Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 95 (1957)LITTERATUROVERSIGTNationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift vil for fremtiden bringe oversigter over den nyeste nationaløkonomiske litteratur. Disse fortegnelser vil bygge på, hvad der anskaffes af biblioteker her i landet, og på de oplysninger, der bringes i økonomiske tidsskrifter forlagspublikationer. Det er ikke muligt at gøre listerne komplette, men på den anden side vil udvalget være meget fyldigt. For hvert skrift oplyses forfatter, titel, udgivelsessted og -år, sideantal (heri ikke medregnet separat-paginerede forord o. 1.), og så vidt muligt pris. Endvidere angives, på hvilket bibliotek skriftet ved listens offentliggørelse befinder sig, idet manglende biblioteksangivelse således ikke forhindrer, at bogen senere findes på et bibliotek her i landet. I denne første liste bringes et meget omfattende udvalg af den litteratur, der er udgivet i løbet af hele året 1956, hvorfor oversigten er mere omfangsrig, end de kommende vil blive. Det er hensigten at indskrænke listernes sideantal så meget, at det er muligt at løbe dem forholdsvist nemt igennem, således at en systematisk opdeling af skrifterne kan undgås. I den første liste omfatter bibliotekssignaturerne kgl. bibliotek (KB), Handelshøjskolens bibliotek (HB), Universitetets laboratorium (0) og Arbejderbevægelsens bibliotek og arkiv men i de kommende lister vil der ske en udvidelse af biblioteksantallet. Litteraturoversigterne
udarbejdes af bibliotekar ved Det kgl. bibliotek, cand.
Side 105
Abramowitz, M., The growth of public
employment Albery, M. & C. F. Fletcher-Cooke,
Monopolies Alexandersson, G., The industrial structure of American cities. A geographic study of urban economy in the United States. Stockholm 1956. 1335. Skr. 30. KB. Allen, R. G. D., Mathematical economics.
American Economic Association, Readings in
Arndt, E., Theoretische Grundlagen der
Atkinson, T. R., The pattern of financial
U.S. Department of Labor, Automatic technology its implications: A selected annotated bibliography. Washington D.C. 1956. 78s. 45 c. Department of scientific and industrial research, A report on the technical and their impact on management labour. London 1956. 106s. 6/—. HB. Bøger og tidsskriftartikler om automatisering. udgivet af Arbejderbevægelsens og arkiv. København 1956. 7s. Ar. Barker, G. R., Some problems of incentives and labour productivity in Soviet industry. contribution to the study of the planning of labour in the USSR. Oxford 1956. 1295. 14/—. KB-Ø. Barna, T., (Ed.), The structural
interdependence Beckman, M., C. B. McGuire & C. B.
Winsten, Beer, S. H., Treasury control. The
co-ordination Behrens, F. & A. Senary, Zur
ökonomischen der
Obergangsperiode. Berlin 1956. 108s. Bell, P. W., The Sterling Area in the
postwar Bellerby, J. R. (a.0.), Agriculture and
industry: Belshaw, H., Population growth and levels of consumption. With special reference to oountries in Asia. London 1956. 2235. 25/—. KB. Bibliography on industrialization in underdeveloped United Nations Headquarters Bibliographical Series No. 6. New York 1956. 2165. $ 2. KB. Bidwell, P. W., What the tariff means to
Biet, 8., Théories contemporaines du
profit. Biggs, R. M., National-income analysis and
Blodgett, R. H. & D. L. Kemmerer,
Comparative Bodt, J. P. de, La formation des prix. Analyse rapports entre la théorie économique la politique industrielle. Bruxelles 2195. KB. Bos, H. C, A discussion on methods of
monetary Brandt, K., Struktur der
Wirtschaftsdynamik. Brehmer, E., Struktur und Funktionsweise des Geldmarkts der Deutschen Bundesrepublik 1948. Tiibingen 1956. 1245. DM 6,25. Buquet, L., L'optimum de population. Paris
Burkhead, J., Government budgeting. New
Butlin, N. G., Private capital formation
in Central Statistical Office, National
income Side 106
Sources and methods. London Charlesworth, H. K., The economics of
repressed Chombart de Lauwe, P.-H., La vie
quotidienne Cirvante, V. R., The Indian capital
market. Clark. M. G., The economics of Soviet
steel. Cochrane, W. W. & C. S. Bell, The
economics Colm, G., (Ed.), The employment act—past
Creamer, D., Personal income during
business Croome, H., Introduction to money. London
Crosland, C. A. R., The future of
socialism. Dahlberg, A. 0., National income visualized. A graphic portrayal of how economic activity is measured. New York 1956. 117s. $ 3,50. KB. Devons, E., An introduction to British
economic Dewar, M., Labour policy in the USSR,
Diab, M. A., The United States capital
position Economic problems of underdeveloped areas.
25 Economic
essays in honour of Erik Lindahl. Edwards, C. D., Big business and the
policy Ehrlicher, W., Geldkapitalbildung und
Real- Einzig, P., The economic consequences of
Eisermann, G., Die Grundlagen des
Historismus Eisner, R., Determinants of capital
expenditure. Fay, C. R., Adam
Smith and the Scotland Fellner, W., Trends and cycles in economic activity. An introduction to problems of economic growth. London 1956. 411s. $ 5. KB. Forstmann, A., Allgemeine Geldtheorie (Bd.
Forstmann, A., Die Grundlagen der
Aussenwirtschaftstheorie. Fossati, E., Essays in dynamics and
econometrics. Fricke, W., Kollektivmonopole. Die Rolle der Kartelle in der Volkswirtschaft. Heidelberg 2145. (Veroffentlichungen des Forschunginstitutes fur Wirtschaftspolitik der Universitåt Mainz. Bd. 6) DM 18. KB-HB. Friedman, M., (Ed.), Studies in the
quantity Fusfeld, D. R., The economie thought of
Gardner, R. N., Sterling-dollar diplomacy. Anglo-American collaboration in the reconstruction multilateral tråde. Oxford 424. $ 6,75. KB-HB. Ghosh, A., New horizons in planning.
Calcutta Goldschmidt, D., Stahl und Staat. Eine wirtschaftssoziologische zum Britischen Nationalisierungsexperiment. Stuttgart 1956. 2905. DM 27,80. HB. Goldsmith, R., A study of saving in the
Side 107
—56. 170s. +
6565. + 4965. Vol. I—2: £ 12, Grebler, L., D. M. Blank & L. Winnick, Capital in residential real estate: Trends and prospects. Princeton 1956. 5195. $ 10. 0. Greenhut, M. L., Plant location in theory and practice: The economics of space. Chapel Hill, North Carolina 1956. 3385. $ 7,50. Guéron, J., J. A. Lane, I. R. Maxwell
& J. R. Gårdlund, T., Knut Wicksell. Stockholm
Halm, G. N., Economics of money and
hanking. Hamberg, D., Economic growth and
instability. Hertzler, J. 0., The crisis in world
population. Hession, C. H., S. M. Miller & C.
Stoddart, Hickman, C. & M. H. Kuhn, Individuals,
Hicks, J. R., A revision of demand theory.
Hoppmann, E., Die Periodenanalyse als
Jacoby, N. H., Can prosperity be
sustained? Jeanneney, J.-M., Forces et faiblesses de
Imbert, G., Des mouvements de longue durée
International Labour Office, International
Jones, P. d'A., An economic history of the
Isard, W., Location and space-economy.
Katona, G. & E. Mueller, Consumer
expectations, Keynesian
economics. A symposium ed. by Kindleberger, C. P., The terms of tråde. A
Knight, F. H., On the history and method
of Kohlmey, G., Das Geldsystem der deutschen
Kraus, 0., Theorie der zwischenstaatlichen
Kraus, W., Wirtschaftswachstum und
Gleichgewicht. Kurihara, K. K., Introduction to Keynesian
Lachmann, L. M., Capital and its
structure. Lehnich, 0., Die Wettbewerbsbeschrånkung.
Lichfield, N., Economics of planned
development. lindberger, L., Investeringsverksamhet och sparande — Balansproblem på lang och kort sikt. Statens offentliga utredningar (1956:10) (Penningvårdeundersokningen 3). Disputats. Stockholm 1956. 2665. Skr 6,75. HB-Ø. Lindbäck, A., Statsbudgetens verkningar på konjunkturutvecklingen. Statens offentliga 1956: 48. Stockholm 1956. 114s. Lipinski, E., Studia nad historia polskiej
Lloyd, E. M. H., Food and inflation in the
Side 108
Lutz, F. A., Zinstheorie. Ziirich 1956.
195s Mack, R. P., Consumption and business
Macmillan, R. H., Automation — friend or
Manes, P., Principii di dinamica
economica. Manne, A. S., Scheduling of petroleum
refining Marchal, A. & R. Barre, Economic
politique. Marczewski, J., Planification et croissance économique des démocraties populaires. Vol. I, Analyse historique. Vol. 11, Analyse Paris 1956. 312 + 2605. 1200 + 900 frs. Marx, K., Theorien iiber den Mehrwert, 1.
Meek, R. L., Studies in the labour theory
Meier, R. L., Science and economic
development. Mehnan, S., Dynamic factors in industrial
Munby, D. L., Christianity and economic
Myrdal, G., An international economy.
Problems Myrdal, G., Viirldsekonomin (oversat fra
Myrdal, G., Development and under-development: note on the mechanism of national and international economic inequality. National Bank of Egypt, Fiftieth Commemoration Lectures. 1956. 88s. Narasimham, N. V. A., A short term planning for India. Amsterdam 1956. 935. Fl 10. (Contributions to economic analysis 12) KB. Nemmers, E. E., Hobson and
underconsumption. Neter, J. & W. Wassermann, Fundamental
Newman, P. C, Public control of business
OEEC, Europe's growing needs for energy. How can they be met. A report preparcd by a group of experts. Paris 1956. 120s. 8/—. HB. OEEC, Liberalisation of Europe's trade.
OEEC bibliographies, No. 2, International trade: Theory of international trade, international trade policy, trade liberalisation, Paris 1956. 85s. HB. Zur Ökonomik und Technik der Atomzeit. Tubingen 1956. 190s. DM 16,80. (Veröffentlichungen List-Gesellschaft vol. 3). Oser, J., Must men starve? The Malthusian
Parsons, T. & N. Smelser, Economy and society. A study in the integration of economic and social theory. London 1956. 35/—. KB. Patinkin, J., Money, interest, and prices.
An Policies to combat depression. A conference of the Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research. Princeton (London) 1956. 4175. 68/—. 0. Folk, J., Sterling—its meaning in world
finance. Pollock, F., Automation. Materialien zur Beurteilung der okonomischen und sozialen Frankfurt a.M. 1956. 318s. DM 18. HB. Poole, K. E., Public finance and economic
Pratt, E. E., Modern international
commerce. Preiser, E., Bildung und Verteilung des
Probleme der Einkommensbildung und Einkommensverteilung. auf der Tagung des Vereins fiir Sozialpolitik in Köln. Berlin 1956. 2125. DM 18,60. Side 109
Rasmussen, P. N., Studies in
inter-sectoral Reynolds, L. G. & C. H. Taft, The evolution of wage structure. With a section by Robert New Haven 1956. 3985. $ 5. KB. Rittershausen, H., Bankpolitik. Frankfurt
a. Rivero, J. & J. Savatier, Droit du
travail. Robertson, D., Economic commentaries.
London Robinson, J., The accumulation of capital.
Robinson, M. A., H. C. Morton & J. D.
Calderwood, Rogin, L., The meaning and validity of
economic Rogow, A. A., The Labour government and
Roll, E., A history of economic thought.
Rosenberg, 8., The values of Veblen. A
critical Rubin, S. J., Private foreign investment.
Samarbejdsproblemer i Danmarks økonomiske Rapport fra det i 1955 nedsatte (Finansministeriet). København 168s. Kr. 5. KB-HB-0. Sargent, J. R., G. B. Richardson & M.
Hall, A Schmölders, G., R. Schroder & H. S.
Seidenfus, Schoeffler, S., The failures of economics:
a Sennholz, M. (Ed.), On freedom and free enterprise: Essays in honor of Ludwig von Mises. Presented on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his doctorate, February 20, 1956. Princeton 1956. 3335. $ 3,50. Soule, G., What automation does to human
Spengler, J. J. & O. D. Duncan,
Population Statens offentliga utrcdningar (1956:20—
Stigier, G. J., Trends in employment in
the Strachey, J., Contemporary capitalism.
London Sutton, F. X. (a.0.), The American
business Svennilson, 1., A note on capital
accumulation Tekniken och morgondagens samhälle. Udg.
Tinbergen, J., Economic policy: Principles and design. Amsterdam 1956. 3045. Fl 26,50. (Contributions to economic analysis KB. Trachtenberg, I. A., Die kapitalistische
Reproduktion Tulländer, 8., De ekonomiske idéernas utveckling särskild hänsyn till värdeteorien. Uppsala 1956. 2515. Skr 15. KB-HB. Ulman, L., The rise of the national trade union. The development and significance of its structure, governing institutions, and economic policies. Cambridge, Mass, (London) 1956. 6395. 76/—. 0. Väjda, S., The theory of games and linear
Vakil, C. N. & P. R. Brahmanand,
Planning Vandermeulen, A. J. & D. C. Vandermeulen, National income: Analysis by sector accounts. Cliffs, N.J. 1956. 5555. 0. Vetter, E. G., Investitionslenkung. Moglichkeiten Grenzen staatlicher Eingriffe in den Aufbau der Produktion. Heidelberg 1655. (Veröffentlichungen des Side 110
Forschunginstitutes fur
Wirtschaftspolitik Voprosy planirovanija, ekonomiki
statistiki. Watkins, K., Economic implications of
state Weber, C. E., Lohnwertbildung und
Eigentumsordnung Wendzel, J. T., The dynamics of capitalism
Whittaker, E., Economic analysis. New York
Wiel, P., Wirtschaftliche Problcme der
Wiles, P. J. D., Price, cost and output.
Oxford Wu, Yuan-li, An economic survey of
communist Wyatt, S. & R. Marriott, A study of attitudes to factory work. London 1956. 1225. 10/—. (Medical Research Council, Special Report No. 292). Youtsler, J. S., Labour's wage policies in