Meddelelser om Grønland <p><strong>Dansk:<br />Bemærk: </strong>MoG bind 1-90 er skannet og kan ved henvendelse til <a href=""></a> fremsendes til eventuelle brugere.</p> <p>Meddelelser om Grønland har siden 1879 formidlet forskningsresultater fra alle grene af Grønlandsforskningen. Siden 1979 har Meddelelser om Grønland været delt i underserierne <a href="">Bioscience</a>, <a href="">Geoscience</a> og <a title="Man &amp; Society" href="">Man &amp; Society</a>.<br />Meddelelser om Grønland blev indtil 2008 udgivet for statslige midler af Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersøgelser i Grønland. <br />Den fulde serie indeholder nøglen til den danske polarforsknings historie og viser hvilken rolle den arktiske forskning har spillet for videnskabernes udvikling i Grønland og Danmark.</p> <p><strong>Grønlandsk</strong>:</p> <p>Meddelelser om Grønland aqqutigalugu 1879-mili Kalaallit Nunaanni ilisimatusarnerni assigiinngitsorpassuarni angusat saqqummersinneqartarsimapput. 1979-mili Meddelelser om Grønland ukununnga naqitikkanut tulleriiutaarlugit saqqummersinneqartartunut immikkoortinneqartarsimavoq <a href="">Bioscience</a>, <a href="">Geoscience</a> aamma Man &amp; Society. Ukiut 1979-2008 akornanni naqitikkanik tulleriiutaartunik saqqummersitsisarneq naalagaaffiup aningaasaliissutaanit Kommisssionen for Videnskabelige Undersøgelser i Grønland aqqutigalugu saqqummersinneqartarsimapput. 2008-mit Museum Tuscalanums Forlag-imit naqitikkat tulleriiutaartut saqqummersinneqartarput. Naqitikkat tulleriiutaartut tamarmik qallunaanit issittumi ilisimatusarnerup oqaluttuarisaaneranut paasissutissanik imaqarput kiisalu issittumi ilisimatusarnermut atatillugu Kalaallit Nunaanni Danmarkimilu ilisimatusarnerup ineriartornerata qanoq pingaaruteqartigineranik takutitsillutik.</p> <p><strong>English:<br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Note: </strong>MoG volumnes 1-90 have been scanned and may be delivered by contacting <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>Meddelelser om Grønland</strong> has published scientific results from all parts of Greenland research since 1879. In 1979, Meddelelser om Grønland was divided into the sub-series <a href="">Bioscience</a>, <a href="">Geoscience</a> and Man &amp; Society.<br />Until 2008, Meddelelser om Grønland was published with grants from the Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland.<br />The entire series serves as the primary documentation source for the history of Danish polar research, illustrating the contribution of Arctic research to the advancement of science in Greenland and Denmark.</p> Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersøgelser i Grønland da-DK Meddelelser om Grønland 2794-6827 <p>Coypyright by the authors and the Commision for Scientific Research in Greenland. No parts of the publications may be reproduced without the consent of the copyright holders.</p> Contrasted Types of Metamorphism of Basic Intrusiions in the Precambrian Basement of the Tasîussaq Area, South Greenland. <p>Metamorphosed rocks of three distinct episodes of basic intrusion can be recognised in the Precambrian basement of the Tasiussaq area, South Greenland. The oldest intrusions, represented by sills and dykes, are pyriclasites and biotitepyriclasites; the second episode intrusions , in the form of dykes, are pyroxenemetadolerites and the third episode intrusions, represented by dykes and small bodies, are metagabbros, metadolerites, metanorites and amphibolites. The metamorphic nature of the rocks of the three episodes is a reflection of age. Chemical and modal analyses of rocks from the three episodes are presented. Fresh diorite sills and dolerite dykes represent later episodes of Precambrian basic intrusion . The basic rocks depict the varying types of metamorphic conditions which affected the area in Precambrian time and these are seen to differ from the established metamorphic history in areas to the north-west in South Greenland. The pyriclasites and biotite-pyriclasites have been derived through granulite facies metamorphism; the pyroxene-metadolerites by dipsenic metamorphism under conditions corresponding to the amphibolite facies and the metagabbros, metadolerites, metanorites and amphibolites through amphibolitisation during amphibolite faci es metamorphism. It is suggested that the metamorphism producing the pyroxene-metadol erites (Sanerutian in age) was controlled by dipsenic conditions inherited from earlier granulite facies metamorphism (Ketilidian in age). This implies that the Ketilidian and Sanerutian metamorphisms in the Tasiussaq area are not separated by a long span of time and that the break in plutonism marked by the pyroxene-metadolerites cannot be regarded as a significant cratogenic hiatus between two separate plutonisms. The importance of water in controlling t rends in the metamorphism of dolerites is stressed. The 1st episode intrusions have undergone severe changes since intrusion and no palimpsest features indicative of primary texture or mineralogy remain. The majority of the 2nd episode intrusions display a granular texture, but some display sub-ophitic and relic sub-ophitic textures. The 3rd episode intrusions display a range from ophitic, sub-ophitic and microporphyritic textures to relic stages of these textures. The 1st episode intrusions were emplaced into a geosynclinal pile of sediments and were probably connected with the volcanicity which occurred at the end of sedimentation. The 2nd and 3rd episode intrusions were emplaced into granitic and metamorphic rocks at a later stage in the same 'geological cycle'. Both the 2nd and 3rd episode intrusions are considered to indicate trends in the crust towards brittle conditions marking temporary partial withdrawals of the thermal front. Their preserved ophitic and sub-ophitic textures are not indicative of emplacement and crystallisation in cratogenic conditions.</p> Peter R. Dawes Copyright (c) 1968 Copyright for all papers published by Kommisionen for videnskagelige Undersøgelser i Grønland is vested in the Commission. Those who aske for permission to reproduce material from the Commission's publications are, however, informed that the author's permission must also be obtained if he is still alive. 1968-01-31 1968-01-31 185 4 55 pp. 55 pp.