Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 3. række, 7 (1899)

Engelske Bøger.

Hall (F. S.) Sympathetic Strikes and Sympathetic Lock-outs. (Columbia
University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law.)
pp. 118. P. S. King and Son. 4.

Judge (Thomas). Social and Political Economy. Edited by his
son, T. Geo. Judge. 178. Simpkin. 3.6.

Macleod (H. D.) Indian Currency. Longmans. 2.6.

Miller (H. A.) Money and Bimetallism: A Study of the Uses and
Operations of Money and Credit. Putnam's Sons. 5.

Payson (Edward Payson). Suggestions toward an Applied Science
of Sociology. Putnam's Sons. 5.

Reid (H. Lloyd). The British Tax-payers' Rights, pp. 316. T.
Fischer Unwin. 12.

Wyckoff (Walter A.) The Workers: An Experiment in Reality.
The West. With 12 Illusts. pp. VI—347. Heinemann. 3. —
The East. Heinemann. 3.