Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 3. række, 7 (1899)

Portrait af Adam Smith.

Nationaløkonomisk Forenings Sekretær har modtaget
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A medallion portrait of Adam Smith was made in his lifetime by James Tassie which is »the best known as well as probably the best portrait of him«, (John Rae, Life of A. Smith). A reference to this medaillon in Dr. Bonars Catalogue of A. Smith's library led Mr. Inglis Palgrave to enquire of Messrs. Josiah Wedgwood & Sons of Etruria, whether they had the original mould in their possession. They answered him that they still possessed it and that they were willing to execute from it copies in Wedgwood ware. These can be supplied, post free, for 10.6 a copy. Or should a silver clasp to hang it up by be desired, this could be added for 5.- extra.

The medallion would be 4^3 inches by 3*/2 inches. The ground would be either the light blue or sage green of Wedgwood ware, as desired, the medallion itself in white Wedgwood ware. It is a very good example of Josiah Wedgwood's well-known and excellent work.

Members of your Association who wish to have copies of the
medallion are requested to send their names to Mr. R. H. Inglis
Palgrave, Belton, Great Yarmouth.