M. Levinson, Pattern Bargaining: A case study of the automobile workers. R. Glower, Keynes and the classics: A dynamical perspective.

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Vol. 74, No. 3, August 19C>(): /?. A. Young & C. A. Yager, The economics of "bills preferably". C. B. Hoover, Employment growth and price levels: A review article. P.Toft, The responses of the bakers, longshoremen and teamsters to public exposure. A. H. Cole, A note on social overhead and a dynamic analysis of industry. D. IV*. Jorgenson, Growth and fluctuations: A causal interpretation. J. Weissman, Is oligopoly illegal? A jurisprudential approach. M. J. Beckmann, Some aspects of returns to scale in business administration. M. J. Gordon, Security and a financial theory of investment.