Editorial Board

André Jansson, Department of Geography, Media and Communication, Karlstad University andre.jansson@kau.se

Anne Gjelsvik, Department of Art and Media Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology anne.gjelsvik@ntnu.no 

Anne Marit Waade, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University amwaade@cc.au.dk 

Douglas Kellner, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, UCLA kellner@ucla.edu

Espen Ytreberg, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo espen.ytreberg@media.uio.no

Göran Bolin, Culture and Education, Södertörn University goran.bolin@sh.se

Hanne Bruun, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University hbruun@cc.au.dk 

Henrik Grue Bastiansen, Institutt for film og animasjon, Høgskulen i Volda henrik.grue.bastiansen@hivolda.no

Henrik Ørnebring, Department of Geography, Media, and Communication, Karlstad University henrik.ornebring@kau.se

Jakob Svensson, School of Arts & Communication, Malmö University jakob.svensson@mau.se

Jenny Sundén, Culture and Education, Södertörn University jenny.sunden@sh.se 

Kim Christian Schrøder, Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University kimsc@ruc.dk

Klaus Bruhn Jensen, Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen kbj@hum.ku.dk 

Nicolai Jørgensgaard Graakjær, Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University nicolaig@hum.aau.dk

Niels Brügger, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University nb@cc.au.dk 

Rikke Andreassen, Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University rikkean@ruc.dk 

Stina Bengtsson, Culture and Education, Södertörn University stina.bengtsson@sh.se 

Susanna Paasonen, Art History, Musicology and Media Studies, University of Turku suspaa@utu.fi

Trine Syvertsen, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo trine.syvertsen@media.uio.no