Investigation of faeces from a mummified Eskimo woman
The microscopic analysis of faeces was carried out by a method described in the following. As is usual in the analysis of faeces or stomach contents, the identification of fragments was verified by means of standard comparison material.
Several fragments from cormophytes were identified, Empetrum sp., Alopecurus sp., Elymus sp., Collifera sp. and a number of moss species. Furthermore, spores, pollen, fungi, and eggs from a parasite were found. Hairs and feathers of arctic animals were observed.
The examination of the visceral contents has to some extent elucidated the diet of the inhabitants of Greenland 500 years ago, but it did not answer the question at what time of the year this Eskimo woman died.
Coypyright by the authors and the Commision for Scientific Research in Greenland / Danish Polar Center/Museum Tusculanum Press as indicated in the individual volumes. No parts of the publications may be reproduced in any form without the written permission by the copyright owners.