Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 88 (1950)


Gennem International Economic Association, Paris, har Nationaløkonomisk
Forening modtaget følgende brev fra Mrs. Joseph A. Schumpeter, 5 Acacia Street,
Cambridge 38, Massachusetts, U.S.A.:

»I wonder if you would be kind enough to do something for me when you communicate with members of the Council. I am attempting to collect the early works of my husband and letters written by him to be deposited in a room in the Littauer Building, Harvard University, that will be named in his honor. My husband possessed very few of his own early works, because the major part of his library had been left behind when he came to Harvard and was destroyed by bombing during the war. I am anxious therefore, to have copies of the various editions of the early books published in German and translations into other languages, and also reprints of the innumerable articles which he wrote for German periodicals. In many cases, these are not available even in the big university libraries here. In the case of letters, I would be grateful for a photostated if the owner is unwilling to give up the original letter. I am, of course, willing to encounter small expenses in these connections, if necessary.«

Læsere, som er i besiddelse af professor Schumpeters første bøger, og som
kan tænke sig at afstå disse til det anførte formål, bedes rette henvendelse
herom til Mrs. Schumpeter eller til tidsskriftets redaktion.