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Cunninghame (W.) Alien Immigrants to England. With 3 Maps
and 7 Illusts. (Social England Series.) pp. 310. Swan Sonnenschein.

Darwin (Major Leonard) Bimetallism. A Summary and Examination
of the Arguments for and against a Bimetallic System of Currency.
PP- 35°- J. Murray. 7.6.

Durand (E. D.) The Finances of New York City. Macmillan. 7.6.

Fairer (Right Hon. Lord) Studies in Currency, 1898, or, Enquiries
into Certain Modern Problems Connected with the Standard of
Value and the Media of Exchange, pp. 440. Macmillan. 12.6.

Gladden (W.) Social Facts and Forces; The Factory, the Labour
Union, &c. Putnam's Sons. 3.6.

Gomme (George Laurence) Lectures on the Principles of Local
Government. Delivered at the London School of Economics, Lent
Term, 1897. Roy. Bvo., pp. 284. Constable. 12.

George (Henry). The Science of Political Economy. 2nd ed. pp.
576. Paul, Triibner and Co. 7.6.

George (Henry). The Conditions of Labour: An Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII. With an Appendix containing the Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII. on the Condition of Labour. Popular ed. pp. 200. Swan Sonnenschein. 1.

Kennedy (Thomas). A History of the Irish Protest against Over-
Taxation, from 1853 —1897. pp. 196. Simpkin. 5.

Kerr, Scottish Banking During the Period of Published Accounts,
1865-1896. pp. 184. E. Wilson. 5.

Mackay (Thomas). The State and Charity. (English Citizen), pp.
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Side 94

Mongredien (Augustus). History of the Free-Trade Movement in
England. A new ed. With Introductory and Supplementary Chapters
by the Rev. Dr. H. de B. Gibbins. pp. 200. Cassell. 1.

Nicholson (J. Shield). Principles of Political Economy, Vol. 2,
Book 3. pp. 312. Black. 12.6.

Powell (Sir George Baden). The Saviug of Ireland: Industrial,
Financial, Political. Roy. Bvo, pp. 3SO. W. Blackwood. 7.6.

Shaxby (W. J.) An Eight-Hours Day. The Case against Trade
Union and Legislative Interference. Cr. Bvo, bds, pp. vii— 133.
>;Liberty Review« Pub. Co. 2.6.

Smith (G. Armitage). The Free-Trade Movement and its Results.
(Victorian Era Series), pp. viii—244. Blackie. 2.6.

Tebb (W. Scott). A Century of Vaccination and What It Teaches,
pp. 448. Swan Sonnenschein. 6.

Twining (Louisa). Workhouses and Pauperism, and Women's Work
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pp. 288. Methuen. 2.6.

Ward (L, F.). Outlines of Sociology. Macmillan. 7.6.

Webb (Sidney and Beatrice). Industrial Democracy. 2 vols.
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