Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 3. række, 9 (1901) 3

Engelske Bøger.

Adams (Brooks) America's Economic Supremacy Cr. Bvo, pp. 232.
Macmillan. 5.

Bascom (J.) Growth of Nationality in the United States. Cr- Bvo.
Putnam's Sons. 6.

Caine (W. S., and others) Local Option. Revised ed. (Imperial
Parliament.) Cr. Bvo, pp. 136. Sonnenschein. 1.

Colquhoun (Archibald R.) Russia Against India: The Struggle for
Asia. With Special Maps. Cr. Bvo, pp. 256. Harper and Bros. 5.

Colquhoun (Archibald R.) The Problem in China and British Polir.y
Map. Cr. Bvo, P. S. King. 2.

Dutt (Romesh C.) Famines and Land Assessments in India. Cr. Bvo,
pp. 344. Paul, Triibner & Co. 7.6.

Fuller (Mrs. Marcus TS ) The of Tndiar* V,'omam.uuJ, Wiih
an Introduction by Ramabai, Cr. Bvo, pp. 302. Oliphant, Anderson
Ferrier. 5.

Gibson (Arthur H.) Natural Economy: An Introduction to Political
Economy Bvo, pp. 142. Simpkin net, 3.6.

Gilman (N. P.) Profit-Sharing between Employer and Employee.
Cr. Bvo. Macmillan. 7.6.

Holls (Frederick \V.) The Peace Conference at the Hague and its
Bearings on International Law and Policy. Bvo, pp. 598. Macmillan.

Jones (E. D.) Economic Crises. (Citizen's Library.) Cr. Bvo. Macmillan.

Nash (Vaughan) The Great Famine and its Causes. With 8 Photographs
the Author, and a Map of India showing the Famine
Area. Cr. Bvo, pp. 272. Longmans. 6.

Price (L. L.) Money and its Relations to Prices. Being an Inquiry
into the Causes, Measurement, and Effects of Changes in General
Prices. (Social Science Series.) Cr. Bvo, pp. 214. Sonnenschein. 2.6.

Thomas (George Percy) Compulsory Arbitration; Is it Feasible?
Bvo, sd. Simpkin. 2d.

Women Workers. The Papers Read at the Conference held at Brighton on October 23, 24, 25. and 26, 1900. Arranged by the National Union of Women Workers of Great Britain and Ireland in Conjunction with the Committee of the Brighton Branch of the N. U. W. W. Map. Bvo, sd., pp. iv—212. P. S. King. 3.