Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 3. række, 7 (1899)

Engelske Bøger.

Clarke (Allen). The Effects of the Factory System. Written 1895
— 96. Revised 1897—98. I2mo, p. 186. G. Richards. 2.6.

Davies (D. H.) The Cost of Municipal Trading: A Paper Read
before the Society of Arts with Discussion thereon, and Diagrams,
p. 71. P. S. King. 2.

Hall (F. S.). Sympathetic Strikes and Sympathetic Lock-outs. (Columbia
University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law.)
pp. 118. P. S. King and Son. 4.

Marriott (E. F.). The Indian Currency Question a Simple Problem.
Paul, Trtibner and Co. 6d.

Miller (H. A.) Money and Bimetallism: A Study of the Uses and
Operations of Money and Credit. Putnam's Sons. 5.

Payson (Edward Payson). Suggestions toward an Applied Science
of Sociology. Putnam's Sons. 5.

Questions on Banking Practice, from Vols. I—lB118 (inclusive). (The Institute of Bankers). Revised and Issued under the Sanction of the Council of the Institution. sth ed. Enlarged and Revised. p. 388. Blades, East and Blades. 6.

Rae (George). The Country Banker: His Clients, Cares, and Work.
From an Experience of 40 years, uthed. pp.336. J.Murray. 7.6.

Sargent (A. J.). The Economic Policy of Colbert. (Studies in
Economics and Political Science). Longmans. 2.6.

Seligman (E. R. A.). The Shifting and Incidence of Taxation.
2nd ed. (Columbia University Series). Macmillan. 12.6.

Stead (W. T.). The United States of Europe on the Eve of the
Parliament of Peace. With numerous Maps and Illustrations.
Review of Reviews Annual. 4to, pp. 216. Office. I.

Wyckoff (Walter A.) The Workers: An Experiment in Reality.
The West. With 12 Illusts., pp. vi — 347. Heinemann. 3. —
The East. Heinemann. 3.