Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 97 (1959)


Fortegnelsen er opstillet på grundlag af, hvad der anskaffes af biblioteker her i landet, og oplysninger i tidsskrifts- og forlagspublikationer. For hvert skrift oplyses forfatter, titel, udgivelsessted og -år, og så vidt muligt sideantal og pris. Endvidere angives, på hvilket bibliotek publikationen ved listens offentliggørelse eventuelt befinder sig; manglende biblioteksangivelse forhindrer således ikke, at bogen evt. senere vil være tilgængelig på et bibliotek. Der anvendes følgende forkortelser: Det kgl. Bibliotek (KB), Handelshøjskolens bibliotek (HB), Universitetets økonomiske institut (0), Statistisk Departements bibliotek (Sta), Arbejderbevægelsens bibliotek og arkiv (Ar) og Landbohøjskolens bibliotek (L).

Oversigterne udarbejdes af bibliotekar ved Det kgl. Bibliotek, cand. polit. Knud
Erik Svendsen.

Abramovitz, M. a.0., The allocation of economic resources: Essays in honor of Bernard Francis Haley. Stanford 1959. 2445. $ 5. (Stanford Studies in History, Economics, and Political Science. 17.) KB.

Abs, H. J., Zeitfragen der Geld- und Wirtschaftspolitik.
Frankfurt a.M. 1959. 310s.

Achinger, H., Sozialpolitik als Gesellschaftspolitik. Von der Arbeiterfrage zum Wohlfahrtsstaat. Hamburg 1958. 1745. DM 1,90. (Rowohlts deutsche Enzyklopådie. 47. Sozialwissenschaften.)

Adams, D. G., Iraq's people and resources.
Berkeley, Calif., 1958. 160s. $ 3. HB.

Side 226

Administered prices: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 85th Congress, Ist session, July-November 1957. I-IV. Washington 1958. 194 + 477 + 502 + 3585.

Administered prices, steel: Report of the Senate Judiciary Committee made by its Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly, 85th Congress, Ist session. Washington 1958. 2045.

Agarwala, A. N. & S. P. Singh (eds.), The economics of underdevelopment: a series of artides and papers. London 1958. 510s. 30/-.

Agarwala, A. N., Some aspects of economic
advancement of underdeveloped economies.
Allahabad 1958. 1245. Rs. 3.

Ahmad, N., An economic geography of East
Pakistan. Oxford 1958. 3605. 50/-.

Alamigeon, P., R. Mulot & E.-P. Plagnol, Les
investissements des entreprises. Paris
1958. 2505. 1400 frs.

Alenius, E., Kansainväliset pääomansilrrot työllisyyspolitiikan välineinä. (International transfers of capital as instruments of employment policy). Helsinki 1958. 1665.

Amundsen, A., Den symmetri&k slabiliserie regresjon: generalisering til fire statistiske variable. Oslo 1958. 14s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 1.8.1958.) KB-HB.

Amundsen, H. T., Notater til innføring i tidsrekkeanalyse. Forelesninger høstsemesteret 1958. Oslo 1958. 365. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 30.10.1958.) KB-HB.

Anderson, T. J. jr., Our competitive system
and public policy. Cincinnati 1958. 5865.
$ 6,75.

Anderson, T. J. jr., A. L. Gitlow & D. E. Diamond, General economics - a book of readings. Homewood, 111., 1959. 4875. $ 3,50.

Andreasen, V., Akts. Faxe Kalkbrud gennem de sidste femogtyve år. Nogle problemer omkring offentlig prisregulering. Faxe 1959. 117s. Dkr. 35. KB-HB-Ø.

Arntzen, S., Norges banks rettslige stilling i
forhold til regjering og Storting. Oslo

1958. 60s. Nkr. 10. (Skrifter utg. av den
Norske bankforening og Forretningsbankenes
felleskontor. 87.) KB-HB.

Arrow, K. J. & M. Hoffenberg a.0., A time series analysis of interindustry demands. Amsterdam 1959. 2925. (Contributions to Economic Analysis. 17.) KB.

Artle, R., Studies in the structure of the Stockholm economy. Towards a framework for projecting metropolitan community development. Stockholm 1959. 1975. Skr. 20. (Foretagsekonomiska forskningsinstitutet vid Handelshogskolan i Stockholm. Meddelande. 57.) KB.

Aujoulat, P., Aujord'hui l'Afrique. Paris
1958. 400s. 1200 frs.

Aukrust, O. & J. Bjerke, Real capital and
economic growth, 1900-1956. Oslo 1958.
325. Nkr. 3,50.

Avramovic, D. & R. Gulhati, Debt servicing capacity and postwar growth in international indebtedness. Baltimore 1958. 2285. 40/-.

Baade, F., Die deutsche Landwirtschaft im Gemeinsamen Markt. Baden-Baden 1958. 2095. DM 19,80. (Schriftenreihe zum Handbuch der europäischen Wirtschaft. 4.)

Baby, J. & E. Kahane, Puissance actuelle de
la Chine. Paris 1959. 745. 100 frs.

Balandier, G., S. Bernard, K. Davis, R. Firth, F. J. Fisher, H. Janne, Changements techniques, économiques et sociaux, etude théorique. Paris 1959. 3585. 1600 frs. KB.

Bancroft, G., The American labor force; its
growth and changing composition. New
York 1958. 2705. $ 7,50.

Bansil, P. C, India's food resources and population.
Bombay 1958. 2525. Rs. 10. HB.

Barber, C. L., Inventories and the business cycle with special reference to Canada. Toronto 1958. 1325. $ 3,50. (Canadian Studies in Economics. 10.)

Barbier, P., Progres technique et organisation
du travail, bases du progres social.
Paris 1958. 2715. 1960 frs.

Barbiero, G., Fonti per la storia delle dottrine
economiche. Dall'antichitå alla prima
scolastica. Milano 1958. 5155.

Barclay, G. W., Techniques of population
analysis. New York 1958. 311s. 3 4,75.

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Bareau, P., The future of the sterling sy-

Barrére, A., Politique financiére. Paris 1959.
5955. 2400 frs.

Baudhuin, F., Histoire économique de la Belgique,
1945-56. Bruxelles 1958. 4385. Bfr.

Bedriftsskatter i Danmark, Norge og Sverige
(Corporate taxes in Denmark, Norway
and Sweden). Oslo 1958. 100s. (Samfunds-

økonomiske Studier. 6.) KB-HB.

Berliner, J. S., Soviet economic aid. The new
aid and tråde policy in underdeveloped
countries. New York 1958. 2325. $ 4,25.

Bertrand, R., Analyse du tarif douanier francais par industries. Paris 1957. 245. (Cahiers de l'lnstitut de Science Economique Appiiquée. bi.) KB.

Bidwell, P. W., Raw materials; a study of
American policy. New York 1958. 4195.
$ 5,95. HB.

Bjerve, P. J., Planning in Norway 1947-56.
Amsterdam 1959. 3835. (Contributions to
Economic Analysis. 16.) KB-Ø.

Billerbeck, K., Deutscher Beitrag fiir Entwicklungsländer. Hamburg 1958. 1395. DM 14. (Schriften d. Hamburg. Welt-Wirtschafts-Archivs.

Bjørnsen, M. K., Orientering i samfundsøkonomien.
København 1958. 106s. Dkr. 6,75.

Bishop, C. E. & W. D. Toussaint, Introduction
to agricultural economic analysis. New
York 1958. 2725. $ 5,25.

Bock, J. & K.-G. Specht, Verbraucherpolitik.
Köln 1958. 2985.

Boddez, G. R., Econometrische studie van de Belgische varkensmarkt met een stabilisatieprogramma en een prognose in het kader van de Europese Economische Gemeenschap. Leuven 1958. 2475. KB.

Boettcher, E., Die sowjetische Wirtschaftspolitik
am Scheidewege. Tubingen 1958.

2255. DM 19. (Veröffentl. d. Akad. f. Gemeinwirtschaft
Hamburg.) KB.

Bohrs, H., Arbeitsleistung und Arbeitsentlohnung. Wiesbaden 1958. 119s. DM 8,70. (Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Reihe A. 9.)

Bos, H. C. & L.-M. Koyck, The appraisal of investments in transportation projects. Rotterdam 1958. 30s. (Netherlands Economic Institute. Publications. 17.) HB.

Bouniatian, M., Les fluctuations économiques.
Recueil d'études. Paris 1959. 1355.
1200 frs.

Bowman, E. H. & R. B. Fetter, Analyses of
industrial operations. Homewood, Illinois,
1959. 4855. 8 7,95.

Brainard, H. G., Economics in action. London
1959. 4415. 45/-.

Brand, W., The struggle for a higher standard of living: the problem of the underdeveloped countries. Glencoe, 111. 1958. 4385. § 7,50.

Biandt, K. (ed.), Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag
von Walter G. Waffenschmidt.
Meisenheim/Glan. DM 19,30. KB.

Bratt, E. C, Business forecasting. New York
& London 1958. 3665. 58/-.

Brems, H., Output, employment, capital and
growth. New York 1959. 3495. KB-0.

Browder, E., Marx and America: A study of
the doctrine of impoverishment. New York
1958. 1465. $ 3.

Brown, A. J., Introduction to the world economy.
London 1959. 2125. 18/-.

Brown, H. G., Some effects of shift work on social and domestic life. Hull 1959. 545. 10/-. (Yorkshire Bulletin of Economic and Social Research. Occasional papers. 2.)

Budish, J. M., People's capitalism — stock
ownership and production. New York
1958. 645. $ 0,50. Ar.

Burger, E., Einfiihrung in die Theorie der Spiele. Mit Anwendungsbeispielen, insbesondere aus Wirtschaftslehre und Soziologie. 1959. 1695.

Bums, J. W., A study of the antitrust laws.
New York 1958. 5745. § 12,50. 0.

Cagan, P., The demand for currency relative
to total money supply. New York 1958.
335. $ 0,75.

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Cairncross, A., The international bank for reconstruction and development. Princeton 1959. 365. $ 0,25. (Essays in International Finance. 33.) HB-Ø.

Campbell, J. R., Some economic illusions in
the Labour movement. London 1959. 675.
2/6. (Socialism today series. 2.)

Canada, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Research and Development Division, National accounts, income and expenditure, 1926-1956, statistical supplement, 1956-1957. 1958. 2075. $ 2.

Cartter, A. M., Theory of wages and employment.
Homewood, Illinois, 1959. 1935. $ 5.

Centre d'Étude des Pays de l'Est, L'économie soviétique en 1957: Exposés faits å la semaine d'étude sur l'économie soviétique (21-25 Octobre 1957). Bruxelles 1958. 189s. KB.

Chakravarty, S., The logic of investment
planning. Amsterdam 1959. 170s. (Contributions
to Economic Analysis. 18.) KB.

The Elizer Kaplan School of Economic and Social Sciences, The Hebrew University, The challenge of development. A symposium held in Jerusalem June 26-27, 1957. Jerusalem 1958. 2325. $ 4. KB.

Chamberlain, J. R., The roots of capitalism.
London 1959. 2225. 41/6.

Chamberlain, N. W., F. C. Pierson & T. Wolfson (eds.), A decade of industrial relations research, 1946-1956. New York 1958. 2055. $ 3,50. (Industrial Relations Research Association. Publication 19.)

Chammard, P. de, Problémes pétroliers de la
France et de la communauté. Paris 1959.
3365. 2500 frs.

Chand, G., The new economy of China. Bombay
1958. 4295. Rs. 16/-. HB.

Choh-Ming Li, Economic development of communist China: an appraisal of the first five years of industrialization. Berkeley, Calif., 1959. 2845. § 7,50.

Clark, L. H. (ed.), Consumer behavior, research
on consumer reactions. New York
1958. 4745. $ 6,50. HB.

Clements, R., Glory without power: a study
of trade unionism in our present society.
London 1959. 1435. 11/6.

Clough, S. 8., The economic development of

Coale, A.-J. & M. Hoover, Population growth and economic development in low-income countries, a case study of India's prospects. Princeton 1958. 3895. § 8,50. KB.

Cohen, J. 8., Japan's postwar economy.
Bloomington 1958. 2625. $ 6,50.

Colombat, A., Misere de l'économie politique.
Paris 1958. 2235. 900 frs.

Comparison of state unemployment insurance
laws as of January 1, 1958. Washington
1958. 1455.

Condliffe, J. 8., The welfare state in New
Zealand. London 1959. 35/-. KB.

Conservative Political Centre, Prospect for
capitalism: strength and stress. Six Oxford
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Copland, D. B .& R. Barback (eds.), The conflict of expansion and stability; documents relating to Australian economic policy 1945-52. New York 1958. 812s. $ 9. KB.

Corrado, G. 8., The H-bomb of economics.
London 1959. 2475. 21/-.

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change. London 1958. 2205. 25/-.

Cox, O. C, The foundations of capitalism.
New York 1959. 500s. $ 7,50.

Crouzet F., L'économie britannique et le
blocus continental. Paris 1958. Vol. I:
408s. Vol. II: 419-9485. 3500 frs.

Czechoslovak economic papers. Praha 1959.
3525. 8 3,75.

Dahlgaard, L., Den økonomiske politik 1945-56.
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Dammann, A., Investeringspolitikk i Norge efter krigen. Oslo 1958. 1225. Nkr. 7. (Økonomi, Skriftserie utg. av Næringsøkonomisk forskningsinstitutt. 34.) KB.

Udenrigsministeriet og Det økonomiske sekretariat, Danmark og de europæiske markedsplaner. 1: Markedsplaner og erhvervsudvikling inden for industrivareområdet. 1945. Dkr. 5. 2: Afsætningsforholdene for landbrugseksporten. 161s. Dkr. 5. 3: Problemer vedrørende arbejdsmarkedet og socialpolitikken. 925. 4: Konkurrenceforhold og monopolkontrol. 51s. Dkr. 4. 5: Adgang til erhvervsudøvelse. 71s. Dkr. 4. Alle København 1958. KB-HB-Ar.

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Dannemann, W., Struktur und Funktionsweise des Kapitalmarktes in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Tiibingen 1959. 2095. DM 14,50.

Danske statslån 1951-58. København 1958.
655. KB-Ø.

Danø, S., Linear programming in industry:
Theory and application. København 1958.
142s.+tillæg. KB-Ø.

Daus, P. H. & W. M. Whyburn, Introduction to mathematical analysis with applications to problems of economics. Reading, Mass., 1958. 2445. $ 6,50.

Davey, H. W., H. W. Kaltenborn & S. H. Ruttenberg (eds.), New dimensions in collective bargaining. New York 1959. 2035. $ 2,75. (Industrial Relations Research Ass. Publication. 21.)

Degois, G. & A. Semini, Le marché commun,
ses techniques douaniéres. Paris 1958.
2285. 800 frs.

Dehem, R., Traité d'analyse économique.
Paris 1958. 2225. 2500 frs.

Dempsey, B. W., The functional economy;
the bases of economic organization. Englewood
Cliffs 1958. 5265. $ 6.

Denman, D. R., J. F. Q. Switzer & O. H. M. Sawyer, Bibliography of rural land economy and landownership, 1900-1957. Cambridge 1958. 4125. 35/-.

Dennison, $. R., Investment in the nationalized
industries. Manchester 1959. 275. 8/6.

Dernburg, T. F., R. N. Rosett & H. W. Watts, Studies in household economic behavior. New Haven 1958. 1445. § 3,75. (Yale studies in economics. 9.)

Deshmukh, C. D., Economic developments in
India, 1946-1956: A personal retrospect.
Bombay 1957. 1675. Rs. 6.

Devaux, G., La comptabilité publique. I, Les
principes. Paris 1957. 2485. 900 frs.

Development, growth, and state of the atomic energy industry. Hearings before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 85th Cong., 2nd sess., Feb. 19-Mar. 4, 1958. Washington 1958. 6255.

Dickson, H., Vårt samhälles ekonomi. Stockholm
1958. 87s. Skr. 4,50.

Di Fenizio, F., Le leggi dell'economia. I: II
metodo deU'economia politica e della politica
economica. 11. II sistema economico.

III: La funzione del consume Milano
1958. 361 + 132 + 150s.

Digest of one-hundred selected pension plans under collective bargaining, Winter 1957-58. Washington 1958. 71s. (BLS bull. 1232.)

Di Simone, G. M., Qualche riflessione intorno
a vecchi e nuovi indirizzi di metodologia
economica. Roma 1958. 112s.

Domdey, K. H., Die deutschen Monopole auf den åusseren Mårkten. Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der »Integrations- und Frihandelspolitik«. Berlin 1958. 2765. DM 12,50. (Probleme des kapitalistischen Weltmarktes. 1.) KB.

Dore, R. P., Land reform in Japan. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. London 1959. 510s. 55/-.

Dowd, D. P. (ed.), Thorstein Veblen, a critical reappraisal: lectures and essays commemorating the hundreth anniversary of Veblen's birth. Ithaca, N.Y., 1958. 3285. $ 5.

Durrieu, Y., La prevision économique en matiere
d'éiectricité pour la France. Paris
1959. 2485. 1800 frs.

Ebbell, S. 8., Chile. En økonomisk oversikt.
Oslo 1958. 455. Nkr. 3. HB.

Economics; a course of selected reading by
EC authorities. New York 1958. 3555.
$ 4,50.

Edwards, R. S. & H. Townsend, Business enterprise,
its growth and organisation.
London 1958. 6075. 60/-. HB.

Ekonomisk-geografiska studier tillågnade Olof Johansson på hans 65-årsdag. Goteborg 1959. 2275. (Handelsh. Skriftserie 1959. 1.) HB.

ELgozy, G., La France devant le marché commun.
Paris 1958. 301s. 700 frs.

Eisrud, W. & I. Aavatsmark, Norsk skogbruk og skogpolitikk. Forelesninger vårsemestret 1957. Oslo 1957. 375. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 19.12.1957.) KB-HB.

Employment of the physically handicapped - a bibliography. President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped. Washington 1957. 935.

Erb, G. & P. G. Rogge, Preispolitik im teil-

Side 230

integrierten Markt. Tiibingen 1958. 2285.
DM 17. (Veroffentlichungen der List Gesellschaft.
9.) KB-HB.

Erbe, R., Die nationalsozialistische Wirtschaftspolitik 1933-1939 im Lichte der modemen Theorie. Ziirich 1958. 1965. Sfr. 19,70. (Basle Centre for Economic and Financial Research. Series B. 2.)

Erdman, P. E., Swiss-American economic relations. Their evolution in an era of crisis. 1958. 200s. § 5,50. (Veroffentlichungen der List Gcsellschaft. 11.) KB.

Eriksson, G. A., Världens livsmedelsförsörjning. Stockholm 1958. 955. Skr. 6,75. (Skrifter utg. av Utrikespolitiska institutet.)

Etudes sur la cybernétique et l'économie.
Paris 1958. 495. (Cahiers 1.5.E.A., ser. N.
2.) KB.

Fabricant, S., Investing in economic knowledge. New York 1958. 108s. (National Bureau of Economic Research. 38th annual report.) KB.

Fabricant, S., Basic facts on productivity change. New York 1959. 495. $ 1. (National Bureau of Economic Research. Occasional Paper. 63.) KB.

Fein, R., Economics of mental illness. New York 1958. 1645. $ 3. (Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health, Monograph Series. 2.)

Fenelon, K. G., Iraq's national income and
expenditure 1950-56. Baghdad 1958. 28s.
100 fils.

Ferber, R., Employers' forecasts of manpower
requirements: A case study. Urbana,
Illinois, 1958. 88s. § 1,50. HB.

Ferber, R., A study of aggregate consumption functions. New York 1958. 725. (National Bureau of Economic Research. Technical Paper. 8.) KB.

Finanzprobleme des modemen Imperialismus. Autorenkollektiv unter der Leitung von Professor Dr. F. Rzesnitzek. Berlin 1958. 2485. DM 9,50.

Fleck, F. H., Untersuchungen zur ökonomischen Theorie vom technischen Fortschritt. Eine dogmengeschichtliche und wirtschaftstheoretische Betrachtung. Freiburg 1958. 186s. Sfr. 14. (Veroffentlichungen des Wirtschafts- und sozialwissen-

schaftlichen Institutes der Universitåt
Freiburg. 4.) KB.

Fog, 8., Prisdannelsen indenfor byggeriet.
København 1958. 1355. Dkr. 19. KB-HB.

Fog, 8., Priskalkulation og prispolitik. En
analyse af prisdannelsen i dansk industri.
København 1958. 2925. Kr. 36. [Disp.]

Fonkalsrud, A. S., Australia. En økonomisk
översikt. Oslo 1957. 1325. Nkr. 5.

Ford, P., The economics of collective bargaining.
Oxford 1958. 121s. 10/6. 0.

Foreign trade policy. (kompendium of papers on foreign trade policy collected by the staff for the Subcommittee on Foreign Trade Policy of the House Committec on Ways and Means. Washington 1957. 11575. HB.

Fourastié, J. & C. Fontaine, Recherches sur I'évolution des prix en periode de progrés technique. Paris 1958. 813s. 560 frs. (Centre d'études économiques. Etudes et mémoires.

Fox, K. A., Econometric analysis for public
policy. Ames, lowa, 1958. 288s. $ 4,50.

Francois Quesnay et la physiocratie. I, Préface-études-biographie-bibliographie. Textes annotés. Paris 1958. 10565. 3600 frs. KB.

Friebe, S., Das Kreditwescn in der sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands. Bonn 1958. 955. (Bonner Berichte aus Mittelund Ostdeutschland.) HB.

Friis, H. (ed.), Familien og samfundet. København
1958. 2565. Dkr. 10,75. KB-Ø.

Friis, H., Socialpolitik og samfundsudvikling. Tilbageblik og fremtidsperspektiver efter et kvart århundrede under socialreformen. København 1958. 365. Dkr. 2,25. (Socialpolitisk Forenings småskrifter. 26.) KB.

Frisch, R., Etterspørselslære. Oslo 1957. 425.
(Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske
institutt. 14.11.1957.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., Etterspørselslære. Oslo 1958. Fl.s.

Side 231

Frisch, R., General theory of the kernel model. Oslo 1958. 181s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 7.2.1958.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., Investeringene som kostnadselementer
ved å flytte kapasitetsskranker i
økonomisk lineærprogrammering. Oslo
1958. 9s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets
sosialøkonomiske institutt. 20.2.1958.)

Frisch, R., A method of working out a macroeconomic plan frame with particular reference to the evaluation of development projects, foreign tråde and employment. Oslo 1958. 48s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 14.10.58.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., The multiplex method for linear programming. Oslo 1958. 635. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 12.9.1958.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., Noen elementer av økonomisk vekstteori. Oslo 1958. 15s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosiaiøkonomiske institutt. 22.8.1958.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., A numerical example of a linear programming problem. Oslo 1958. 3s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 1.10.1958.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., Et numerisk eksempel på anvendelse av treghetsmetoden for estimering av finansmatriksen. Oslo 1958. 16s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 25.9.1958.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., Solving linear equations and inverting matrices when an optimum elimination order is used. Oslo 1958. 20s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 30.9.1958.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., Structure of the Norwegian inputoutput work on 1954 data. Oslo 1958. ss. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 14.8.1959.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., Den symmetrisk stabiliserte regresjon. Oslo 1958. ss. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 12.3.1958.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., Treghetsmetoden anvendt på de
relative avvik i en observasjonsmatriks.

Oslo 1958. 325. (Memorandum fra Universitetets
sosialøkonomiske institutt. 17.9.
1958.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., Treghetsmetoden til beregning av endringer i en matriks av observasjoner med foreskrevne marginale totaler og andre spesielle betingelser. Oslo 1958. 13s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 15.8.1958.) KB-HB.

Frisch, R., Treghetsmetoden ved observasjonsmatrikser når et vilkårlig antall av elementer eller relasjoner er foreskrevet. Oslo 1958. 435. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 23.8. 1958.) KB-HB.

Furstenberg, F., Probleme der Lohnstruktur, die wirtschaftliche und soziale Bedeutung der Lohnunterschiede. Tubingen 1958. 116s. DM 9,80.

Galenson, W. (ed.), Labor and economic development.
New York 1959. 3045. $ 6,75.

Gammelgaard, S., Rcsale pricc maintcnance.
Paris 1958. 114s. 8/-. (European Productivity
Agency.) KB.

Gannagé, E., Croissance éeonoimque el structures
au Moyen Orient. Paris 1958. 1445.
1200 frs.

GATT, Restrictive business practices. Geneva
1959. 98s. KB-HB.

Giacalone-Monaco, T., Antonio Agostino
Cournot. L'uomo e l'economista. Padova
1956. 91s.

Gilbert, J. C, Economic theory and policy:
inaugural lecture delivered sth Nov. 1958.
Sheffield 1959. 18s. 1/-.

Gille, 8., Récherches sur la formation de la
grande entreprise capitaliste. Paris 1959.
1655. 1200 frs.

Gini, C, Pathologie économique. Paris 1959.
187s. 1000 frs.

Ginzberg, E., Human resources; the wealth
of a nation. New York 1958. 183s. $ 3,75.

Gjermoe, E., Rente og prisnivå i perioden 1918-1939. Bergen 1959. 140s. (Handelsh. Samfunnsøkonomisk Institutt Skrifter.) KB-HB.

Glover, J. G. & R. L. Lagai (eds.), The development of American industries; their economic significance. New York 1959. 8565. § 7,50.

Side 232

Goetschin, P., L'évolution du marché monétaire de Londres (1931-1952): Politique monétaire et institutions financiéres. Morges 1958. 5705. Sfr. 38.

Goldschmidt, W. (ed.), The United States and Africa. New York, American Assembly, Columbia University, 1958. 2525. $ 1,25. KB.

Gopal, M. H., Towards a realistic tax policy for India (1959-1966). Mysore 1958. 465. (Presidential address at the 41st session of the Indian Economic Conference, Lucknow, December 1958.)

Gottschalk, M., G. de Greef, W. Degryse a.0., Bruxelles et son agglomération. Enquete socio-économique. Bruxelles 1959. 1755. 170 Bfrs.

Government of India, Central Statistical Organisation,
Estimates of national income
1948/49-1957/58. New Delhi 1959. 245.

Great Britain, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Estimates of resources devoted to scientific and engineering research and development in British manufacturing industry, 1955. London 1958. 50s. 3/-.

Great Britain, Ministry of Labour and National Service, Method of construction and calculation of the index of retail prices. 2nd ed. London 1959. 40s. 2/6. (Studies in official statistics. 6.)

Greyfié de Bellecombe, L., Les conventions collectives de travail en Union Soviétique. 1959. 170s. $ 4. (Etudes sur l'économie et la sociologie des pays slaves. 3.)

Grossman, M. C, R. R. Hansen, E. S. Hendriksen, H. E. McAllister, K. Okuda & W. Wolmon (eds.), Readings in current economics. Homewood, 111., 1958. 3525. $ 3,95. (Irwin Series in Economics.)

Gupta, H. C, Problems and processes of economic
planning in underdeveloped economies.
Allahabad 1958. 2275. Rs. 5.

Haas, E. 8., The uniting of Europe - political,
social, economic forces 1950-1957.
Stanford 1958. 5525. $ 8.

Habakkuk, H. J., A. Sauvy, P. Saraceno, H. B. Lary & R. Nurkse, Lectures on economic development. Ankara & Istanbul 1958. 200s. £ 7,20 (tyrkiske).

Häsele, K. W., Europas letzter Weg. Montan-

Häusler, J., Theorie und Politik des Aussenhandels.
Berlin 1959. 200s. DM 10.

Hagenbuch, W., Social economics. Cambridge
1958. 3205. 12/6. 0.

Hamelin, A., Les doctrines économiques. Paris
1959. 510 frs.

Hansen, K. S. & O. B. Henriksen, Frihandel og fællesmarked. Hvad betyder markedsplanerne? København 1958. 84s. Dkr. 9,75. KB-HB.

Hanson, E. J., Dynamic decade. Toronto 1958.
3145. $ 6.

Hanson, J. L., Economic aspects of industry
and commerce. London 1958. 3695. 25/-.

Hartmann, G., Konjunktur und Krise, gestern,
heute, morgen. Gibt es eine Wirtschaftskrise?
Genf 1958. 1625. Sfr. 14,90.

Hauser, P. M. & O. D. Duncan (eds.), The
study of population: an inventory and
appraisal. Chicago 1959. 8645. $ 15.

Haushofer, H., Ideengeschichte der Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarpolitik im deutschen Sprachgebiet. Band 11, Vom ersten Weltkrieg bis zur Gegenwart. Miinchen 1958. 4395. L.

Hedtkamp, G., Instrumente und Probleme westlicher und sowjetischer Wirtschaftslenkung: Nationalbudget und Nationalplan. Giessen 1958. 187s. DM 14,80. (Giessener Abhandlungen zur Agrar- und Wirtschaftsforschung des europäischen Ostens. 6.)

Heflebower, R. B. & G. W. Stocking (eds.), Readings in industrial organization and public policy. Homewood, 111., 1958. 4265. § 6. (Republished Articles on Economics. VIII.)

Held, G., Das Weltgesetz der betrieblichen Wirtschaft, Gegensatz, Entsprechung, Relationen, Proportionen, Inversionen. Wiesbaden 1958. 1655. DM 12,50.

Heli, H., Industri og industriproblemer. Forelesninger vårsemesteret 1958. Oslo 1958. 70s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske inst. 4.2.1958.) KB-HB.

Henderson, W. 0., The state and the indu-

Side 233

Herczeg, K. L., Zukunft der Weltwirtschaft:
Schicksalsfragen der westlichen Welt.
Diisseldorf 1958. 3265. DM 16,80.

Hermes, T., Der Aussenhandel in den Ostblockstaaten
- Theorie und Praxis. Hamburg
1958. 1775. DM 9,50.

Higbee, E., American agriculture: Geography,
resources, conservation. New York 1958.
3995. $ 7,95.

Hill, S. E. & F. Harbison, Manpower and innovation
in American industry. Princeton
1959. 85s. KB.

Hinshaw, R., Toward European convertibility. Princeton, N.J., 1958. 335. (Princeton University Essays in International Finance. 31.) HB.

Hirschman, A. 0., The strategy of economic
development. New York 1958. 2175. $ 4,50.
(Yale stud. econ. 10.) KB-Ø.

Die Hochschullehrer der Wirtshaftswissenschaften in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland einschl. Westberlin, Osterreich und der dcutschsprachigen Schweiz. Hrsg. von der Gesellschaft fiir Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Berlin 1959. 5155. DM 54. KB.

Hoff, 0., Automation og beskæftigelse. København
1958. 160s. Dkr. 6,85. KB-Ar.

Hoffmann, W. G., The growth of industrial economies; translated from the German by W. O. Henderson and W. H. Chaloner. Manchester 1959. 183s. 25/-.

Holland, A., Norsk eksport og et europeisk
frihandelsområde. Oslo 1957. 113s. Nkr. 3.

Hollister, W. W., China's gross national product
and social accounts, 1950-1957. Glencoe,
111., 1958. 161s. $ 4.

Holm, H., Arbeidslønn, levestandard og klasseforskjell
i Norge. Oslo 1958. 525. Nkr. 3.

Hoover, C. 8., The economy, liberty and the
state. New York 1959. 4455. $ 5.

Horvitz, P. M., Concentration and competition in New England banking. A doctoral dissertation. Boston 1958. 190s. (Research report to Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 2.)

Hoth, H. M., Beitrag zur Klärung des Produktivitätsbegriffes
und zur Produktivi-

tätsmessung im Industriebetrieb. Diisseldorf
1958. 1495. DM 13,80.

Howland, R. D., Some regional aspects of Canada's economic development. Royal Commission on Canada's Economic Prospects. Ottawa 1958. 3025.

Hofermann, F., Geldmarkt und Geldmarktgeschåfte.
Koln 1958. HOs. HB.

Hunck, J. M., India's silent revolution. A
survey of Indo-German cooperation. Diisseldorf
1958. 1725. DM 7,80.

Jeanneney, J.-M., Economie politique. Paris
1959. 3045. 900 frs.

Jensen, O. H. & A. S. Svendsen, Intern as jonal økonomisk integrasjon og handelen i Norge. Oslo 1958. llls. Nkr. 8. (Skrifter fra Norges handelshøyskole. I rekken almene emner. 6.) HB.

IFO - Institut fiir Wirtschaftsforschung, Arbeitszeit und Produktivitåt. Untersuchungsergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschungsinstitute. Band 1, Teil A. Berlin 1958. 105s. DM 18,60. HB.

Ilaskivi, R., Finanssijärjestelmän automaatinen vestavaikutus suhdanteiden vaihteluissa. (The automatic flexibility of government finance in the business cycle. Helsinki 1958. 1755. (Economic studies. 19.)

Imlah, A. H., Economic elements in the Pax Britannica; studies in British foreign trade in the nineteenth century. Cambridge, Mass., 1959. 2735. $ 6.

Instituto Gramsci, Economia politica, corsi
di lezioni dell'anno 1954-1955. Roma 1956.

Interlocking directors and officials of 135 large financial companies of the United States. Part 1 of preliminary report of the House Select Committee on Small Business, 85th Cong., Ist sess., Washington 1957. 1765.

International Monetary Fund, International
reserves and liquidity. Washington 1958.
104s. KB-Ø.

Johansen, L., Forholdet mellom næringene under økonomisk vekst: en litteraturoversikt. Oslo 1958. 225. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 18.4.1958.) KB-HB.

Johansen, L., Et sett av etterspørsels koeffi-

Side 234

sienter for en multi-sektor-analyse med variable priser. Oslo 1958. 355. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 24.3.1958.) KB-HB.

Johansen, L., Substitution versus fixed production coefficients in the theory of economic growth: a synthesis. Oslo 1958. 235. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 10.1.1958.) KB-HB.

Johansen, T., Fra teorien om rasjonering og prisregulering. Utarb. på grunnlag av notater fra professor Haavelmo's forelesninger i vårsemesteret 1956. Oslo 1959. 525. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 12.12.1958.) KB-HB.

Johnsen, E., Kompendium i operationsanalyse.
København 1958. 1235. Dkr. 22.

Johnson, B. F., The staple food economies of
western tropical Africa. Stanford, Calif.,
1958. 3055. $ 6.

Islam, R., International economic cooperation
and the United Nations. Groningen
1958. 1295.

Ivestedt, R., Företagsekonomi. En orientering
om företagets intäkter, kostnader, vinst
och utdelning. Stockholm 1958. 105s. Ar.

Kawan, L., La nouvelle orientation du commerce
extérieur soviétique. Bruxelles
1958. 3175. Bfr. 275.

Kennedy, W. F., Humanist versus economist: The economic thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridgc. Bcrkeley 1958. 965. $ 2. (University of California Publications in Economics. XVII.) HB.

Khare, G. P., Planning in India. Allahabad
1958. 148s. Rs. 3,75.

Kilger, W., Produktions- und Kostentheorie. Wiesbaden 1958. 131s. DM 8,70. (Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Lfg. 4 = Reihe A. 13.)

Kimmel. L. H., Federal budget and fiscal
policy, 1789-1958. Washington 1959. 3375.
$ 5.

Klaman, S. 8., The volume of mortgage debt in the postwar decade, New York 1958. 1435. $ 2. (National Bureau of Economic Research. Technical Paper. 13.) KB.

Klein, S., The pattern of land tenure reform
in East Asia after World War 11. New
York 1958. 2605. 3 10.

Knapp, G. F. & F. Bendixen, Zur staatlichen Theorie des Geldes. Ein Briefwechsel. 1905-1920. Basel 1958. Sfr. 19,80. (Veroffentlichungen der List-Gesellschaft. 10. Reihe B. Studien zur åkonomik der Gegenwart.)

Kneschaurek, F., Die volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnungen als Mittel der Wirtschaftsanalyse und Wirtschaftspolitik: Die nationale Buchhaltung under Beriicksichtigung ihrer Anwendungsmöglichkeitcn in der Schweiz. Zurich 1958. 2125. (St. Galler wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschungen. 14.)

Kolak, R. a. 0., Yugoslavia: Economic guide.
Belgrade 1958. 3255.

Krause, W., Die Entstehung des Volkseigentums
in der Industrie der DDR. Berlin
1958. 191 s. DM 7.

Kreyberg, H. J., Sosialøkonomisk jamføring mellom alternative anvendelser av elektrisk kraft i Norge. Rapport nr. 1: Opplegg, hovedtabeller og analyse av allokeringsalternativer. Oslo 1958. 60s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 14.5.1958.) KB-HB.

Krieghoff, H., Technischer Fortschritt und Produktivitätssteigerung. Berlin 1959.1515. DM 16,60. (Frankfurter Wirtschafts- und Sozialwiss. Studien. 4.)

Kristensen, T. (ed.), De europæiske markedsplaner.
København 1958. 3525. Dkr. 19,75.

Kiihne, K.. Funktionsfähige Konkurrent Monopolistische Restriktion und Wettbewerbsproblem in der modemen Wirtschaft. Berlin 1959. 2825. DM 26. (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften. 39.)

Kungliga Utrikesdepartementet, Förhandlingarna
1956-58 om ett europeiskt frihandelsområde.
Stockholm 1959. 90s. KB.

Kurihara, K. K., The Keynesian theory of
economic development. London 1959. 2195.
21/-. KB-Ø.

Labour Party, Great Britain, Plan for progress: Labour's policy for Britain's economic expansion. London 1958. 565. 1/-. Ar.

Landbruksdepartementet, Fjellbygdenes økonomiske
problemer. Innstilling fra Komitéen
til undersøkelse av fjellbygdenes øko-

Side 235

nomiske problemer. Oppnevnt ved kgl.
res. av 14. sept. 1954. Avgitt 1. mars 1958.
Oslo 1958. 2165. KB.

Lange, 0., Wstep do ekonometrii. Warszawa
1958. 3705. Engelsk udgave: Introduction
to econometrics. London 1959.

Lama, K., The money supply, money flows
and domestic product in Finland 1910-56.
1959. 2275. 0.

Lassmann, G., Die Produktionsfunktion und ihre Bedeutung fiir die betriebswirtschaftliche Kostentheorie. Koln 1958. 208s. DM 18,50. (Beitråge zur betriebswirtschaftl. Forsehung. 16.) HB.

Lattre, A. de, Les finances extérieures de la
France 1945-58. Paris 1959. 3915. 1800 frs.

Legislation to relieve unemployment. Hearings before the House Committee on Banking and Currency, 85th cong., 2nd sess., Apr., May 1958. Washington 1958. 13495.

Leiserson, M. \V., Wages and economic control
in Norway, 1945-1957. Cambridge,
Mass., 1959. 1745. $ 4,50.

Leiter, R. D., Labor economics and industrial
relations. New York 1958. 3205. $
1,95. (College Outline Series. 81.)

Lenz, F., Politische okonomie in unserer Zeit. Gegenstand und Aufgabe. Tiibingen 1958. 425. (Recht und Staat in Geschichte und Gegenwart. 215/216.)

Lesourne, J., Technique économique et gestion
industrielle. Paris 1958. 6195. 5800
frs. (Finance et économie appliquée. 5.)

Lé Thånh Khoi, L'économie de l'Asie du Sud-
Est. Paris 1958. 128s. 177 frs.

Letiche, J. M., The balance of payments and
economic growth. 1959. 400s. $6. KB-Ø.

Letwin, W., Sir Josiah Child, merchant economist.
Harvard University 1959. 765. $ 2.

Levin, H. J. (ed.), Business organization
and public policy: a book of readings.
New York 1958. 5505. $ 7.

Levine, S. 8., Industrial relations in postwar
Japan. Urbana 1958. 2135. § 4,25.

Lewis, J. P., Business conditions analysis.
New York 1959. 6025. 0.

l'Huillier, F., Fondements historiques des
problémes du Moyen-Orient. Paris 1958.
900 frs.

L'Huillier, J., La cooperation économique
internationale 1957-1959. Paris 1959. 1445.
900 frs.

Li, C. M., Economic development of Communist China - an appraisal of the first five years of industrialization. Berkeley 1959. 2845. $ 7,50.

Lindholm, R. W. (ed.), Public finance. The Committee on Public Finance, a collaborative writing group of public finance professors. New York 1959. 7985. $ 7,25.

Link, R. G., English theories of economic fluctuations, 1815-1848. New York 1959. 2265. $ 5. (Columbia Studies in the Social Sciences. 598.)

Livi, L., Corso di statistica economica. Padova
1959. 3075.

Livi, L., Previsioni economiche. Torino 1958.

Lochner, N., Niederländische und europäische Verkehrspolitik. Göttingen 1958. 68s. (Miinster. Universität, Institut fiir Verkehrswissenschaft. Vorträge. 16.) HB.

Lojewski, W. v., Der Gemeinsame Markt in
Europa. Frankfurt am Main 1958. 185s.
DM 1,90. (Wir diskutieren. a.)

Long, C. D., The labor force under changing income and employment. 5125. Princeton, N.J., 1959. $ 10. (National Bureau of Economic Research. 65.) KB.

Louis Albert, N., Recherches sur revolution et l'orientation de l'épargne par le capitalisme en France, 1913-1956. Paris 1959. 3750 frs.

Lubell, H. a.0., Israel's national expenditure
1950-54. Jerusalem 1958. 935. $ 2.

Liike, R. E., Von der Stabilisierung zur Krise. Hg. vom Basle Centre for Economic and Financial Research. Zurich 1958. 3635. Sfr. 29.

Lyng, J., Veksten i statens makt. Streiftog i
reguleringspolitikken. Oslo 1958. 2315.
Nkr. 20.

McKenna, J. F., Intermediate economic
theory. New York 1958. 3195. $ 4,90.

Mclvor, R. C, Canadian Monetary, banking
and fiscal development. Toronto 1958.
2635. $ 6,50. KB.

Malisoff, H., Cost estimation methods in unemployment
insurance, 1909-1957. New
York 1958. 1535.

Side 236

Marc, A., L'évolution des prix depuis cent
ans. Paris 1958. 128s. 177 frs. (Que saisje?.

Markham, J. W., The fertilizer industry:
study of an imperfect market. Nashville,
Tenn., 1958. 2495. $ 6.

Marsh, D. C, The changing social structure
of England and Wales 1871-1951. London
1958. 2665. 28/-.

Mason, E. S., Economic planning in underdeveloped
areas: Government and business.
New York 1959. 87s. 3 2,50. KB.

Maury, K., Économie politique. Paris 1959.
2925. 1800 frs.

Maury, R., L'lntégration européenne. Paris
1958. 3385. 1800 frs.

Maury, R., Problémes économiques de l'integration
européenne. Paris 1958. 1800 frs.

Kronologisk ordnet liste over memoranda fra Sosialøkonomisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, for perioden august 1947-juni 1958. Oslo 1958. 325. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske institutt. 8.12. 1958.) KB-HB.

Mendés-France, P. & G. Ardant, Økonomi i
teori og praksis. Oslo 1958. 2315. Nkr. 10.

Meyer, J. R., M. J. Peck, J. Stenason & C. Zwick, The economics of competition in the transportation industries. Cambridge, Mass., 1959. 3595. $ 7,50. (Harvard Economic Studies. 107.) 0.

Meynaud, J., L'élaboration de la politique
économique. Paris 1959. 1400 frs.

Ministry of Labour and National Service, The
length of working life of males in Great
Britain. London 1959. 245. 3/6.

Mintz, S., Trådes balances during business cycles: U.S. and Britain since 1880. New York 1959. 995. $ 1,50. (National Bureau of Economic Research. Occasional Paper. 67.) KB.

Misra, B. R., Economic aspects of the Indian
constitution. Calcutta 1958. 140s. Rs. 7.

Molinier, J., Les métamorphoses d'une théorie économique. Le revenu national chez Boisguilbert, Quesnay et J. B. Say. Paris 1958. 116s. (Centre d'études economiques, Etudes et mémoires. 40.) KB.

Mookerjee, S., Factor endowments and international
trade - a statement and appraisal

of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. Bombay
1958. 995. Rs. 8,75.

Moon, R. W., Business mergers and take-over
bids. London 1959. 210s. 25/-.

Morgenstern, 0., International financial transactions and business cycle. Princeton 1959. 5915. $ 12. (National Bureau of Economic Research.) KB-Ø.

Morse, C. (ed.), Fact and theory in economics, the testament of an institutionalist: collected papers of Morris A. Copeland. Ithaca, N.Y., 1958. 3475. $ 6.

Moussa, P., Les nations prolétaires. Paris
1959. 2045. 800 frs. KB.

Mouzon, O. T., International resources and
national policy. New York 1959. 7525.
$ 7,50.

Munkman, C. A., American aid to Greece: a
report on the first ten years. London 1959.
3065. 30/-.

Musgrave, R. A., The theory of public finance.
New York 1959. 6455. $ 12,50.

Mutén, L., Inkomst eller kapitalvinst. Inkomstskatteproblem vid obligations- och fastighetsaffårer. Stockholm 1959. 3165. Skr. 39. [Disp.] KB-HB.

Myers, C, A., Labor problems in the industrialization
of India. Cambridge, Mass.,
1958. 3145. $ 6,50.

Myrdal, G., Verdens økonomiske ulighed.
København 1958. 191s. Dkr. 13,75. KB-Ar.

Nacou, D., Du Kolkhoze au Sovkhoze. Paris
1958. 2775. 1800 frs.

Narayana, D. L., Employment and economic
development. Waltair 1958. 2895.

Negotiations for a European free tråde area: documents relating to thc negotiations from July, 1956, to December, 1958. London 1959. 2375. 10/6. HB.

Nelson, J. C, Railroad transportation and
public policy. Washington 1959. 5125.
$ 7,50.

Neuordnung der Finanzpolitik. Vorträge und Diskussionen d. 11. Arbeitstagung d. Aktionsgemeinschaft Soz. Marktwirtsch. am 12. und 13. juni 1958 in Bad Godesberg. Ludwigsburg 1958. 200s. DM 9,90. (Aktionsgemeinschaft Soz. Marktwirtsch. Tagungsprotokoll.

Side 237

Newman, P., Studies in the import structure
of Ceylon. Colombo 1958. 108s.

Niehans, J., Probleme einer konjunkturgerechten
Steuerpolitik. Basel 1958. 375. DM

Nieschlag, K., Binnenhandel und Binnenhandelspolitik.
Berlin 1959. 4965. DM 24,60.

Nord-Norge. Næringsliv og økonomi. 6 foredrag fra Studieselskapets årsmøte 1958. Bodø 1958. 109s. (Studieselskapet for nord-norsk næringsliv. 22.)

Det norske skattesystemet 1958. Oslo 1958.
158s. (Samfundsøkonomiske studier. 7.)

O.E.E.C, The elimination of double taxation.
Report of the fiscal committee of the
O.E.E.C. Paris 1958. 635. 5/-. KB.

Der offentliche Haushalt in der volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung. Hrsg. von Osterreichischen Statistischen Zentralamt und dem Osterreichischen Institut fiir Wirtschaftsforschung. Wien 1958. 755. Sh. 25. KB.

Osborn, F., Population: An international dilemma. A summary of the proceedings of the conference committee on population problems, 1956-57. New York 1958. 975.

Palander, T., Om ovisshet, värderingsenheter,
riskvärdeling och förväntningsspridning.
Stockholm 1958. 112s. Gratis. KB.

Parodi, M., Essai sur la structure des salaires ouvriers dans l'industrie de la region ouvriers dans l'industrie de la region marseillaise. Aix-en-Provence 1958. 1200 frs.

Peach, W. N., M. Uzair & G. W. Rucker, Basic
data of the economy of Pakistan. Karachi
1959. 2365. 25/-.

Pedersen, R., Skatt på utgifter som alternativ til skatt på inntekter - en teoretisk drøftelse. Oslo 1958. 675. Nkr. 6. (Økonomi, Skriftserie utg. av Næringsøkonomisk forskningsinstitutt. 33.) HB.

Perroux, F., La coexistence pacifique. I-11.
Paris 1958. 4065. 800 + 800 frs. KB.

Piettre, A., Pensée économique et theories
contemporaines. Paris 1959. 5175.

Planification indicative et développement économique. J. Bénard: Problémes et instruments de synthése d'un plan indicatif. J. W. Hackett: Sur les investissements


dans un plan indicatif pluriannuel de développement — l'exemple du Ille plan francais de modernisation et d'équipement. Paris 1958. 735. 1000 frs. (Cahiers. 67.) KB.

Pohmer, D., Grundlagen der betriebswirtschaftlichen
Steuerlehre. Berlin 1959. 184s.
DM 16. (Wirtschaftswiss. Abhandl. 12.)

Ponsard, C, Histoire des theories économiques
spatiales. Paris 1958. 2025. 1200 frs.

Pradel, P.-M., L'épargne et l'investissement.
Paris 1959. 128s. 200 frs. (Que sais-je?)

Problems of United States economic development.
Vol. I-11. New York 1958. 6505.
$ 5.

Qubain, F. 1., The reconstruction of Iraq:
1950-1957. New York 1959. 3985. $ 6.

Rasmussen, P. N., Forelæsninger om biblioteksbenyttelse og opgaveskrivning. København 1958. 665. Dkr. 5. (Memorandum fra Københavns Universitets økonomiske institut. 2.) KB-HB-Ø.

Rasmussen, P. N. & L. Stetting, Matematik
for økonomer. I-11. København 1958. 4755.
Dkr. 45. KB-HB-Ø.

Rayback, J. G.. A history of American labor.
New York 1959. 4655. $ 6.

Reis, T., Aspects économiques des applications
industrielles de l'énergie nucléaire.
Paris 1958. 3725. 4600 frs.

The relationship of prices to economic stability and growth. Compendium of papers submitted by panelists appearing before the Joint Economic Committee. Washington 1958. 7125. $ 1,25. HB-Ø.

Richardson, J. H., Economic and financial
aspects of social security. An international
survey. 1959. 2565. $ 4,25.

Roberts, B. C, National wages policy in war
and peace. London & New York 1958.
180s. $ 3,50.

Robinson, J. & S. Adler, China: an economic
perspective. London 1958. 20s. 1/6. (Fabian
Tract. 314.) Ar.

Roper, H., Die Automatisierung. Neue Aspekte
in Deutschland, Amerika und Sowjetrussland.
Stuttgart 1958. 2425. Ar.

Romeuf, J., L'économie planifiée. Paris 1958.
128s. 195 frs. (Que sais-je? 329.)

Romus, P., Expansion économique regionale
et communauté européenne. Leiden 1958.

Side 238

Fl. 18,75. (»Aspects européens«, Collection
d'études relatives å l'intégration européenne.)

Rosen, G., Industrial change in India: Industrial growth, capital requirements, and technological change, 1937-55. Glencoe, 111., 1958. 2435. $ 4. (Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.)

Roux, J., Vers une nouvelle conception de la
comptabilité nationale. Paris 1959. 184s.
1250 frs.

Rowe, E. K., Analysis of health and insurance plans under collective bargaining, late 1955. Washington 1957. 81s. (BLS bull. 1221.)

Ryan, W. J. L., Price Theory. London 1958.
3965. 31/6.

Sanke, H. (ed.), Politische und ökonomische
Geographic Einf. von K. Eggert u.a. Berlin
1958. 5765. DM 16,40.

Sartois, J., Les crises économiques. Paris
1959. 630 frs.

Saudeau, R., Representations figurées des
physiocrates. Paris 1958. 795. 600 frs.

Schilcher, R., Geldfunktionen und Buchgeldschöpfung. Ein Beitrag zur Geldtheorie. Berlin 1958. 2195. DM 24. (Wirtschaftswiss. Abhandl. 11.)

Schiller, K., Neuere Entwicklungen in der Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik. Tubingen 1958. 265. DM 2,50. (Walter Eucken Institut. Vorträge und Aufsätze. 1.)

Schimanski, S., Zur Theorie des Konsumtenkredits. (Als Ms. vervielf.) Tiibingen 1958. 1445. DM 8,90. (Beitråge zur reinen u. angewandten Wirtshaftstheorie aus d. Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Seminar d. UniversitJit Kiel. 3.) HB.

Schimmler, H., Der Lagerzyklus. Lagerbewegung und Konjunkturverlauf in empirischer Sicht. Mit e. Anhang: Multiplikatorprinzip, Acceleratorprinzip, ungewiinschte Kapitalgiiterbestände und Erwartungen der Produzenten. Berlin 1958. 113s. DM 12. (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften.

Schmidt, J. L. & K. H. Domdey (eds.), Staatsmonopolistischer
Kapitalismus und kapitalistischer
Aussenhandel. Berlin 1958.

2405. DM 20. (Probleme des kapitalistischen
Weltmarktes. 2.)

Schott, T. H., The evolution of Latin American exchange-rate policies since world war 11. Princeton 1959. (Essays in International Finance. 32.) 0.

Schumacher, U., Nationalbudget und öffentlicher Haushalt. Stuttgart 1958. 101s. DM 11,50. (Beitriige zur Erforschung der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. 2.)

Schupp, W., Die Sicherung der Vollbeschäftigung nach der neoliberalen Theorie. Zurich 1958. 2685. Sfr. 17,10. (Sehriften des Schweizerischer Wirtschaftsarchivs. 12.)

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13s. (Memorandum fra Universitetets sosialøkonomiske
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Sheldon, H. D., The older population of the
United States. New York & London 1958.
2235. $ 6. (Census Monograph Series.)

Shenoy, B. R., Problems of Indian economic
development. Madras 1958. 2365. Rs. 10.

Shibata, K., Dynamic and dialectic theories
of world capitalism. Kyoto 1959. 2685.

Shoup, C. S. & R. A. Musgrave (eds.), Readings in the economic of taxation. Homewood, 111., 1959. 581s. $ 6. (Series of Republished Articles of Economics. 9.)

Shubik, M., Strategy and market structure.
Competition, oligopoly and the theory of
games. New York 1959. 3875. §8. HB-0.

Siegel, J. S., The population of Hungary.
Washington 1958. 1965. $ 1. (Bur. Census.
Internat, pop. stat. rept., Ser. P-90. 9.)

Silcock, T. H., The commonwealth economy
in Southeast Asia. Durham 1959. 2765. $ 4.

Silcock, Schiller, Kirby & Abegg, Studien zur Entwicklung in Siidost- und Ostasien. Frankfurt am Main 1958. 84s. DM 7,60. (Sehriften des Instituts fiir Asienkunde in Hamburg. 2.)

Simpson, K. & H. C. Benjamin, Manpower problems in economic development: a selected bibliography. Princeton, N.J., 1958. 935. $ 2.

Side 239

Sozialpolitische Aufgabe der Europåischen
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Le Statut de Paris. Vol. 11, L'agglomération
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Stisser, R., Problems of India's economic development. Kiel 1958. 83s. DM 8. (Institut fiir Weltwirtschaft an der Universitåt Kiel.)

Strassmann, W. P., Risk and technological innovation: American manufacturing methods during the nineteenth century. Ithaca, N.Y., 1959. 2495. $ 4.

Strayer, P. J., Fiscal policy and politics. New
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Streber, J. (ed.), US industrial relations -
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1255. $ 5.

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York 1958. 5545. $ 25. KB.

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Side 240

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Winder, G., A short history of money: the story of the evolution of money with an explanation of the mechanism by which inflation i Great Britain has been brought about. London 1959. 1775. 15/-.

Winding, P., Det danske kapitalmarked. Bidrag til en belysning af dets struktur og funktion. Udg. af Bikuben i anl. af dens 100 års dag. København 1958. 6055. + tavlehefte. Dkr. 60. KB-HB-Ø-Ar.

Witthauer, K., Die Bevölkerung der Erde.
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Yates, P. L., Forty years of foreign trade: a statistical handbook with special reference to primary products and underdeveloped countries. New York 1959. 2555. $ 9.

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progress. Cambridge 1959. 3255. 32/6.

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7045. § 6,75.

Ølgaard, A., Danmarks økonomi og udlandet.
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