Meddelelser om Grønland <p><strong>Dansk:<br /></strong>Meddelelser om Grønland har siden 1879 formidlet forskningsresultater fra alle grene af Grønlandsforskningen. Siden 1979 har Meddelelser om Grønland været delt i underserierne <a href="">Bioscience</a>, <a href="">Geoscience</a> og <a title="Man &amp; Society" href="">Man &amp; Society</a>.<br />Meddelelser om Grønland blev indtil 2008 udgivet for statslige midler af Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersøgelser i Grønland. <br />Den fulde serie indeholder nøglen til den danske polarforsknings historie og viser hvilken rolle den arktiske forskning har spillet for videnskabernes udvikling i Grønland og Danmark.</p> <p><strong>Grønlandsk</strong>:</p> <p>Meddelelser om Grønland aqqutigalugu 1879-mili Kalaallit Nunaanni ilisimatusarnerni assigiinngitsorpassuarni angusat saqqummersinneqartarsimapput. 1979-mili Meddelelser om Grønland ukununnga naqitikkanut tulleriiutaarlugit saqqummersinneqartartunut immikkoortinneqartarsimavoq <a href="">Bioscience</a>, <a href="">Geoscience</a> aamma Man &amp; Society. Ukiut 1979-2008 akornanni naqitikkanik tulleriiutaartunik saqqummersitsisarneq naalagaaffiup aningaasaliissutaanit Kommisssionen for Videnskabelige Undersøgelser i Grønland aqqutigalugu saqqummersinneqartarsimapput. 2008-mit Museum Tuscalanums Forlag-imit naqitikkat tulleriiutaartut saqqummersinneqartarput. Naqitikkat tulleriiutaartut tamarmik qallunaanit issittumi ilisimatusarnerup oqaluttuarisaaneranut paasissutissanik imaqarput kiisalu issittumi ilisimatusarnermut atatillugu Kalaallit Nunaanni Danmarkimilu ilisimatusarnerup ineriartornerata qanoq pingaaruteqartigineranik takutitsillutik.</p> <p><strong>English:<br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Meddelelser om Grønland</strong> has published scientific results from all parts of Greenland research since 1879. In 1979, Meddelelser om Grønland was divided into the sub-series <a href="">Bioscience</a>, <a href="">Geoscience</a> and Man &amp; Society.<br />Until 2008, Meddelelser om Grønland was published with grants from the Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland.<br />The entire series serves as the primary documentation source for the history of Danish polar research, illustrating the contribution of Arctic research to the advancement of science in Greenland and Denmark.</p> Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersøgelser i Grønland da-DK Meddelelser om Grønland 0025-6676 <p>Coypyright by the authors and the Commision for Scientific Research in Greenland. No parts of the publications may be reproduced without the consent of the copyright holders.</p> Bycatches in salmon drift-nets at West Greenland in 1972 <p>On the basis of catch-per-unit-effort of bycatches by commercial vessels, estimates have been derived on numbers of individuals of various species captured by the non-Greenlandic vessels fishing for Atlantic salmon at West Greenland during 1972. Of all bycatches, seabirds were taken most frequently, murres (<em>Uria lomvia</em>) being most common with an estimated kill of about 207,000 individuals. Estimated approximate kills of other seabird species occuring less frequently were: dovekie (<em>Plautus alle</em>) - 10,000, greater shearwater (<em>Puffinus gravis</em>) - 2700, black guillemot (<em>Cepphus grylle</em>) - 1800 and Atlantic puffin (<em>Fratercula arctica</em>) - 900. Of fish species only Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) was taken in significant quantities (about 11,000 individuals).</p> O. Christensen W. H. Lear Copyright (c) 1977 Copyright for all papers published by Kommisionen for videnskagelige Undersøgelser i Grønland is vested in the Commission. Those who aske for permission to reproduce material from the Commission's publications are, however, informed that the author's permission must also be obtained if he is still alive. 1977-01-01 1977-01-01 205 5 38 pp. 1 Appendix