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Political Economy of Natural Law. Sociale Spørgsmaal, Arbejde og Kapital.Bonzon (J.). Cent
Ans de Lutte Sociale. La Législation Brooks (J. G.).
Compulsory Insurance in Germany Cogley (J. S.).
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Social Reform and the Church. Gramegna (L.).
Progresso e Bisogni. Turin: Tip. Karpeles. Die
Arbeiter der mährschlesischen Steinkohlenreviere.
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Ernährungsweise der oberschlesischen Margani Ortisi (A.). La Giustizia Sociale: Esame Critico del Malessere Economico e Morale del Popolo Italiano e della Questione Soziale. Catania: Rob. Giuntini. pp. 238. 21. Meerens (L.).
Etude Pratique sur les Habitations Sartorius. Die
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Agrarspørgsmaal.Baden-Powell (B. H.). A Short Account of the Inland Revenue and its Administration in British India, with a Sketch of the Land Tenure. With a map. London: Frowde. pp. 242. 5-y. Garnier (R. M.). History of the English Landed Interest: Its Customs, Laws, and Agriculture. "Vol. 11. Modern Period. .London: Sonnenschein; New York: Macmillan. pp. 564. $3.50. Hamilton (J.).
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McKinleyism as it appears to a non- Møntspørgsmaal.Brough (W.). The
Natural Law of Money. New Greene (J. L.).
Bimetallism, or the Double Standard. Wagner (A.). Die
neueste Silberkrisis und unser W alk er (F. A.).
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