Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 98 (1960)


Vol. 12, No. 1, February 1960: N. Georgescu-Roegen, Economic theory and agrarian economics. B. Yamey, Aggregated rebate schemes and independent competition. A. G. Ford, Notes on the working of the gold standard before 1914. J. Marquand, Earnings-drift in the United Kingdom, 194857. /. Baracs, Cash-flow in a controlled economy: the case of Hungary. S. Wellisz, A note on the measurement of real income.

Vol. 12, No. 2, June 1960: ./. R. Hicks, Thoughts on the theory of capital - The Corfu conference. M. H. Peston, Returns to scale. S. Riemer, Israel: Ten years of economic dependence. A. E. Jasag, The working of the RadcliJTe monetary system. R. Turvey, Equity and a capital gains tax. C. Kennedy, A static interpretation of some recent theories of growth and distribution. F. Seton, Industrialization in overpopulated areas, A geometric interpretation of certain aspects. L. L. Pasinetti, Cyclical fluctuations and economic growth.