Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 98 (1960)THE JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMYVol. 68, No. 3, June 1960: R. A. Leuine & R. B. Rainey, Random variations and sampling models in production economics. D. E. Cullen, Labor-market aspects of the St. Lawrence seaway project. S. Wellisz, Economic planning in the Netherlands, France and Italy. M. Bronfenbrenner, A note on relative shares and the elasticity of substitution. R. J. Ball, Cost inflation and the income velocity of money. Vol. 68, No. 4, August I960: //. G. Johnson, The cost of protection and the scientific tariff. M. 1. Goldmann, Product differentiation and advertising: Some lessons from Soviet experience. ./. J. McCall, Differences between the personal demand for money and the business demand for money. J. J. Klein, Price-level and money-denomination movements. P. A. Weinstein, Featherbedding: A theoretical analysis. Vol. 68, No. 5, October 1960: J. Rothenberg, Non-convexity, aggregation, and pareto optimality. N. V. Breckner, Government efficiency and the military "Buyer-Seller" device. L. Troy, Local independent and national unions: Competitive labor organizations. J. Weissman, The Manichaean Heresy: A note for economists. A. Collenj, A note on the saving-wealth relation and the rate of interest. H. Ezekiel, An application of Leibenstein's theory of underemployment. KB-Å.