Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 3. række, 7 (1899)Engelske Bøger.Co-operation. Statistics of Co-operative Societies in Various Countries. Prepared by the Statistical Committees of the International Co-operative Alliance. 4to, pp. 330. P. S. King and Son. 10. Cunninghame (W.) Alien Immigrants to
England. With 3 Maps Darwin (Major Leonard) Bimetallism. A
Summary and Examination Durand (E. D.) The Finances of New York
City. Macmillan. 7.6. Fairer (Right Hon. Lord) Studies in
Currency, 1898, or, Enquiries Gladden (W.) Social Facts and Forces; The
Factory, the Labour Gomme (George Laurence) Lectures on the
Principles of Local George (Henry). The Science of Political
Economy. 2nd ed. pp. George (Henry). The Conditions of Labour: An Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII. With an Appendix containing the Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII. on the Condition of Labour. Popular ed. pp. 200. Swan Sonnenschein. 1. Kennedy (Thomas). A History of the Irish
Protest against Over- Kerr, Scottish Banking During the Period
of Published Accounts, Mackay (Thomas). The State and Charity.
(English Citizen), pp. Side 94
Mongredien (Augustus). History of the
Free-Trade Movement in Nicholson (J. Shield). Principles of
Political Economy, Vol. 2, Powell (Sir George Baden). The Saviug of
Ireland: Industrial, Shaxby (W. J.) An
Eight-Hours Day. The Case against Trade Smith (G. Armitage). The Free-Trade
Movement and its Results. Tebb (W. Scott). A Century of Vaccination
and What It Teaches, Twining (Louisa). Workhouses and
Pauperism, and Women's Work Ward (L, F.). Outlines of Sociology.
Macmillan. 7.6. Webb (Sidney and Beatrice). Industrial
Democracy. 2 vols. Willoughby. Working Men's Insurance. (Lib.
of Economics and Wines (F. H.) and Koren (John). The Liquor
Problem in its Legislative |