Visual Infotainment in the political news

A cultural approach in the post-truth era


  • Irene Photiou Frederick University
  • Lambrini Papadopoulou Panteion University
  • Artemis Eleftheriadou Frederick University
  • Theodora A. Maniou Frederick University



Visual Infotainment, visual framing, post-truth era, political news, Cyprus


This article introduces the concept of visual infotainment, the aspects of infotainment found in visual artefacts employed in the news. Using a case study, we examine the photographs published in the digital media to report on the negotiations between the Greek- and Turkish-Cypriot communities, which took place in 2016 and 2017. A four-level visual framing analysis is used to identify a consistent set of frames. It aims to identify the political ideologies that appear to be behind the visual infotainment in these pictorial reports, and the specific ways in which hard news can be transformed into soft news. Our research confirms the presence of visual infotainment elements of personalisation, emotion, morbidity and sensationalism. Overall, the study shows that visual infotainment serves to establish visual frames produced by and for contradictory propagandas, one of which favours ethnic nationalism while the other promotes confl ict resolution.

Author Biographies

Irene Photiou, Frederick University

Special teaching staff, Department of Communciation, Journalism and Mass Media

Lambrini Papadopoulou, Panteion University

Special Teaching Staff, Department of Communication, Media and Culture

Artemis Eleftheriadou, Frederick University

Associate Professor, Department of Fine and Applied Arts

Theodora A. Maniou, Frederick University

Lecturer, Department of Communciation, Journalism and Mass Media


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How to Cite

Photiou, I., Papadopoulou, L., Eleftheriadou, A., & Maniou, T. A. (2019). Visual Infotainment in the political news: A cultural approach in the post-truth era. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 35(66), 075–100.



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