Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 95 (1957)LITTERATUROVERSIGTFortegnelsen er opstillet på grundlag af, hvad der anskaffes af biblioteker her i landet, og oplysninger i tidsskrifts- og forlagspublikationer. For hvert skrift oplyses forfatter, titel, udgivelsessted og -år, og så vidt muligt sideantal og pris. Endvidere angives, på hvilket bibliotek publikationen ved listens offentliggørelse eventuelt befinder sig; manglende biblioteksangivelse forhindrer således ikke, at bogen evt. senere vil være tilgængelig på et bibliotek. Der anvendes følgende forkortelser: Det kgl. bibliotek (KB), Handelshøjskolens bibliotek (HB), Universitetets laboratorium (0), Statistisk Departements bibliotek (Sta) og Arbejderbevægelsens bibliotek og arkiv (Ar). Oversigterne
udarbejdes af bibliotekar ved Det kgl. Bibliotek, cand.
polit. Knud Erik
Svendsen. Abrahamsen, M. A. & C. L. Scroggs
(eds.), Aitchison, J. & J. A. C. Brown, The lognormal with special reference its uses in economics. Cambridge 1957. 1765. $ 6,50. Albers, W., Die Einkommenbesteuerung in Frankreich seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Eine Analyse ihrer wirtschaftlichen, sozialen administrativen Probleme. Kiel 1957. 3205. DM 36. (Kieler Studien. 42.) HB. Allen, E., A. J. Odber & P. J. Bowden, Development Policy in the North East of England. Newcastle: North East Industrial and Development Association, 1957. 945. 5/—. Allen, G. C. & A. G. Donnithorne, Western Enterprise in Indonesia and Malaya: A study in economic development. London 1957. 3225. 25/—. KB. Arbejderbevægelsens erhvervsråd, Danmark
Aupetit, A., Essai sur la théorie générale
Basu, S. K., Place and problems of small
Bauer, P. T., Economic analysis and policy
Bauer, P. T. & B. S. Yamey, The economics of under-developed countries. London 1957. 2715. 10/6. (Cambridge Economic Handbook Series). KB-HB. Side 325
Beaton, K., Enterprise in oil: A history
of Becker, G. S., The economics of discrimination. 1957. 1475. $ 3,50. (University Chicago, Economics Research Center, Studies in economics.) Die Bedeutung der staatlichen Finanzpolitik fur die Konjunkturstabilisierung. Berlin 1957. (Beihefte der Konjunkturpolitik). KB. Bergfeld, A. J., J. S. Earley & W. R.
Knobloch, Berliner, J. S., Factory and manager in
the Bermig, E. & R. Bracht, Die
Preiskalkulation Bernard, S., Les consequences sociales du
Bittorf, W., Automation. Die 2.
industrielle Blank, D. M. & G. J. Stigler, The
demand Bobrowski, C, Formation du systéme
soviétique Bowers, E. L. a. 0., Financing unemployment Ohio's experience. Columbus 1957. 3145. § 4. (Bureau of Business Research Monograph. 89.) Brandt, L., Die zweite industrielle
Revolution. Britain and Europe. London 1957. 15/—.
Biilow, F., Volkwirtschaftslehre — eine Einfiihrung in das wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche Berlin 1957. 5175. DM 23,50. Bushaw, D. W. & R. W. Clower,
Introduction Bøggild-Christensen, J., Fællesmarkedet i
europæisk Carter, C. F. & B. R. Williams,
Industry and Chamberlin, E. H., Towards a more general
Clark, C, Australian hopes and fears.
Clegg, H. A. & T. E. Chester, Wage
policy Clewett, R. L., (ed.), Marketing's role in
Cochran, T., The American business system:
Cohen, W. J., Retirement policies under
Cole, G. D. H., The case for industrial partnership. London 1957. 121s. 7/6. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Consumer Instalment Credit. Part I: Growth and impact. II: Conference on regulation. III: Views on regulation. IV: Financing new car purchases: A national survey for 1954—55. Washington 1957. HB. Croome, H., Introduction to money. New
Crowther, G., The wealth and poverty of
Dalenius, T., Sampling in Sweden. Contributions the methods and theories of sample survey practice. Uppsala 1957. 2475. HB-Sta. Datta, A., Essays on economic development.
Unesco, The
university teaching of social Doane, R. R., World balance sheet. New
Downs, A., An economic theory of
democracy. Due, J. F., Sales taxation. London 1957.
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Economic development of Jordan: Report of a Mission organized by the International for Reconstruction and Development at the request of the government Jordan. Baltimore, Md., 1957. 488s. $ 7,50. HB. Englund. Å? Nordisk marknad. Stockholm
Enzyklopådisches Lexikon fiir das Geld-,
Eyern, G. von, Die Unabhangigkeit der
Notenbank. Fabricant, S., Financial research and problems the day. 37th annual report of the National Bureau of Economic Research. York 1957. IOOs. Faxen, K.-0., Monetary and fiscal policy under uncertainty. Stockholm 1957. 2125. Skr. 20. (Stockholm economic studies. New Series. 1.) HB. Federation of British industries, European
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Fossati, E., The theory of general static
Frankel, M., British and American manufacturing Urbana 1957. 130s. $ 1,50. (University of Illinois Bulletin. HB. Frowen, S. & H. C. Hillmann (eds.), Economic — a financial and economic debate in the critical years 1954—57. London 1957. 2315. 21/6. Gitlow, A. L., Labor economics and
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verkställande Hahn, L. A., Autonome Konjunkturpolitik
Hall, M. L. a. 0., Bibliography in economics for the Oxford honour school of philosophy, and economics. Oxford 1957. 6/6. HB. Harris, S. E., International and
interregional Hays, S. P., The response to industrialism
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Wirtschaftsmodelle. Herrmann, W., Wirtschaftspolitik in
unserer Hirsch, H., Mengenplanung und Preisplanung
Hirsch, W. Z., Introduction to modern
statistics: Hunter, H., Soviet transportation policy.
Huntington, E. H., Spending of middle-income Incomes and expenditures of salaried workers in the San Francisco Bay area in 1950. Berkeley, Cal. 1957. 1795. HB. Huppert, W., Gesetzmässigkeit und
Voraussehbarkeit Jacobs, A., Der internationale vergieich
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Koijck, L. M., Econometric study on the
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control of inflation. London Meade, J. E., Negotiations for Benelux: An annotated chronicle 1943—56. Princeton 1957. 89s. (Princeton Studies in international 6.) HB. Meier, G. M.
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økonomiske samarbejdsudvalg, Nussbaum, A., A history of the dollar. New
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Otremba, E., Allgemeine Geographie des
Ottel, F., Wirtschaftspolitik am Rande des
Paakkanen, J., Hintateorian realismi ja yritysten hintapååtokset (The realism of price theory and the price decisions of the firm, with summary in English). Helsinki 1957. 1355. (Publications of the Helsinki research institute for business economics. 22.) HB. Pant, Y. P., Planning for prosperity in
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0., Trade and market in the Pounds, N. J. G. & N. Spulber (eds.),
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Studieutgifter Quensel, C.-E., Kompendium i formell befolkningsteori. 1957. 110 mask.skr. s. (Statistiska Institutionen vid Lunds Universitet.) Sta. Rau, A., Agricultural policy and trade
liberalization Reder, Labor in a
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danske landboforeninger, Side 328
Saville, J., Rural depopulation in England
Schacht, H., Kapitalmarktpolitik. Hamburg
Schlebaum, H., Prisudviklingen, renten og formueværdierne 1947—55. København 1957. 235. (Sparekassen for Kjøbenhavn og Omegn. Skrifter 4). KB-HB. Boettcher, E.,
(ed.), Sozialpolitik und Sozialreform. Scott, W. H. a. 0., Technical change and industrial relations: a study of the relations technical change and the social structure of a large steelworks. New York 1957. 3365. $ 3,75. HB. Sen, S. R., The economics of Sir James
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Stark, H., Modern Latin America.
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Sultan, P., Labor economics. New York
Suriyakumaran, C, Economics of full
employment Tostlebe, A. S., Capital in agriculture: Its formation and financing since 1870. Princeton 1957. (National Bureau of economic Studies in capital formation financing. 2.) KB. Turnbull, J. G., C. A. Williams, Jr. & E. F. Cheit, Economic and social security — public and private measures against economic insecurity. New York 1957. 5395. $ 6. Tuttle, A. M., Elementary business and
Udenrigsministeriet, Oversættelse af traktat om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske København 1957. 1645. KB-HB. Varga, S., Der Unternehmungsgewinn. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Vermögensverteilung. 1957. 158s. DM 13,60. (Volkswirtschaftliche Shriften. 28.) Weise, H., Die Steuern im Vereinigten K6nigreich. Beriicksichtigung der Entwicklung dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Kiel 1957. 3605. DM 40. (Kieler Studien. 41.) HB. Wilson, J. S. G., French banking structure
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Zupnick, E., Britain's postwar dollar
problem. |