Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 98 (1960)


Vol. 2, No. 9, January 1960: S. Strumilin, On the determination of value and its application
under socialism. A. Yefimov & V. Krasovskii, On planned indices of economic effectiveness of
capital investments in the national economy of the USSR. T. Khachaturov, Methodological questionsof

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tionsofdetermining the economic effectiveness of capital investments. M. Solodkou, On productive labor under socialism. Y. Kvasha & V. Krasouskii, The capital output ratio and reserves for reducing it. G. Khudokormov, Utilization of the law of value in planning procurement prices for collective farm produce. /. Krasnov, Power systems and their role in the development of productive forces. A. Yefimov, New standards for amortization of fixed capital.

Vol. 2, No. 10, February 1960: P. Mahjshev, Differential land rent under socialism — a scientific conference at Moscow University. S. Partigul, Demand and supply under socialism. D. Oparin, Quantitative relationships in the models of expanded reproduction. A. Smirnov, Provision for differences between prices and values in compiling the balance sheet of the national economy. A. Buzan, Determining rates of obsolescence under socialism. V. Belkin, Economic calculations with the aid of electronic computers. L. Meshchaninov, The relation between the rates of increase of labor productivity and wages. M. Milaganov, Problems of adjustings the remuneration of labor of personnel employed in non-productive fields. Fundamentals af labor law of the USSR and the Constituent Republics: A draft. V. Zoloev, USSR foreign trade indicators. A. Kats, On the question of the so-called income "revolution" in the USA.

Vol. 2, No. 11, March 1960: A. I. Boiarskii, On the theory of games as a theory of economic behavior. /. K. Smirnov, A contribution the economic appraisal of land in a socialist society. A. Kuchko, Railway electrification during the seven-year plan. V. Batyrev, Some theoretical and practical problems of credit in the USSR. A. Bachurin, Problems of profitability of industrial enterprises. M. Lifits, Certain questions of commodity circulation in the USSR at the present stage. R. Nazarov, The increasing level and changing structure of food consumption in the USSR. T. Zaslavskaia, Economic conditions for introduction of money payment for labort of collective farmers. A. Evreiskov, Present-day inflation and some bourgeois economic conceptions. M. Golanskii, Methods employed to recalculate the national income of the USA.

Vol. 2, No. 12, April 1960: A. Emelianow, A. Tolkachov, Methodological problems in determining the economic effectiveness of production mechanization and automation. T. Khachaturov, Economic effectiveness of integrated mechanization and automation. V. Dadaian, Mathematical methods are coming into use in economics. M. F. Solodnikov, Costs of production in local industry and problems of pricing. V. Lazarev, N. Merkulov, Reserves available for development of the fuel industry. E. Budagova, The problem of the withering away of the collective farmer's personal farm plot. /. Oblomskia, Concerning the enterprise fund. E. Antosenkou, V. Moskalenko, The Soviet Union's program of reducing the working day and the working week. /. Pisarev, The use of social funds in public consumption. R. Entov, Growth of the US National debt. /. V. Aleshina, A modern bourgeois textbook of political economy. A. Frumkin, The insolvency of bourgeois trade theory.

Vol. 'A, No. 1, May 1960: L. Kantorovich, On the calculation of production inputs. V. Kozlov, Some theoretical problems of national economic effectiveness of utilization of machines. G. Anisimov, The motive forves of technological progress in the USSR at its present stage of development V. Garbuzov, A budget that assures the Soviet Union's economic and cultural progress. A. Strukov, Problems of accumulation and comsumption in the seven-year plan. S. Kheinman, Some economic problems in industrial engineering. /. Feigin, On the study of the current problems of territorial distribution of productive forces. E. Varga, Twentieth century capitalism. KB.